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七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案发布时间:-0-8编辑:东浩手机版 不久就要期末考试了,期末考试的复习同窗们做好了吗?目前jby网小编为人们带来七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案,但愿人们期末考出好成绩! 一、选择题(15*115)1.-Excus me. _camera ous? -Oh, es. Iam looking f itvrywhere. Tak o vermch. .aBn .th . 2.-Hw was yur ripoLnngang? -ondful. Onthe wy_Huag Muntai,e sa om huss dferent fro ous.AtobyC.t on3.-_y ply the pia whn o wr fiveyears old? -NoBu now am od at t. A.Can B.Cud D.o4-It s said t a lot o citi took aton t o ple rom Chines yle rdcrossing(中国式过马路).-_wondrfu the news s! .How B.Hwan C.What a .Wat 5.-I ere_inteesin inodasnewspar? -NoButthere s om mpott s. A.soething B.nythin C.nthn D.everting 6.-ha happned toyouyeterda? -A ootball_me en I was ontestreet. A. B.hitt C.ited D.his7.-Whatwll theater be lie torrow? -I wll be rany, o ou soukeep eindows_ .le B.clse .opn Doped8-Ca you _a ten yourself? -ory. ts altedficulfor me. A.pt on Bputup C.udwn D.tae off9. -Whereise sickoynow?-H s ill_.A.in ptalB.inthe hospital athospal D.t he hsta 1.-o ws hurtin thefe? -_man cledJohn.A.A9-year-ld .A 7-ear-old 7 ers old A 79ar old 1.-What isNancys hoby? -he liks siing. ote ear her_i he next room. A.sng B.sinngC.to sing D.sins 12.-Yourcoat lok ice.Ho uhdid ou_it? -wohunred u.pay B.pato C.p for .pay 3.-Dctr, _hudItaketh dicn? -wice a da. A.what tmeBhw often C.how lng Dhw son 14.-ho d you want to help? -Cilrn oor as, because mny f hem are_por_go o ho.nug; o o; to C.to; too D.t; at15-Iam poor at EglishI am nappyl da.-_. I ou or har, you wil ean t el. .o .o out C.Coe on D.G on 二、完形填空(15*1=1) Ddloshs jb .When Chrsmase that ea, we had no money16_.On Christmas ve, Dad oke ut into tepak.Iad blnkt,so I 1_ Dad hre withe,bt hsid, “No, thak.”We 18_ t the sky. Thoe beutulr re one of te 19_prsens freople like us wh lid outi the wildns.Rich ity pople,hed ay, lid in 20_ flat, utthir air as dirty,so they 2_ not ven ehe ar. “ Pik ourfaorite tar.” Dad said that night. He22_ meI ouldhave iforkeepig. Hesaidit was y Christmas 3_. “Youa give me asta,”I said, “ 24_ ha te trs.”“Tasight,” Da said,“But you can suppse(假设) its your An whenu o tat, iti yours.”I lood at e stars, nd r t ou25_ ws the bst one. he, I foud on. “I wnt that one” ad.Dad smed.“Thas Venu(金星),” he sai,“Vens wsya lanet Sh lokdbigge a rightr ecaus shewas 26_than the t. Por oes didnt ven mk er 7_ gh Se shoneony fro reflctd(反射)lht.” “I like it nway,”Isaid,“I loved Ves even28_ tht Chrstas.You oul ei inthe ay evening, and if you o uperly, yu coul still see t the morni, after all the ars ha disappeae(消失).” ds, “O, ts histm Iaccp(接受)you deision. Yu an h it if you an”Andhe av2_ Venu.We all laged abouthks wo think he Santa myth(圣诞传说)s ruead onl g a lotof cheapoys. “Man yea lter, when al the thgthey go are brokenalng orgott,” Dadsaid, “You wil have yorsta 30_te end.” 16. A. afirst . at oc . at ll D. t ea 17 A. aske B.ask C. repl D. reid 8.A. looked u B. loked foC. lok out. lo fter 19 . stange.speial ad Dfamu A.beautil B. small C. o D.por 21. A. needed Bcold C. shld D.mst 22. . told B. tells Csid D. spoke 3. A. dinner B. cardC. arD. rent 2.Everybdy B. Someoy C. nybody Dod2 A.hich B.why C.whn D. h 26. A. lower B. farhe.clsr D. higr 27. A sallB ba C strogly D.ow28. wn B. befre C. afte D. ul 9. . m B us C. we Dit . A befoe B ever C. lreayD. till 三、阅读理解(15*2 =30 ) ()s Kids Weka Big Mounai Si eo!From ecember 7 toJnuary Cilde canski for halfrice! is will also ceve:Free at! Coupon(礼券) or one fre ot choolate at he Pine Lodge Caf! re -ou k ornowboard lsson! s be 1 unger.Don forget ojoithe snowoard contet. Justut ournaeandaddess n apece of pperand u itinthe game inthe Pin Lodge Caf.If w ikou name, ou wil na new Shrksnowboad! Come o BigMouain for l fnangeat prz! 31. i adtisemet isor _. A school sudnts B. th udnts a 14 C.the kid who ar 1or yugrD. al the is . A kidwilgt_ t Bg MuntainSkResrA. fre hat B copn for onefee hot chlat .free1-ou nwbard esson D. alf A, BanC . If a 13-yeolboyuually ay 60 to si, he wll ay _ on Decemb 2t. A120 B.0 C. 30 D. 1 (B) Iw e col outs.The cme ablack car ad it stopped in frot of hppn mal. youg woman a in the c.She s hngryand anted to bu mburgetoeat, bt se didnt want go oton a s(如此)cold morningAtttime shfound a oy plag n the sree Coe on, boy! he aid tte boy.Doyo know wu a hmburger isinte hpg mal?Two llars ec,teby anwered. Seve the oyf dollas adsedhimto uy two hambugersOn is foyou ad theother i fome, sheaid. Se minues(分钟)latr, th boae back. as aiga hamrer.He gve he y woman to lars adsad, Sorry, tere nlyo hmburger f(剩余的).hebacar stoppdbecaue_. A.th ethe wasver cld. .it as brken(坏的). C.te wan funda boy playin inthe ret. .thewan wanted to uy a hamurge 3.A haburger in he hpng mlwa_ A$2 B.$ C.$1 D.We don kw. 36.e youn wmanhd _.Ao hamburge B.onhamburgr C.wo habers D.four habres3From thearicl, e cankow hestoryhpped(发生)_. Aiwinter B.insmmer C col a D. n hot day (C) QiHran, aJunr 1studen, ws quitebsyov te past wier hlia annojust with omework. Q, ogher wt0 other claste made volnteegrop to call onpopl j te Clean You Pae Cpaign (“光盘行动”). These tdnts wn t any rstaurnts andtpeople tt sagfoodis imortn. “Excus m, do yu kow at 95 million peple roud te word silldnt henough foo to at? Pleas ntse(挥霍)food.” Theywould sayhis kid of tig hundes of tmesevry dy The lenYour Plae ampan bga o the Ineet i Juary. It cal onpeplo duce(减少)fod waste.Cnin ecen eas haexperienced(经历)srous probleswit wasted fod. CCV eoted n Januar th he ood Chieseope ws eey yea isough to fee 00 millionope o a yer Cinese eope are wllknonfr inghospitale (好客的). any even eel tat they o c if teir gssha eat all th fod. Luckily, e caign has g alof ppor. In esauratin Xinjing, the ownr gvete uesswho vatenu allt the oreda sick(贴花). eple an enjoy a fre meal wh hey hav 10 stickers. re tan 750 restun in Beijing havbgun to offersmlr ise ad ncoa ther gusts tk leftvs(剩饭剩菜) home.Tordcfo wase s abigask, an t nees time I importn that eron es a little, jutlik Qi. Did ou finh your eastoday?._stuet omQisHigh Schoovlune to cal on peope to joi he ClanYur Plae ampaig. A.Nin BTe .leven D.Tle 39.T Clean You Plate Campaign state_in Januay. Ain irestuant .in a CCV progrme C. a h school D.on eInternet4.Accordig tot CCTV report n anuary, the fod w w erear an_. A.mae us enjy fremeas Bstop peope frm going he restauants fd 200 millio poe or a ya .mkusbece genrou .Te estaurantoner in inng_t suptthe capagn. A.ave he guests a sticker if teae up he fd B.offerdtheguests 10 sickers ifthey rderealot Coedsmalle die o teguest D.ncoraged customers to ak lftoer home (D) anyofusdotno that e c(眼护理) is iptant. t saithat if you take crofyur body, ten you casury be hthy.ais why oreyes oldbegiven a ot f care.Natral eyecare shul beput i nube nepla. Tere r sevral cases(因素) ladin to oor esght(视力) like not engh food, gen(基因) and ain(老化). liion, ompters ad reaing areso thcuse of having poo eyegh.If youapnto wor in fo of eompuer, it is bet to tak brak eer oncein a wile mthig dirt a causedne and tewll make yo uforale. It is bad fo your eyes, to. f thishpens, the bst wy is o cleanyou y usgcol atr. You mustalso ty your bes topotectyoureyes from armul(有害的) tins.or example, sunas are not jut or fshio bt hey can aso srv a gea ay to rect yur esigfomUVrays. atg helh fod wdoo to yoreyesight. Remmbe hat itain A,C an ae for ys. Try oeat o rous that hav ee vamns And youholdd eyeexrciebecausxercise rotetyour eyesight, to Ia psonexerises regularly(有规律的) and ts therigh id o od, is eyes wil say goo cndition(状况) fo a longime. Al abov re nturl way f e car that help us ephay yes. Bng pp all the ie cane elpto prsons eesight, too. Inawrd,e cae is ver imrtant, nomttr ow old a rson is.42._ i theost importan wy to protetorys A. Naturl ecare B Takig mdice C. Seeing a doto . Beng pp ll the time43.hatshouldyoudo if you havto wor in fntof the coputer? AEt health fds. B. Clean the yeb usg cld water. C. erapa f sunglsses.D. Have aestafter wokin for awile. 44. Wha d the ndeid wordUVrays ean? A. 沙尘 B 闪电 . 紫外线. 超声波 5. Wich is he est titeof e psa? A Wa of eye ce. a ofeyeeciss C.Wayso Being Hapy D. Wys o Bing Healthy 非选择题四、单词拼写(*11) .根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入合适的单词6.T oxs_(锁着的), o dont know whats in i. Thepolice_(搜索)the ma and found n side hpocket. 8.We all know thtone hudrd yer s a_(世纪). 9.y dauhter very clerut ms sh is_(粗心的). 50.Te youmanlies_(打架), o obdy ksto make fre withhim.B.根据首字母及上下文提示补全单词,完毕短文。 colate lvers nw tha eting holamaesthm happyNw teymay also b_() satr byatn chocolae. Sntits e agoupof opleeat 85gramsf mlk chcae ad as anoer roup o eat o hocolate atall After5 minutes, the grup th at cocolate we a_(52)tomemorie(记住) mreor thnthgrouht dd netoclte. ey b_(53)tat somthingichoolate oud mke ple smate. Of ourseatn chocolate doesngrat(保证) youwil p_(54)every xa(考试)Y shold eat too uh coclat base thre is o muhf_(55)in it. ou wat t d wel iyor stuy, youwllsurly ned to work har 五、用方框中所给词或词组的对的形式填空(10*2=20) losene way;takeat in; ot.any moe; ge awy;grow; ae.out of.; e afraidof;ha fom; ook ot;a lst 5.Dniel_his bok_hs holbag and put ion e able. 57.Yeerdy, te poli caghtthe the wee decidd_ 58ryes ae h same sizer irt, but our nsend ar never sop_ 9._! Dont drivetoofat60.The od mn_ontheet, s he aske me or hep. 1She_herparnsocea mot.e cn_do anthig bad to the arth_.Itsour hm. 6.I_moresorts actvieto ep fit netyea 64._yu_do wh youwereyoung?5.W shoulddrik_glasse of watr ve day. 六、完毕句子(5*1=) 66.I_(转身)but sw nthing. 67She_(竭力地通过)he do,butfaled. .e shou_(小心)fre can ry aeros 69.Dgs are_(容易照顾)7.Whenyo havea pinc, _(记得带上你的手机).七、任务型阅读(5*1=5) Aplant has or main pars: flowers,leves,tem(茎) row above ground, anroots rowbow grun.Roos bringwter from he ground t the plant. These crris wterfm he rots o t leavs and fers. I hold th eaes dlowers int ungt, t. eave make ood foth plant. Wdo plants have flwe? Plats ae loers ecu the flower mak sdsw platsgr ro s. eople ea all pts of plats. Forexae,we at te leaveocabbage, the rot of a crrot. Whichprof rice e eat? We ea he ees. Th ed ofthe rice pat ee billions popleWhat blion? I 1,00,0,000. 阅读短文,完毕下面的表格。 Pts f pnts hati it for? A exmple to at 1._ Brng terro the grou t t plan. Carrt 2._ C waterro ros old h leaves andflower. Celery(芹菜)Leves Mak_fr theplant.4._ Foers._sds. Broccol八、书面体现() 根据提示内容写一封推荐信给校长。内容如下: 1.Sion 很聪颖,学东西不久。 .她很有思想,工作时考虑很周到。 .她很乐于助人,常常帮教师拿东西,解答同窗们的问题。 4.她是我们班里的优等生。 规定:50词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 Dea Headmastr,I woul to ecommendSion frthis easBesttudentad. We al hin hat imon hget he war. W oo orrd t hearin fromusoon. Yourfaiully, Milli Key: 一、-5 CBAB 6-0ABAB1-15 ABB二、6-20 CAABA 2125 BADDA 26-30CBAD 三、31-33DC 34-37DAA 38-41 CDCA 445ADCA 四、A. 46kd 47.eahed 48.tury 49.careess50.figtg B. 5.becoe 52.be 53.blived 5. pass5.t 五、tok ouo; to et away; gowng; Look ut; lst his wa;hears ro; wi tapt in; ere frd f; a least六、tur round; tried her et to go throu;be crl wit; esy to lok after/ke ce f; ember to ak your mobile phone 七、Roos; Sts;food;Cabbag;Mak 八、 Dear eadmaster, I would lik to recend imonfo thi ers et Studentward. ioni vr ler larns things very uicly. eis atougtfulboy. He iery arefu when works. e is also elful. Hefen helps teacerscy his and hels us wt ur prolms. e aop stdetin our class.We athinktht monsould get teawa.Wlok fowardt hearngom you soonYuaiuly


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