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-1-第七届新财富最佳分析师评选办法 第七届新财富最佳分析师评选办法 主旨主旨:发现中国最优秀的证券分析师和研究机构,提升本土研究水平,促进资本市场健康发展。评选对象评选对象 研究覆盖内地上市公司,并向投资内地资本市场的机构投资者提供全面研究服务的证券研究机构分析师及其所在机构、销售服务经理及其所在机构。特别规定特别规定:1、参评分析师在 2009 年度(2008.8-2009.8)未受到过中国证监会及中国证券业协会的处罚,否则取消本届参评资格;(机构推荐时负有考察所属分析师该项资格的义务)2、2009 年度(2008.8-2009.8)发生券商研究机构间流动的分析师所属机构认定,该分析师于 2009 年 3 月 1 日前入职则代表新机构参评;2009 年 3 月 1 日后入职则代表原机构参评。评选主体评选主体 国内公募基金公司的投资总监、研究总监(综合研究员意见)、基金经理(股票型、债券型、货币型、混合型)、固定收益部总监、金融工程部总监(由于不同基金管理公司部门设置不同,少数未单独设立金融工程部的基金公司投票人根据实际情况调整为与金融工程相关的部门如风控部门、产品设计部门、QDII 部门的相关人员)、社保基金的基金经理、专户理财部门负责人、企业年金部门负责人;保险资产管理公司权益投资部及投资经理、固定收益部、研究部;保险公司及养老保险公司权益投资部、固定收益部、研究部;QFII;银行;私募基金;券商资产管理部。评选方式评选方式 评选将本着公平、公正、公开的原则,采用机构推荐与个人自愿报名相结合的方式,确定候选名单;采用投票主体填写评选问卷的投票方式,按一定权重将各方投票结果汇总产生“第七届新财富最佳分析师”、“第七届新财富最佳销售经理”及获奖机构。评选细则评选细则 一、分析师的行业分类分析师的行业分类(共 31 个研究领域)宏观经济 电子 建筑和工程 策略研究 非金属类建材 交通运输仓储 金融工程 钢铁 通信(通信设备/通信服务)固定收益研究 有色金属 计算机 农林牧渔 家电 批发和零售贸易 食品饮料 汽车和汽车零部件 银行 纺织品和服装 机械 非银行金融 造纸印刷 电力设备与新能源 房地产 煤炭开采 医药生物 社会服务业(酒店、餐饮和休闲)石油化工 电力、煤气及水等公用事业 传播与文化 基础化工 二、评选主体投票规则 二、评选主体投票规则 1、公募基金管理公司 1、公募基金管理公司(1)基金经理/社保基金经理/专户理财部门负责人/企业年金部门负责人(1)基金经理/社保基金经理/专户理财部门负责人/企业年金部门负责人(每人一票):每位投票人直接填写出每个研究方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按 5、4、3、2、1 的权重,乘以基金经理管理的基金规模的权重,最后加总所有基金经理的评分,得出某分析师的基金经理评分的总分。说明:在填写问卷时,基金经理也可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。鉴于不同基金类别的限制,基金经理对于不熟悉的行业,可以少填或不填。其中,债券型基金、货币型基金的基金经理仅限评选“宏观经济”和“固定收益研究”两个研究方向分析师;股票型基金的基金经理不能投“固定收益研究”方向分析师。基金规模的计算方法以及权重划分:.截至 2009 年 8 月 31 日募集完毕的基金可参与投票。.有公开披露信息的基金,以近一年四次季报(即 2008 年 9 月 30 日、2008 年 12 月 31 日、2009 年 3 月 31 日、2009 年 6 月 30 日)公布的基金规模平均值作为划分该只基金的规模权重依据(如当季无季报公布则当季以零为计,2009 年 6 月 30 日以后新成立基金即按照该只基金实际募集规模除以 4 计算规模权重)。-2-3-.无公开披露信息的基金(如社保基金、专户理财、企业年金),以基金经理或相关部门负责人自行填报的 A 股投资组合的规模作为划分该只基金的规模权重依据。.按照、的方法计算出基金的资金规模后,资金规模 10 亿元或以下,权数为“1”;10-40 亿元(含 40 亿元),权数为“2”;40 亿元以上,权数为“3”。(2)投资总监(2)投资总监(每人一票):每位投资总监直接填写出每个研究方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按 5、4、3、2、1 的权重,乘以投资总监的权重,最后加总所有投资总监的评分,得出某分析师的投资总监评分的总分。说明:在填写问卷时,投资总监可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。不熟悉的行业,可以少填或不填。所有基金公司投资总监的评分权重相同,最后均按照“3”的权数与基金经理的评分相加计算总分。(3)研究总监(3)研究总监(以基金公司研究部为单位,综合研究部各位研究员意见形成一票):每位基金公司研究总监综合各位研究员的意见,直接填写出各个研究方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按5、4、3、2、1 的权重,加总所有基金公司研究总监的评分,得出某分析师的基金研究部评分的总分。说明:在填写问卷时,研究部可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。不熟悉的行业,可以少填或不填。所有基金公司研究总监的评分权重相同,最后均按照“3”的权数与基金经理的评分相加计算总分。(4)金融工程部总监(4)金融工程部总监(以基金公司金融工程部总监或金融工程相关负责人为单位,综合金融工程相关人员意见形成一票):每个基金公司金融工程总监或金融工程相关负责人直接填写出“金融工程”研究方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按 5、4、3、2、1 的权重,加总所有金融工程总监的评分,得出某分析师的金融工程部评分的总分。说明:在填写问卷时,金融工程总监可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。金融工程总监仅限填写“金融工程”行业。所有基金公司金融工程总监的评分权重相同,最后均按照“3”的权数与基金经理的评分相加计算总分。(5)固定收益部总监(5)固定收益部总监(以基金公司固定收益部总监为单位,综合固定收益部相关人员意见形成一票):每个基金公司固定收益部总监直接填写出“宏观经济”和“固定收益研究”方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按 5、4、3、2、1 的权重,加总所有固定收益部总监的评分,得出某分析师的固定收益部评分的总分。-4-说明:在填写问卷时,固定收益部总监可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。固定收益部总监仅限填写“宏观经济”和“固定收益研究”方向。所有基金公司固定收益部总监的评分权重相同,最后均按照“3”的权数与基金经理的评分相加计算总分。投票过程中可能遇到一些特殊情况,本着投票以个人为单位的原则,计票方法做以下特别投票过程中可能遇到一些特殊情况,本着投票以个人为单位的原则,计票方法做以下特别规定:规定:(1)投研总监:分别代表投资总监和研究总监共计投 2 票,其中研究总监一票应代表研究部意见;(2)投研总监兼基金经理:分别代表投资总监/基金经理和研究总监共计投 2 票,其中研究总监一票应代表研究部意见,投资总监/基金经理一票权重以投资总监投票权重计;(3)投资总监兼基金经理:投 1 票,权重以投资总监投票权重计;(4)研究总监兼基金经理:分别代表研究总监和基金经理共计投 2 票,其中研究总监一票应代表研究部意见;(5)固定收益部总监兼基金经理:分别代表固定收益部总监和基金经理共计投 2 票,其中固定收益部总监一票应代表固定收益部意见;(6)一只基金由双基金经理或多基金经理管理:该只基金的每位基金经理投 1 票,每票权重为该只基金规模除以基金经理人数后对应之权重;(7)一位基金经理管理两只或以上基金:该位基金经理投 1 票,以其管理所有基金的基金规模加总后对应的权重计算。2、保险公司 2、保险公司 保险公司投资部/养老保险公司的权益投资部、固定收益部和研究部,以部门为单位直接填写出各研究方向的前五名分析师;保险资产管理公司的权益投资部及投资经理、固定收益部和研究部直接填写出各研究方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按 5、4、3、2、1 的权重,乘以保险公司的权重,加总全部保险公司的评分,得出某分析师的保险公司评分的总分。说明:在填写问卷时,每个保险公司的三个部门或投票人也可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。鉴于投资方向的限制,对于不熟悉的行业,可以少填或不填。其中,固定收益部仅限评选“宏观经济”和“固定收益研究”两个领域分析师。-5-除保险资产管理公司外,获 3 家或以上券商研究机构推荐的保险公司投资部、养老保险公司方可获得投票资格。保险资产管理公司以管理资金用于投资股票及股票型基金的上限 20%为计,养老保险公司自行填报A股投资组合的管理规模,权重设置与基金权重设置一致。保险资产管理公司包括:华泰资产管理有限公司、平安资产管理有限责任公司、泰康资产管理有限责任公司、新华资产管理股份有限公司、中国人保资产管理有限公司、中国人寿资产管理有限公司、太平洋资产管理有限责任公司、中再资产管理股份有限公司、太平资产管理有限公司等 9 家保险资产管理公司。上述各家权益投资部投资经理票数设定:受托管理资产规模达到 4000 亿元以上,权益投资部在原 1 票基础上再增加 4 票;受托管理资产规模达 1000-4000 亿元,权益投资部增加 3票;受托管理资产规模 1000 亿元以下,权益投资部增加 2 票。3、QFII 3、QFII 每家 QFII 投一票,直接填写出各研究方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按 5、4、3、2、1 的权重,乘以 QFII 的权重,加总全部 QFII 的评分,得出某分析师的 QFII 总分。说明:在填写问卷时,每家 QFII 可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。鉴于投资方向的限制,对于不熟悉的行业,可以少填或不填。获 3家或以上券商研究机构推荐的 QFII 方可获得投票资格。各家 QFII 权重均为 1。4、银行 4、银行 每家银行资金运营部或相关部门投一票,直接填写出“宏观研究”和“固定收益研究”方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按 5、4、3、2、1 的权重,乘以银行的权重,加总全部银行的评分,得出某分析师的银行总分。说明:在填写问卷时,每家银行可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。银行仅限于对“宏观经济”和“固定收益研究”方向投票。各家银行权重均为 1。5、私募基金5、私募基金 每家私募基金投一票(不考虑规模),直接填写出各研究方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按5、4、3、2、1 的权重,乘以私募基金的权重,加总全部私募基金的评分,得出某分析师的私募基金总分。说明:在填写问卷时,每家私募基金可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。鉴于投资方向的限制,对于不熟悉的行业,可以少填或不填。私 -6-募基金需同时具备以下三个条件方可获得投票资格:A.发行有证券投资信托产品;B.公司资产总规模达到 1 亿元或以上;C.获 3 家或以上券商研究机构推荐。各家私募基金权重均为 1。6、券商资产管理部 6、券商资产管理部 每家券商资产管理部投一票(不考虑规模),直接填写出各研究方向的前五名分析师,我们依次按 5、4、3、2、1 的权重,加总全部券商资产管理部的评分,得出某分析师的券商资产管理部总分。说明:在填写问卷时,每家券商资产管理部可以不受问卷中提供名单的限制,直接填写候选人名单中未包括的优秀分析师。鉴于投资方向的限制,对于不熟悉的行业,可以少填或不填。获 3 家或以上券商研究机构推荐的券商资产管理部方可获得投票资格。上述上述 1-6 项得分加总即为某分析师的最终得分。例外规定:项得分加总即为某分析师的最终得分。例外规定:1、“固定收益研究”方向分析师:1、“固定收益研究”方向分析师:由基金管理公司基金经理(货币型、债券型)、固定收益部总监、社保基金的基金经理、专户理财部门负责人、企业年金部门负责人、投资总监、研究总监、保险资产管理公司和养老保险公司中进行固定收益投资和研究的相关人员、银行的投票结果计算总分。2、“金融工程”研究方向分析师:2、“金融工程”研究方向分析师:由基金管理公司投资总监、研究总监(或研究部负责金融工程相关人员)、金融工程部总监(或相关部门如风控部门、产品设计部门、QDII 部门的相关人员)、基金经理(股票型、混合型)、社保基金经理、专户理财部门负责人、企业年金部门负责人、保险资产管理公司和养老保险公司中相关人员的投票结果计算产生。三、销售服务经理评选 三、销售服务经理评选“2009 新财富最佳销售服务经理”:新财富最佳销售服务经理”:投票主体(同行业分析师评选)直接按名次评选出 5 位“最佳销售服务经理”(可少填),我们将前五名分别按 5、4、3、2、1 计分,乘以投票人权重(权重同分析师评选),加总所有投票人的评分,得出某销售服务经理的总分。评选程序:首先征集候选人,即参评机构按销售服务经理的服务区域(仅限北京、上海、深圳/广州三地择其一)报送候选人材料。然后,由投票人直接提名的方式进行投票(选票中不出现候选人名单),且投票受区域限制,仅限销售服务经理填报服务区域内的投票方为有效选票,计入总分。-7-四、机构奖项设置 四、机构奖项设置 1、1、“第七届新财富最具影响力研究机构”“第七届新财富最具影响力研究机构”:在新财富的调查问卷中,全部参与投票各方(不考虑规模)直接选出 5 家他们心目中 2009 年度国内资本市场综合研究成果最突出、影响力最大的研究机构,我们将前五名依次按 5、4、3、2、1 记分,总分最高者当选。2、2、“第七届新财富本土最佳研究团队”“第七届新财富本土最佳研究团队”:2009 年度分析师排名完成后,若某研究机构在某个行业有一个第一名分析师,记 5 分;一个第二名分析师记 4 分;一个第三名分析师记 3 分,一个第四名分析师记 2 分,一个第五名分析师记 1 分。相加后得出该研究机构的综合排名,总分最高者当选。3、3、“第七届新财富进步最快研究机构”“第七届新财富进步最快研究机构”:除“第七届新财富最具影响力研究机构”、“第七届新财富本土最佳研究团队”上榜机构(前五名)以及 2009 年首度参评券商以外,其余各参评机构2008 年度和 2009 年度比较:(1)以 2008、2009 年度各机构的各研究方向排名前十名的情况作为基础数据;(2)若某研究机构在某个行业有一个第一名分析师,记 10 分;一个第二名分析师记 9分;一个第八名分析师记 3 分,一个第九名分析师记 2 分,一个第十名分析师记 1 分。相加后得出该研究机构的 2008、2009 年度排名。(3)总分提高最多者当选;总分相同情况下,名次靠前者当选。4、4、“2009 新财富最佳销售服务团队”新财富最佳销售服务团队”:在新财富的调查问卷中,全部参与投票各方(不考虑规模)直接选出 5 家他们心目中 2009 年度最佳销售服务机构,我们将前五名依次按 5、4、3、2、1 记分,总分最高者当选。五、研究机构管理者单项奖 五、研究机构管理者单项奖“2009 新财富杰出研究领袖”新财富杰出研究领袖”:在担任研究机构负责人期间,该研究机构获得“本土最佳研究团队”或“最具影响力研究团队”3 次或以上者当选。六、榜单设置 六、榜单设置 1、31 个研究方向的榜单顺序,除宏观经济、策略研究、金融工程、固定收益研究外,行业研究以截至 2009 年 9 月 30 日的行业流通市值排序;各研究方向上榜名次为前三名,例外规定:宏观经济、策略研究以及候选分析师人数达 20 人或以上的研究方向,则公布前五名。入围名单:上榜前三名的公布前五名;上榜前五名的公布前七名。2、团队奖项中,“第七届新财富最具影响力研究机构”、“2009 新财富本土最佳研究团队”和“第 七届新财富最佳销售服务团队”上榜机构为前五名;“第七届新财富进步最快研究机构”为前三名。3、最佳销售服务经理奖项,将分别公布北京区域前三名、上海区域前三名、深圳/广州区域前三名以及总排榜(按候选人数的一定比例公布)。4、新财富杰出研究领袖奖项,若当年有满足条件者,即公布符合要求的获奖者且该奖项不重复颁出;当年如无满足条件者,即空缺。评选说明评选说明 根据本评选办法产生的评选结果,评选活动的组织机构有权以任何载体包括但不限于报刊、杂志、互联网的方式予以公布。该公布内容不应视为对评选对象肖像权、名誉权、隐私权等权利之侵犯。所有参评主体递交的一切资料,包括调查问卷的使用权均归评选活动组织机构所有。本次评选活动的成果包括但不限于知识产权由评选活动组织机构独享,参评主体无权因参与评选做出任何权利主张。凡参与本次评选活动,即视为知悉、同意本评选办法及其说明。本评选办法的最终解释权、修改权归评选活动的组织机构享有。本评选活动组织机构为新财富杂志社。版权声明 版权声明“第七届新财富最佳分析师评选办法”的目录及全部条款,包括主旨、评选对象、评选主体、评选方式、评选细则、评选说明等各项内容,凡依照法律拥有相关权利的,均受我国有关法律法规和国际条约的保护,为新财富杂志社专属所有。未经新财富杂志社的明确书面授权或许可,任何人和任何机构不得以任何方式使用,包括但不限于转载、摘抄、复制、篡改或者引用本评选办法的任何内容,否则以侵权论,本刊将依法追究其法律责任。广东中信协诚律师事务所 二 00 九年九月九日 -8-9-SEVENTH NEWFORTUNE BEST SELL-SIDE EQUITY ANALYSTS RANKING METHODOLOGY AIM:To find the best Chinese equity analysts and research institutions To improve the research skills of Chinese local teams And to boost the sound development of Chinese capital market CANDIDATES Equity analysts and the agencies they are working for,whose research area covers Chinese listed companies and whose clients include institutions investing in the A-share market Equity sales manager and the agencies they are working for Note:1.The candidates can not be punished by CSRC or SAC from August,2008 to August,2009,otherwise will be disqualified.2.For those who changed their firms during the period August 2008-August 2009,analysts should work for the new organization before March 1st,2009so as to represent the new organization.Otherwise,they are cited at their previous organizations.SURVEY UNIVERSE Investment dept.director,research dept.director(combine the ideas of researchers),fund manager,fixed income dept.director,financial engineering dept.director,social security funds,institutional investment dept.director,corporate annuity investment dept.director of Domestic fund management co.,LTD Portfolio dept.director,fixed income dept.director and research dept.director of Insurance Company and Pension Management Company,Portfolio dept.fund manager of Insurance Asset Management Company QFII Banks Hedge fund Brokers asset management dept.METHODOLOGY Candidates can either sigh up for themselves or be recommended by organizations.Ballots(in the form of questionnaires)are sent to the survey universe.Rankings are determined by using the numerical score each analyst or institution received.Scores are produced by taking the number of votes awarded to an individual analyst or institution and weighting them based on the asset size and the place they are awarded.DETAILED RULES CATEGORIES(Thirty-one Categories Totally)CALCULATION OF RESULTS Macroeconomics Electron construction&engineering Strategy Construction Materials Transportation Financial Engineering Steel Telecommunication Fixed Income Research Nonferrous Metals Computer Agriculture household durables Retailing Food&BeveragesAutos&Auto PartsBanks Apparel&TextilesMachineryBrokers,Insurance and Specialty FinancePaper&Printing Electrical Equipment&Alternative Energy sources Real Estate Coal Mining Health Care Consumer Services(hotels,restaurants&leisure)Petroleum and Chemical Product Utilities(electric,gas and water utilities)Media Basic Chemicals 1.1.Fund Management Co.,LTD(1)Fund Manager(One vote per capita):Each fund manager can name five analysts in one category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Each managers vote is then weighted according to the approximate asset size.And the final score for the analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from each fund manager.Note:The fund manager can vote for the analysts who are not listed as candidates.For those categories managers are not familiar with,they can vote for nobody.In particular,currency market fund managers and bond fund managers can only vote for analysts from“Macroeconomics”and“Fixed Income Research”two categories.Equity fund managers can not vote for analysts from“Fixed Income Research”.Asset size weightings are as followings:-10-I.Fund managers eligible for voting are in charge of the funds finished raising capital before August 31st,2009.II.For those funds with open information disclosure,the asset size used for weighting is the average of four quarterly reported numbers(September 30th,2008,December 31st,2008,March 31st,2009 and June 30th,2009).If no quarterly report is published,then the asset size for the particular quarter is zero.The asset size for funds established after June 30th,2009 is one fourth of the actual size.III.For those funds without open information disclosure(such as pension funds),the asset size reported by the fund manager is used for weighting.IV.Asset Size(1 billion RMB)Multiplied by 1 1 1-4(10 included)2 4 3 (2)Investment Dept.Director(One vote per capita):Each Investment dept.director can name five analysts in one category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Each directors vote is then multiplied by the same size.And the final score for the analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from each Investment dept.director.Note:The Investment dept.Director can vote for the analysts who are not listed as candidates.For those categories directors are not familiar with,they can vote for nobody.The multiplier is 3 for all Investment dept.directors vote.(3)Research Dept.Director(combine the ideas of researchers in one vote per capita):Each research dept.director can name five analysts in one category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Each directors vote is then multiplied by the same size.And the final score for the analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from each research dept.director.Note:The research dept.director can vote for the analysts who are not listed as candidates.For those categories directors are not familiar with,they can vote for nobody.The multiplier is 3 for all research dept.directors vote.(4)Financial Engineering Dept.Director(combine the ideas of persons related to financial engineering in one vote per capita):Each financial engineering dept.director can name five analysts in one category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Each directors vote is then multiplied by the same size.And the final score for the financial engineering analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from each financial engineering dept.director.Note:The financial engineering dept.Director can vote for the analysts who are -11-12-not listed as candidates.The financial engineering dept.Director can only vote for financial engineering category.The multiplier is 3 for all research dept.Directors vote.(5)Fix income Dept.Director(combine the ideas of fix income dept.in one vote per capita):Each fix income dept.director can name five analysts in one category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Each directors vote is then multiplied by the same size.And the final score for the analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from each fix income dept.director.Note:The fix income dept.director can vote for the analysts who are not listed as candidates.For those categories directors are not familiar with,they can vote for nobody.The multiplier is 3 for all fix income dept.directors vote.Especial Rules 1.Director of Investment dept.and research dept.:two votes,one represents Investment dept.director,and the other represents research dept director 2.Director of Investment dept.and research dept.and fund manager:two votes,one represents Investment dept.director/fund manager(the multiplier is the same as director of Investment dept.),and the other one represents research dept director 3.Director of Investment dept.and fund manager:one vote,the multiplier is the same as director of Investment dept.4.Director of research dept.and fund manager:two votes 5.Director of fixed income dept.and fund manager:two votes 6.The fund which has two or more managers:Each manager has one vote;the asset size is divided by the number of managers.7.The fund manager takes charge of two or more funds:One vote,the asset size used for weighting is the sum of all the assets.2.Insurance Asset Management Company/Pension Company Each portfolio management dept.,fix income dept.and research dept.of Insurance Company investment dept.and the pension company can name five analysts in one category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Each departments vote is then weighted according to the approximate asset size.And the final score for the analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from each department.Note:The Insurance Asset Management Company can vote for the analysts who are not listed as candidates.For those categories Insurance Asset Management Companies are not familiar with,they can vote for nobody.In particular,fixed income dept.can only vote for analysts from“Macroeconomics”and“Fixed Income Research”two categories.Except insurance asset management company,the eligible voter -13-should be recommended by three candidates.According to the 10%limit of Insurance Asset investment in A share,the Insurance Asset size will be multiplied by 10%and then weighted the same as the fund managers.Pension Company will report its asset size by itself and also weighted the same as the fund managers.3.QFII Each QFII can name five analysts in one category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Each QFIIs vote is then multiplied by the same size.And the final score for the analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from each QFII.Note:QFII can vote for the analysts who are not listed as candidates.For those categories directors are not familiar with,they can vote for nobody.The eligible voter should be recommended by three candidates.The multiplier is 1 for all QFIIs vote.4.Banks Each bank can name five analysts in Microeconomics and fixed income category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Each banks vote is then multiplied by the same size.And the final score for the analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from each bank.Note:Banks can vote for the analysts who are not listed as candidates.For those categories directors are not familiar with,they can vote for nobody.The eligible voter should be recommended by two candidates.The multiplier is 1 for all banks vote.5.Private Equity Each private equity(the asset size will not be considered)can name five analysts in one category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Private equitys vote is then multiplied by the same size.And the final score for the analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from all private equity.Note:Private equity can vote for the analysts who are not listed as candidates.For those categories directors are not familiar with,they can vote for nobody.The eligible voter should:Firstly,has investment trust on securities.Secondly,property scale is over 100 million.Thirdly,be recommended by three candidates.6.Brokerage Asset Management Department Each brokerage asset management department(the asset size will not be considered)can name five analysts in one category.The first,second,third,fourth and fifth place is awarded five points,four points,three points,two points and one point respectively.Each brokerage asset management departments vote is then multiplied by the same size.And the final score for the analyst is produced by adding the weighted score from all brokerage asset -14-management departments.Asset management department of CICC has two votes.One is calculated in the final score for social security fund manager,the other is not calculated in the final score for the asset management department.Note:Brokerage asset management department can vote for the analysts who are not listed as candidates.For those categories directors are not familiar with,they can vote for nobody.The eligible voter should be recommended by three candidates.The final score for the analyst is produced by adding the scores from 1-6 mentioned above.Exceptions:1.Fixed income analysts final score is calculated by scores from following voters:Currency fund manager of fund Management Company Bond fund manager of fund Management Company Investment dept.director of fund Management Company Research dept.director of fund Management Company Social security fund manager Fixed income dept.director and research dept.director of Insurance Asset Management Company and Pension Management Company Banks 2.Financial engineering analysts final score is calculated by scores from following voters:Investment dept.director of fund Management Company Research dept.director or related voters of fund Management Company Financial engineering dept.director of fund Management Company Fund manager Related voters from Insurance Asset Management Company and Pension Management Company 2009 New Fortune


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