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住在富人区的她考研考博-英语-太原工业学院考研模拟卷【3套】含答案详解(图片大小可任意调节)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第一卷一.单项选择题(共100题)1.Text 1 Denmark is once again distinguishing itself in the race against food waste-this time,with a supermarket hawking items once destined for the trash bin.Those items might include treats for a holiday that happened last week,a ripped box of comflakes,plain white rice mislabeled as basmati,or anything nearing its expiration date.In other words,perfectly edible items that are nonetheless considered unfit for salc by the retailers and manufacturers who donate them.WeFood is not the first grocer in Europe to sell surplus food.But unlike so-calledsocial supermarkets-stores which serve almosL exclusively low-income people-WeFoods offerings are very intentionally aimed at the general public.High-income families will also choose WeFood for its environmental-friendly conception.The stores goods are priced 30 t0 50 percent lower than those in regular supermarkets,according to WeFood.The store has already been a huge success,attracting large numbers of customers.People have lined up before the stores opening every moming since its launch on Monday.But is this food safe to eat?Safety is always the first concern coming up to your mind.Well,thesell bydate you see on many products actually refers to its freshness-not whether or not its going to do you any harm.In many cases,food thats beyond this date wont be as fresh as it once was but is still perfectly edible.The food might have not yet gone bad when thesell bydate expires.Of course you should still be careful to avoid eating food thats gone off,but you might find you dont have to throw away as much as you think you do.Denmark throws away about 700,000 tons of food every year,according to several estimates.In fact,food waste is a major problem for the whole world.Some 795 million people are undemourished globally,according to the World Food Program.Yet about a third of all food produced in the world-some l.3 billion tons-is wasted each year,according to the United Nations.The cost of global food wastage is about$1 trillion a year.All of the stores proceeds will go to DanChurchAids work in developing nations like South Sudan and Bangladesh.Which of the following would be the most appropriate title of the text?A.Save the Food,Save the WorldB.A New Way to Save Food and Money in DenmarkC.A Denmark Market Selling Expired Food to Combat Waste ProblemsD.People Line up for Expired Food in Denmark答案:C 本题解析:主旨大意题。全文都在围绕着一个叫作“我们食铺”的超市来展开讨论。而最后指出该超市的收入都捐献出去了,宗旨还是解决食品浪费问题。所以最准确的答案应该是C项。【干扰排除】文中提到人们购买过期食品,也提到浪费食物的问题,但是A项拯救世界太过笼统,所以A项不正确;人们购买“我们食铺”的食物,不是为了节约金钱,所以B项不准确;D项“在丹麦人们排队购买过期食品”是一种社会现象,不能概括对抗食物浪费的主题,D项可排除。2.Its not difficult to set targets for staff. It is much harder, 1 , to understand their negative consequences. Most work-related behaviors have multiple components. 2 one and the others become distorted.Travel on a London bus and youll 3 see how this works with drivers. Watch people get on and show their tickets. Are they carefully inspected? Never. Do people get on without paying? Of course! Arethere inspectors to 4 that people have paid? Possibly, but very few. And people who run for the bus? They are 5 How about jumping lights? Buses do so almost as frequently as cyclists.Why? Because the target is 6 People complained that buses were late and infrequent. 7 ,the number of buses and bus lanes were increased, and drivers were 8 or punished according to the time they took. And drivers hit these targets. But they 9 hit cyclists. If the target was changed to 10 , you would have more inspectors and more sensitive pricing. If the criterion changed to safety, you would get more 11 drivers who obeyed traffic laws. But both these criteria would be at the expense of time.There is another 12 : people became immensely inventive in hitting targets. Have you 13 that you can leave on a flight an hour late but still arrive on time? Tailwinds? Of course not! Airlines have simply changed the time a 14 is meant to take. A one-hour flight is now billed as a two-hour flight.The 15 of the story is simple. Most jobs are multidimensional, with multiple criteria. Choose one criterion and you may well 16 others. Everything can be done faster and made cheaper, but there is a 17 . Setting targets can and does have unforeseen negative consequences.This is not an argument against target-setting. But it is an argument for exploring consequences first. All good targets should have multiple criteria 18 critical factors such as time, money, quality and customer feedback.The trick is not only to 19 just one or even two dimensions of the objective, but also to understand how to help people better 20 the objective.第(1)题选A.thereforeB.againC.moreoverD.however答案:D 本题解析:根据句间关系,空格处是一个插入语,空格前一句指出:为员工设定目标并不难。空格所在句指出:要理解它们的负面后果要困难得多。首句not difficult和空白处前的much harder存在转折关系。however意为“然而;可是”,表示转折关系,故选D。3.Text 4 Alphabet Inc.s most successful product-the Google search engine-may now be its most problematic.On Tuesday,the European Commissions top antitrust regulator levied a$2.7-billion fine against Alphabet and Google for the way the search engine handles requests for information about products.Specifically,Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said that Google twisted its results to bury links to rival companiescomparison shopping sites while prominently featuring its own service,Google Shopping.Google responded that its simply trying to give users what they want and deniedfavoring ourselves,or any particular site or seller.It has a lot at stake:Google has integrated many different offerings into its search engine,including its mapping and travel services.The principle advanced by Vestager,however,is a good one:Giant online companies shoulcl not be able to take advantage of their dominance in one field to hurt competitors in another.Googles argument is:It integrated Google Shopping,which offers links to products at sites that advertise on Google.into its search engine because that gave users quicker access to the information they were seeking.And in the United States,the key question in antitrust!aw is whether a companys behavior hurts users,not whether it hurts the companys competitors.European regulators focus more on competitors,but they really are two sides of the same coin.If competitors are unfairly closed out,the public can miss out on the very real benefits that vigorous competition provides.At the same time,its undeniable that the public has welcomed virtual monopolies in search,social media and other services in the Internet era.A large part of the appeal of sites like Facebook and Twitter is that so many people use them.Theres a network effect for social media apps in particular-the more people who use the service,the more valuable it becomes to them.Meanwhile,start-ups come out of nowhere to create whole new categories of must-have apps and proclucts online.That means dominant companies have to innovate too,or else they can easily change from todays thing to yesterdays.And often,that innovation involves finding a better way to do something that a competitor is doing.The challenge for regulators is to provide the big companies space to try new things without grossly disrupting the market,closing out other companies and reducing consumer choice,which will ultimately lead to less innovation.A good place to start is by focusing on cases where there is evidence of intentional undermining of competitors-where a dominant company alters the platform it provides not just to feature its own services,but to make it harder to find or use its rivals.Which of the following statements about virtual monopolies is true?A.They are increasingly denied by the publicB.They are facing great pressure of innovationC.They are attempting to cooperate with start-upsD.They are suffering badly from the network effect答案:B 本题解析:信息锁定第五段句指出,不知名的创业公司通常会突然开发出全新的必备软件和产品。句则指出,这意味着处于主导地位的公司(dominant companies,virtual monopolies)也必须创新,否则很可能会被淘汰。可见,实质性垄断公司同样面临着巨大的创新压力B.正确。解题技巧A.利用第四段句反向干扰:公众对实质性垄断公司的态度是欢迎(welcome),而非抵制(deny)。C.将第五段句“实质垄断公司往往需要创新,更好地做竞争对手(主要指创业公司)正在做的事”曲解为“实质垄断公司打算与创业公司合作(cooperate)”。D.曲解第四段末句:将实质性垄断公司“受益于网络效应”改为“受害于网络效应(suffer)”。4.Text l If comfortably outpacing your rivals is the main measure of automotive achievement,Teslas electric car is a resounding success.The Model S last year outsold its nearest luxury rival,Mercedess petrol-engined S-class,by 30qo in America.And in its top specification the Tesla will also beat the Cerman car in the race from 0-60mph.As a battery-maker Tesla is also moving fast.This week it announced plans to build agigafactoryin America to make lithium-ion power-packs,that it hopes will propel its vehicles to the mainstream.Teslas acceleration has been rapid.Launched a decade ago by Elon Musk,a founder of PayPal and serial tech entrepreneur,last year it sold around 22,000 cars and by the end of 2014 hopes to be making l,000 a week.In early 2015 Tesla will add the Model X,a medium-sized SUV,to its range.However,Teslas impressive growth has not yet tranalaLed into significant profits.A series of b8ttery fires also briefly dented sales growth last year.Nevertheless,Teslas shares surged on February 25th,to value the company at over$30 billion after Morgan Stanley,a bank,joined its adoring fans.It reckons that the battery factory will not only propel it along the road to mass manufacturing but also make it a leading competitor in low-cost enerOr storage,Lhe key to making renewable energy more practical.The bank is also confident that Teslas Silicon Valley location will put it in the driverless front seat of autonomous motoring.A recent meeting with Apple,and the iPad-like control panel of the Model S,have convinced some observers that a takeover-and an iCar are around the corner,although Mr Musk insists that his firm is not for sale.Tesla has defied its doubters with the success of the Model S,a smartly styled luxury car.It may not share the outrageous looks of a supercar like the Lamborghini Aventador,but it has the performance without the$400,OOO-plus price tag.The most basic Model S costs$64,000 in America.This has won it rave reviews in the motoring press,often sniffy about other electric cars with limited ranges and duff looks.By designing a large car wiLh a big battery pack,Tesla has diminishedrange anxiety-one version can d0 310 nules(500km)between charges.The most appropriate title for this text is_A.Tesla:Electric Car That Makes A HitB.Electric Car:Where Is the Future?C.Tesla:Will the Takeover Come Soon?D.Tesla:Rapid Growth But No Profits答案:A 本题解析:主旨题。本文讨论的是电动跑车品牌Tesla几个选项基本都吻合。我们先理解各项大意。选项A“特斯拉:大获成功的电动跑车”;选项B“电动跑车:何去何从?”;选项C“特斯拉:距离被接手还远吗?”;选项D“特斯拉:猛增长,零利润”。一般文章各段首句可以表达各段大意,而把各段首句加起来,可以看出整篇文章大意。第一段提到:Teslas electric car is a resounding success.第二段首句指出:Teslas acceleration has been rapid第三段首句重点为:Nevertheless,Teslas shares surged.最后一段首句又指出:Tesla has defied its doubters with the success of the Model S这几句不断提到success,acceleration,surge等词,都是积极向上的词,由此可以判断,文章重点讨论特斯拉的成功和发展,故A项为答案。5.Students ofmanagement theory have long l what constitutes the worst kind of book-the CEO autobiography or the management tome that promises to 2 the secrets ofbusiness 3 0ne syllable.But inManagement in 10 WordsSir Terry Leahy,a former boss of Tesco,has performed a remarkable act of alchemy:combining two dismal forms to.4 an excellent book-a veritable management page-turner that has interesting things to say about everything from the evolution of British society to the art of 5 huge organisations.Sir Terry is an example of a type of Briton that is becoming increasingly 6:a working-class boy made 7 by dint of quick wits and hard work.A scholarship to a local public school and a taste for the grocery business 8 him with a ladder up:he started his career stacking shelves at Tesco and ended 9 as CEO for 14 years.When Sir Terry was 10 to the top job,Tesco was struggling in third place in Britains supermarket hierarchy behind Sainsburys and Marks&Spencer.Rumour had it that a tobacco company had toyed with buying the supermarket but 11 the idea believing it would be bad for the brand.Today Tesco is Britains largest private employer and the third-largest supermarket in the world,12 in 14 countries and offering banking and insurance 13 fruit and vegetables.Sir Terry argues that the secret has been 14 innovation.Tesco introduced loyalty cards in order to 15 information on its customers and encourage them to keep coming back.And the trove of customer information provided by the loyalty card eased Tescos entry_16 banking and e-commerce.17,Sir Terry readily 18 that there is no science to management:he got the 19 for one of Tescos most successful innovations-small stores in town centres-from visiting a wholesaler and 20 how much business it was doing selling to small shops.18选?A.admitsB.believesC.claimsD.predicates答案:A 本题解析:动词辨析题。本题考查动词,关键点是动词和后面的宾语从句的动宾搭配。文章讲到that there iS no science to management:he got thefor one ofTescos most successful innovations-small stores in town centres,根据该句,该空应该填人已经成为事实的动词,与上下文相符,故A项为正确选项。【干扰排除】B项“相信”通常是主观相信某事是真的,与文意不符,故排除;c项“声称”和D项“预言”都不符合文章的意思,故均排除。6.I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban Virginia living rooma womans group that had invited men to join them.Throughout the evening,one man had been particularly talkative,frequently offering ideas and anecdotes,while his wife sat silently beside him on the couch.Toward the end of the evening,I commented that women frequently complain that their husbands dont talk to them.This man quickly nodded in agreement.He gestured toward his wife and said“Shes the talker in our family.”The room burst into laughter;the man looked puzzled and hurt.“Its true”he explained.“When I come home from work I have nothing to say.If she didnt keep the conversation going wed spend the whole evening in silence.”This episode crystallizes the irony that although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations,they often talk less at home.And this pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.The pattern was observed by political scientist Andrew Hacker in the late 1970s.Sociologist Catherine Kohler Riessman reports in her new book Divorce Talk that most of the women she interviewedbut only a few of the mengave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces.Given the current divorce rate of nearly 50 percent,that amounts to millions of cases in the United States every yeara virtual epidemic of failed conversation.In my own research,complains from women about their husbands most often focused not on tangible inequities such as having given up the chance for a career to accompany a husband to his,or doing far more than their share of daily lifesupport work like cleaning,cooking and social arrangements.Instead they focused on communication:“He doesnt listen to me.”“He does not talk to me.”I found,as Hacker observed years before,that most wives want their husbands to be,first and foremost,conversational partners,but few husbands share this expectation of their wives.In short,the image that best represents the current crisis is the stereotypical cartoon scene of a man sitting at the breakfast table with a newspaper held up in front of his face,while a woman glares at the back of it,wanting to talk.In the following part immediately after this text,the author will most probably focus on.A.a vivid account of the new book Divorce TalkB.a detailed description of the stereotypical cartoonC.other possible reasons for a high divorce rate in the U.SD.a brief introduction to the political scientist Andrew Hacker答案:B 本题解析:推理题【命题思路】这是一道开放式的推理题,解题需要从篇章结构的角度出发。一般情况下,一个段落中的第一句和最后一句都起到承上启下的作用。题目要求猜测接下来一段的内容,这就需要对最后一段的最后一句进行分析并推理,它会给下一段的内容做出提示。【直击答案】根据题干定位到最后一段:In short,the image that,wanting to talk。该段具体描述了the stereotypical cartoon scene,接下来的内容最可能围绕这一点展开,所以B项为正确答案。【干扰排除】A项中的Divorce Talk出现在文章中的第三段,是作为一个论据来支持文章的观点,与最后一段的内容没有直接联系,故排除。C项的干扰性很大,但是文章的主题并不是在讨论美国高离婚率的原因,它不符合文章主旨一致性原则,故排除。D项中的安德鲁?海克在第三段和第四段中都出现过,其目的是为了进一步证实作者的观点,属于第四段的论据,是该段的一个细节,不能用于推理文章的主线路,故排除。长难句解析7.Text 4 When the government talks about infrastructure contributing to the economy the focus is usually on roads,railways,broadband and energy.Housing is seldom mentioned.Why is that?To some extent the housing sector must shoulder the blame.We have not been good at communicating the real value that housing can contribute to economic growth.Then there is the scale of the typical housing project.It is hard to shove for attention among multibillionpound infrastructure project,so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere.But perhaps the most significant reason is that the issue has always been so politically charged.Nevertheless,the affordable housing situation is desperate.Waiting lists increase all the time and we are simply not building enough new homes.The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.It needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need.There are some indications that it is preparing to do just that.The communities minister,Don Foster,has hinted that George Osborne,Chancellor of the Exchequer,may introduce more flexibility to the current cap on the amount that local authorities can borrow against their housing stock debt.Evidence shows that 60,000 extra new homes could be built over the next five years if the cap were lifted,increasing GDP by 0.6%.Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment,which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.But it is not just down to the government.While these measures would be welcome in the short term,we must face up to the fact that the existing4.5bn programme of grants to fund new affordable housing,set to expire in 2015,is unlikely to be extended beyond then.The Labour party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalitions spending plans if returns to power.The housing sector needs to accept that we are very unlikely to ever return to era of largescale public grants.We need to adjust to this changing climate.While the governments commitment to long-term funding may have changed,the very pressing need for more affordable housing is real and is not going away.According to Paragraph 5,George Osborne may_A.allow greater government debt for housingB.stop local authorities from building homesC.prepare to reduce housing stock debtD.release a lifted GDP growth forecast答案:A 本题解析:细节题【命题思路】这是一道细节题,需要考生理解文中引用的人物观点。【直击答案】根据题干中的人名可以回文定位到第五段第二句话。这句话指出乔治?奥斯本将会让当地政府用来偿还建房借贷的限额变得更加宽松,并且在借贷限额放宽的情况下,将会另有六万套新房在未来的五年中建造。因而A项“允许更多的政府建房借贷”是正确选项,其中“greater government debt”是原文中“more flexibility to the current cap”的同义替换。【干扰排除】第五段最后一句话指出未来的五年政府将会建造六万套新房,B项的意思是阻止当地政府建房,这与原文信息正好相反,故排除。C项,减少住房贷款也与原文信息相反,故排除。文中提到随着建房借贷限额的提高,GDP也会随之增长,并未提到乔治会发布对GDP增长的预测,因而D项属于无中生有,故排除。8.Some Old Truths to Help You Overcome Tough Times Unfortunately,life is not a bed of roses.We are going through life facing sad experiences.Moreover,we are grieving various kinds of loss:a friendship,a romantic relationship or a house.Hard times may hold you down at what usually seems like the most inopportune time,but you should remember that they wont last forever.When our time of mourning is over,we press forward,stronger with a greater understanding and respect for life.Furthermore,these losses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities for growth and happi


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