2023年Receive A Foreign Guest

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2023年Receive A Foreign Guest Receive A Foreign Guest .Airport B: Excuse me , are you Mr.Yu from America ? J: Oh, yes, i am . B: How do you do , Mr.Yu .My name is Brian.I am the receptionist of ABC Company and i am here to meet you.J: How do you do , and thank you very much for meeting me here.B: Youre welcome.And i will be your guide during your stay in SH.J: Thats wonderful ! THX a lot.B: By the way , how was your journey ? J: Oh, everything went smoothly , so i dont feel tired at all.B: Well, that s very good.Will you please take your baggage and follow me , the bus is waiting outside for us.J: Sure.Lets hurry ! .Way to the Hotel B: So , Mr.Yu .Have you got a plan yet ? J: Oh , please call me Jacky.Actually , i havent made it , but i think you can give me some great ideas.B: Of course , um. Above all , i would like to recommend The Oriental Pearl TV Towel , its one of the symbols of SH.J: Oh, ya.I have heard of it for a long time.B: Besides the towel , The Bund , Yu Garden are also good choices for you .Please let me make a plan for you.J: Oh, thats very kind of you, Brian.B: My pleasure.B: Oh.Here we are.Let me first help you check in.And then you can have a short rest in your room.After that I will meet your in the restaurant at 11:20.J: Thank you for doing all this for me.B: Youre welcome. .Lunch Time B: Mr.Yu , over here.Nice to see you again.J: Nice to see you , too.B: I think you must be hungry.J: Cant wait to see the menu.J: Brian , can you please introduce some traditional Chinese food to me ? B: Sure , do you know Mapo Tofu ? J: Ya, I know that , but i have never eaten it.B: Its a very popular Si chuan dish, its a little spicy,but you can not imagine how delicious it is.you can have a try.J: OK.Id like to.Um.What is Fish Flavored Pork ? B: Its a kind of shredded meat.Mixes with the liquor and some red peppers. J: What does this taste ? B: Absolutely good ! J: Wow, its fantastic.B: I choose another 4 dishes for you , and i will tell you what is it after you eat it.J: Sounds very nice.B: I hope you will like it.J: Of course. Wrote by Briansibrain Receive A Foreign Guest 【接待外宾对话】 Unit 1 Foreign Guest Reception 外宾迎入 外宾接待口语对话 外宾接待流程 接待外宾须知 如何接待外宾 如何接待外宾? 外宾接待英语 接待外宾用语 外宾接待方案


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