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终极预测:2010年6月英语六级作文预测及范文7800字 2010年6月的六级考试进入了最后冲刺阶段,不知道大家都准备如何啦?这里为大家提供5篇预测作文及范文,供大家学习相关表达,形成自己的模板和拓展备考话题,但注意一定不要死背范文哦。 2010年6月的六级考试进入了最后冲刺阶段,不知道大家都准备如何啦?这里为大家提供5篇预测作文及范文,供大家学习相关表达,形成自己的模板和拓展备考话题,但注意一定不要死背范文哦 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ 预测作文(一) 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/Global Shortage of Fresh Water1. 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的(提示:雨水、河水、井水) 作文 /zuowen/2. 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的(提示:人口增长、工业用水增加、污染) 作文 /zuowen/3. 我们应该怎么办 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/ At present, many people take it for granted that fresh water will never be used up because we can find it not only from the rain, but also in the rivers, lakes and wells. Consequently, it is not necessary for us to worry about global shortage of fresh water. 论文代写In fact, the situation has become so serious that everyone should be aware of it and take immediate actions. With the world population increasing rapidly year after year, water resources are being consumed at an appalling speed. Whats more, with the development of science and technology, modern industry needs much more water than before. Thirdly, pollution is also a worrying problemwater in rivers and wells becomes undrinkable because of industrial wastes.We should take urgent measures to protect fresh water resources. The government should increase the efficiency of water usage by such methods as water recycling and purification of sea water. The people, on the other hand, should form the habit of cherishing every drop of water. Last but not least, pollution must be effectively controlled, if we ever want to improve the quality of life. 毕业论文 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/本篇范文的最大特色是将批驳类与办法类结合,首段指出一些人的错误认识;第二段从三方面进行批驳;第三段指出我们的做法。范文首先指出,一些人认为淡水是取之不尽的,然后在第二段中进行批驳。首先,水资源正在被以惊人的速度消费。其次,现代工业需要更多的水资源。另外,因为工业污染,有些水已经不适宜饮用了。第三段阐述正确做法,即政府提高水资源的利用率、人人养成节约用水的习惯以及有效地控制水污染。 简历大全 /html/jianli/ 第一段第一句中的take it for granted表示“想当然”,be used up表示“用完,耗尽”。第三段第一点中的efficiency,recycling和purification分别指“效率”、“再循环”和“净化”。 作文 /zuowen/ 预测作文(二) 简历大全 /html/jianli/Why Are There So Many Rural Laborers in Big Cities? 毕业1. 近年来越来越多的民工涌入大城市 作文 /zuowen/ 2. 产生这一社会现象的原因For a number of years, there has been a steady rise in the number of rural laborers who flood into big cities. Many men work on construction sites, while many women work as dishwashers in restaurants or babysitters for city dwellers. Three reasons, in my mind, can account for this social phenomenon. 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/First and foremost, the limited land can no longer produce enough crops for an ever-increasing rural population. In the second place, there are far more opportunities in big citiesrural laborers dream of earning money through hard work. Last but by no means least, many of them want to live permanently in big cities, because they admire the way of living there, and wish their children to receive good education. 论文代写I firmly believe that if we try our best to create a healthy social atmosphere, rural laborers will make greater contribution to our nation. 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/ 总结大全 /html/zongjie/本题谈论的是一种社会现象。第一段首句引入某一现象,第二句举例说明,第三句是个过渡句,引起下面解释原因段落的第二段;第三段是简洁的结束语,其中的宾语从句嵌套一个状语从句。 简历大全 /html/jianli/范文首先指出大量农民工涌入大城市这一现象,并引出第二段所阐述的三个原因。首先,农村有限的土地不能满足日益增长的人口消费。其次,大城市有更多的工作机会。最后,农民工向往大城市的生活,想永远居住在大城市。末段总结指出,如果创造一个健康的社会环境,农民工就可以为国家做出更大的贡献。第一段第二句中的construction site表示“建筑工地”,babysitter表示“帮人看孩子的人”。第二段第一点中的rural指“农村的”;第三点中的permanently和admire分别指“永久地”和“羡慕”,receive education指“接受教育”。 简历大全 /html/jianli/


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