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第七课时Self Check一、单项选择。一、单项选择。()1.You _,didnt you?Yes,I did.When I woke up this morning,it was already 10 oclock.Aoverslept Bwon Cbehaved Drefused()2.I think I can fix the car on Wednesday.If not,youll have to wait _ Friday.Abefore Bduring Cpast Dtill()3.There are _ of students in our school but only _ of them are girls.Ahundreds;two hundred Bhundred;two hundredsChundreds;two hundreds Dhundred;two hundredADA()4.There is going to be an important exam tomorrowDont _ too late.Astay away Bkeep upCkeep out Dstay up()5.By the time I woke up,my father _ in the bathroom for several minutes.Ahas gone Bhas beenChad been Dhad goneDC二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6In the world,many _(discover)were made with the compass help.7The result of the match is _(expect).The weak team won the game.8She got _(marry)for five years and now she has a lovely son.9Its not _(believe)that the lazy boy came to school on time.10He saw his father off until he _(appear)in the distance.discoveriesunexpectedmarriedbelievabledisappeared三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。11那个男孩和前面的人排成了一队等着。那个男孩和前面的人排成了一队等着。The boy waited _ the people in front of him.12天已经黑了,但是他们等的人还未露面。天已经黑了,但是他们等的人还未露面。Its already dark,but the person who theyre waiting for hasnt _13到上个月月底,他们已经完成了工作的大部分。到上个月月底,他们已经完成了工作的大部分。They had finished most of the work _ last month.14我的自行车坏了。你能载我一程吗?我的自行车坏了。你能载我一程吗?My bike is broken.Could you_?15到目前为止,所有的票都卖光了。所以你得等到明天。到目前为止,所有的票都卖光了。所以你得等到明天。So far,all the tickets _ So you have to wait until tomorrow.in line withshown upby the end ofgive me a lifthave been sold out四、补全对话。四、补全对话。A:Hi,Sally.You look very unhappy.Whats wrong?B:Hi,Bob.16._A:What happened?B:This morning I got up late.When I got to the bus stop,the bus had left.17._A:Oh,you had to wait for about 20 minutes.B:Yes,and on the way I found that I had left my keys at home.A:18._FGBB:Right.And when I got to school,I found my classmates werent at school.They had gone to help clean up the City Park.But I forgot we were going to do that.A:19._B:Yes,and I had to stay at school the whole morning.When I had a physics class in the afternoon,I found that I had forgotten to bring my physics homework.A:That too bad.20._B:OK,I will.CEABut you couldnt go back home again.BSo you returned home to get your keys?CSo you missed the chance to be a volunteer?DBut I like to be a volunteer.EYou should be more careful next time.FIve had a really bad day.GSo I had to wait for another bus.五、完形填空。五、完形填空。(2020山东滨州山东滨州)Once there lived a wise man.His son,however,was very lazy and did nothing all day.The wise man was _21_ about his sons future.One day,he said to his son,“I want you to find some _22_.I have drawn a map to guide you.”Then he handed his son a bag.Inside the bag were clothes,some food,a little money and the map.The son _23_ the next day.He had to travel across forests,rivers and mountains.Along the way,he was helped by some with food and by some with rooms to live in.He came across robbers(强盗强盗)who tried to rob him.He also saw changing scenery(风景风景)and seasons._24_,after a long year,he got to the place his father said.He _25_ two days looking and digging for the treasure,but found _26_.So he had to head back _27_ his home.On the way,he experienced the same scenery.Sometimes,he would stop to enjoy the beauty of nature.He also learned to make meals.He even had to fix his clothes _28_.He was now able to tell time by the position of the sun.He met the same people who had helped him _29_.This time,he stayed and helped them in order to repay them.When he got home,he said _30_ to his father for not finding the treasure.“There wasnt any treasure in the very first place,my son,”the father answered with a smile.“But I think you have found your lifes true purpose.”()21.A.surprised Brelaxed Cexcited Dworried()22.A.food Bclothes Ctreasure Dmaps()23.A.sold out Bset out Cgave out Dcut out()24.A.Finally BMostly CNormally DEspecially()25.A.cost Btook Cpaid Dspent()26.A.something Banything Ceverything Dnothing()27.A.to Bfrom Cin Dat()28.A.herself Bhimself Citself Dthemselves()29.A.later Bearlier Csooner Delder()30.A.sorry Bcongratulations Cadvice DpleasureDCBADDABBA六、阅读理解。六、阅读理解。As the fifth of seven children,I went to the same public school as my three elder sisters and brother.Every year,each child from the third grade took part in an old school traditionthe plant sale held in early May,just before Mothers Day.That year I was old enough to take part in it.I wanted to surprise my mother,but I didnt have any money.I told my elder sister about it and she gave me some money.When I arrived at the plant sale,I carefully chose my favorite.I watched each plant seriously to make sure that I could find the best geranium(天竺葵天竺葵).After school,with the help of my sister,I hid it on the neighbors porch(走廊走廊).On Mothers Day,I remember how bright my mothers eyes were and how elated she was at my gift.The year I was fifteen,my younger sister reached the third grade.She told me that she wanted to surprise our mother.Like my elder sister did for me,I gave her some money.And she bought the same gift and we hid it in the same place.When she gave the gift to my mother,I watched them full of pride and happiness.My mother noticed me watching and gave me a soft and secret smile.With a shock at my heart,I smiled back.I wonder how my mother could pretend(假装假装)to be surprised at the same gift from her sixth child,but as I watched her eyes,I knew she was not pretending.()31.The writer first took part in the plant sale _Ain the third gradeBat the age of sixteenCin the fifth grade Dat the age of fifteen()32.The underlined word“elated”in the second paragraph probably means _Aangry BupsetCexcited DrelaxedAC()33.The sixth child bought _ for her mother.Athe prettiest roseBthe best geraniumCthe biggest grapeDthe freshest strawberry()34.From the third paragraph,we can know the mother _ when she got the same gift.Arefused to accept itBpretended to be happyCfelt proud and happyDhid it on the neighbors porchBC()35.The passage is mainly about _Athe best place to hide a giftBa good way to surprise momCan awful secret of the familyDdeep love between mom and childrenD七、短文填空。七、短文填空。阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。方框中有两个词为多余项。完整。方框中有两个词为多余项。starethecancelburnactualendlaughappearwithenjoyaliveaboveCharlotte Kelly shares how she celebrated Fathers Day with her father,astronaut Scott Kelly.I am on the summer break from school right now.Before school 36._,my dad set up a video conference(视频会议视频会议)with my class.All the kids really 37._ seeing him and asking him questions about space.I couldnt help 38._ when I saw him eat a piece of floating(漂浮的漂浮的)strawberry pie.Two days ago,my mom and I went to a party 39._ my classmate Holly and her family.Just around 9:10 p.m.,we were all able 40._ at the night sky and see the International Space Station(国际空国际空间站间站)flying over.It looked like a 41._ star just moving across the sky.Then it 42._ after four minutes.endedenjoyedlaughingwithto stareburningdisappearedToday is Fathers Day.My sister and I were able to do a video conference with our dad at 43._ same time.She was in Houston,I was in Virginia Beach and my dad was flying over us!Really!He was 44._ flying over us.He put his video monitor(视频监视器视频监视器)in his window and took a picture of Virginia Beach from 45._ How wonderful!theactuallyabove


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