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Learning Aims教学目标:教学目标:1.words:online,especially,treasure,end,product,worth,taste,true,once重难点:重难点:Know about Chinese foodsNew Wordsonline adj.在线的;联网的在线的;联网的especially adv.尤其;特别尤其;特别 treasure n.宝物;财富宝物;财富end n.最后;末端最后;末端 product n.产品;结果产品;结果worth adj.值得;有价值的值得;有价值的hand-made adj.手工的手工的taste v.尝起来;品尝;体验尝起来;品尝;体验true adj.真实的;正确的真实的;正确的supper n.晚餐晚餐once adv.从前;一度;一次从前;一度;一次ListeningListen and write true(T)or false(F).1 1.Beijing Duck takes a lot of work to male.()2.Some people eat noodles for breakfast in China.()3.Paul once had Beijing Duck in his city.()Listen and answerE-chatter(Jenny)Hello,everyone!I just got back from a trip to the Silk Road in China.Everything was great-especially the food!My favourite dishes were Beijing Duck and Lanzhou noodles.Whats so special about these two dishes?Well,they have a lot of history behind them.Jenny goes online to tell others about the food in China.Beijing Duck is really a Chinese treasure.It takes a lot of work,but the end product is worth it.Lanzhou noodles are long hand-made noodles.They look good and taste great!Do you want to taste these wonderful foods from China?(Dora)Your story is very interesting.I saw a show about Lanzhou noodles on TV.The man made the noodles so fast.It was like magic!(Monica)I heard that,in China,some people eat noodles for breakfast.Is this true?(Jenny)Yes,its true.Many people war noodles for breakfast.Sometimes they eat them for lunch or supper,too.And I know why-they taste REALLY good!(Paul)I once had Beijing Duck in our city.Can I find Lanzhou noodles here?I will try.Language pointsIt takes a lot of work,but the end product is worth it.他花费了很大功夫,但是最后的成果是值得的。【解析】【解析】句式句式it takes.to do.意为意为“做某事做某事花费花费”,此时要用,此时要用it作形式主语,而将真正作形式主语,而将真正主语(动词不定式)放在后面。主语(动词不定式)放在后面。e.g.It takes me half an hour to walk to school every day.每天步行去学校要花费我半个小时的时间。It will take some more work to finish this job.完成这项工作需要进行更多的工作。Sometimes they eat them for lunch or supper,too.有时他们也把他们当做午餐或者晚餐。【解析】【解析】句中的介词句中的介词for加上名词或代词后作加上名词或代词后作状语,意为状语,意为“为了为了”e.g.They went to London for their holiday.他们去伦敦度假了。Review 动词的过去式动词的过去式有规则变化和不规则变化两种形式,动词的过去式有规则变化和不规则变化两种形式,一般是在词尾加一般是在词尾加ed构成。不规则变化的过去式没构成。不规则变化的过去式没有特定的规律,需要特别记忆。过去式用于一般有特定的规律,需要特别记忆。过去式用于一般过去时态中。过去时态中。1.一般情况下,在动词的词尾加ed构成。如:walkwalked,offeroffered,joinjoined2.以不发音字母e结尾的,直接加d构成。如:livelived,hatehated,escapeescaped规则变化的过去式3.以重读闭音节结尾,并且词尾只有一个辅音字母的,要先双写这一字母再加ed。如:stopstopped,preferpreferred4.以“元音字母+y”结尾的直接加ed,以“辅音字母+y”结尾的应先将y改为i再加ed构成。如:playplayed,copycopied,trytried,carrycarried规则变化的过去式1.原形和过去式相同。如:原形和过去式相同。如:花费 costcost切割 cutcut打 hithit伤害 hurt hurt2.过去式字母过去式字母o改为改为a。如:。如:成为 become became来 come came不规则变化的过去式3.过去式为过去式为ought结尾的。如:结尾的。如:带来 bring brought买 buy bought战斗 fight fought想 think thought4.过去式为过去式为aught结尾的。如:结尾的。如:抓住 catch caught教 teach taught不规则变化的过去式5.过去式将过去式将eep改为改为ept。如:。如:保持 keep kept打扫 sweep swept6.过去式字母过去式字母i改为改为a。如:。如:下沉 sink sank游泳 swim swam不规则变化的过去式7.过去式字母过去式字母ow改为改为ew。如:。如:知道 know knew投掷 throw threw吸 blow blew种植 grow grew不规则变化的过去式Each word below has two different meanings beside it.Both meanings are correct but only one meaning is used in this lesson.Tick the appropriate meaning.21.dishes special kinds of meals or food plates and bowls2.treasure something very expensive something very special3.taste to eat a bit of food the flavor of food4.product goods for selling result from workingRead the lesson and fill in the blanks.3Jenny just got back from a trip to the Silk Road.She goes online to tell others about the food in China.Her favourite _ were Beijing Duck and Lanzhou noodles.They have a lot of _ behind them.Beijing Duck is a true Chinese _.Lanzhou noodles are hand-made noodles.They _ delicious.dishestreasurehistorytasteRewrite these sentences below in the simple past tense.Then mark the regular verbs with()and the irregular verbs with().41.The food looks good.2.He eats cereal for breakfast.3.They work hard.4.She finds many books in the library.5.It takes a long time to make dumplings.The food looked good.He ate cereal for breakfast.They worked hard.She found many books in the library.It took a long time to make dumplings.Work in pairs.Talk about different dishes you know.Whats your favourite dish?Whats in it?Is it easy to make?5 Poutine is a Canadian dish.Poutine is made with French fries,cheese and gravy.Its easy to make and its delicious!Exercises!1.The soup t_ delicious.Would you like some?2.Mr.Zhang gave us a short talk at the e_ of the meeting.3.There are a lot of t_ in the Palace Museum.4.Danny always goes o_ to talk with his friends on QQ.5.Is this answer t_ or false,Li Hong?I.根据首字母提示写出单词。根据首字母提示写出单词。astesndreasuresnlinerue1.这本书很值得买。你想买一本吗?这本书很值得买。你想买一本吗?This books is _ _ _.Do you want to buy one?2.李明是用手工做的这个风筝。李明是用手工做的这个风筝。Li Ming made this kite _ _.II.根据汉语完成句子。根据汉语完成句子。worthtobuybyhand3.很多人晚饭吃面条。很多人晚饭吃面条。Many people eat noodles _ _.4.你昨天为什么没来上学?你昨天为什么没来上学?_ _ _ come to school yesterday?forWhydidntyousupperHomeworkHomeworkTalk about different dishes you know with your partner.


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