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ContentsReading Skills1Text B23Test YourselfN H C EReading Skills自测自测课文课文Like the other skills for your use,the skill introduced in this unit does render you better ability in reading.This practice is designed to help you get a deeper insight into the skill for this unit.N H C EReading for Major Details In Unit 4,we discussed how to identify the main idea of a paragraph.But the main idea of a paragraph does not give us all the information we need.Facts and details in a paragraph can help develop the main idea.These facts and details may paint a more complete picture,give examples to help us understand the main idea better,prove a point,or show how the idea relates to other ideas.自测自测课文课文随随 笔笔 Practice To be continuedN H C E Not all facts in a paragraph are of the same importance.Details that give major information about the main idea are,however,very important.Small or less important details help round out the paragraph and often hold our attention to make the material we are reading more concrete.Still,we may ignore them if our goal is a clear and quick understanding of what we are reading.自测自测课文课文Practice To be continuedN H C E随随 笔笔 So,when we are looking for the major detail of a paragraph,we have,first,to learn to read for the main idea of the paragraph.When we have found all the facts and details that help to add up to the main idea of the paragraph,we can separate the major detail from less important details.Practice 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 Look at one paragraph from Passage A:Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS)was diagnosed in the United States in the late 1970s.Since then,AIDS has killed more than 204,000 Americanshalf of that number in the past few years alone.Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are expected to die within the next year.(Para.1)Example 1Practice 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 Main idea:AIDS was found in the United States.Major detail:AIDS has killed more than 204,000 Americans since being identified.Once we have identified the major detail of a paragraph,other details of the paragraph as a result become small.Main Idea:?Major Detail:?Practice Explanation自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 Example 2 Like many other hunters,the Kung has been described as a leisured and even an“affluent”society.They do not have or need many material possessions and in many cases the search for food is neither exhausting nor time-consuming.One anthropologist has reckoned their average work day as six hours and that adults spend about two and a half days or between 12 and 19 hours a week in food-getting.Practice To be continued自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 Example 2Men may hunt for a period and then rest for several weeks;women gather enough food for three days at a time,and may then visit neighboring camps or entertain,as the men do their leisure-time.Practice 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 ExplanationPractice Main Idea:The Kung has been regarded as a leisured and even“affluent”society.Major Detail:They do not have or need many material possessions and the search for food is neither exhausting nor time-consuming.Main Idea:?Major Detail:?自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 Directions:Read the following paragraphs from Reading Passage B.Then answer the following questions.Introduction 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 1.I climbed the ladder,heard my dive announced,and commenced the moves that would thrust me into the air.Pushing off the diving board with my legs,I lifted my arms and shoulders back,and knew immediately I would be close to the board and might hit my hands.I tried to correct myself as I turned,spreading my hands wide apart.Then I heard a strange sound and my body lost control.Moments later I realized I had hit my head on the board.(Para.1)Introduction 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 What is the main idea of the paragraph?A.He started his dive.B.He made a beautiful dive.C.He hit his hands when diving.D.He hurt himself when diving.Select one major detail from the paragraph.A.He climbed the ladder.B.He started his dive.C.He hit his head on the board.D.He lifted his arms and shoulders back.Introduction 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 2.These were the trials for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul,Korea.Until this dive,I had been ahead.But now,something else was more significant than winning.I might have endangered other divers lives if I had spilled blood in the pool.For what I knewthat few others knewwas that I was HIV-positive.(Para.3)Introduction 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 What is the main idea of the paragraph?A.There was something more significant than winning.B.He was HIV-positive.C.He was ahead of others for the diving event in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul,Korea.D.Winning is more important than anything else.Introduction 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 Select one major detail from the paragraph.A.He was HIV-positive.B.He was doing wonderfully well in the diving event.C.He was very worried that he might infect other divers with AIDS as he spilled his blood in the pool.D.He did not want others to learn that he was HIV-positive.Introduction 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 3.In the spring of 1983,a committee at the Medard H.Nelson Elementary School in New Orleans decided it was time to take the mystique(神秘性神秘性)out of computers for their 621 students.They ordered six Apple II computers and set up computer classes for teachers,parents and students.Almost everyone was enthusiastic about the results;a few students became so interested that they formed a computer club.The principal is very pleased with this experiment and plans to buy more equipment as soon as funds become available.Introduction 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 What is the main idea of the paragraph?A.Almost everyone was enthusiastic about the setup of computer classes.B.Some students became so interested that they formed a computer club.C.The elementary school has equipped the childrens education with computers.D.The elementary school decided to take the mystique out of computers for their students.Introduction 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 Select one major detail from the paragraph.The principal is very pleased with this experiment.The principal plans to buy more equipment as soon as funds become available.A committee in the elementary school had a meeting.They ordered six Apple II computers and set up computer classes for teachers,parents and students.Introduction 自测自测课文课文N H C E随随 笔笔 Text B自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧Questions Text Study Choice Making commence v.开始开始 thrust vt.猛推猛推;猛塞猛塞 apart ad.分开地分开地 initially 起初起初,起先起先 intense a.强烈的强烈的,剧烈的剧烈的bleed vi.流血流血hasten.U匆忙匆忙trialn.C预赛预赛;C,U审判审判;试验试验significanta.有意义的有意义的;表明的表明的;重要的重要的endangervt.使使处于危险处于危险a.ad.起初的开始的起初的开始的 initial N H C EQuestions Text Study spill vt./vi.使溢出使溢出;使溅出使溅出/溢出溢出;溅出溅出 adoption n.C,U收养收养;U采用采用 explore vt./v.探讨探讨,研究研究;探索探索,探测探测 mug vt.对对行凶抢劫行凶抢劫 prior a.在在之前之前;事先的事先的,预先的预先的 springboard n.C跳板跳板unfortunately ad.不幸地不幸地;遗憾地遗憾地 coach n./vt.C教练教练;训练训练,指导指导,辅导辅导assist v.帮助帮助,协助协助 enjoyable a.令人愉快的令人愉快的,可享受的可享受的 Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 Questions Text Study Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 triumph n./vi.partner n.C胜利胜利;(over)获胜获胜C 配偶配偶,(,(性性)伙伴伙伴;伙伴伙伴 confuse vt.使困惑使困惑,使糊涂使糊涂 vaporize v.(使使)变成蒸汽变成蒸汽,蒸发蒸发;消失消失 compete vi.竞争竞争;参赛参赛 scare vt.惊吓惊吓,使惊恐使惊恐repetition n.U重复重复 confident a.自信的自信的,相信的相信的 scoreboard n.C(体育比赛体育比赛)记分牌记分牌 leap vi.跳跳,跳跃跳跃 vapor n.C 蒸汽蒸汽 Questions Text Study quit vt./vi.停止停止,放弃放弃 in haste匆忙地匆忙地call sb.names骂某人骂某人have a shot at sth.尝试尝试,企图企图,努力做某事努力做某事take first place获得第一名获得第一名for fear(that)担心担心,生怕生怕start withbegin with 从从开始开始Olympics奥林匹克运动会奥林匹克运动会Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 Questions Text Study Seoul首尔首尔(韩国韩国首都首都,前前称汉城称汉城)Samoan萨摩亚人萨摩亚人 Ron OBrien罗恩罗恩布赖布赖恩恩(人名人名)Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 随随 笔笔 New Words Text Study Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C EFor you to be better conditioned for reading as fast as 100 words per minute,as required in the new type of examination“Fast Reading”,Text B can serve to be your fast-reading material.But,for this purpose,the best course of action is to know what to scan for in your skimming.Thus,the trick is to keep in your mind the key words of each question before you start off.That is where the“Questions Previewing”comes in.Q1.Immediately before he hit his head on the board,the writer _.Q2.The writer pushed away everyone else who came near to him because _.Q3.The writers natural parents did not adopt him because _._New Words Text Study Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 Q5.The writer began to practice doing gym exercises off the diving board _.Q6.The writer feared he would be hated by people if they found that _.Q7.After he hit his head on the board at the trials,the writer _.Q8.The writer had been a diver for Olympic games for _.New Words Text Study Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 1.I climbed the ladder,heard my dive announced,and commenced the moves that would thrust me into the air.Pushing off the diving board with my legs,I lifted my arms and shoulders back,and knew immediately I would be close to the board and might hit my hands.I tried to correct myself as I turned,spreading my hands wide apart.Then I heard a strange sound and my body lost control.Moments later I realized I had hit my head on the board.随随 笔笔 New Words Questions The Last Dive at the OlympicsChineseQuestion 1Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E 2.Initially,I felt embarrassed.I wanted to hide,to get out of the pool without anyone seeing me.Next I felt intense fear.Had I cut my head?Was I bleeding?Was there blood in the pool?Swimming to the side,I noticed many shocked faces.People were worried about my head;I was worried about something far more threatening.An official examined my head.In haste,I pushed him away,and everyone else who approached me.“Dont touch me!”I felt like screaming.“Get away from me!”New Words Questions Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C EChinese随随 笔笔 3.These were the trials for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul,Korea.Until this dive,I had been ahead.But now,something else was more significant than winning.I might have endangered other divers lives if I had spilled blood in the pool.For what I knewthatfew others knew was that I wasHIV-positive.New Words Questions Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C EChineseQuestion 2随随 笔笔 4.According to my mother,my natural parents were Samoan and only teenagers when I was born,so they gave me up for adoption.When I was only eighteen months old,I started gym classes.At ten,I explored doing gym exercises off the diving board at the pool.ChineseQuestion 3New Words Questions Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 5.Because of my dark skin,kids at school called me names;I often got mugged coming home from school.My diving made me feel good about myself when my peers made me feel stupid.In the seventh grade,I started taking drugs.ChineseQuestion 4New Words Questions Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 6aAt sixteen,I knew I had a shot at the 1976 Olympics.At the trials,one month prior to the finals,I took the first place on the ten-meter platform and on the springboard!This was surprising because I had trained mostly on the platform.In the finals,I won the silver medal for the platform.Unfortunately,I wasnt happy.ChineseQuestion 5New Words Questions Choice Making to be continued自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 6b Instead,I felt failed because I hadnt won the gold.After that,I started training with Ron OBrien,a well-known Olympic diving coach.Ron understood me and assisted me to work more intensely.I soon became the international leader in diving.In the 1984 Olympics,I won two gold medals,one for platform,one for springboard.This was an enjoyable triumph.ChineseNew Words Questions Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 7a.No one knew then I was gay,except Ron and a few friends.I feared I would be hated if people found out.Four years later,while preparing for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul,I learned my partner had AIDS.I had to accept I might be HIV-positive or have AIDS,too.ChineseQuestion 6New Words Questions Choice Making To be continued自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 7b.When my HIV test results returned positive,I was shocked and confused.Was I dying?Was my shot at the 88 Olympics vaporized?What should I do?During this very difficult time,I couldnt tell anyone for fear I wouldnt be able to compete in the Olympics if people learned I was HIV-positive.ChineseNew Words Questions Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 8.Everyone was alarmed when I hit my head on the board at the trials in Seoul.Regardless,I made it into the finals.When we practiced the next morning,my coach made me start with the dive Id hit my head on.At first,I was scared,but Ron made me do it six times.With each repetition,I felt more confident.ChineseQuestion 7New Words Questions Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 9.During my last dive in the finals,I enjoyed for the last time the quietness underwater and then swam to the side of the pool.Afraid to look at the score-board,I watched Rons face.Suddenly he leapt into the air,the crowd cheered,and I knew Id wontwo gold medals,one for the three-meter springboard and one for the ten-meter platform.No one knew how hard it had been,except Ron and the friends Id told I was HIV-positive.ChineseNew Words Questions Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 10.AIDS forced me to stop diving;I had to quit diving professionally after the Olympics.ChineseQuestion 8New Words Questions Choice Making 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 Q1.Immediately before he hit his head on the board,the writer _.A.climbed the ladderB.started the moves that would thrust him into the airC.knew he was too close to the boardD.corrected his actions when he turnedRefer to Para.1New Words Questions Text Study 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 D.he was HIV-positive and feared that others lives would be endangered if they touched his bleeding headQ2.The writer pushed away everyone else who came near to him because _.A.he hated themB.he felt like screaming“Get away from me”C.he felt embarrassed and wanted to hide without anyone seeing himRefer to Para.2-3New Words Questions Text Study 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 返回返回 Para.3Q3.The writers natural parents did not adopt him because _.A.they were too poor to raise himB.they were too young to raise himC.they did not love himD.they were SamoanRefer to Para.4New Words Questions Text Study 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 Q4.According to the passage,the writers diving gave him _.A.the sense of being stupidB.the sense of being strongC.the sense of being successfulD.the sense of being lonelyRefer to Para.5New Words Questions Text Study 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 Q5.The writer began to practice doing gym exercises off the diving board _.A.in 1976 B.in 1971 C.in 1970 D.in 1972Refer to Para.4-6New Words Questions Text Study 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 返回返回 Para.6Q6.The writer feared he would be hated by people if they found that _.A.he was HIV-positive B.he had sex with men C.he only won a silver medal D.his partner had AIDSRefer to Para.7New Words Questions Text Study 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 Q 7.After he hit his head on the board at the trials,the writer _.A.practiced less with the help of his coachB.was scared and gave up diving foreverC.lost the chance to compete at the finalsD.still got the chance to compete at the finals Refer to Para.8New Words Questions Text Study 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 Q8.The writer had been a diver for Olympic games for _.A.18 years B.17 years C.16 years D.12 years Refer to Para.6-10New Words Questions Text Study 自测自测技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 返回返回 Para.10Test Yourself课文课文技巧技巧N H C ETest YourselfDirections:In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause you must make your choice.21345768910课文课文技巧技巧随随 笔笔 Reading N H C E1.A)Get some change from Jane.B)Go to look for a pay phone.C)Use the womans phone.D)Pay for the phone call.M:Hi,Jane!Do you have some change?I have to make a call on the pay phone.W:Pay phone?Why not use my mobile phone.Here you are.Q:What would the man most probably do?21345768910 Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 2.A)At a bookstore.B)In a workshop.C)At an art gallery.D)In a department store.M:Can you tell me the title of this oil painting?W:Sorry.I dont know for sure,but I guess it is an early 18th century work.Let me look it up in the catalogue.Q:Where does this conversation most probably take place?Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E21345768910随随 笔笔 3.A)Shes bought the man a pair of glasses today.B)She will help the man to catch up.C)She is worried about the mans health.D)She has bought the man an up-to-date map.M:I am worried about those classes I missed when I was sick.W:I will try to bring you up-to-date on what weve done.Q:What does the woman mean?Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E21345768910随随 笔笔 4.A)He is going to give a talk on fishing.B)He thinks fishing is a good way to kill time.C)He has the same hobby as Susans father.D)He is eager to meet Susans parents.W:Hi Dan.I hear youre meeting Susans parents for the first time.M:Yeah,next weekend.Fortunately her father loves to fish,so well have something to talk about.Q:What can be inferred about Dan?Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E21345768910随随 笔笔 5.A)He finds the presentation hard to follow.B)He considers the presentation very dull.C)He speaks highly of the presentation.D)He thinks Prof.White has chosen an interesting topic.W:Prof.Whites presentation seems to go on forever.I was barely able to stay awake.M:How could you sleep through it?Its one of the best Ive ever heard on this topic.Q:What does the man think of Prof.Whites presentation?Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E21345768910随随 笔笔 6.A)High quality paper.B)Typewriter.C)Some stocks.D)A bookshelf.W:I am looking for quality paper to type my essay.I dont see any on the shelf.M:I saw some in the stock room this morning.Ill go and check.Q:What does the woman want to buy?Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E21345768910随随 笔笔 7.A)They go to the seaside.B)They set off early.C)They go sightseeing.D)They wait for a fine day.M:It seems that we will have another fine day tomorrow.Lets go to the seaside.W:Ok.But well have to leave very early,or else well get caught in the traffic.Q:What does the woman suggest?Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E21345768910随随 笔笔 8.A)He was late for school on the first dayB)He had a funny face.C)He was the first person she met at school.D)He liked to show off in class.M:Do you know James?Is he in your class?W:Certainly.In fact he was the first person I got to know in my class.I still remember the look on his face when he showed up late on the first day of school.Q:Why did the woman remember James so well?Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E21345768910随随 笔笔 9.A)Her car can stand any crash.B)Her car is not as good as his.C)Her car is maintained as well as his.D)Her car is kept in good condition.W:The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car.M:So do I,I cant see any scratches on the outside and the inside is clean,too.Q:What does the man think of the womans car?Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E21345768910随随 笔笔 10.A)She is too busy to go.B)She doesnt want to wait long.C)Shes willing to go swimming.D)She enjoys the wonderful weather.M:Wonderful day,isnt it?Want to join me for a swim?W:If you dont mind waiting while I get prepared.Q:What does the woman mean?Reading 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E21345768910随随 笔笔 Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank above the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Listening 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 adjustedpointconvincedbenefitattemptsconfirmeffectivelysoundsuggestsmaintainsufficientalertnessindividuallynecessarilygoodness Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged,biochemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to act more 1 _ in cognitive(认知的认知的)areas such as attention and memory.This is true regardless of age.effectivelyListening 课文课文技巧技巧N H C E随随 笔笔 adjustedpointconvincedbenefitattemptsconfirmeffectivelysoundsuggestsmaintainsufficientalertnessindividuallynecessarilygoodness People will be alert(警觉的警觉的)and receptive(接受能接受能力强的力强的)if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in.And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age mo


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