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求职信(1)假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新 星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知 B&B 公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣。 请给该公司写一封求职信,包括下列要 点:1. 年龄;2. 学习情况和英文水平;3. 兴趣特长;4. 性格特点。注意:1.词数 100 左右。2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文 连贯;3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不 计入词数。Dear Sir/Madam ,I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. _I m looking forward to your reply . Sincerely yours,Li HuaDear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua, a student from Xinxing Foreign Language School. I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. Im really interested in the position and would like to apply for it.Im 24 years old and will graduate from the school this July. Im an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class. Im good at English, especially spoken English. Also Im experienced in computer operation. In my spare time, I read a lot, which broadens my horizons. Being an active young person, I like sports andoutdoor activities. Besides, Im easy to get along with and like to make friends. So Im convinced that Im equal to the job.Id appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Lookingforward to your reply.单词、短语、句子积累:1 secretary n. 秘书2 assistant n.助手3 easy-going adj.随和的4 outgoing adj.外向的5 in my spare time6 broaden my horizons7 apply for the job8 have a gift for 在有天赋9 do well in be good at10. I major in English. 我主修 英语。 11.Im Li Hua, a eighteen-year-old boy, studying in Xin Xing Foreign School. 12.As for hobbies, reading is my favourite. 13.I have a wide range of hobbies, such as singing, dancing, writing and so on. 14.I have a good command knowledge of English so I can communicate with foreigners easily.15. I can express myself fluently in English.16. Im interested in the position, hoping that I can work for you.17. As an outgoing boy , I think I can get along well with my colleagues.求职信(2)假设你是新华中学的学生李华,得知某英文报社招聘兼职记者,你有意应聘,请按 下列要点给报社写一封自荐信。1. 表示感兴趣;8. I have the sense of cooperation and enjoyworking together with others.9. I think it is cooperation that makes our workeasy and interesting.10. I participated in some related activities,from which I realized the importance ofworking with others.2. 说明优势:知识面,英语水平,合作精 神,相关经历;3. 希望得到回复。注意:1) 词数 100 左右。可适当增加细节以 使行文连贯。2) 开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir or Madam,Im a student from Xinhua Middle School. _Id appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Lookingforward to your reply.Sincerely yours,Li Hua词汇、短语和句子积累1. reporter/journalist n. 记者2. interviewer n. 主持面试者;采访者 interviewee n. 参加面试者;接受采访者 3. fluently adv. 流利地;流畅地 frequently adv. 频繁地_ 4. be fit for the job _ 5. an English competition _ 6. an outgoing person _ 7. a wide range of knowledge 广泛的知识 _11. More importantly, I attach importance to_cooperation.范文Dear Sir or Madam,I m a student from Xinhua Middle School. I learn(ed) from the newspaper that you want a few part-time English reporters. I am quite interested in the position and would like to apply for it.As a student, Ive read a lot, which broadens my horizons. Having been learning English for many years, I have a good command of English, especially spoken English. Besides, being an outgoing student, I m easy to get along with and always have a sense of duty and cooperation. Above all, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station, and therefore I have accumulated much experience. So Im convinced that Im equal to the job.求职信(3)你校英语外籍教师 Emesto and Stasi 暑假 期间准备在本地开一家西餐小店,要找若干名 高中生为无酬打工人员。下面是招聘启事: Wanted4 middle school studentsDo service work and act as translatorsHealthy and helpful假定你叫李华,愿意应聘。请写封电子邮 件,介绍自己,并说明你愿意应聘的理由。词数 110 左右。开头已写好,不计入总词 数。Dear Emesto and Stasi,I happened to have read your advertisement and decide to apply for the job.Yours sincerely,Li Hua范文:I happened to have read your advertisement and have decided to apply for the job. The following is my self-introduction.A s a high school student, having been learning English for many years, I have a good command of English, especially spoken English . Warm-hearted and outgoing, I am always willing to help others. In addition, by taking exercise every day, I am in good condition . Therefore, I a m convinced that I m equal to this job.B y acting as a translat or for you, unpaid as it is, not only will it enrich my life, but also be of great benefit to me in the long run . Apart from gaining the opportunity to practise my spoken English, I can accumulate some valuable job experience.Id appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Looking forward to your early reply!ours sincerely,9. I used to do a part-time job in a restaurant, so I am rich in experience in service work/I have accumulated much experience of service work.10. Besides, being an outgoing player, Im healthy and active, which is of great importance to service work.11. I would be grateful if I could be accepted/employed/if you give/offer me a chance/if I get the job.求职信(4)某国际动物关爱协会面向全球中 学生招募“动物代言人”,希望申请者 选择一种自己喜欢的动物,为之代言 (speak for)。假设你是重庆新华中学的 学生李华,有意参与该活动,现请你用 英文在线填写申请表 (仅需填写“申请Y陈述”部分),内容如下: 表示有意参加Li Hua词汇、短语和句子积累: 说明自己富有爱心、关爱动物1. serve v.服务service n. 服务 打算为何种动物代言,并说明理由2. Warm-hearted,easy-going, outgoing , optimistic ,3. do well in, be good at4. be equal to/be fit for5. serve as/act as 充当6. In my spare time, I often do some exercise 希望申请成功Application Form (申请表)Name (姓名) Li Hua Sex (性别) F/M Email Add. ( 电子邮件地址)and take part in many activities, which builds up my strength.Statement of I am a student from Xinhua Middle7. Being an active person, Im easy to get alongApplication ( 申_with and always ready to help others in trouble.8. Whats more, being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities, so Im healthy.请陈述) _注意:(1) 请在答题卡规定区域内作答; (2) 词数 100 左右;(3) “申请陈述”的第一句已经给出, 不计入总词数。范文:Im a student from Xinhua Middle School in Chongqing, China. I learn(ed) from the Internet that you want some students to serve as spokesmen for the animals they like. Im really interested in the position and would like to apply for it.Being a kind teenager, I always regard animals as my friends. In my spare time, I often participate in many activities whose theme is caring about animals. I like pandas in particular and I m willing to speak for them. The reason is that not only are they lovely, but also they are endangered animals. Therefore, its our responsibility to protect them from dying out. In fact, I have a good command of the pandas living and eating habits. So Im convinced that Im equal to the job.Id appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Looking forward to your early reply!词汇、短语和句子积累:9. When I was a child, I used to go the animals shelter, which contributes to my love for animals, especially dogs.1. warm-hearted热心的2. endangered animals濒危动物3. be loyal/faithful to humans (human beings) 4. raise the awareness of protecting animals提升保护动物的意识5. apply for the job6. Ill make every effort to call on/appeal to people all over the world to love and help the endangered animals.7. I love animals, especially pandas./pandas in particular.8. We are supposed to have a sense of responsibility to love and protect animals.


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