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书面表达专练(一)某英文杂志正在举办题为The perectpet的征文大赛,请你就此话题写一篇英语短文参赛。注意:1. 词数100左右;2。 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。B 假定你是李华,曾在美国做过一年交换生,现在刚刚回国。请你根据以下提示,给曾为你提供食宿的Jakso夫妇写封邮件: 表示感谢; 2。 说明自己的英语已有很大提高; 代父母表达谢意,并邀请对方有空来做客。注意:。 词数100左右; 2。 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头已给出,但不计入总词数。Dea Mrand Mr.Jckso, I amwrii o tl youtaI hve arived hoesafely. Bestwihe,iHa C 假定你是李华,你的加拿大朋友To来信询问如何提高自己的汉语水平,请你用英语给他写封回信,介绍一些学习汉语的方法。注意:1。 词数10左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3 开头已给出,但不计入总词数.De Tom, Thans for your stletr。 I great tha youwt to mprove yor Chese. Bwishes, Li ua D 英语课上,老师让大家写一篇英语短文介绍自己的某一优点。请你根据以下要求完成短文。Prarph1: Statethe trengt。Prgrph: Exlin the trngt nd its efftin detil。 Supt our ides wit ampePgap 3:scrib howyur strenth mgh hp ouin the fture.注意:. 词数0左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。E 假设你校英文报要办一期主题为“Fris ndFreni的专刊,请你为其写一篇英语短文,来谈谈你的观点。注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。F 假定你是中学生李华,想提高英语语法和口语水平。你在网上看到在你市工作的英国人Mrs. ael提供家教服务,请你给她写封邮件,询问以下情况: 1. 授课的时间; 2。 如何收费; 3。 是否需要教材.注意:1。词数00左右;2。 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dar Mrs。 Daiels, Im ooking orward to heainfrom you soon. Yours icrely, L HuaG 假定你是高中生李华,你校英语俱乐部将举办题为Hoo gt alog with ou rents?的英语演讲比赛,请根据以下要点写一份英语演讲稿: 1. 懂得感恩;. 懂得尊重;3。 实际行动。注意:1。词数1左右; 。 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3。 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。odmning,everyoe! ismy hnour o e here share th you piios onhow get alng whour arent Thank you!H 青少年研究专家etersn在自己的英文网站上开辟专栏,邀请高中生就Isstrs bd hing?展开讨论。假设你是李华,请用英文发帖,内容应包括:1。压力是不可避免的现象;2。 中学生所面临的压力;3。你对压力的理解。注意:1 词数2左右; . 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3 开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 Ia a sno high choo studnt frm China。 I 一家英语报社向高三学生征文,主题是“上大学后的我.请根据以下要点和你的畅想完成短文: 学习;2。 生活; 3 业余爱好。注意:1.词数10左右; 2。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。J假定你是中学生李华,一个来自英国的中学生代表团在你校举办英语文化节(Englis Culture Fstivl)期间来访,并受邀观看英文戏剧表演。请根据以下写作要点与要求写一篇欢迎词: 1表示对客人的欢迎; 2 介绍此项活动(如活动目的、内容等);. 表达对客人的祝愿。注意:1. 词数0左右; 2。 称呼已经给出,请写欢迎词正文.Dar rtsh guess, 参考范文:ATeperfect peMany aimalsmae god pets, bmy idealpsadog.Dogsar o omanos. Thy ave greatafeio frteir owsd lk to ae tm If you trayoudog, iw learn t ehve n the way you want ittoIn aditin, dogs vey uefl For example, thy are often usedtogurd propety, or to guide blndpeoe。 Even dogstt arejust pes hav n kowo arnpeopeof dngr r c help inan emergncy。Therfre, my opnion, dog makeperet es.DerM。 n Mrason,I amwtno tell youthat I havearhom safy。 I relyaprect eerhinyouid make m stay n ur hom hapy one. My romas veryomfortble and ery meal was dlis.Youmaeefel lke wapat the fmily.t ws awder xprience hic I wil aways eemrMy trip to Arica a cetainlyheped iprove myEngls, too What heled e most the chacepractise ih it youevera.My parent sendther gad nd ask mto tll yo ht yu ll alasbe welcome guestsif have tim tovst y cotry. Best wihes, Li uaCDear Tom,Thanks for your lst letter.ts gett you want toimpve our Chine bhapy togie you some dvic he bst thig ou can o s startacourse n Chinese ere arels of shool i Canadawhichofr essons by ualified teachrs。 ryo makerindsithaativChse speae andpractise wht you lern in l wth hm / herI wouldaso e a good idea tored Chne magazines rbook, and ach ilm and TV rogra in Chnese as thi wouldgive yua lot f ufu practce.Naturaly, from now n I exp you o writ to me n Chnese as muas yo can. ou fllowmy avic,Im sure your inee ll improe graduly.Goo luc! Best whe, LiHuaD of m stengts is the ility to communate withhers.m goo t dealing wih pe bcaue they elly liste to me orexamle, a theonio of ycss nd am able tonvince heother tudns to hangthi ponsof view n afe sue。 a esut, emad some hangeto our lss. Ater choo,hep otn atoe rn b y mothr wher I erve the cstomes very ell。Ad am always raiedythem。My rea b certainyncu orkingwih eol。 Ihope to becoe teaceri the future because Illb able to uemy comncatio ks。Eha does finip men to you? Fr m, riens are jut te ons whm they go out and ha fun with。Fr me,howr, teidal frindhip is much mor ha that。Firstl, true friend should be ones andrutwrty Wihout thes harcertis,u canot hae agood rltonhi it nyoneondy,tis impotan to share imiarinterestwithourfinds。It would b very diffiult to kep friedhip oing if he twopople a nothingin mmo.Thrdl, anieal riend is theone womou can u tointims otrouble。Frienshipis n nl about ava ood te,ut gig uport wheneer tis needed.In ccusin,areal friensip is butn trt, shared neest nd suppoin each oher.er Ms Dans, a witingin respe toyo advertsemen ri piva nglish lesson, which apared theInternet Iamuch ereted in i ndwld likesm itonifrmtion.I ama vnenyer-od sun I enjoy learng lish. Howeve, I fe tat I need hep n he aes ofgrammar and coveraion in orert imovem accurac and luency。I wouldaiate it iyucoul send m sme more ifortion bout th lesonoerd, such as whehey wouldbe, w much theycosadwha t pric incue。 Coul yu lstelm if ha ay bookI soud buy?m looingfowd to herin frm y soon。 Yours sncerely, Li HuaGGood monng,er!t s my onur be her to sre with yu my pnins on howto get ong wit our irst, Ithink weshuldbe gratel t our paents or wat they fr s I sour eove prenshatrng u nto he worldnd rn us up olhartedly. lo, e sho sho espet fr ourpaents,becaus or pnts tly lve us and cre for us。 They ar wllng toshare ortul as ell as or jos。oshow our love fr te, letsbegi with sa ting. ont shout a em evn f theydont prt our hicsTalk thempaiently and respectful。 ont tayot latpln computr games,leavi thmat hoe wrryg ou y。 Try t eror ete achool, bease hathe ay you e mnow you artring ardfo youfture. Tak yo!HIa aseiorhghsco studen fom hina。 I tnkstes is unavidabea e pae life ntinueto incease。 InCi, high schoworkods reheay an grads ar very mprtat orus。 Apt fromresure frmeams, was experine pressures from our parn Tenonlya o see good grades, bt also wntto eesccess in le other aras。 Relinsipwith other studets can someties ecoma huge auof stress。 I may e elated o dess, behaior, hoice f frinds orus, and ma oter areas f ife.As f m,sesi no alway ba ing tes can push e wor ard.A apriatelevelof sres can efectvely tiae me twa rowth, ahieeme,andselsatsfactin.Is niotree stdnt, I ften mginehtmylfewl be l inunierity the er futr. hink it wil beimortat tomy uture if.Since i mar in Englsh, I wie absy a bee h al Englh cos, h a Oral lis, Englis Poes。 I il lea to beo more indeenent in lie, ryg o takecare of mef by washg m coths addealin wth any dfficlies。 I wil enic o pepaoundm and t to makelots f riend n mylisure ie, wl full enagd myobbie: msic and ots All in all, y ollege lie willbe freer and more colrlJDearrti guets,I my rathnrtexprss our warmwelcomeo youon blf ofour sho。We ae xcited to hveyuher duing u Englih ultur siv.As chdu, w have Eglih DamShow is evenng。 e purposeof this rogram is odevelop ou nteestin nsh earnng apactcaaities n spakg and linn. Mst othe plyswe willperorm are bylsiritsh autors, uhas William hakesearandCre Diens。 The howwil beginat eght cloc tonhn thesholhal Deargusts,uar ecome to take at i itI pe wewill beefit a lt frmyour rseceWe hop oulhave a plaant time dig yur stay ee。Thnk you.(二)A 假设以下几幅图描绘的是Jm一天内所经历的事情,请根据前三幅图的顺序和内容,想象第四幅图可能的发展,写出一个涵盖所有图片内容并有完整结局的故事,向校刊“英语园地”投稿.注意:1词数120左右; 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。B 请以Themos cius ting in my oom为题写一篇英语短文,描述你房间内一件你最珍爱的物品,并说明珍爱的理由.注意:1. 词数12左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。C 假设你是李华,你的美国网友Ted最近刚转学,发现难以适应新环境,同时对新学校的交友问题感到烦恼。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,内容主要包括: 1. 分享你适应新环境的经验;2。 就交朋友的方法给他提一些建议.注意: 。 词数12左右; 2。 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3 结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。er Ted, If yo ollowall hes tip,youwill deiiteymak nwfriends soon. Bestwishes,Li Hua D 假设你是一所国际学校的学生会主席,你校学生会准备招募一批新的志愿者,请你根据以下提示代表学生会用英文写一份倡议书。1。 参加志愿者活动的意义:助人为乐,结交好友,完善自己;2基本要求:乐于助人,有耐心等。注意: 。 词数100左右; 2。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3。开头语已为你写好,但不计入总词数。Dea fo studes,We r inving yo tooin the volunerteam ofouschool Students unnE 假设你是李华。你来拜访外国留学生朋友Luy,但她碰巧不在家。请你用英文给她写个留言条,内容主要包括:1。给她带来一个来自美国的包裹,放到她所在学院的办公室; 2 邀请她到你家参加你周六晚的生日聚会,可带上自己的朋友;3 尽快回电话。注意:1. 词数80左右; 2。 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头语已为你写好,但不计入总词数。Dear Lucy, was a pity hat youwreaway when cam se yo。 Li Hua参考范文:AOne oring,Jiws onhe bust school, occpying a “specaleat”.Though an elderl n stoo in font o him, he prtended no tsehm。 He turedon ismobil phone t urf nthe Intrt,gardlessofth r sngrs stare。 Hov someing that happen atercagdim. In he fternon, he a playingbsktbal whe sudnlye wasnockddoandhuthiankeLerthat day, on anoher rwddbus, e ad to stan with cruch sporting h。 Lckiy,a l sttnefre hi ookeupnnoid hi。 She quik stoo u t gie up herseat to Ji udenly, he ea to rge is behaio in the morin. H thgt hewul ever eslfish gai!Bhems pecius ing irooThe mstprcous ting in myroom s a coplet of nse allgraphy. The rer ismy granfrs fried.He gave it omeas btdaygiftI hae valuedthiscouplet s muh beause f iispiig wrds. It ys, “N e a ntrol te lengt f i, bu we can deideitsidth.” And w mpresesme s ttthetr ealyuts the pirt of thismttoio practc, even his eghtie. H paints althe ime an a ubished collctionf painins。To me, such a classi rm this honorable dey ma i notmeely awork f a, but a ru ispiratoto sty ha to improveandeih my lfCDea ed,I rr oher hat you are ving ffcuies daptig tothe ne enionmet ad an fins. Let m shar esonalexperice with you。hen Iwas eeven, yfamily move nd Iwas sentto aote shl Atthat m,I asohaa rd tim.owevr, didmy best to make friendswi my newlassmtes, and I gualybecaepopula wihmot of tm。ingfriens s no difut。Firs,makan imprsive selfirocio in ront the lass, so yourclsmtes can get o knwyo bter.Th, fincasmae wit thesame intrest a getclo t hmLast, ty to join inte coneratioswhn your clssmats ar hattig.Ifyoufllw lltese ips, yu wllefitely mkenfrieds on。Best wishs,Li uaDDea felw tdes,Wear inting you tjon the vonte team o ur school. hnou joinit, you willav many oprtunities to hel othes, whh cn give yu uhplas. Bsdes,wewill orgae aivties regularl,oyou caeet a ak frnds wth re stden. You aniprve yourcommncatonsillslon the wayIf you wan to be a member, ou should rdyto hl thes。 Adyushoud be a ersonwith grea paec, for metimes you mihthe to el soeon whois difcult tg alon wh. Moreoer, yu shuld bea to par nugh tie for voltarywo. me here, nup,ad njoy difrnt life experiee!tudents unn EDerLuy,t was a piy th yo wer ay wenI ce o see yu. ave brought our pcgfo Aerica and put iin theffce ofyour ollee, soan et it therwhe yr backesdes, I want o ivite you to meto my om toed my birtay paty this Saturay evning。 Youn brng yrfrendswit ou if yu wnt to.en yuee this ote, peaeime calmediateyto letek yourdisi, no tter how la it may be. Li ua文中如有不足,请您指教!16 / 16


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