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题目一、 家人 family member or the flesh and blood1.Can you describe your family?Sure. I live with my grandparents and parents, which is called three generations living under a roof.是的。我和祖父母以及父母住在一起。在中国这被称为三世同堂。2.Is your family a typical one in China?Actually I am not quite sure about what family can be called typical one. But, living under a roof is really prevalent in China, because the housing is limited.事实上,我并不是很清楚什么样的家庭能够被称为“典型”,但是由于住房条件有限,几代人同住的现象在中国很普遍,。3.Did family structure change a lot in China in past years?I think so. In the past the dominant family structure was three or four generations under a roof, while now a small family with three or four is the main stream of family structure.是的。过去的家庭结构以四世同堂为主;而现在三、四个人组成的小家庭是占大多数。4.What changes about womens status take place in a family?In the past, the main role of women in a family was to do household chores and educated the children. At present, thanks to the improvement of womens status, more and more women can have the jobs and even careers they prefer to.过去的女性在家庭中的角色就是做家务和教育孩子。现在由于女性的地位越来越高,更多的女性可以做他们想做的工作甚至开创事业。5.Who is responsible for household chores in family of China?In the past, women are mainly responsible for the household chores. At present, the married couple will share all of chores.过去的女性主要从事家务劳动。现在夫妇俩会共同来完成的家务。6.Whether the government should pay women who do household chores?Its an interesting question, but I dont think that the government is supposed to do that, because the revenue government collect should be used in other fields, such as the construction of public transition system.这是一个很有意思的问题。我并不认为政府应该这样做。因为政府的财政税收应该被使用在其它诸如:公共交通的建设中。7.What is the peoples opinion of giving a birth to a baby?It depends. To have children is a great pleasure to the most of married couples, while some of people believe that children might bring about more troubles and even the inharmonic relations between husband and wife.孩子可以为大多数的夫妻带来快乐。但是也有一些人认为孩子可能带来更多的麻烦,甚至影响夫妻之间和谐的关系。8.Why some Chinese people want to have sons instead of daughter?Its a profound question and mainly discovered in China. It is probably because the daughters will eventually leave home to live in her husbands fmily, while the sons can be permanent members in a family.这是一个比较复杂的问题。在中国这种现象比较普遍。这可能是由于女儿最终要离家成为别人家的成员;而男孩子可以是一个家庭永远的成员。9.What do you think of the one-baby family policy?Generally speaking, the policy helps the nation be richer and powerful than before. Obviously, overpopulation does more harm than good to a nation. However, I dont think the policy should last for a long run. After all, the question of the number of children should be left to their parents.总的来讲,这项政策使得国家更加富强。很明显,人口过多将会导致更多的问题。但是我并不认为这项政策会长期执行下去。毕竟生几个孩子的问题应该由他们的父母决定。10.When do the children leave home to live alone?In China, normally when the children get married, they might move to another place to live alone. However, owing to financial problems, they can also live with their parents until they find an appropriate house.在中国当孩子们结婚后,他们都会搬到另一个地方居住。但是由于一些经济原因,他们也可能在找到房子之前与父母合住一段时间。11.What do you think of divorce?Divorce isnt a simple question because many situations might result in it. However, the effects of divorce are huge especially to the innocent kids.由于很多问题可能会导致离婚,因此这并不是个简单的问题。但是,离婚对可怜的孩子们影响很大。12.Why is the divorce rate increasing so rapidly?True indeed, divorce cases are getting more and more today. I guess it is not good development. If the couples arent sure about marriage, they are supposed to consider it more carefully before they do it.现在,离婚的案例正在逐渐增加。这并不是一个好的势头。如果情侣对婚姻并不是非常确定的话,他们最好在考虑清楚之后再做出是否结婚的决定。题目二、 朋友 friends or pals1.Are you good at keeping in touch with your friends if you dont see them regularly?Sure. It matters to me. You know. Today, its not quite difficult for me to keep in touch with each other by Email or mobile messages.是的,那对我很重要。在今天用电子邮件或手机短信交流并不困难。2.What does the friendship mean to you?No individual can live without any friends. Today, friends mean the persons who can support you and help you when you get into trouble.没有人可以没有朋友。朋友指的是当你遇到困难的时候能够支持和帮助你的人。3.What kind of characteristics must your friends have?Honesty is always the most important quality a friend must have. You know. We must find a person who is worth to trust.诚实永远是一个朋友应该具有的品质。我们必须找到一个能够信任的人做朋友。4.What are the possible factors that cause friends to break up?Many reasons might lead to it such as financial problems or misunderstandings. However, the financial problem might be the most common one.很多原因可能导致朋友分开。比如:经济原因或误会。但是,经济问题可能是最常见的原因。5.Where do you usually make friends?Its not difficult to make friends in China, because we have many ways to make friends such as Chatting Room on the Internet and some parties, which are held to help people make friends.因为我们有很多途径交朋友,因此我并不认为交友很难。比如:网上聊天室和很多的活动能够帮助人们认识更多的人。6.How often do you go out with your friends?I usually go out with my friends twice a week. Shopping or dinner. And playing basketball games is the thing we are all crazy about.我每星期两次和朋友们出去逛街或吃饭。但是一起打篮球是我们最喜欢的事情。7.How do you spend your leisure with your friends?We have many things to do like playing sports together, singing songs in KTV or go to coffee shop, chatting and reading.我们在一起有很多事情做。比如:去唱歌,喝咖啡,聊天或看书。8.Do you think theres a difference between the way adults and children make friends?The experienced adults normally make friends in a prudent way and they pay more attention to the qualities of the friends, while the young prefer to make the friends who have the similarities in many ways such as hobbies or likes.有经验的成年人通常非常谨慎的交朋友。他们对于朋友的品质非常的看重。但是青年人喜欢交那些与他们在很多方面都很相似的朋友。比如:共同的爱好。9.Would you like to be with your family or your friends? Why?Actually, in most of time, Id prefer to be with my parents who are my friends as well事实上,我很多时候喜欢和我的父母在一起。他们也是我的朋友。10.Whats the most important factor that you should consider when you make friends?For me, the most important factor I make friends is that I must trust him or her. If he or she can honestly treat me, I shall do it in the same way. 对我而言,我交的朋友必须是我信任的。如果他能够以诚相待,我将会用同样的方式对待他。11.Do you think friendship will change in the future?You know. The friendship is not always strong, so we need to maintain it. Otherwise, until the day when we find the friendship is not like what used to be, we shall be regretful. 我们需要维护友谊,因为它不会总是存在。反之,如果当发现友谊已经不在的时候,后悔是没有用的。题目三、 教师 teachers or tutors1.What do you think education should be?The education is supposed to provide more personal services since todays students have more individual demands and the role of education should change a lot.教育应该提供给人们更多的服务。因为今天的学生有更多的个性化需求,因此教育的角色也应该有所改变。2.Are there any problems in education?Popular wisdom says, “ No garden without its weeds.” Todays education has some problems such as the management of teaching and evaluation.人们常说:“人无完人,金无足赤。”现代教育也存在一些问题,比如:教育管理和评估。3.How do you think the government can solve the problems?Actually these problems are not quite easy to be resolved. The government isnt the exception. I guess the educators should contribute much more to it as well.事实上,这些问题并不容易解决。政府也不例外。我认为教育家也应该做出更大贡献。4.Do you still remember your school days?Nothing can make me forget the school days, which are the treasures of my memories. Until now I still remember daily study life and the funny stories with my classmates.我永远不会忘记在学校里的日子。那是我记忆中的财富。直到现在,我还记得我的学习生活和与同学们在一起做的可笑的事情。5.What impressed you most when you were at university?The student union of my university impresses me most. I have worked there for most of my whole college life. And of course the colleagues who work together with me did really good jobs.大学的学生会给我留下的印象最深。我在那里工作并度过了大部分的大学时光。与我一起工作的同事们的工作非常出色。6.Whichs the best university in your country?To be frank, the best university isnt easy to identify. According to some official statistics, the Tsinghua would be the top public university in China.老实讲,很难判断哪一所是最好的大学。但是,根据官方的统计资料表明,清华大学应该是中国最好的一所公立大学。7.What do you think of the practice of setting up key schools education in China?The practice of setting up key schools is a good way to stimulate other schools to improve their teaching and facilities, but the leaders of schools have to suffer from the social stress.虽然建立重点学校是一种激励其他学校提高教学质量和改善教学设施的好方法。但是这些重点学校的领导也不得不承受巨大的社会压力。8.Whats the difference between your educational period and your working life?When I was a student, I hardly worried about the financial issue. However now I must pay more attention to how to reasonable allocate the money I earned, because it is too limited.当我还是学生时,我从不担心经济上的问题。而现在我必须仔细思考如何正确、合理的分配我挣的那点为数不多的钱。9.Whats the difference between todays education and that of twenty years ago?More advanced educational facilities are discovered in todays schools. In the past two decades, we hardly image that projector and Video Compact Discs are widely used in education.我们能够在今天的学校里见到很多先进的教学设备。在过去二十年里,我从未想像过投影仪和VCD能够被广泛的使用在今天的教育行业中。10.Is there any difference between your parents generation and your generation in study?Unlike the parents generation, we pay attention to not only academic excellence but also the improvement in other areas such as aesthetic appreciation and sociability. 与父母那一代不同,我们不但关注学术成果而且也关心如:审美能力和社交能力的提高。11.Do schools teach non-academic subject?Students are supposed to take many non-academic subjects such as sports skills and painting etc., which are crucial to the talents in the new century.学生们应该学习一些非专业课程,如:体育技能和绘画等。这些对于新世纪的人才非常重要。12.Do you think that schools should be responsible for teaching these non-academic subjects?Of course, I guess that the main role of schools is to educate students what they need in the future, so the school is supposed to teach the non-academic subjects like music.我认为学校的主要职责是教给学生他们在将来所需要的东西和知识。因此,学校应该教授非专业课程如:音乐。题目四、 小孩 children1.Are the children in the past happier than todays children?Even though todays children can lead a plentiful life, they also have to suffer from the heavy burden of homework and endless classes. So, I guess that the children had a happier life in the past.尽管今天的孩子们过着丰富多彩的生活,但是他们也承受着来自于作业和课程的压力。因此我认为过去的孩子们拥有着更加快乐的生活。2.What will happen, when the children suffer from the stress school and their parents give?It does harm than good to the poor children. The stress might make them unhealthy physically, mentally and even psychologically. 这对于可怜的孩子们非常有害。巨大的压力可能会导致他们在身体、精神以及心理上的不健康。3.Is the education style of current elementary school good?Todays educational style of current elementary school has some progress, however it is not enough to make me applause, because it results in the unhappiness and stress of pupils. 今天的小学教育形式有了很大改善,但是这还不足以让我称赞。因为它导致了小学生的不幸和压力。4.What do you think of the proper educational mode?Im not an educational mavin, but I guess that educational mode is supposed to make the students acceptable and interested in what they learn.虽然我不是教育专家,但是我认为教育模式应该让学生们更容易接受并且让产生对学习的兴趣。5.What improvements have took place in education style of China?A great change took place in the education style of China. In the past, the teachers are the center of the classes, while todays mode is student-oriented.中国的教育方式发生了巨大的改变。在过去,老师是课堂的中心,而现在一切以学生为中心。6.When you were a child, what would you like to play? For example when you were ten years old?When I was ten years old, I preferred to play with my classmates or friends. Playing marble and soccer are my favorite. 当我10岁的时候,我喜欢和朋友或同学们玩。打弹子和踢足球都是我的最爱。题目五、 体育明星 sport personality or sport stars1.Do people become the most well known in what field?If an individual steps into the entertainment area, he or she will be most likely to be well known in the society because it has many chances to show the performances in front of the public and give deep impressions on the mass as well.如果一个人步入了娱乐圈,他将很可能变得家喻户晓。因为他有很多机会在公众面前展示自己的才华并且让人记住他。2.What benefits do people gain from sports?People not only keep fit or keep a good shape through doing more physical exercises, but also make many friends who have the similar interests. When I attended a basketball club, I knew my current best friends, Lee.人们不但可以通过作更多的锻炼保持健康和好身材,他们也能够交到志同道合的朋友。当我参加篮球俱乐部的时候,我认识了我现在最好的朋友,李。3.Do the people in your country like sports?In my country most of people prefer sports and some physical exercises. Martial Art, traditional Chinese sports is quite popular. Nearly each week, you can see the Wu Shu competitions held in capital stadium. Thats terrific and impressive.在我们的国家里。很多人喜欢体育运动。中国传统的体育项目武术非常流行。几乎每周,你都能看见在首都体育馆里举行武术大赛。真的是很精彩和令人印象深刻。4.What sports people in your country prefer to do?People have different interests in the sports in my country. Men prefer to do competitive sports like basketball and so forth, while women tend to go swimming.在中国,人们对于体育有不同的喜好。先生们喜欢竞争性的运动,比如:篮球等。而女士们则更加偏爱游泳。5.Should athletes have high pay?I guess the athlete deserve what they are paid. They devote themselves to play games and bring huge amount of financial benefit to the industries related. Furthermore, because of frequently sport injuries, they need more money to pay for the bill of assurance.我认为运动员们得到了他们应得的。他们拚尽全力参与比赛并为相关产业带来了巨大的经济效益。而且,由于运动伤害是比较频繁发生的,因此他们也应该有更多的钱来买保险。6.Should sports personalities earn money by commercials?Actually the event should be left to personalities themselves. If what they do doesnt impact on their jobs, why not to try something new and beneficial?事实上,这件事应该让那些明星自己解决。如果他们所做的事情并不影响他们的工作,那么为什么不能尝试一些新的并且有益的事情呢?7.What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a celebrity?A celebrity has higher value paid, but sometimes it might lose private life of their own because some newspapers are so interested in reporting the celebrities private life to gain higher paper sales.名人拥有更高的收入。但是,有时他们也会丧失掉私生活。因为很多报纸为了提高销售额而报道他们的私生活。8.What are the personal features that are common to many celebrities?To most of celebrities, they can easily make first deep impression to the public and their fans. Robin Williams is one of the greatest pop singers in UK. When I first saw his performance in his live concert, I was just impressed.对于大多数的名人而言,他们很善于给公众和他们的崇拜者留下很深的印象。罗宾.威廉姆斯是英国最伟大的流行乐歌手之一。当我第一次看他的现场演唱会的表演时,就深深地留下了印象。9.What kind of responsibility do the celebrities have in society?The celebrities are supposed to give a good sample to the young because some children will imitate the people who admire. In addition, they should also be in on significant activities such as raising money for charities etc.名人应该位年轻人树立一个好榜样。因为很多孩子们喜欢模仿他们崇拜的人。而且,他们也应该积极地参与一些活动比如:为福利机构筹款等。10.Do you think celebrities are responsible for any new trends or changes have had in the society?Of course, they are the samples of the society. Many people consider them the representative of new trends and changes. Especially to the teenagers, they are crazy about imitating the idols they love, including clothing, wearing and even voice.当然。他们是社会的榜样。很多人为他们是新时尚和改变的代表。尤其是对于孩子们,他们疯狂的模仿他们所喜欢的偶像。包括:衣着、穿戴甚至是声音。11.What are the positive and negative influences that celebrities have had on society?The celebrities help society make huge fortune materially and spiritually. However, some innocent children might blindly imitate the celebrities, neglecting their study.名人们帮助社会创造了巨大的物质和精神财富。但是,一些天真的孩子却因为盲目的模仿他们的偶像,而忽略了他们的学业。题目六、 工作同事 colleagues or partners1.What do you think is the most important factor in choosing a job?Choosing a job, nothing is more important than the training opportunities, which can improve myself and give me more chance to promote in a company. I have attended the trainings twice and currently I am a sectional executive.当选择职业时,最重要的是培训机会。它能够提升个人并且给我更多的机会在公司里升值。我已经参加了两次培训,现在已经是部门经理了。2.What do you think of self-development?In a company, the self-development includes not only the professional skills but also the communication skills, both of which are quite important to the workers. One of my colleagues benefits from both and now hes the general manager in my company. He told me this last time when we had a private talk.在公司中,自我发展不但包括专业技能也包括交流技能。这两项对于工作的人而言都是非常重要的。我的一个同事就从中受益,并且他现在已经是我们公司的经理了。他是在上一次的私人谈话中告诉我这些的。3.What do you think of the relationship between your boss and you?I look up to my boss, who is a brilliant businessman. At work, he is my boss, but after work, he is just one of my friends and basketball partners.我很尊重我的老板,一个非常精明的商人。在工作上,他是我的老板,但是当工作结束的时候,他只我的朋友兼球友。4.Do you think that a harmonious atmosphere is important to a department?Its incredibly important to a department. A harmonious atmosphere can not only unites all staffs but also enhances the work efficiency. 对于一个部门而言,和谐的环境非常重要。它不仅帮助所有的工作人员团结在一起,而且提高了工作效率。5.Whats the difference between the men and the women when they choosing jobs?When men choose jobs, they normally take welfare into account firstly because they need to feed his family; when women option jobs, they normally consider the stability of the job because they wish to put more emphasis on their families instead of the boring and monotonous work every day. 当男人们选择公司时,他们通常首先考虑收入问题,因为他们需要养家。而当女性选择工作时,他们通常要考虑工作的稳定性因为他们希望能够将更多的精力用在她们的家庭上而不是无聊的工作上。6.If staffs object his or her ideas, does the boss feel embarrassed?If the boss is sensible, he should understand why the staffs object his or her ideas. The only explanation is that he might be making a wrong decision and his or her staffs are helping him to avoid it.如果老板明智的话,他应该理解为什么员工反对他。唯一的解释是老板自己可能正在做出一个错误的决定并且他的雇员想帮助他避免这些错误。7.Is it possible to have three or four days off in the future?Actually it is not just a distant dream. You know. The science and technology is continuously creating the wonders. Who can guess what the future is like? Maybe in the future, well have more days to take off.事实上,这并非一个遥远的梦想。要知道,今天的科技正在不断创造奇迹。谁能够知道未来是什么样子?或许在未来,我们将会有更多时间休息。8.What qualities a boss should have?As a qualified boss, he or she should take good advantage of each staff and encourage them to work harder and more happily. If doing so, he must have a good reputation and success in the business. 作为一名合格的老板,他应该擅长充分利用每个职工的能力并且鼓励他们更加努力和快乐的工作。如果这样做,他一定可以有一个良好的口碑并且在工作上获得成功。9.Whats the difference between employers and employees?Normally employers wish the employees to work longer and harder, neglecting caring their feelings and needs; while the employees wish the employees to look up to them and give a rise, neglecting showing their value in front of the boss.通常雇主们希望雇员工作更长的时间并且更加努力,而忽略了关心他们的感受和需求。而雇员们希望雇主们尊重他们并且给它们涨工资,而往往忽略了在他们老板面前展示他们的价值。10.Do you think is it a new fashion to have many work or earn money in many ways?To be honest, I dont think it is new fashion because people are generally afraid of change, and like the security of doing what they know. 老实说,我并不认为这是一种新的潮流。因为人们通常害怕改变。他们希望做他们所熟悉的事情。题目一、 描述机器 machine or appliance1、What appliances have you got in your home?In my home, therere many appliance like air conditioners, fridges and electric irons and so forth which bring me a lot of convenience and efficiency in daily household chores, so I cant live without them.在我家里,有很多电器、比如:空调、冰箱、电熨斗等等。他们为我的日常生活带来了很多方便和高效,因此没有他们我无法生活。2、What changes have there been in appliances in China in recent years?In recent years, more entertainment appliances are introduced to our lives like DVD, play station etc., which bring more funs to me and my families.近几年来,更多的电器进入到我们的生活中,比如:DVD机、游戏机等等。他们对我和我的家庭带来了很多的欢乐。3、Do you think it is a good change?Generally speaking, its a great change and beneficial, however, to some extent, people might become lazier and dependent. Obviously although we should fully enjoy the funs the changes bring, we still need to practice ourselves actively.总的来讲,这是一个很大的变化而且有益。但是,在某种程度上人们可能变得懒惰并且依赖。因此尽管我们应该享受这些改变所带来的享受,但是同时我们也应该积极地锻炼自己。4、What benefits has modern technology brought to ou


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