中考英语总复习 第三部分 话题综合训练 话题四 日常活动课件

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中考英语总复习 第三部分 话题综合训练 话题四 日常活动课件_第1页
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中考英语总复习 第三部分 话题综合训练 话题四 日常活动课件_第3页
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话题四 日常活动(Daily routines),重 点 单 词,家庭生活(Life at home) 1. 早晨;上午morning 2. 中午;正午noon 3. 下午;午后afternoon 4.傍晚;晚上evening 5. 夜;夜间night 6. 早餐breakfast 7. 午餐lunch 8. 晚餐supper,9.一餐(饭)meal 10. 正餐;宴会dinner 11. 家务劳动housework 12. (钟、铃等)响ring 13. 冲洗wash 14. 穿;戴wear 15. 穿衣;穿着dress 16. 烹饪cook 17. 睡觉sleep 18. 扫除;打扫sweep/clean/tidy 19. 垃圾litter 20. 聚会party 21. 旅游travel,学校生活(School life) 1. 学习study 2. 考试exam 3. 聊天chat 4.交谈talk 5. 唱歌sing 6. 跳舞dance 7. 跑run 8. 跳jump 9. 走;散步walk 10. 游泳swim 11. 浪费waste 12. 零食snacks,13. 工作日weekday 14. 星期一Monday 15. 星期二Tuesday 16. 星期三Wednesday 17. 星期四Thursday 18. 星期五Friday,周末活动(Weekend activities) 1. 周末weekend 2. 星期六Saturday 3. 星期日Sunday 4. 菜单menu 5. 野餐picnic 6. 休息rest 7. 电影movie 8. 公园park 9. 游戏game 10. 拜访visit 11. 玩耍play 12. 比赛race,其他(Others) 1. 日期date 2.白天;一天day 3. 时间time 4.小时hour 5.分钟 ;一会儿;瞬间minute 6. 秒;瞬间second 7. 总是always 8. 通常usually 9. 经常often 10. 有时sometimes 11. 很少seldom,12. 几乎不hardly 13. 从不never 14. 将近;几乎nearly/almost 15. 不久;很快soon 16. 立即immediately 17. 现在now,常 用 词 组,1. 起床get up 2. 洗脸wash the face 3. 刷牙brush the teeth 4. 吃早餐eat/have breakfast 5. 是某人做某事的时候了its time for sb. to do sth. 6. 去上学go to school 7. 花某人时间做某事it takes sb. time to do sth.,8. 步行goon foot/walk to 9. 某人花时间做某事sb.spend(s) time on/in doing sth. 10. 迟到be late for 11. 做早操do morning exercises 12. 上课have/take classes 13. 散步take/have/go for a walk 14. 做功课do ones/the homework,15. 看电视watch TV 16. 去睡觉go to bed 17. 洗澡take/have a bath/shower 18. 洗衣服wash clothes 19. 看望祖父母visit grandparents 20. 远足go hiking 21. 去游泳go swimming 22. 去钓鱼go fishing,23. 购物go shopping 24. 洗碗wash/do the dishes 25. 做饭do some cooking/cook meals 26. 搞清洁do some cleaning 27. 阅读do some reading 28. 每天every day 29. 放学后after school,30. 上网go online/surf the Internet 31. 玩(电脑)游戏play (computer) games 32. 放风筝fly a kite 33. 一整天a whole day 34. 在周末on weekends 35. 不时;偶尔from time to time 36. 反复地;再三地again and again,37. 熬夜stay up 38. 入睡fall asleep 39. 做家务do some housework 40. 整理床铺make the bed 41. 聚会get together 42. 闲逛hang out,典 型 句 子,1. 我每天早晨7:00 起床,每天晚上9:30睡觉。 I get up at 7:00 every morning and go to bed at 9:30 every night. 2. 我早餐通常吃面包、一个鸡蛋和一杯牛奶。 I usually have bread, an egg and a glass of milk for breakfast.,3. 7:45了。我该去上学了。 Its 7:45. Its time for me to go to school. 4. 我通常花20分钟的时间走路去上学。 It usually takes me 20 minutes to go to school on foot/walk to school. 5. 我从来没有迟到过。 I never go to school late. /Im never late for school.,6. 我们一天共八节课,上午五节,下午三节。We have eight classes every day, five in the morning and three in the afternoon. 7. 我们早晨第一节课于8:10开始,下午最后一节课于4:40结束。We begin our first class at 8:10 every day. And the last class ends at 4:40.,8. 晚饭后,我有时和父母出去散步。 I sometimes go out for a walk with my parents after supper. 9. 在周末,我常常跟同学一起打排球。 I often play volleyball with my classmates on weekends. 10. 在星期六,我们全家通常去看望祖父母。 On Saturdays, my family usually go to visit my grandparents.,书面表达 前几天你们班主任组织全班同学开展关于“做家务活”的讨论。假如你是肖飞(Xiao Fei),以下是你所在小组的讨论记录表,请你根据记录表用英语向全班同学汇报一下讨论结果。,内容包括: 1. 你和本组同学们所做的家务活。 2. 你对做家务活的看法,并号召大家一起帮助父母做家务。 作文要求: 1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。 2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。,Good morning, everyone! Now let me give a report on the discussion in our group. _ _ _ _ _ _,I often clean up rooms. My groupmate Ding Shen likes helping her mom cook dinner because she enjoys cooking a lot. He Chuan usually helps his parents do the dishes. He thinks its easy and its good to help.,_ _ _ _ _ _,As one part of the family, I think its our duty to do some housework at home. As we know, our parents work so hard every day in order to give us a happy life. When they come back from home, they feel very tired. So we should share more housework with them.,


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