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Unit 9 What club would you like to join ?(第四课时 教学设计)一、 教材分析1. 教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第九单元的第四课时,包括pronunciation practice 和unit task两部分,具体内容为:单元任务和发音练习。2. 教学重点.难点(1)教学重点词汇、语法、单元任务总复习(2)教学难点语法、发音练习二、教学目标1.知识目标(1)掌握加入俱乐部或参加某项活动相关的词汇和语句(2)正确朗读4个元音音标(3)完成俱乐部信息的询问、获取、表格的填写和理由的表达2.能力目标(1)学生能流利使用关于俱乐部相关内容的词汇、句型(2)学生能正确朗读所教的4个音标(3)学生能通过小组合作,组建自己的俱乐部3.情感目标学生能根据自己的实际情况对俱乐部相关事宜进行评价和取舍,学生能够掌握英语中参加社会活动时的程序、表达习惯和相关礼仪。三、 教学步骤Step One leadin(6m)1. Make a commentary on the students homework. Choose two good examples and two works that need to be improved. They will be presented for comparison. (设计意图:作业点评是学生最喜欢的环节之一。此时,学生注意力很集中。通过展示的优秀作业,鼓励学生做好优秀模范作用;展示有问题的作业,通过集体修改,共同发现问题,改正错误,使学生印象深刻,从而避免再犯类似错误。比较分析有助于发现问题)2. Review the process of joining a club. Join the activitiesFill in the from Ask for informationMeet qualifications(设计意图:明确加入俱乐部的流程,为下面组建俱乐部作铺垫)Step Two Unit task: Set up a club with your group member.(15m)3. Divide the whole class into 8 groups. Brainstorm the things you most like to do in your spare time. Then write down three most popular activities you and your member like to do.(1)_(2)_(3)_ (设计意图:小组成员交流意见,决定最喜欢、最有意义的三件事来缩小范围,决定俱乐部的大致方向)4. Decide on the name of club according to the things you like to do. Then write down the qualifications to join the club and club schedule with your team member.Club NameQualifications to join the clubSchedule(设计意图:团队合作,设计俱乐部名称,资格条件,常规活动时刻,完善各项流程。逐渐形成一个Group work.培养学生的成就感和归属感)5. Interview your classmates to get at least 5 members for your club with the information above. Then present each groups work. Ask the group leader to make a report for their interview. The whole class will evaluate which club is the best and vote for it to find out which group is most welcome.Model: The name of our club is _. In our club, you can experience _. You will have a good chance to _. You can also _. With the help with our staff, you will _. Any person who enjoys _ can fill in the form and join us. Now we have _ members. Our club is so popular. Welcome to join us. (设计意图:通过相互比较,评比,投票决定最受欢迎俱乐部,肯定学生的努力,营造良性竞争的学习氛围) Step Three Pronunciation Practice ( 20m)6. Teach the pronunciation rules of the given four phonetics.|ai| 是一个饱满的双元音,靠口腔发生,发声处靠前,口腔先张后扁,嘴唇向四周扩展。Eg : right kite bike fly I why my.|au| 是一个双元音,靠口腔发生,发声处靠前,口型先张大后缩变圆,发这个音,要圆满。Eg : about round loud flower town out| 是一个单元音,靠喉咙发出,发声处靠后,口型略圆。Eg box chock dog fog not lot.|:| 是一个长元音,靠口腔发生,发声处靠前,口腔很圆,发音时间延长。Eg: short floor poor form fork before.(设计意图:明确发音规则,让学生快速掌握发音要点,从学过的单词着手,使学生觉得简单易学。)7. Listen and repeat. Read the following sentences after the tape and the teacher. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Invite several students to read the phonetics one by one to check the pronunciation. Ask some of the students to read the sentences slowly. Try to find out the target phonetics.|ai| |au| | |:| You put your right foot in. You put your right foot out. You put your right foot in. And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey. And you turn yourself around. Thats what its all about.(设计意图:让学生在句子中找目标音标,强化目标音标。)Step four Self-check(3m)8. Asks the students to read all these words by themselves and check by themselves if they can be sure to read them and use them correctly. I learned:basic forget club contact united experience fan flash form fun gain memberunderstand organization schedule pleasuremention reduce staff stressI can:Ask for and give information about clubs.Talk about qualifications.Use simple future tense to describe actions in the future.(设计意图:如实自我评价,查漏补缺,以确保单元知识的巩固落实)Step Five Homework (1m)1.Finish the rest exercise of this unit.2.Preview the new unit.四、板书设计Unit 9 What club would you like to join?As for information | ai |: I my kite fly Meet qualifications | au |: about flower out town Fin in the form | : box clock dog notJoin the activities |:| : short floor poor before五、教学反思 本单元的教和学,充分体现以生为本理念,以学生兴趣为切入点,设计了竞赛、表演、设计俱乐部海报、总结汇报等系列活动,通过小组合作学习、互相竞争,有效完成听、说、读、写的任务;教师激励性的形成式评价贯穿课堂教学始终,充分体现赏识教育,培养学生自信心,使学生愿意接受大量的学习活动并踊跃参与。宁波市宁海县第一职业中学 王亚秋 2009年11月


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