2022年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit12 Education(第一课时)

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2022年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit12 Education(第一课时)_第1页
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2022年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit12 Education(第一课时).Brief Statements Based on the UnitThis unit is about education,which is a familiar topic to the students.In the first period,the students will talk about some educators in and out of China.They will know something about education in China and the USA after the listening practice.In Speaking,the students will learn to read graphs.After learning the passageEducation for all in the second period,the students can improve their reading ability and also learn something about education for all.In the third period,the students will do some language practice to review some useful words and expressions.Besides,they will learn to draw a graph on their own.The passage in the last periodHow we learn helps the students to know which type of learner they are and how to improve their learning styles.This is very helpful for the students English study.At last,ask the students to write a report analysing the ways they learn to improve their writing ability.After the study of this unit,the students can improve their listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities and also learnt about education,study methods and learning styles.Teaching Goals1.Learn about education in China and other countries.2.Talk about study methods and learning styles.3.Practise making parisons.4.Integrative language practice.5.Write an essay.Background InformationHow to use wordsWords should not be used to demonstrate the learning of the speaker,to impress or to dazzle the audience,or to conceal any weakness in the subject matter of the speech.The true function of wordsto serve as a link of munication between speaker and hearershould not be forgotten.Their primary function should be to transmit the speakers meaning as clearly and effective as possible.If words attract attention to themselves and away from the basic ideas,they are poorly used.This is the essential test to which any speaking style must be submitted.To avoid this misuse,the speaker should always endeavor to use direction that is appropriate:appropriate to the audience,to the occasion,to the subject,and to himself.That the language must be fitted to the capacities of the hearers is apparent:if the speaker doesnt make himself understood,he might better save his breath.But this principle should not be overworked.In speaking to a profane group,for example,the speaker need not use profanity.In speaking to simple,uneducated people,he should use words that they can understand,but his diction should also possess expressiveness,vigor,accuracy,and vividness.Some occasions call for an informal,colloquial type of speech,some for formality and precision.Some subjects would appear grotesque if discussed in conversational terms.Whereas a “literary” style would be ruinous to others.And with his attention given to these external requirements,the speaker should not neglect the necessity of conforming his language to himself.A speaker should bring to his audience his own personality,his won intellectual and cultural attainments.It is for these that he has been asked to speak.He can remain true to himself and yet speak with enough simplicity and directness to be readily understood.A speaker should cultivate a diction that is simple and idiomatic.He may say,“I ascend the thoroughfare to your domicile,”but it would be much better to say,“I went up the street to your house.”.Teaching Time:Four periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Improve the students listening ability.2.Improve the students speaking ability by talking about some famous educators.3.Learn to use some expressions.Teaching Important Points:1.Train the students listening and speaking abilities by talking about and listening to some materials about education.2.Help the students learn something about education.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help the students improve their listening ability.2.How to help the students learn to express their opinions freely.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to make the students talk about education.2.Pair work to make the students improve their speaking ability.3.Listening practice to improve the students listening ability.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.some paper-made flowers3.two graphs drawn on paperTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Lead-in and Warming upT:Do you like watching TV?Ss:Yes.T:Whats your favourite TV program?Wang Jing,please tell us.S:I like watching Outlook English.I can learn a lot of English from it.T:Good.(Walk to another student.)How about you,Zhang Hua?S:I like watching Lucky 52.I can learn all kinds of knowledge from it.T:So do I.(Show the picture of Li Yongthe famous host on the screen.)T:I guess everybody knows this famous host.He is.Ss:Li Yong.T:Yeah.He is famous as the host of the TV program-Lucky 52.Do you want to watch the program now?Ss:Of course.T: OK.Ill play an excerpt for you.(Play the part where the contestants try to guess the names of the people Li Yong is describing.)T:Do you like it?Ss:Yes.T:Do you want to play such a game?Ss:We cant wait.T:OK.Now,lets have a try.Ill describe some people to you,and you should try to guess their names as quickly as possible.Before we start,Ill divide you into three groups.When you guess a right name,your group will gain one point.Lets see which group can get the most points.Do you understand?Ss:Yes.T:(Divide the students into three groups.And draw the follwing on the blackboard.)Group 1Group 2Group 3If you gain one point,Ill stick one flower to stand for one point.Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Listen carefully.The person is a famous ancient educator.He was born in 551 B.C.His name was Qiu and styled Zhongni.He had more than 3000 students in total.He had many famous sayings,for example “Exploring the old and deducing the new makes a teacher.”S:Is he Confucius?T:Yes,youve got it.Congratulations!So now,Group 2 gets one point.(Stick one flower on the blackboard for Group 2.)Lets go on.This person is also a famous educator,who was born in 1891 and died in 1946.He believed that education can save our country,and he first put forward the theory that people should be educated in society.After his death,Chairman Mao wrote “Mourn our great peoples educator bitterly” for him.S:I know,he is Tao Xingzhi.T:Great.Youve got one point for your groupGroup 1.(Stick one flower on the blackboard for Group 1.)Now,listen to my introduction to the third person.She is a famous American educator.She was born in 1866 and died in 1936.She had very bad eyesight,herself,but she helped a deaf and blind girl bee a famous writer.And the girls name is Helen Keller.Who knows this persons name?S:Shes Ann Sullivan,Im sure.T:Congratulations!Youve got a second point for Group 2.(Stick one flower for Group 2.)Oh,Group 3 should try harder.Now,listen carefully.This is the last chance.This person is a Russian educator,who was born in 1888 and died in 1939.He devoted himself to educating the youth who had mitted crimes.His efforts helped hundreds of young criminals bee law-abiding citizens.Does anybody know his name?(Nobody knows.)Maybe he is not familiar to you.He is Makarenko.Have you ever heard of him?Ss:No.T:What a pity!None of you can get the flower this time.Now,lets see which group is the winner.Ss:Group 2!T:Congratulations!Group 2,youre really great!(Show the following on the screen.)EducatorTimeCountryWay of teaching续表EducatorTimeCountryWay of teachingT:Please look at the screen.First,look at the four pictures.Do you know who they are?(Help Ss tell the names.)Now,please have a discussion in groups of four.Try to find out more information about them and fill in the blanks.(Allow the students a few minutes to finish the task.Then ask them to report their answers to the class.Students may have various answers.Finally show the suggested answers on the screen.)EducatorTimeCountryWay of teachingConfu-cius551 B.C. 479 B.C.Chinamore in the way of informal conversations than formal classesMakar-enko18881939Rus-sianhelp the students learn in munityAnn Sul-livan18661936Ameri-cahelp Helen Keller learn by touchingTao Xingzhi18911946Chinahelp the students learn in societyStep Preparation for ListeningT:Well done!We know that there are many different ways of teaching.How about education in different countries?Are they different or similar?Now,please discuss in pairspare education in China and the USA.After your discussion,please fill in the form shown on the screen.(Show the following form on the screen and give the students a few minutes to have a discussion.)parison of education in China and the USAChinatheUSAClass sizeMethod of teaching/Teaching styleHomeworkExams(A moment later,ask some students to report their information to the class.Students may have various answers.)Step ListeningT:Very good.Now,youve got a lot of information about education in China and the USA.Next,well listen to two students paring education in China and the USA.Listen carefully and write down the information.After you finish,pare your notes with your partner to see if you have got the same information.Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Listen carefully.(Play the tape for Ss to finish the exercises.At last check the answer with the whole class.)Step SpeakingT:Good job!We all know that education is very important for a country.How is the educational situation in China?(Stick the two graphs on the blackboard and write down the questions to be discussed.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard)Now,work in pairs to describe and discuss the statistics shown in the graphs.(A moment later,ask some students to finish the exercises required in this part.)Suggested answers:1.School-age children attending schoolThe number of school-age children attending school increased between 1985 and xx.The percentage rose from 96.4% in 1985 to 99.8% in xx.Because our government has been making great efforts to provide education for all.I think the percentage will be nearly 100% in xx.2.People aged 15 and over who are unable or find it very difficult to read.The percentage fell between 1997 and xx.The percentage dropped from 18% in 1997 to 8% in xx.Because more and more school-age children receive pulsory education.The percentage will be less than 3%.T:Now,talk about the achievements,progress and problems in education in China,using the information youve just got from the two graphs.Look at the screen.The words and phrases may be useful for your discussion.(Show the following on the screen.)Useful words and phrases:a heavy workloadto reduce the workloadto be strict withto meet parents expectationsunder high pressureto raise academic standards(After a while,ask some students to report to the class.)Step Summary and HomeworkT:Today,weve talked about some famous educators and weve also pared education in China and the USA.Besides,weve learnt some information about education in China from two graphs.Tomorrow,well read more about education.Please preview the reading part carefully after class.OK.Thats all for today.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step The Design of the Writing on theBlackboardUnit 12EducationThe First PeriodDescribe the information in the bar graph to your partner.pare 1985 with xx.What has changed?Discuss why you think these changes have happened.What do you expect the graph to look like in the future?Draw the bar for xx.Describe the information in the line graph to your partner.pare 1997 with xx.What has changed?Discuss why you think these changes have happened.What do you expect the graph to look like in the future?Draw the line to xx.Group OneGroup TwoGroup ThreeStep Record after Teaching_


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