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优秀的经典优秀美文汇总一封特殊的信 A special letterDear World:亲爱的世界:My son starts school today.我的儿子今天就要开始上学读书了。Its going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I wish you would sort of treat him gently.一时之间,他会感觉陌生而又新鲜。我希望你能待他温柔一些。You see, up to now, hes been king of the roost.你明白,到现在为止,他一直是家中的小皇帝。Hes been boss of the backyard.一直是后院的王者。I have always been around to repair his wounds, and to soothe his feelings.我一直在他身旁,忙着为他治疗伤口,哄他开心。But now-things are going to be different.但是现在-一切都将不同了。This morning, hes going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand and start on his great adventure that will probably include wars and tragedy and sorrow.今天清晨,他就要走下前门的楼梯,冲我挥手,然后开始他的伟大的历险征程,其间或许有争斗、不幸以及伤痛。To live his life in the world he has to live in will require faith and love and courage.既然活在这个世上,他就需要信念、爱心和勇气。So, World, I wish you would sort of take him by his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know.所以,世界啊,我希望你能够时不时握住他稚嫩的小手,传授他所应当知晓的事情。Teach him - but gently, if you can.教育他吧-而如果可能的话,温柔一些。Teach him that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every crooked politician there is a dedicated leader; that for every enemy there is a friend.教他知道,每有恶人之地,必有豪杰所在;每有奸诈小人,必有献身义士;每见一敌人,必有一友在侧。Teach him the wonders of books.教他感受书本的神奇魅力。Give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill.给他时间静思大自然中亘古绵传之奥秘:空中的飞鸟,日光里的蜜蜂,青山上的簇簇繁花。Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.教他知道,失败远比欺骗更为光荣。Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong.教他坚定自我的信念,哪怕人人予以否认。时间是什么 What is TimeTime is grain for peasants.对农民来说,时间就是粮食。Time is wealth for workers.对工人来说,时间就是财富。Time is life for doctors.对医生来说,时间就是生命。Time is victory for soldiers.对士兵来说,时间就是胜利。Time is knowledge for students.对学生来说,时间就是知识。Time is speed for scientists.对科学家来说,时间就是速度。Time is money for businessmen.对企业家来说,时间就是金钱。Time is everything for all of us.对我们大家来说,时间就是一切。Therefore, seize the time of today!因此,把握今天!我的小天使My Little AngelI had offered to watch my 3-year-old daughter, Ramanda, so that my wife could go out with a friend. I was getting some work done while Ramanda appeared to be having a good time in the other room. No problem, I figured. But then it got a little too quiet and I yelled out, What are you doing, Ramanda No response. I repeated my question and heard her say, Oh.nothing. Nothing What does nothing mean我主动提出照看我3岁的女儿,Ramanda,以便妻子能和她的朋友出去逛逛。我在做些事,此时Ramanda似乎在另一个房间玩得也很开心。我知道,没什么问题。突然间一点动静都没有了,于是我喊道:Ramanda,你在干什么没有回答。我重复问了几次,这时听她说道:没什么,没什么那是什么意思I got up from my desk and ran out into the living room, whereupon(于是) I saw her take off down the hall. I chased her up the stairs and watched her as her little behind made a hard left into the bedroom. I was gaining on her! She took off for the bathroom. Bad move. I had her cornered. I told her to turn around. She refused. I pulled out my big, mean, authoritative Daddy voice, Young lady, I said turn around!我从桌旁起身跑进起居室,我看见她溜到客厅,我追到楼梯上看到她的小背影跑进卧室,我正要靠近她,她又跑到了洗漱室。真晕。我在墙角处逮到了她,我让她转身,她不从。于是我用威严的父亲的那种声调说道小姐,我命令你转身。Slowly, she turned toward me. In her hand was what was left of my wifes new lipstick(口红,唇膏). And every square inch of her face was covered with bright red (except her lips of course)!慢慢地,她转过身,手里拿着我妻子的新口红。她的脸上涂满了明亮的红色(除了嘴唇)。As she looked up at me with fearful eyes, lips trembling, I heard every voice that had been shouted to me as a child. How could you.You should know better than that.How many times have you been told.What a bad thing to do. It was just a matter of my picking out which old message I was going to use on her so that she would know what a bad girl she had been. But before I could let loose(释放,屈服), I looked down at the sweatshirt my wife had put on her only an hour before. In big letters it said, IM A PERFECT LITTLE ANGEL! I looked back up into her tearful eyes and instead of seeing a bad girl who didnt listen, I saw a child of God.a perfect little angel full of worth, value and a wonderful spontaneity(自发性) that I had come dangerously close to shaming out of her.当她用惊慌的眼神抬头看着我时,她的嘴唇在颤抖,我听见了那些应对小孩说的话你怎么能你应该知道告诉你多少次了你做了见多糟糕的事现在只需要选句常说的老话来警告她,以便让她知道自己有多坏。但是在我说这些话之前,我低头看见了妻子一个小时前让她穿上的运动衫,上面用很大的字母写着我是个完美的小天使,我回头看见了她眼中的泪水,这次我看到的不是一个坏女孩,而是上帝的女儿一个有价值,很自主的完美小天使,我险些让她蒙羞而使她丧失这些品质。Sweetheart, you look beautiful! Lets take a picture so Mommy can see how special you look. I took the picture and thanked God that I didnt miss the opportunity to reaffirm what a perfect little angel he had given me.宝贝,你看起来漂亮极了,我们拍张照让妈妈来看看你看起来有多特别,我给她拍了照片,感谢上帝,我没有错失赞美小天使的机会,她是上帝赐予我的。


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