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七年级(上) Unit 1 Unit 8 期末测试卷第 II 部分笔试一、词汇。(A) 根据句意及中文提示完成句子。21. Kittys _ (爱好) is swimming. Do you like swimming?22. Look at the _ (碗) on the shelf. Whats in them?23.My hometown, Nantong is a _ (现代的) city, I love it very much.24. Can you tell me the _ (理由) that you are late?25. We want to have a (特殊的) party on New Years Day.26. _ (蔬菜) and fruit are very important for us.27. Listen! Why are the boys _ (大叫) on the playground?28. How much do these cards _(值) you?29. This dress is out of _(时尚), but I still like wearing it.30. These clothes look good and feel soft. Are they 100% _(棉)?(B) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。31. There are five _(play) in a basketball team.32. I am _ (real) happy to meet you again.33. There are lots of _ (diary) in my notebook.34. There is a building over there. My home is on the _ (one) ground.35. Lily is one of my _ (good) friends at school. She often helps me with English. 36. An apple a day is good for your(healthy).37. How many (knife) do you have? Two.38. Are you _(interest) in collecting stamps?39. English _ (gentleman)always bring an umbrella with them.40. These desks and chairs are _ (make)of very good wood(木头).(C) 根据句意,选择方框内单词或词组,并用其适当形式填空。visit, lie, look, have, work41. Eddie doesnt know how _ after Hobo.42. Its time for us _lunch. Lets go quickly.43. Lucy with her parents her grandparents every Sunday.44. The boss(老板) often makes his workers _ for 12 hours a day.45. Where are your parents? They _ on the ground.二、单项选择。46. On _ old desk, there is _ old book.A. an; an B. the; a C. the; an D. the; the47. My bike is broken(坏了). Can youyour bike me?A. borrow; to B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. lend; to48. We often practice _ at the weekend.A. to play football B. playing football C. playing the football D. to play the football49. Kates birthday is December 20, but she always celebrates it the evening of December 19. A. on; in B. on; on C. in; on D. in; in50. John goes fishing on holiday. He likes staying at home and watching TV.A. usually B. always C. often D. seldom51. At the _, we eat moon-cakes and on _, we eat rice dumplings.A. Dragon Boat Festival, Thanksgiving DayB. National Day, HalloweenC. Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival D. Chinese New Year, Christmas 52._ do you do to celebrate Christmas?We have a party and give presents to each other.A. How B. Where C. What D. When53.Can I help you ?Im looking for some _.A. bottles of orange juice B. kilos of mangoC. packets of salts D. bag of rice54. Would you like _ tea? No,_.A. any, I wouldnt B. some, thanks C. some, I wouldnt D. any, thanks 55. Look! Those _ teachers are under the _ trees.A. woman; apple B. women; apples C. woman; apples D. women; apple 56. Where is Millie? She _ a trip in her room.A. plan B. plans C. is plan 57. We spend about an hour a day .A. do our homework B. doing our homeworkC. do our homeworks D. doing our homeworks 58. Dont watch TV. Its bad your eyes.A. too much; to B. much too; to C. much too; for 59. _ do you go to your school library?D. is planningD. too much; forThree times a month.A. How long B. How often C. How much D. When60. The jumper looks so on you. Yes. It fits me very .A. good; good B. good; well C. well; well D. well; good61. Which is differentfrom others?A. too B. room C. afternoon D. look62.Would you like _ milk for breakfast?Yes, there isnt _ in my glass.A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some 63. The boots in the boxtoo big. Would you please show me?A. is; another one B. are; another one C. are; another pair D. is; another pair 64. Now iPhone is very popular young people.A. between B. among C. in 65. Jack never and I think he needs some.D. forA. exercises; exercisesC. exercises; exercise三、选择方框中的句子完成对话。B. exercise; exerciseD. exercise; exercisesKate: Do you like to go shopping with me?Rose: Yes, I want a blouse and a lot of good things.Kate: Look at the blouse. How nice! Try it on, Rose!Rose: OK!Kate: It looks cool. 66Rose: Yes. Its good for summer.Kate: 67Rose: I like the one with a V-neck(V 领).Kate: 68Rose: Yes.Kitty: Oh, it is nice on you!Rose: Thank you!Kate: 69Rose: Yes. But I dont have enough money.Kitty: 70Rose: That would be fine. Thank you.A. You can borrow some from me.B. Do you feel cool?C. Do you want to buy it?D. You enjoy the V-neck?E. Which style do you like?四、按要求改写句子。71. Our school has four tall buildings. (改写同义句)_ _ four tall buildings _ our school.72. People make pumpkin lanterns at Halloween. (改写同义句)People make _ _ _ _ at Halloween.73. My brother does his homework on Sunday.(改为否定句)My brother _ _ his homework on Sunday. 74. The mother often waits for her son at the school gate.(用 look 改写句子)Look! The mother _ _ for her son at the school gate.75. Look, Simon is coming.(改为倒装句)Look! Simon.76. She doesnt like mooncakes because they are too sweet.(划线部分提问) _ _ she _ mooncakes?77. My mother has an egg and a glass of milk for breakfast. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your mother_ for breakfast?78. We read English for half an hour every day. (划线部分提问)_ _ do you read English every day?79. There is only one photo on the wall. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ there on the wall?80. I think the toy car is very nice. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ _ the toy car?五、根据所给中文完成句子。81. 丹尼尔现在和家人们一起居住在苏州。Daniel now _ _ _ _ in Suzhou.82. 尼克不是每天都乘公交车回家,有时他步行。Nick a bus home every day, sometimes he home.83. 这个有趣的故事使得我们很高兴。The interesting story _ _ _ _.84. 我们在会议室前面集合吧。_ _ _ _ of the meeting room.85. 通过阅读,我们可以对世界了解很多。By reading, we can _ the world.86.每天吃早饭对我们很重要。_ _ for us _ have breakfast every day.87. 公园是个会见朋友的好地方。The park is a good place _ _ _.88. 桑迪每天花半个小时听音乐。Sandy _ half an hour _ _ music every day.89. 步行和跑步有益于健康。Walking and running _.89.这件白色的 T 恤看起来很干净,它可以搭配任何一种其他的颜色。This white T-shirt looks very clean and can _ _ _.六、完形填空。(A)Which meal do we need mostbreakfast, lunch or dinner every day?Dinner is the biggest meal of the day, 91 it is not the meal we need most. Breakfast is the meal we need most 92 from night to the next morning is a long time to go without( 没有) food every morning. We may feel angry easily(易动怒) or 93 if we have no breakfast for a long time.94 times a day should children eat? Most children eat 95 a day, breakfast, lunch and supper. But five times a day is 96 for children. Children are always 97 after the second class in the morning and in the afternoon. They should have a 98 then. 99 can give children the energy to go on study for the other classes. Children should have an apple to eat 100 classes. People often say “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It is also good to eat oranges, pears and bananas. Children are growing each day. They need to eat often. It is good for their health.91. A. and B. or C. but D. so92. A. because B. if C. when D. so93. A. happy B. sad C. ill D. unhappy94. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How much95. A. one meal B. five meals C. four breakfasts D. three meals96. A. better B. good C. best D. fine97. A. hungry B. excited C. free D. careful98. A. sugar B. meat C. snack D. bread99. A. They B. I C. You D. It100. A. in B. between C. on D. among(B)On weekdays, I always wear school uniform( 校服). In our school, all students 101 wearuniform. In summer we boys wear T-shirts and 102 . When its103 , we have jacketsand trousers. They are all blue and white. These two colours look clean. I feel 104 when Iam wearing them. I like wearing them. I dont hate to be105 as others. And every morning, Idont need to think about106to wear to school. Isnt it good?But some students dont like it because they107 to be like others. And sometimes theuniform isnt the right too large.108 . For example(例如), Jimmys uniform is too small while Toms isWe have no lessons at the weekends. 109 students can wear their favourite clothes on Saturdays and Sundays. But I still wear my uniform. I go shopping, play sports 110 my school uniform. School uniform always makes me feel good.What about you, my dear friend? Do you like wearing your school uniform?101. A. can102. A. shorts103. A. hot104. A. interesting105. A. different106. A. what107. A. love108. A. colour109. A. ButB. mayB. skirtsB. coldB. excitingB. likeB. whenB. would likeB. shapeB. BecauseC. mustC. scarvesC. warmC. badC. the sameC. whichC. hopeC. priceC. IfD. needD. coatsD. sunnyD. comfortableD. unlikeD. whereD. dislikeD. sizeD.So110. A. with B. in 七、阅读理解。C. withoutD. for(A)Saleswoman:Can I help you?Jim:Oh, yes. How much is this T-shirt?Saleswoman:Its only $29.50.Jim:Really? Is it on sale?Saleswoman:Yes. Its usually $45.00. But only at weekends, everything is at a very good price. Jim:OK. Ill take two T-shirts for my twin sons.Saleswoman:What colour do they like?Jim:Blue.Saleswoman:Oh, Im so sorry. We havent any blue ones left. How about the green ones? Jim:All right. Heres the money.Saleswoman:Thanks. Heres your change.111. Two sweaters are _ on Monday.A. $28.00 B. $45.00 C. $90.00 D. $56.00112. The meaning of the phrase “on sale” is _.A. 减价销售 B. 正常营业 113. They are talking _.C. 非卖品D. 高价回收A. in a shop B. at home C. in a school D. in a hospital114. At last(最后) Jim buys two _ for his sons.A. blue sweaters B. green T-shirts C. white jeans D. yellow skirts115. If Mary buys three _ on Saturday here, they will cost her $60.00.A. sweaters B. T-shirts C. skirts D. jeans(B)Each year, we celebrate many holidays here in America.On January 1, we welcome the coming of a new year like many people in the world. And we have another four holidays on the first day of a month(月): April Fools Day, May Day, Friendship Day (Aug.1) and Grandparents Day (Sept. 1).Young peoples favourite festival comes in February. It is Valentines Day(情人节). Lots of boys give red roses(玫瑰) to girls as a present.People celebrate some holidays for their family members. We say thanks to our mother in May and c elebrate Fathers Day in the following month. In November many people go back home for Thanksgiving Day, so the whole family can stay together.There are also some interesting holidays for children. For example, Halloween comes at the end of October. Children often play with pumpkin lanterns and put on all kinds of masks.Of course, the biggest festival is Christmas. After a year of work and study, people can enjoy a long holiday, eat big meals, and visit family and friends.116. How many holidays do you know on the first day of a month in America?A. Four. B. Five. C. Seven. D. Ten.117. What is young peoples favourite festival?A. Thanksgiving Day. B. Christmas Day.C. Valentines Day. D. New Years Day.118. From the reading we know that Fathers Day comes _.A. in May B. in April C. in June D. in July119. Halloween is one of the interesting holidays for _.A. children B. mothers C. girls D. students120. Many people go back home in November because they want to _.A. enjoy a long holiday B. stay with their family membersC. eat big meals with friends D. spend Thanksgiving Day(C)Dear MaryI saw your name in the newspaper, you asked for penfriends in China. I would like to be your penfriend.I am a thirteen-year-old boy. I live in Nanjing. I am a student at No.1 Secondary School. We study Chinese, English, Maths, Science, Art, PE and some other subjects. My favorite subjects are Maths and PE. I like playing the guitar, collecting stamps and taking photos. I like summer best because my favourite sport is swimming.My family is not big. My grandfather, my father, my mother, and I live a happy life here. My father is an engineer(工程师), my mother is a doctor. My grandfather was a policeman and now he is retired( 退休). We live in an old house. Near our house, there is a beautiful park. Our familyoften take a walk in the park after supper.I would like to know something about you and the UK. Please write to me soon. My e-mail address is yuren.My fax and telephone number is 86-25-82011853.Yu RunYu Runs profile(个人信息)NameTelephone and fax number122 of the school123 subjectsYu Run Age86-25-82011853No.1 Secondary SchoolMaths and P.E.121HobbiesFavourite sportFavourite seasonFamily 127130Playing the guitar , 124 stamps and taking photos I like swimming 125126There are 128 people in the family: Grandfather, father, and mother who works in a 129 .八、根据首字母提示完成短文或对话。What must you do when you get a present for your birthday? You have to sit down and w 131 a thank- note. The words “thank you” are very important. We have to use them very o132. We say them when someone gives us a drink, h133us to pick up things, or lends us a book.Another i134 word is “please”. Many people forget (忘记) to use it. It is not polite to a135 someone to do something without saying “please”. We have to use it w136we ask for something, too. It may be a book or a pencil, more rice or help.We have to l137to say “sorry”, too. If we hurt(伤害)someone, well have to go up to say“were s138”. When we forget something, we will a 139say “sorry”.These three words are easy b140 important. Our children must learn to use them. They are pleasing(令人高兴的) words to use in any language(语言).九、书面表达。请以 “Sports and Health” 为题写一篇发言稿, 介绍你自己的体育锻炼情况、感受等。词 数 60 左右。发言稿的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。可参考以下要点:1. What sports do you often do?2. Why do you like it?3. Is it good for you? How do you feel about it?4. What can others learn from you?Dear friends,I am very glad to be here to say something about sports and health._ _ _ _ _Thats all. Thank you!Keys:一、(A)21. hobby; 22. bowls; 23. modern; 24. reason; 25. special; 26. Vegetables; 27. shouting; 28. cost; 29. fashion; 30. cotton.(B)31. players; 32. really; 33. diaries; 34. first; 35. best; 36.health; 37. knives; 38. interested; 39. gentlemen; 40. made(C) 41. to look; 42. to have; 43. visits; 44. work; 45. are lying二、46. C; 47.D; 48.B; 49.C; 50.D; 51.C; 52. A; 53. A; 54. B; 55. D; 56. D; 57.B; 58.D; 59.B; 60.B; 61.D; 62.C; 63.C; 64. B; 65. C.三、66. B; 67.E; 68.D; 69.C; 70.A.四、71. There are, in; 72. lanterns, out of pumpkins; 73. doesnt do; 74. is waiting; 75. Here comes; 76. Why doesnt, like; 77. What does, have; 78. How long; 79. How many photos, are; 80. What do you think of五、81. lives with his family; 82. doesnt take, walks; 83. makes us very happy; 84. Lets meet in front; 85. know/learn more about; 86. Its important, to; 87.to meet friends; 88. spends, listening to 89. are good for health 90. match any other colour六、(A)91. C; 92.A; 93.C; 94.C; 95.D; 96.A; 97.A; 98.C; 99.D; 100.B(B)101.C; 102.A; 103.B; 104.D; 105.C; 106.A; 107.D; 108.D; 109.D; 110.B.七、(A)111. C; 112.A; 113.A; 114.B; 115.C.(B) 116.B; 117.C; 118.C; 119.A; 120.D.(C) 121. 13/thirteen 122. Name 123. Favourite 124. collecting 125. best125. Summer 127.members 128. 4/four 129. hospital 130.E-mail八、131.write 132. often 133. helps 134.important 135. ask 136.when 137.learn 138.sorry 139.also 140.but九、Dear friends,I am very glad to be here to say something about sports and health.I exercise for an hour a day. I go running and go swimming very often. And I play ball games with my friends at school. I like swimming best. I think its cool to swim in the water. I feel that exercise makes me feel better. It makes me strong and healthy. Everyone should do some exercise every day. Its the best way to keep healthy, I think.Thats all. Thank you!


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