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阅读理解(第一篇)1: In the second paragraph, take a chance” means _. D: Mr. Grey took the risk that the stranger would not give back the money which he lent him2:One morning the stranger recognized Mr. Grey, and_. B:again asked Mr. Grey for money3: (3) Mr. Grey had been willing to lend money to a stranger in order to_. B:help him on the way to success4:(2) Mr Grey liked walking to his office because _. C:he wanted to keep in good health5: (1) How did Mr. Grey get to his office? D:He usually took a train to the station and then walked to his office if the weather was fine(第二篇)1:This passage tells us_. A:how photography was developed2:Mathew Brady_. B:was famous for his unusual pictures3: If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840, he had to_. D:take many films and something else with him4:The Daguerrotype was_. B:a kind of picture5:The first photo taken by Niepce was a picture of _. C:his garden(第三篇)1:Father Christmas comes into the house through the _. A:chimney2:When the children are older, they _. C:know that Father Christmas is really their father3:When the children were very young, _. A:they didnt know who Father Christmas was4:Father Christmas often puts presents _.B:into childrens stockings5: (1) Christmas Eve is _. D:the night before Christmas Day(第四篇)1:Which of the following is true? C:Neither of the farmers is clever.2: (4) Uncle Li and Uncle Wang were unhappy because _. D:they had suffered losses in business3The two farmers had to sell their apples at a low price because _. C:a lot of apples had been already carried to the city4:(2) The two farmers carried the apples to the city to _. D:make a profit5:(1) Uncle Li and Uncle Wang live in the low and broken houses because _.B:theyre both poor(第五篇)1: Which of the following is not true? C:Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.2:(4) Who would send him the name and address of his hotel? D:His wife.3:(3)Where did Dick stay in New York? B:In a hotel.4:(2) Why did his wife want a telegram from him? A:Because she didnt know his address yet5:(1) Dick flew to New York because _. B:he had work there单项选择题6:We must _ out how to solve the problem. A:figure 7:Before visiting him, I gave him a call in _. A:advance8:He intends to _ for a job in the city. A:apply9:She was _ from a headache. B:suffering10:Andersen began his writing _ at the age of 25. D:career11:The fire _ the whole district. B: lit up12:The man was put _ for theft. D: into prison13:I am determined to go there _ instead of taking a bus. B:on foot14:Its quite late now and Mr. White _ hasnt left his office. A:still15:The history of nursing _ the history of man. D:is as old as16:All _ can be done has been done. D:that17:She is very strict _ her children.C:with18:Be careful! Dont cut _ with the new knife. B:yourself19:_ of the students has two books.C:Each20:Take an umbrella with you _ it rains. B:in case21:He bought three _ ties last Friday. A:five-dollar22:This drink is a little _ for me. B:strong23:ill keep _ eye on the baby when she is away. C: an24:Things have been _ badly for them. B:going25:Every day, I walked _ London Theatre. A:past6:We invited him to the party the next weekend, but he _ the invitation. C:declined7:Unwise decisions will lead to _ results.B:disastrous8:The Great Wall in China is one of the _ in the world. C:wonders9:The natural beauty in Jiuzhaigou will _ your breath away when you visit it for the first time. C: take10:We _ them not to go skating on such thin ice. C:warn11:One day a poor man _ his horse to a tree, and sat down to eat his lunch. C: tied12Im sorry but I cant get in. The door _ .C:has been locked13:The prisoner _ the charges against him. D:denied14:His honesty is _. He can be always trusted.A:out of question15: There is a truck _ the classroom. B: in front of16:ill never forget _ of 1983 when I graduated from the college.C:the summer17:I _ to climb the mountain last weekend. C:went18:He will graduate from this university _ two years.B:in19:I would like to give you my best wishes _ this happy occasion. C:on20:The exam will be held _ the end of the term.B: at21:There is an old temple_ the foot of the mountain , A: at22:Please divide the work _ the two people. C:between23:and America are _ in many ways. B: alike24:After a long walk on a hot day, one often feels _. D:exhausted25:It isnt quite _ that he will be present at the meeting. C:certain6:Many good friends have a lot in _.C:common7:You will get the message _.C:before long8:The home team _ dearly for their defensive errors.C:paid9:The doctor came at once in _ to my call.B:answer10:I wish he would _ his own business. D:mind11:The building which _ at present will be used for science C: is being repaire12:Mr. Smith asked Nancy _ it took him to fly to New York. C:how long13:They are all _ at the _ news. B:excited; exciting14:This room is three times _ that one. C:as large as15:I hope you would come to my party _ Saturday. C: next16:The young man was _ middle height. C:of17:Have you found an answer _ the question?D:to18:We will try again _ the failure. B:in spite of19:She went away _ saying a word. B:without20:Eat less chocolate _ you want to become fatter. B:unless21:Go to ask the teacher _ you have questions. B:when22:My teacher today is not quite _. C:himself23:There are trees on _ side of the street. C: either24: Go along the street, _ youll find the Post Office. A:and25:Here are a few apples. Would you like to have _? C:one6:The novelist and _ is gong be invited too. C:poet7:I went to _ bed to pick up some papers on it. A:the8:The lady _ a blue dress is my aunt. B:in9:She is going to meet him _ the school gate. A:at10:We should take care of _ old and _ sick. C:the; the11:He has worked for _ hour. B:an12:He is cleverer than _. He can do it better than _. C:me; I13:After such a long jurney, the children _ be very tired now. B:must14:I dont have any English books _ this one. C:except15:Youd better not _ this in front of the fact.B:deny16:People in a foreign country, sometimes, will lose their _, and dont know who they are.D:identity17:His monthly expense _ 350 dollars. C:adds up to18:I didnt _ to hurt you.A:mean19:There isnt enough room for us, _ six dogs and one cat. D:let alone20:It is said that the gas company will raise the gas fare _ 4%. A:by21:It has been raining _ last Saturday. D:since22:The little girl _ red is very lovely. C:in23:He is in a difficult situation as all the public opinions are _ him. D:against24:The professor asked us to write a _ report. D:two-hundred-word25:You are not _ anyone in any aspect. A:inferior to6:It is not always so easy to tell the white _ the black. C:from7:Girls are usually a little weaker than boys _ mathematics. B: in8:He is leaving Washington _ Paris tomorrow. A:for9:It is going to rain soon, as there are dark clouds _ our heads.D:over10:The girl downstairs told us his story and also _ of the girl upstairs. D:that11.The president, as was customary, _ the opening address.B:delivered12:The singer and _ has already arrived. A: dancer13:It was clever _ you to make such a decisive decision at the moment.B:of14: Chris took great _ in teasing his sister.C:delight15:My brother and sister are _ doctors. B:both16:He saw the whole accident _ his way home. C: on17English is one of _ important subjects in our school. B:the most18: The soup tastes _.A:good19:There are several _ in this street. D:hat stores20:Although it rained heavily this morning, _ of my classmates was late for school. B:none21:Help _ to some fish! C:yourself22:In modern _ areas, sociocultural change is happening at an accerated rate. A: industrial23: Mary wanted to go to Europe by herself, but her parents _ on her idea. A:frowned24: Women are suggested to _ smoking when pregnant.D:give up25:Women have yet to _ full equality with men in the workplace.C: achieve


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