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五年级课后辅导9教学目的:1.巩固形容词比较级和最高级的用法。 2.掌握welcome的用法。 3. 掌握 prefer, favourite 的用法。 4. 掌握too , also, either的用法。 5. 巩固代词的运用。 6. 掌握 音标:/ / / / / e / /a / / / / / / a/教学重难点:1.prefer, favourite 的用法。 2. too , also, either的用法。教学步骤:一、选择题( )1. _ books are newer than _. A. They, our B. Their, ours C. Their, us( )2. _is _ uncle. A. He, mine B. Him, my C. He, my( )3. These apples are _. A. yours B. your C. you( )4. Welcome _ our home! A. to B. / C. in ( )5. Welcome _ here! A. to B./ C. in( )6.My father is _ taller than my uncle. A. more B. much C. many( )7. Sally has more toys than _. A. me B. my C. mine( )8. She neednt _ to work by underground . A. go B. going C. to go( )9. There are three _ of workers in the factory. A. thousand B. thousands C. many( )10. There are about one hundred _ three hundred birds on the hill. A. and B. of C. / ( )11. Do you _ study at Hong Kong International School. A. yet B. still C. any( )12. _ it have more trees and more flowers in the new park? A. Does B. Do C. Is( )13. The children like_.A. play computer games B. playing computer games C. are playing computer games( )14. Blue Whales are the biggest animals _. A. in world B. on the world C. in the worlds ( )15. Elephants are the biggest animals _. A. on the land B. in the land C. on land( )16. She is _ ten years old . A. more B. more than C. than ( )17. See food is the _ famous food _ Guangzhou. A. more, of B. more , in C. most, in( )18.Which do you prefer , chips _ hamburgers? A. and B. or C. with( )19.I dont like Coke and I dont like tea, _. A. either B. too C. also( )20.This animal is _ very dangerous.A. either B. too C. also( )21. An elephant is _bigger than a cat. A. much B. more C. many( )22. Jack is _ boy in his class. A. heavier B. heaviest C. the heaviest( )23. Im taller than everyone in my class, I am _. A. tall B. tallest C. the tallest( )24. Jiamin prefers porridge _ noodles. A. or B. to C. and( )25. Chinese people _ rice most.A. likes B. like C. doesnt like( )26. Milk foods are good _ people. A. at B. for C. to( )27. Mike is good _ swimming. A. at B. for C. to ( )28.When _we _have lunch here again? A. is, going to B. do , / C. are ,going to( )29. Mr. Green is a strange man, do you agree _ me? A. of B. to C. with( )30.This plate of pasta is a lot _. A. hot B. hotter C. the hottest 总结:1. welcome + _ + 名词。Welcome+_ ( here/ there). 类似的短语有_, _. 2. 数词hundred和thousand 都是以_形式出现. 3. like 后接_。 4. more than 后接_, 意思是_。 5. either, also , too 意思都是_, 但用法不同,either用于_,一般放在句子的_; also和too 用于_。also和too的用法也有不同 too一般放在句子的_;而also却放在_动词之后_动词之前。 6.形容词比较级的特征词有:_,_,_和_。 形容词最高级之前要用_形容词最高级的特征词有:_ _和_。二、按要求改写句子. 1. Some whales have no teeth and eat only small fish.(改为同义句)Some whales _ _ _teeth and eat only small fish2.This coat is very beautiful ,too. (改为同义句)This coat _ _ very beautiful.3.I prefer to beef and fish. (改为同义句)I _ beef and fish_.4.She likes monkeys best. (改为同义句) _ is her _ animals.5.My father likes playing football ,too .(改为否定句)My father _ like playing football , _.6.This piece of beef is bigger than that one. (改为一般疑问句) _ this piece of beef _ than that one?7.Mokeys are my favourite animals.(划线部分提问) _ is your _ _?8. My mother like noodles best. (划线部分提问) _ food _ your mother like _?总接:1. have no +名词= dont have _ / _ +名词. 2. prefer相当于_, favorite相当于_。三、 找出每组单词中读音不同的单词。( )1. A. watch B. catch C. chick D. school( ) 2.A. orange B. glade C. bridge D. giraffe( ) 3.A. take B. cake C. bad D. wake( ) 4.A. boy B. toy C. voice D. hot( ) 5.A. hole B. worry C. ton D. bone( ) 6.A. how B. grow C. now D. cow( ) 7.A. headache B. toothache C. school D. match( ) 8.A. hi B. sit C. fine D. bike( ) 9. A. about B. you C. count D. ground( ) 10.A. job B. yes C. jump D. joke四、用名词的适当形式填空。1. Are there any _( sheep) under the tree?2. Would you like something to eat? Some _( tomato), please.3. Id like two _(piece ) of bread.4. Would you like a bottle of _( juice)?5. Is there a _( factory ) near your school?6. How many _( shelf) are there in your room?7. What do the _( lady ) often do in the morning?8. Would you like some _( meat)?9. There are two _( box) of _( egg) over there.10. How much are the _( shoe)?总结:1.名词表示人、食物、地点等概念的词,可分为_ 和_。 2. 不可数名词的归类。(1)表示液体,例如:_(2)表示自然现象,例如:_(3)表示食品,例如: _(4)抽象名词,例如:_ 3. 可数名词分类:_和_两种形式。单数名词:单数名词通常用a, an或者one来表示。an 用在_开头的单词前面。如:an apple , an English . a用在_开头的单词前。可数名词复数的变化规则。A:在单词名词的后面加_B: 如果单词结尾的字母是_的,通常在单词后面加_ 。 C: 以字母y结尾的单数名词,而且y的前面不是原音字母,则要把_改成_,再加_。如果y的前面是原音字母的,就直接加_es.D: 以f, fe结尾的单词。要把f, fe 改成v后加-es, 如:E: 果单词结尾的字母是o下面几个是加-es其它的加-s (2)不规则的名词的复数。A: 把oo改成ee的: 例如:_ B: 以man结尾的变为men; 例如:_C: 单复数相同的: 例如:_D: 其它的: childchildren mousemice oxoxen E: 没有单数形式的名词:例如:_。家作:一、 判定下列划线部分读音是否相同,如相同的在括号内写T否则写F.( )1. A. usually B. put C. but D. blue( ) 2.A.home B. ton C. hot D. tomato( ) 3.A. age B. job C. joke D. teenage( ) 4.A. house B. blow C. cow D. about ( ) 5.A. fly B. sky C. lady D. foggy( ) 6. A. far B. farmer C. start D. car( ) 7.A. fish B. wash C. she D. short( ) 8.A.child B. children C. question D. chair( ) 9.A. cake B. make C. take D. wake( ) 10.A. begin B. slim C. thin D. his二、 按实际情况回答。1. Who studies hardest in your class?_2. Which animals do you like best? _3. Can a horse run faster than a sheep? _4. Do elephant live in South America? _5. What are the biggest animals in the world? _6. Who gets up earliest in your family? _7. Which animal likes to eat carrot? _8. How often have hamburgers? _9. How many legs does an elephant have? _10. Do you have any pets? _三、阅读短文回答问题。 Its twelve oclock . Sally , Mike and I are having lunch at school. There are lots of food and drinks here. I like noodles and tea, so I am eating a plate of noodles and drinking a cup of tea now . Sally likes hamburgers , chips and Coke for her lunch , she thinks they are delicious. Mike doesnt like toast or sandwich , he thinks they are horrible. He likes rice and soup best. We are all happy.1. What time is it?_2. Is Sally drinking a cup of tea? _3. What does Mike like ? _4. Where are they? _5. Does Mike think toast and sandwich are very delicious? _四 阅读短文。判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。AIt is seven oclock in the morning. I get up and make the bed. I go to school at eight oclock. Its Monday. We have English, math, Chinese and art in the morning. In the afternoon, we have P.E. class. I like playing football. I often do homework in the evening.( )1.I go to school at 7:30.( )2.Today is Tuesday.( )3.We have four classes in the morning.( )4.We have P.E. in the afternoon.( )5.I dont do homework in the evening.BHello, my name is John. Im an American. Im strong and tall. I like China and Chinese food. I often have pork, beef, mutton and cucumbers for lunch. My favourite food are pears, they are sweet. But my sister Amy likes bananas. Her favourite food are oranges, they are sour. I dont like oranges. My father and my mother like Chinese food, too. Their favourite food is cabbage and chicken, theyre healthy, too.( )1.John likes oranges.( )2.Amy is from America.( )3.Johns father and mother have two children.( )4.Johns mother likes chicken.( )5.Johns sister is tall and strong.


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