PEP学英语四年级下册UNIT 6 At a farm A Let’s learn 教案及教学反思 - 小学英语教案及反思

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PEP学英语四年级下册UNIT 6 At a farm A Let’s learn 教案及教学反思 - 小学英语教案及反思_第1页
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PEP学英语四年级下册UNIT 6 At a farm A Let’s learn 教案及教学反思 - 小学英语教案及反思_第2页
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PEP学英语四年级下册UNIT 6 At a farm A Lets learn 教案及教学反思 - 小学英语教案及反思 教材分析本单元的教学内容都是围绕“farm这个主题展开的。主要包括有关农场上的动物、农作物名词及其复数形式的表达方式,以及语言结构:What are they?Are theyWhat are thesethose?Are thesethose?How manyare there?的学习和应用学情分析本节课的授课对象是四年级的学生,学生是在学习了本单元第一课时表示动物的单词及句型“What are they? They are的根底上继续学习,培养学生的语言运用能力和持续性的学习兴趣。 教学目标 1.Master the new words :sheep hen cow horse goat lamb.2.Master :sheep hen horse goat lamb 的复数形式。3.Master the sentence patterns:What are they ? Are they .?的问答教学重点和难点1.Demand the studends to master the pronunciation and meaning of the words.2.Difficult Point.Students could identify the real objects in English and practisesentence patterns frequently. 教学过程Step1.Warm up a.Greetings . b.I love animals very much. Do you love animals?What animals do you know? Write down the animal words of students saying. Step2.Presentation a. T: Do you know a farm? There are many animals at a farm. Lets go and have a look.( showing a picture.) Look,it is a farm.So many animals. What can you see? Prise students who can answer.Say today we are going to learn something about farm. b. teach “farm.So on the other words. Step3.DrillUse the card to ask,What are they? They are horses. Are they sheep? Yes. No,they arent.How many hens are ther in the picture?Pay attention to the simple or plural.sheep,horses,lambs and hens.Step4. Lets doa. Get students to look at the pictures carefully.b. Teach feed,ride, milk ,hold and shear.c. Listen and repeat. D. Listen and do. Step4. Practice a. Ask and answer. B. Group work. C. Games. Step5. Homework 1.Read for parents. 2.Do the workbook.设计思路 针对四年级学生的学习习惯及对英语的接触,结合英语课程标准指出以学生的开展为宗旨,以培养学生的综合能力为目标,重点培养学生英语的兴趣及信心,养成学生主动学英语的习惯,我采用听,说,读, 写,唱融于一体的教学手段,将单词,句型灵活运用,到达教学目的。教学反思 通过师生用简单英语交谈,唱“Old MacDonald歌,让学生说出的动物单词,引出与课本相关的新授单词,过渡自然,又能培养学生创造性运用语言的能力;通过有意识的组合和分工合作,让好的学生充分发挥老师的带头作用;通过比赛谁能说出最多单词,及时表扬,激发兴趣;面向全体学生,促进学生开展,让不同层次学生都能在原有根底上尽可能的得到开展。


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