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Module 3 Music,Module 3 Music,Module 3 编读互动,设置“课前热身”的目的是让学生用8分钟快速练习本单元的内容。知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语、句型。本模块中,lose是重点词汇,要掌握其短语并注意非谓语动词作状语的用法。注意动词know的搭配, 很多学生对be known to 不熟悉。讲解强调句时要提醒学生注意句式变化,高考常见考点是强调句的特殊疑问句以及强调句与定语从句的结合,是重点也是难点。 建议课时:讲练一课时,课时作业(包括评讲)一课时,共计两个课时。,Module 3 美文佳句,诵美文 以“ I Like Music”为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。 要点如下: 1工作疲劳时,听音乐可以放松自己,并能得到休息。 2可以得到美的享受。 3可以让人摆脱烦恼,带来欢乐。,Module 3 美文佳句,I think everyone likes music, so do I. And someone once said that if there was no music, there would be no life. Music brings you beauty and happiness. After a whole days hard work, you can sit down and listen to a wonderful piece of music. I am sure it will help you get rid of your tiredness. It will surely make you relax. And also, if you are somehow angry, you can listen to music; it will make you calm down and drive away the unhappy things. I like music and I hope everyone will find out the value/importance of music and like music forever.,Module 3 美文佳句,背佳句 1I think everyone likes music, so do I. 我认为人人都喜欢音乐,我也是。 赏析 该句使用了一个倒装句。 2And someone once said that if there was no music, there would be no life. 并且有人曾经说过,如果没有了音乐,也就没有了生活。 赏析 该句中有一个that引导的宾语从句,从句中又包含了一个if 引导的条件状语从句。,Module 3 美文佳句,3I like music and I hope everyone will find out the value/importance of music and like music forever.我喜欢音乐,我希望大家能发现音乐的价值(重要性),永远喜欢音乐。 赏析 该句使用了两个and,大大增加了句子的容量。,Module 3 课前热身,.单词拼写 1. She is a _(有天分的) musician as well as a photographer. 2Mozart met Beethoven and was _(打动)by him. 3My teacher _(影响)my decision to study science. 4. His speech won the applause of the _(观众).,talented,impressed,influenced,audience,Module 3 课前热身,5The students talked about the coming _(观光) to the nearby mountain village. 6Its common to _(混淆)him up with his brother;theyre twin brothers. 7. Water is _(组成)of hydrogen and oxygen. 8The wolf may _(失去) his teeth,but never his nature. 9Tony wrote the words of the song and Kris wrote the _(旋律). 10If the words of a song are _(复杂的),they are difficult to understand.,tour,mix,composed,lose,tune,complex,Module 3 课前热身,. 词语翻译 1古典音乐_ 2与不一样 _ 3因而出名 _ 4把变成 _ 5有史以来 _ 6到时为止 _ 7也,和,而且 _ 8留下深刻印象 _,classical music,be different from,be known for,changeinto,of all time,by the time,as well as,be impressed with,Module 3 课前热身,9音乐天赋 _ 10他的余生 _ 11变聋 _ 12对有影响 _ 13分裂 _ 14记录 _ 15没门儿 _,musical talent,the rest of his life,go deaf,have an influence on,split up,make a note of,no way,Module 3 课前热身,.完成句子 1随着年龄的增长,他变得更加易怒。 _,he was easier to get cross. 2是姐姐鼓励我继续学英语的。 _who _me to continue learning English. 3他聋了,但他的音乐却给我们留下很深的印象。 He _,but we _his music.,As he grew older,It was my sister,encouraged,went/had gone deaf,were greatly impressed with/by,Module 3 课前热身,4他既种菜也种花。 He grows flowers _vegetables. 5戴维记录下了她的地址和电话号码。 Dave _her address and phone number.,as well as,made a note of,Module 3 单词点睛,1losevt. 失去,丢失;输;浪费(时间) loss n. 丢失,损失 lost adj. 失去的,丢失的;迷路的,不知所措的 lose ones way 迷路 be/get lost 迷路,迷失 lose oneself in 迷上;陷入 be lost in thought 陷入深思 lose ones life 丧生 lose heart 灰心;泄气 lose ones heart to 爱上 lose sight of 看不见了,Module 3 单词点睛,【易错警示】 lose表示“输,失败”时,可以作及物动词或不及物动词,但是当表示“丢失,失去,损失”等意义时,作及物动词,因此,当所丢失/失去的东西作主语时,要用be lost。 【词语辨析】 lost,missing,和gone (1)lost用于修饰物时是“丢失了的”之意。如:a lost pen,ones lost youth;用于修饰人时是“迷茫的,不知所措的”。如: We would be lost without your help. 我们没有你的帮助就会一筹莫展。,Module 3 单词点睛,(2)missing有“失踪的,行踪不明的”之意,因此“小孩失踪”应用missing。修饰物时,意为“缺少的,不在的”。如: There is a page missing from this book. 这本书缺失了一页。 (3)gone意为“(人)离开了”;“(物品等)用光的,没了”;还可以指“一去不复返的”等。如: He is gone. 他走了。 All his money is gone. 他的钱用光了。,Module 3 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)He didnt find his cell phone _until he got home. 直到回到家,他才发现自己的手机丢了。 (2)He _less than 100 votes. 他以相差不到100票输了。 (3)His costly mistake resulted in_. 他的严重错误导致了重大损失。 (4) _,he almost ran into the car in front of him. 由于想得太出神了,他几乎撞上他前面的汽车。,lost,lost by,severe loss,Lost in thought,Module 3 单词点睛,(5)The _girl was found by the river at last. 失踪的女孩最后在河边被找到了。 (6)When he turned back,his father was already_. 当他转过身来时,父亲已经走了。,missing,gone,Module 3 单词点睛,2talentn. 天资,天赋;才能;有才能的人;天才;人才 talented adj. 有天赋的,有才能的 have/show a talent/genius for have a gift for 对有天赋 talent show/contest 新秀选拔赛 【活学活用】 She _acting at an early age. 她在很小的时候就显示出表演的天赋。,showed a talent/genius for,Module 3 单词点睛,3influencevt. 影响,改变 n. 影响;有影响的人(或事) influential adj. 有影响力的 have an influence on/upon 对有影响 under the influence of 受影响,Module 3 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)_made me study science at college. 由于受老师的影响,我上大学学了科学。 (2)What _take the job? 是什么影响了你接受这份工作? (3)Those friends _her. 那些朋友对她有负面影响。,My teachers influence,influenced you to,have a bad/negative influence on,Module 3 单词点睛,4encouragevt. 鼓励;怂恿 encouraging adj. 鼓励的,给予希望的, 振奋人心的,令人欢欣鼓舞的 encouragement n. 鼓励;怂恿;支持 courage n. 勇气 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人(做某事),Module 3 单词点睛,【活学活用】 用courage,encourage或encouragement填空 (1)We should _a man to work better. (2)The soldier showed great _in the battle. (3)Students should be given more _instead of criticism.,encourage,courage,encouragement,Module 3 单词点睛,5howeveradv. 然而,不过,但是conj. 无论多么 【词语辨析】 however, but,while和though (1)however 副词,“然而”,可放于句首、句中或句末,总是用逗号与句子隔开。作连词时,表示“无论如何”,引导方式状语从句 no matter how。 (2)but 连词,“但是; 可是,然而; 而是”。 引导转折关系的两个并列句,可以置于句首,引导句子。,Module 3 单词点睛,(3)while并列连词,“而,然而”,连接并列句,表示前后句子意义上的对比和转折。 (4)though作副词时也表示转折,语气比较弱,意为“不过,然而”,主要放于句末,用逗号与句子分开。 【活学活用】 用though,but或however填空 (1) She felt ill. She went to work,_,and tried to concentrate. (2) She looks very young,_ she is already in her thirties.,however,but,Module 3 单词点睛,(3) I feel a bit tired. _,I can hold on. (4) _hot it is,he will not take off his coat. (5) I had a cold. It was not serious,_.,However,However,though,Module 3 单词点睛,6mixv. 混合;掺和;与人相处融洽 mixture n. 混合物,结合体 mixable adj. 可混合的 mixed adj. 混合的,混杂的,形形色色的 mix up 使混淆;弄混;弄乱 mixwith 把和混合,结合 mix with 与交往,与相处 not mix 不相协调,不相容,Module 3 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1)We can sometimes_. 我们有时能把工作和娱乐结合起来。 (2)Charlie doesnt _the other children. 查理和其他的孩子相处不是很融洽。 (3)I always _with his brother. They look so much alike. 我总是把他和他哥哥混淆,他们长得太像了。,mix business with pleasure,mix well with,mix him up,Module 3 单词点睛,7recordvt. that Bso; that Cbefore; then Dwhen; before,Module 3 句型透视,(2)Ive already forgotten _ you put the dictionary. Athat it was there Bwhere was it that Cthat where it was Dwhere it was that,【答案】 (1)A(2)D,Module 3 跟踪训练,12010浙江卷 Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isnt it rather risky,_? Athough Balso Ceither Dtoo,【解析】 A本题考查副词。根据句意:然而(though),难道它不是相当危险吗?,Module 3 跟踪训练,22010北京卷 It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they_for me. Ahad done Bdid Cwould do Dwere doing,【解析】 A本题考查动词的时态。选项所表达的动作发生在I was able to fully appreciate之前,故用过去完成时态。,Module 3 跟踪训练,3Ive read another magazine today. Well, maybe _ is not how much you read but what you read that counts. Athis Bthat Cthere Dit,【解析】 D考查强调句结构。把“it is”和句中的that省略后,该句话依旧成立,由此可知该题是强调句型的结构,所以答案是it。,Module 3 跟踪训练,42009江西卷 It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry. Awhen; then Bnot; until Cnot until; that Donly; when,【解析】 C考查not until的强调结构。去掉it was 和第二个空,句子依然完整,由此可以判断这是一个强调结构,所以第二个空应该选择that,由此可以判断C项正确。句意为: 就是直到他那年从非洲回来,才遇到他想结婚的那个女孩。,Module 3 跟踪训练,52009天津卷 _ by the advances in technology,many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. ABeing encouraged BEncouraging CEncouraged DHaving encouraged,【解析】 C本题考查非谓语动词。encourage与句子主语之间是逻辑上的被动关系,且并没有明显的“正在进行”的含义,因此排除A,选C。,Module 3 跟踪训练,6In the dark night,we could feel wind _with snow blowing onto our faces. AMixing Bwas mixed Cbeing mixed Dmixed,【答案】 D,Module 3 跟踪训练,7Its clear that her painting has been _ by Picasso. Ainfluenced Bmixed Ceffected Drealized,【解析】 A本题考查动词的区分。influence影响;effect作名词时可以表示“影响”,作动词则表示“实现,引起”。,Module 3 跟踪训练,8Her speech was _. That is to say,we _ her speech. Aimpressive;were impressing by Bimpressed; were impressed at Cimpressive;were impressed by Dimpressing; were impressing with,【解析】 C第一个空可以是impressive 或impressing。第二个空用be impressed with/by。,Module 3 跟踪训练,9He _ America with his oneman show,and he had visited Chicago and New York. Avisited Breached Ctraveled Dtoured,【解析】 D本题考查动词的区分。tour表示巡回演出。,Module 3 跟踪训练,10Can you lend me some money?I happen not to have any with me now. _. Why are you always borrowing money from me? ANo way BOf course CIm sorry DOK,【解析】 A本题考查交际用语。No way. 表示对对方要求的一种回绝。C项语气较委婉,与后面句子的语气不符。,


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