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实用标准文案回复:四中网校资源定语从句精讲虚 虚拟语气在条件句中的应用:英语中if从句有两种:一种是以述语气叙述的叫做真实条件句,说明所 提出的假想是可以实现的;另一种是以虚拟语气叙述的,叫非真实条件句,说 明所提出的假想实现的可能性极小或与事实相反。这种虚拟语气一般因所指的 时间的不同而分三种情况:1. 表示与现在事实相反:If + 从句主语+动词的过去式,主语+should/ would/ could/ might +动词原形(be 一般用 were)如: If I were you, I would go by pla ne.如果我是你,我将坐飞机去。(In fact I am not you. ) If he were here, he would decide what to do.如果他在这里,他会决定做什么。(In fact he isn t here.) If I had the letter at han d, I would read it.如果我手头有这圭寸信的话,我会读它的。(In fact I don t have the letter at hand. ) If she knew about it now, she would come.如果她现在要是知道这件事的话,她会来的。(In fact she doesn t knowabout it. ) If he had time, he would go with you.如果他有时间,他会同你一起去的。(In fact he is very busy, so he can t go with you. )2. 表示与过去事实相反:If + 从句主语 + had + 过去分词,主语 +should/ would/ could/ might +have +过去分词如: If he had come here yesterday, I should have told him.如果他昨天到这里来,我早就告诉他了。(Fact: He did not come and I did not tell him.) If I had take n his advice, I would nhave made such a mistake.如果我当时接受了他的劝告,我是不会犯那样一个错误的。(Fact: I didn t take his advice and I made such a mistake.) If I had n t bee n so busy last Mon day, I would have called her.如果我上周一不忙的话,我早就给她打了。(Fact: I was busy last Mon day and I did n t cal l her.)3. 与将来事实可能相反: 动词的过去式,If +从句主语 +should +动词原形,+ 主语+ should/would/ could/ might +动词原形were to + 动词原形, 如: If it should snow/sno wed/were to snow tomorrow, I would not go out.如果明天下雪的话,我就不出去了。(But I know it won t snow tomorrow.) If he failed/should fail/were to fail, he would try aga in.如果他失败的话,他会再试一次。(I know that most probably he won t fail. ) If I had time n ext year, I would study Germa n.如果我明年有时间的话,我就学德语。(I know that most probably I won t have time next year.)在书面语中,有时if虚拟从句可使用倒装形式,方法是:如果 if从 句中含有were, had或should时,把条件从句中的if省略,将were/ should/ had移至主语之前。如: If I were in his place, I should lear n to drive.f Were I in his place, I should learn to drive.如果我处于他的地位,我一定学开车。 If it should snow tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.f Should it snow tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. 如果明天下雪,会议将会延期。 If they had helped us, we would have succeeded.f Had they helped us, we would have succe eded. 如果他们帮助了我们,我们早就成功了。 If it were to snow tomorrow, what would you do?Were it to snow tomorrow, what would you do?万一明天下雪的话,你怎么办。如果从句和主句所表示的动作发生的时间不一致,例如:一个与过去 事实相反,另一个与现在事实相反,动词的虚拟语气形式应根据所指的实际时 间来选用。如: If he were alive, he might have finished his scientific researches on the bridge-build ing three years ago.如果他现在还活着,他可能三年前就完成了他的桥梁建筑科研工作了。(从句所表示的动作与现在事实相反,主句所表示的动作与过去事实相反) If you had followed his advice, you would not be in trouble now. 如果你当初听从他的建议,你现在就不会陷入这种困境了。(从句表示的动作与过去相反,主句所表示的动作与现在相反) If I had followed the doctor s advice, I would be quite all right now.如果我当时听从了医生的建议,我现在就完全恢复了健康。(从句所表示的动作与过去相反,主句所表示的动作与现在相反) If I were you, I would have gone with her.如果我是你,我早就和她一起去了。(从句表示与现在事实相反,主句所表示的动作与过去事实相反)有时假设的情况并不以条件从句表示出来,而是通过一个介词短语来 表示如: We could have done betterun der more favourable con diti ons.在更有利的条件下,我们还可以做得更好些。 Without the warmth and light of the sun , the earth s vegetation would die almost immediately.如果没有太阳的热量和光,地球上的植物几乎会马上死去。假设的情况有时可以通过上下文或其他方式来表现:如: I was ill that day. Otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meet.我那天生病了,否则就参加运动会了。 But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier.要是没有碰到暴风雨,我们还会早一些到的。 I would have writte n before, but I have been ill.本来该早就给你写信的,但我生病了。 虚拟语气在wish后的宾语从句中的应用: wish的各种时态都不影响从句的时态1. 与现在事实相反的愿望:wish +从句主语+动词的过去式 如: He wishes he were a bird.他希望自己是一只小鸟。 I wish I were ten years youn ger.真希望自己年轻十岁。 I wish I remembered the address.我要是记得地址就好了。2. 与过去事实相反的愿望:wish + 从句主语+ had + 动词的过去分词如: She wished she had bee n braver the n.她真希望那时她胆子大一些。 I wish he had gone to the exhibiti on.要是他去参观展览会就好了。 I wish you had bee n here yesterday.要是你昨天在这里就好了。 We wish we had paid more a tte nti on to our pronun ciati on. 但愿我们过去对发音注意得更多一些。3. 与将来事实可能相反的愿望:wish + 从句主语 + should/would/could/might +动词原形如: We wish that he could be with us tomorrow. 但愿他明天和我们在一起。 I wish he would try aga in.我希望他还能再试一次。 虚拟语气在 suggest, dema nd, propose, comma nd, request, desire, order, i nsist等动词之后的宾语从句中,表示命令和建议:suggest/ dema nd/ propose/ comma nd/ request/ desire/ order/insist/ask(请求,要求)+(that) + sb.+ (should ) + 动词原形如: We suggest that the meeti ng (should) be postp on ed.我们建议会议延期。 They in sist that he (should ) obey every comma nd.他们坚持他该服从命令。 The chairma n proposed that they (should) stop the meeti ng.主席建议他们把会议停下来。 The leader ordered the soldiers (should) be sent to the front at on ce.那位领导人下令马上派兵上前线。 They asked that arr angements (should) be madeto send the comrades back to Beiji ng.他们要求作好安排把这些同志送回。 The workers dema nded that their wages (should) be in creased.工人们要求增加工资。 suggest的主语如果不是指人,而是指某一现象时,其后的宾语从句常 不表示建议,而是暗示一种情况,此时的宾语从句中不用虚拟语气(sb. should do sth.),而应根据容使用正确的时态。如:I suggested that the meeti ng (should) not be put off in spite of the rai n.我建议不要因为下雨而推迟会议。The look on her face suggested she was sad.她脸上的表情表明她难过。(was不能改成should be )如果insist后面的宾语从句不是表示对未来某一动作的主或要求,而 是坚持过去或当时的某一事实,则其宾语从句不用虚拟语气(should do sth.),而应根据容使用正确的时态。如:He in sisted we discuss the problem at the meeti ng.他坚持在会议上我们要讨论这个问题。He insisted he hadn t spoken ill of you behind your back.他坚持说他没有在背后说你的坏话。 虚拟语气在as if/though从句中的应用:在as if/though引导的从句中,如果谈论的是不可能或不真实的情况,它们所引导的表示虚拟性比喻或方式的状语从句要用虚拟语气。动词形式和 wish后面的从句中动词形式变化相同。如: I have loved you as if you were my son.我喜欢你,就好像你是我的儿子。 They were sitting there as if nothing had happened.他们只是坐在那里就像什么事都没发生过。 They are talk ing as if they had bee n frie nds for years.他们说话很亲热就像多年的老朋友。 I heard a no ise as if some one were breath ing.我听到了声音就像有人在呼吸。(as if 从句的虚拟语气用进行时态表示与主句的动作同时发生) as if/though引导的从句有时依句意需要,也可用述语气,表示说话人认为有可能是事实的事如: It seems as if she knows me.似乎她认识我。(事实上她认识我的可能性很大) He walks as ifhe is drunk.他走起路来像是喝醉了酒。(事实上他可能真的喝醉了) 虚拟语气在It s (high) time中的应用:It s (high) time that sb. +动词过去式 / should do sth.如: It s time that we went/should go to bed.我们该睡觉了。 It s high time that we stopped/should stop this practice.我们的确该停止这种做法了。(六)虚拟语气在so that, in order that引导的目的状语从句中的应用:一般多用 may或might (口语中也可用can /could ) 如: Speak clearly so that they may un dersta nd you.请说得明白些,以便他们都能懂你的话。 I lentthem some money in order that they might go for a holiday.我借给他们一些钱以便他们可以去度假。(七)虚拟语气在for fear that, lest和in case引导的从句中的应用:这时谓语动词多用should加动词原形 如: I took my umbrella with me lest it should rain.我带上雨伞怕下雨。 He bur ned all the importa nt docume nts for fear that they shouldfall into the en emy s han ds.他把所有的重要文件都烧毁了,怕它们会落入敌人的手中。 Here s some money in case you should n eed it.这儿有点钱以防你需要用。 虚拟语气在某些表语从句和同位语从句中的应用:在 suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, request等词后面的表语从句和同位语从句中,常用:(should) +动词原形,用来适合于说话人所 表示的建议、要求、命令等语气。如: Her suggesti on is that we should goto help them.她的建议是我们理应去帮助他们。(表语从句) The officer s order was that the bridge be destroyed before daylight.军官命令在拂晓前炸毁桥梁。(表语从句) My idea is that we send a few comrades to help the other groups.我的意见是派几个同志去帮助别的小组。(表语从句) What do you think of his proposal that we should put on a playat the En glish eve ning?他建议在英语晚会上演一个剧,你觉得怎么样。(同位语从句) I agree with the plan that she visit London this summer.我同意她今年夏季出访伦敦。(同位语从句) The advice that steps be take n at once sounds reas on able.立即采取步骤的建议听起来有道理。(同位语从句)(九)在 It is important/natural/necessary/strange that的主语从句中:(should ) +动词原形如: It is important that we (should) unite with all that can be united in the struggle.在斗争中团结一切可以团结的人是非常重要的。 It is n ecessary that I (should) retur n the book this morning.今天早上我有必要还书。 It is stra nge that she (should) go away without say ing good-bye.奇怪的是她不说再见就走了。 It was quite n atural that my picture (should) surprise them.我的照片使他们吃惊是十分自然的。(十)在 It is suggested/required/desired/ordered/proposedthat 和It s a pity that 的主语从句中:(should) +动词原形如: It is requested that he give a performance at the party.有人请求他在聚会上表演一个节目。 It has been decided that the meeting be postponed till next Saturday.已经决定会议延期到下周日。 It is desired that we shouldget everythi ng ready by toni ght.希望一切在今晚准备好。 It is a pity that he should be so con ceited.真遗憾他会这样自高自大。(十一-)在expect, believe, think等动词的否定形式后的宾语从句中,用should +动词原形/完成形式,表惊奇、怀疑等语气如: I n ever expected that the problem should be so complicated.我从没想过这个问题会这样复杂。 I n ever thought he should refuse.我从没想到他会拒绝。(十二)在if only引导的句中:如: If only I had not lost it.我要是没丢多好呀。 If on ly we had take n his advice.我们要是听从了他的建议就好了。 If only the letter had arrived in time.信要是及时到就好了。 If only he were here.要是他在这里就好了 。(十三)在某些表示祝愿的句子中:谓语动词用动词原形如: Long live the Communist Party of China!中国共产党万岁! May the frie ndship betwee n our two peoples last forever.祝两国人民的友谊万古长青。 May you succeed!祝你成功!(十四)情态动词的过去式用于现在时态,表示说话人客气、有礼貌或 语气婉转如: Would you mind my smok ing here?我在这里吸烟你介意吗? Could you come a little earlier n ext time?下次你稍微早点来好吗? You had better leave the matter to me.你最好把这事交给我。(十五)在even if引导的让步状语从句中,表示一种假设,构成虚拟语气, 其虚拟语气构成形式与if虚拟条件句相同如: Even if he had been tended without delay, nothing would have saved him.即使他受到立即治疗,也没有什么东西能救他。 Even if I were there, I shouldn t be able to solve the problemby myself.即使我在那儿,我也不能自己解决这个问题。高考预测题:1. If Iwhere he lived, Ia n ote to him.A. kn ew, will sendB. had known, would have sentC. know, would sendD. kn ew, would have sent2. Alice is ill today. If she, sheabse nt fromschool.A. were not ill, would not beB. had bee n ill, would not have bee nC. had bee n ill, should have bee nD. had not bee n ill, could be3. Without your help, weso much.A. won t achieve B. didn t achieve C. don t achieve D. wouldn t have achieved4. We wish wewhat you did whe n we were at high school.A. didB. could have doneC. have doneD. should do5. He asks that hean opport unity to expla in why he s refusedto go there.A. is givenB. must give C. should giveD. be given6. Father dema nded that wehome as soon as the school isover.A. might return B. must return C. should returnD.ought to return7. Peter in sisted that heany thi ng at all.A. had not stolenB. should not stealC. doesn t stealD. steal8.lf only Ito the lecture!A. liste nB. will liste nC. am liste ningD.had liste ned9.If you had eno ugh mon ey, what?A. will you buy B. would you buy C. would you have bought D. will you have bought1O.Her tired face suggested that shereally tired after thelong walk.A. had beenB. wasC. beD. shouldbe11. He did n t know my teleph one nu mber, otherwise heme.A. had teleph onedB. would teleph oneC. would haveteleph oned D. teleph one12. - Why didn t he buy the book?-He, but his motherallow him.A. would , did ntB. would have, did n tC. had had, would n tD. had bought, had n t13. -Do you mind if I close the door?-W ell, I d rather you.D.D. haveA. don tB. didn tC. won tmust nt14.lt s time that wethe problem.A. must solve B. can solveC. solvedsolved15. But for that heavy rain, wea pleasa nt journ ey.A. would have had B. would not have had C. will have D. will not have16. today, I would get there in three day.A. If I am leavingB. Were I to leave C. If were I to leaveD. If I leaves17.If my teacherfixing the radio, he would have broughtit back to me.A. was able to fin ishB. could finishC. had bee n able to finishD. would be able to fin ish18.I should very much likebut you didn t invite me.A. to go to the partyB. to have gone to the partyC. going to the partyD. hav ing gone to the party19.Without my help, he such rapid progress.A. couldn t make B. wouldn t make C. will not have made D. wouldn t have made20.1 would have come earlier, but Ithat you were wait ing.A. wouldn t know B. hadn t known C. didn t know D. haven t known21.Tom is look ing for his key.he put the key in his desk,he.A. If, will not loseB. If, wouldn t have lostC. Had, wouldn t lose D. Had, wouldn t have lost22.lf itSun day tomorrow, I would go to the theatre.A. isB. will beC. wereD. were to23.The teacher s advice is that childrenevery evening.A. will not watch TVB. not watch TVC. don t watch TVD. needn t watch TV24.lt is stra nge that heyou this.A. would tellB. should tellC. has toldD. had told25.If there were no homework to do, we should have.A. much happier time B. a much happier timeC. a more happiertime D. much happy time26.I noticed that mygrandmother was very upset whenl told her about the accide nt, so I wished Iit to her.A. had not men ti onedB. did not men ti onC. have notmen tio nedD. do not men ti on27.My father and mother in sisted that Ihome.A. stayed B. could stayC. has stayedD. stay28.0ur teacher hasn t comeyet. Ifto put off the meet ing. A. should comeB. would comeheon time, we would haveC. shouldn t comeD.文档大全doesn t come29.He sat there, of judgeme nt.A. had lostlost in thought, as if heforB. lostC. has lostever his powerD. lose3O.lf she hadn t sold her hair, shethe gold watch for Jim.A. wouldn t buyB. would have boughtC. could have boughtD. couldn t have bought答案与提示:1. B表示与过去情况相反的虚拟结构。题意为:如果我曾知道他住在哪里的话,我会给他寄封信的。2. A由句中的“ Alice is ill today.”可知本小题的空白处应填入表示与现在情况相反的虚拟结构。题意为:玛丽今天生病了,如果她没生病的话, 她不会缺课的。3. D“ Without your help ”实际上相当于一个虚拟条件句,在此句中表示与过去相反的虚拟条件句。Without your help= If you hadn t helpedus.题意为:如果没有你的帮忙的话,我们不会取得这么多的成就。4. Bwish后面的宾语从句中谓语动词要使用虚拟语气。“what youdid whe n we were at high school.”暗示在本小题的空白处应填入表示与过去情况相反的虚拟结构。题意为:我们多么愿在中学读书时能够做过你曾做过 的事情呀。5. D在ask (要求)后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词也常用虚拟语气形式:(should ) +动词原形。题意为:他要求给他个机会来解释他拒绝到那 里去的理由。6. C在dema nd(要求)后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词也常使用虚拟语气形式:(should) +动词原形。题意为:父亲要求我们一放学就回家。7. A当动词insist的意思是“坚持说”时,其后面的宾语从句中不使用虚拟语气结构。题意为:彼得坚持说他没偷过任何东西。8. D在if only 引导的句中常使用虚拟语气。这种虚拟结构与虚拟条件句里谓语形式相同。题意为:要是我听过那个讲座或好。9. B本句为对现在情况虚拟,主句为 would, should(第一人称),could等加动词原形。10. B suggest意为“建议”时,后面,的宾语从句要用 should+动词原 形,但在本题中suggest意为“说明”,“暗示”,其宾语从句的动词按正常 情况处理,故不选C D; A项时态不符合题意。11. C这是一个暗示条件的对过去情况虚拟的句子,前句暗示“ if hehad known my teleph one nu mber ”后面主句是 would + 完成时,A、B D 三项都不符合题目要求。12. B答语中为对过去虚拟的主句,“本来会买的”,would have=would have bought , but后面是过去的事实。13. BI d rather接从句,动词一般要用过去时,这是虚拟语气的一种情况,表示一种希望。A、C、D三项都不合题意。14. CIt s time后面的宾语从句中,通常要用动词的过去时表示一种虚拟语气,即:It s (high) time that sb. + 动词过去式 / should do sth。15. A由前置状语中but for “倘若没有”,“若不是”推知,主句为一虚拟语气,而且是对过去情况的假设。题意为:如果没有那场大雨,我们的 旅途会是愉快的。16. B本题为对将来情况的虚拟条件句:If +从句主语+动词的过去式should +动词原形 were to + 动词原 形。还可以把were提到主语的前面,此时要把连词if省略。17. C这是个对过去情况虚拟的主从句子,条件句过去完成时,主句为情态动词的过去时,加上完成时,这个句子乍看起来是区别could和be able to的用法,其实不然,填 A B D句子的语法意义不通。18. B本句中I should very much like to的句法功能相当于 would,接动词的完成体表示“本来非常想,而没有”是一种对过去情况的虚拟,but后面的句子给出了“没有做到”的原因,暗示“如果邀请的话”。A项的时态不是对过去事情的虚拟,应排除;C、D两项为动名词短语,不应当接在like的后面。19. D这是一句对过去事实进行假设的虚拟语气的句子, without myhelp相当于If he hadn t had my help, 因为主句应当用情态动词的过去式 带动词的完成体形式,A、B两项应予排除,C项为将来时,并不能使上下文意 义通。题意为:如果没有我的帮助,他不会取得如此快的进步。20. C主句为对过去事实相反的推测,but后面说的是真实的事实,但隐含“如果我知道”的意思;A、D两项时态不符,所填的时态应与主句相呼应,由but转成述语气,故but后面“I”弓I起的句子应为真实的情况,故用一般过去时。21. D题意为:假如他把钥匙放在课桌里的话,就不会丢钥匙了。这是对过去情况的虚拟语气:Ifhad +过去分词,would have + 过去分词。Had he put the key in the desk= If he had put the key in the desk。22. C本题是对将来时间的虚拟,故 A B不对;D项were to后面应有be。23. B在 suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, request等词后面的表语从句和同位语从句中,常用虚拟语气:(should) + 动词原形,用来适合于说话人所表示的建议、要求、命令等语气。其否定形式为:(should)+ not +动词原形。24. BIt is stra nge (importa nt, n ecessary, importa nt等)后面的所接的that句为:should +动词原形。25. B本题为对现在情况的虚拟语气。A项没有冠词,不对;C项犯双重比较的错误;D项中,much不修饰happy的原级形容词。26. Awish后面的宾语从句中谓语动词要使用虚拟语气。本题表示对过去事情的虚拟,故用过去完成时形式。27. D主句的谓语动词insist表示“要求某人”时,后面应用虚拟28. C 原形。29. A 时。30. D语气:(should)+ 动词原形。这样的词还有:request, dema nd, order, suggest本题是对将来情况进行的虚拟语气。条件从句用should +动词as if 此处为虚拟语气,是对过去情况的虚拟,故用过去完成题意为:如果她不卖掉自己的头发的话,她就不能给吉姆买金 表了。这是对过去情况虚拟的主从句,主句应用情态动词的过去式+完成体的动词。Subjunctive mood虚拟语气:表示说话人的愿望 ,假设 ,猜测或建议 , 而不是表示客观存在的事实 虚拟语气在各种句式中的用法 :( 一 ) 用于条件状语从句1、真实条件句和虚拟条件真实条件句: If you move, I ll shoot you 虚拟条件句 : If I were you, I would study hard.2、虚拟语气在条件句中的用1. 表示与现在事实相反:If + 从句主语+动词的过去式,主语+should/ would/ could/ might + 动词原形(be 般用were)If I were you, I would study hard.2. 表示与过去事实相反:If + 从句主语 + had + 过去分词,主语 +should/ would/ could/ might +have + 过去分词If I had come here yesterday, I would have seen him3. 与将来事实可能相反: 动词的过去式,If +从句主语 +should +动词原形,+ 主语+ should/would/ could/ might +动词原形were to + 动词原形,If you succeeded tomorrow, everything would be all right.If you should succeed tomorrow, everything would be all right.If you were to succeed tomorrow, everything would be all right.注意( 1 )当条件状语从句的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,动词 的形式要根据它所表示的时间来调整。 (混合时间条件句 /错综时间条件句 ) If you had followed the doctors advice, you would be quite all rightnow.( 从句指过去 , 主句指现在 )If I had spoken to him yesterday, I should know what to do now.( 2 )从句省略 if , 用倒装句式“ were,had,should+ 主语”were I you, I would study hard.(3)含蓄条件句:虚拟条件暗含在介词短语或上下文中,从句不表现出来。But for ( 要不是)your help, we should have failed(=If it had not bee n for your help)(=lf you had not helped us )(4)特殊结构的条件If it were not for “如果没有 ”, 表示同现在事实相反的假If it had not been for “如果当时没有” , 与过去事实相反的假If it were not for his help, I could never go to college.If it had not been for your help, we should have failed(5)If only ( “要是多好呀” )引导的感叹句If only + 主语 +过去式(与现在或将来相反)If only + 主语 +过去完成(与过去相反)If only I had win gs!我要是听他的话就好了 !If only I had take n his advice!(二) wish引导的宾语从句wish的各种时态都不影响从句的时态1. 与现在事实相反的愿望:wish +从句主语+动词的过去式I wish I had a car2. 与过去事实相反的愿望:wish + 从句主语+ had + 动词的过去分词I wish / wished I hadnt eaten so much watermelon.女口: She wished she had bee n braver the n.她真希望那时她胆子大一些。 I wish he had gone to the exhibiti on.要是他去参观展览会就好了。3. 与将来事实可能相反的愿望:wish + 从句主语 + should/would/could/might +动词原形女口: We wish that he could be with us tomorrow.但愿他明天和我们在一起。I wish he would try agai n.我希望他还能再试一次。(三)几种常用虚拟语气的句型:句型动词的虚拟语气形式3.It is/was+ 上述动词的过去分词 (suggested, demanded等) + that主语从句主语从句中用 (should)+动词原形4. It is/was+adj./n.女口:importa nt, n ecessary, n atural, possible, stra nge, a pity/a shame, no won der, desirable主语从句中用(should)+动词原形 It is requested that he give a performa neeat the party.有人请求他在聚会上表演一个节目。 It has been decided that the meeting be postponed till next Saturday.已经决定会议延期到下周日。 It is desired that we should get everyth ing ready by toni ght.希望一切在今晚准备好。 It is a pity that he should be so conceited.真遗憾他会这样自高自大。 It is important that we (should) unite with all that can be united in the struggle.在斗争中团结一切可以团结的人是非常重要的。 It is n ecessary that I (should) retur n the book this morning.今天早上我有必要还书。 It is stra nge that she (should) go away without say ing good-bye.奇怪的是她不说再见就走了(三)几种常用虚拟语气的句型句型动词的虚拟语气形式1.动词+宾语从句一个坚持:insist坚持(应该/做)两个命令:order,command三个建议:suggest,propose,advise 四个要求:desire,demand,ask,require宾语从句中用 (should)+动词原形2.与上述动词相对应的名词如: suggesti on ,order,proposal,pla n,idea, command,request等后接的表语从 句/同位语从句。表语从句,同位语从句中用(should)+动词原形The leader ordered the soldiers (should) be sent to the front at on ce.那位领导人下令马上派兵上前线。They asked that arrangements (should) be madeto send the comrades back to Beiji ng.他们要求作好安排把这些同志送回。Her suggestion is that we should go to help them.她的建议是我们理应去帮助他们。(表语从句)What do you think of his proposal that we should put on a play at the En glish eve ning?他建议在英语晚会上演


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