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必修三、四单词拼写专练必修三UNIT11. There are seven c_ in the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, North American, South American, Australia and Antarctica.2. The shopkeeper owed a lot of money and could not pay all his d . 3. The proud man said he would rather s_ than beg for food.4. He is a famous p_ and his poems are popular with the youth.5. Indeed, there are many o_ advantages to a five-day week.6. She entered the lab without _ (许可).7. Hans was a very r_ (虔诚的) man. He behaved in a Christian way to all people including his enemies.8. Do you know when India gained its _ (独立) from Britain.9. I _ (道歉) to her for stepping on her foot.10. He got a lot of _ (奖状) for his excellent study.【答案】1. continents 2. debts 3. starve 4. poet 5. obvious 6. permission 7. religious 8. independence 9. apologized 10. awardsUNIT21.C_ drove me to follow the strange man with dark glasses into a lonely old house.2.Most stores ask their assistants to look on c_ as gods, but actually they dont.3.I am looking for a job in which I can c_ my work with my interest.4.In order to keep healthy, youd better have a b_ diet.5.Each coin has two sides. Everyone has his advantages and w_.6.After the tiring climbing, my _(力气) gave out.7.When I arrived in America, I found my English was very _(有限的).8.My mother is _(瞪) at me, angrily and without saying anything.9.The successful launch of Shenzhou VII must bring _ (好处)to the development of space industry.10.Stores will give a _(打折) for their VIP customers before important festivals.【答案】1.Curiosity 2. customers 3. combine 4. balanced 5. weakness 6. strength 7. limited 8. glaring 9. benefit 10. discount UNIT3 1. He is very rich though he is always in r_. 2. They shouldnt treat their mother in a rude m_. They should respect her. 3. As a child, you are not p_ to smoke. 4. Mary listened to his long story with p_. 5. D_ is the sweet food served after the main course of a meal. 6. He was _ _ (抚养)by his grandparents. 7. I found her letter _ _ (偶然地)as I was looking through my files. 8. I had thought it was a terrible film. _ _ _ (正相反), it was exciting. 9. _ _ (至于) Louise, well, who cares what she thinks. 10. Her excuse for being late was totally _ (难以置信的).UNIT4 1. He balanced the long pole at its center of _ ( 重力)。 2. I believe the affair is _ ( 有害的)。 3. He likes living in cooler _ ( 气候)。 4.The managers _ (到场) at the party was a surprise. 5. The _ ( 令人失望的 )result upset many football fans. 6. A bomb buried under the ground for many years e_ and three people died and one was injured. 7. It is said that there is a v_ storm tomorrow. 8. The social s_ needs to be improved. 9. This kind of plant m_ very quickly in warm weather. 10.The d_ of this industry will take several years. 【答案】1. gravity 2. harmful 3. atmosphere 4. presence 5. disappointing 6. exploded 7. violent 8. system 9. multiplies 10.development UNIT51. There are two o_ languages in Canada. 2. He went to Australia in the 1980s and s_ down there.3. What she saw t_ her and she had bad dreams every night after that.4. He tried to flee across the _ (边境) but was caught.5. The man that survived the earthquake was _ better yesterday.We cant _(判断) a person by what he says 7. There are seven c_ in the world, of which Asia is the largest.8. He is a w_ and kind man. He gives a lot of money to the poor every year.9. I just cant f_ out why he gave up all he had and went abroad.10. During the war this village was _(包围)by the enemy and 100 people were killed.【答案】1.officials 2.settled 3.terrifed 4.border 5.slightly 6.judge 7.continents 8.wealthy 9. figure 10. surrounded必修四 Unit11. Ive a_ only half of what Id hoped to do.2. You can go out on c_ that you wear an overcoat.3. She d_ all her efforts to her task.4. The police o_ the man enter the bank.5. We a_ with the waiter about the price of the meal.6. Will you _ (支持) me in my campaign for election?7. Hes involved in the _ (组织)of a new club.8. She was ashamed of her childrens bad _ (举止).9. He fell in the water, much to the _ (开心) of the children.10. Did you _ (传递) my message to my father?【解析】1. achieved 2. condition 3. devoted 4. observed 5. argued 6. support 7. organization 8. behaviour 9. entertainment 10. DeliverUNIT21. The company in Nanjing e_ about 20,000 boxes of wine to the UK last year. 2. The bad weather r_ grain harvests in the last couple of years.3. In order to keep your body healthy, you should take the advice on diet and n_ 4. We should make a s_ of the results of the exam briefly and report to the headmaster.5. Yuan Long ping has devoted himself to finding ways to raise rice o_ .6. We had a_ (努力)to stop the criminal.7. They couldnt afford to_ (装备) their laboratories properly because of lack of money.8. People are_ (困惑的) about all the different labels on food these days.9. A _ (化学的) change takes place in paper when it burns. 10. We must _ (摆脱)ourselves of these old ideas. 【答案】1. exported 2. reduced 3. nutrition 4. summary 5 output6. struggle 7. equip 8. confused 9.chemical 10. ridUNIT31.We should try to _ (克服) all difficulties.2.The famous film was _ (导演) by Zhang Yimou.3.The dictionary is_(特别)useful for beginners.4.Are you _ (满意的) with your present salary? 5.He was _ (惊讶的) to hear that he had got the job.6.Soon news spread t_ the country.7.Success came after many f_.8.Ive been f_ to have so many good teachers.9.He was given a reward for his o_ work.10. Tom is jobless, penniless and h_.【答案】1 overcome 2 directed 3 particularly 4 content 5 astonished 6 throughout 7 failures 8 fortunate 9 outstanding 10 homelessUNIT41. A thick overcoat is a good d_ against the cold.2. Heavy footsteps signaled the teachers a_.3. In g_,your plan is good.4. The m subjects in senior high schools are Chinese,English and mathematics.5. You say he is easy-going, but I never feel at e_ with him.6. What does the star (代表)before the question?7. We both are not in time; I think there must be some _ (误会) over the time.8. As you _ (接近) the school the first building you see is the teaching building.9. The picture _(描绘,描述) a hunting scene in which there is an ancient king.10. I will stay at home this evening; she is very _(很可能)to ring me tonight.答案:1. defense 2. approach 3. general 4. major 5. ease 6. represent 7. misunderstanding 8. approach 9. represents 10. likely UNIT51. The hotel offers its guests a v of services.2. The l_ of the movie is two hours.3. The whole story is a f_. It is not true.4. Discover the latest news about the amazing world of t_ parks, water parks, amusement parks, indoor water parks, and attractions.5. Without teachers a, the students cannot enter the language laboratory.6. We should try our best to _(保存) some historical sites.7. When spring comes, _ (各种各样的) flowers will blossom.8. Every child should take part in _ (运动的) sports to build up their body.9. My mother is learning (高级的)English course.10. My father bought some (纪念品)on his travel to Dalian.答案:1. variety 2. length 3. fantasy 4. theme 5. admission 6. preserve 7. various 8. athletic 9. advanced 10. souvenirs


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