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Unit1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later.教学目标:1)知识目标:能正确使用M 3 U1 的词汇including, attend, abroad, doctor, degree, whatever, victory和词组once again, give up.2)能力目标:能够听辨对话的人物关系,明确对话场所和话题;听懂有关英雄人物故事。学会使用because和so引导的状语从句,表达原因和结果。3 ) 情感目标:学习不同领域英雄人物的宝贵精神,培养刻苦努力积极向上的人生态度。教学重点:1. 本模块重点单词及交际用语。2. 用所学知识描述英雄人物。教学难点:1. 使用原因和结果状语从句。2.状语从句的正确使用。教学过程:课前延伸Read the words and expressions in Unit 1.Daily report: Talk about your heroes: Whos your favourite hero? Why?课内探究Step1情境导入A hero is a person who does something extraordinary and who we admire as a result. Show some pictures about the people who became heroes of all types: sportspeople, musicians, ordinary people in extreme situations, characters from films, etc.Talk about why they have become famous.( Use because and so)Step2 Listening1.小听力,一听(自主完成,合作释疑)Now please listen to the tape and answer the questions. (1). Whos the hero? Den Yaping(2).What are they listening to? Our Heroes.二听:Finish Activity 2, choose the best answer.1. Who are the speakers?A A student and a teacher B Two students C A person on the radio and a guest2. Where are the speakers?A At a station B In a classroom C At home 3. What are they talking about?A A famous person B A teacher C A friend2.大听力 (多层听)一层听:Listen ,1) 1. Who are the speakers?A A student and a teacher B Two students C A person on the radio and a guest2. Where are the speakers?A At a station B In a classroom C At home 3. What are they talking about?A A famous person B A teacher C A friend二层听:Listen again,complete the table. (学生独立完成后,小组内交流答案。) Facts about Deng YapingWhen she was five,SheWhen she was twenty-four,SheAfter she stopping playing,She began to After seven years study abroad,SheStep3 Speaking Guessing gameWhen she was five ,did she?When she was, did she?.Step4 Reading1. Read the conversation and talk about your answer to the question: She says she is not _. She has a very _. She helped _. Whatever she does, she _.2. Key sentences.Shes my hero because shes one of the best table tennis players in the world.She started playing table tennis when she was five.Whatever she does, she never give up!She trained hard, so she became a great player later.3. Finish Activity 5 in Page 19.4. Read in groups.Step 5 Make a survey.A: Whos your hero? B: Its Jackie Chan!A: Why?B: Because hes a great star. I think all his films are fantastic!Name HeroWhyJimJackie ChanBecauseReport like this:Jims hero is Jackie Chan, because Jackie Chan is a great film star and all his films are fantastic. So Jim likes it very much. Jim studies very hard so that he can be a successful person like Jackie Chan in the future课后提升复习巩固:整理课堂笔记,掌握本单元词汇及用法。完成下列习题。同义句转换1) They didnt have the picnic yesterday because of the heavy rain. It rained _ yesterday, _ they didnt have the picnic.2) Did you write the plan alone? Did you write the plan_ _ _.3) They got to the top early so that they could see the sunrise on Mount Tai. They got to the top early _ _ _ see the sunrise on Mount Tai.4) This book is interesting and that one is interesting as well. _ this book _ that one _ interesting.5)You are very kind to tell me the news. _ is very kind _ you to tell me the news. (四)达标测试:【活学活用】根据句意填上合适的引导词1)I want to be a singer _ I get up early to practice singing every day.2)_ you are my teacher, you couldnt mistake me either.3)I find a new house to live in_ the old one is far from my company.4)_ she has time tomorrow, we will go shopping together.5)The supper was ready _ I got home.6)I didnt sleep last night _ I finished my homework.7)You should take off your shoes _ you go into the lab.8)I was surfing on the Internet _ my sister was watching TV.9)_ I finished reading the book, I had learnt a lot.10)He likes listening to music _ he doesnt like singing at all.3


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