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Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells? Ask the students to make clear the aims and tasks of this period.【知识目标】1. 了解本课时的重点单词和短语collect-since2. 了解重点句型How long have you been doing sth.3.了解for+时间段 ; since+时间点。【能力目标】能够正确使用一般过去时、现在完成进行时。【情感目标】培养和坚持有益义的爱好。【知识重难点】现在完成进行时。【前置学习】翻译下列内容Preview the textbook and try to translate these phrases before class.1. 收集贝壳 2.收集邮票 3.放风筝 4.自从去年以来 5 五个小时 6开始上课7马拉松滑冰赛 8. 得到第一双滑冰鞋重要句子: 1.你已经滑冰多久了?_? - 我自从9点就开始滑冰了。_. - 我已经滑冰5个小时了。-_.2.你滑冰多久了?- 我滑了5 个小时了。【课堂活动】Step1. Learn the new words together and read aloud.Step2. Learn the content of this part and make oral practice.Step3. Listen to the tapes and do the listening practice.Step4. language points Learn and explain the language points, try to use them.1. 现在完成进行时:表示从过去开始一直持续到现在的动作,而且还要继续下去。现在完成进行时的构成:肯定句:主语 + have / has been + doing .否定句:主语+have/has + not + been + doing 一般疑问句:Have/Has + 主语 + been + doing? Time(时间状语): 1. for +一段时间 2. since +过去的时间点 3. since +一般过去时的句子2. since和for的区别用法 1).since表示“自从过去某一时间点以来”,后面接时间点,强调动作或状态一直延续到现在,一般用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。since后可接表时间的名词或名词短语,也可接一个时间状语从句。2).for表示时间的持续,后跟时间段。表示一段时间,多与带数词的名词连用,备课时谓语需用延续性动词I havent been seeing a film for a long time. 【活学活用】用for, since 填空. 1. Ive been staying in Tokyo_ two weeks.2.Ive been skating _ I was seven years old. 3.Tony has been living here _2000.4.The boy has been running _15 minutes.Step4. Exercise and homework. Ask the students to finish the exercise in ten minutes,【达标测评】一、单选check the answers together and explain the difficult questions( )1 _have you been skating ?_Ive been skating for five hours.A. How often B. How soon C .How long D. How old ( )2. - _ have you been living here?- For ten years.A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How soon ( )3. Mr Green _ in China since five years ago. A. livedB. has livedC. livesD. is going to live ( )4. I have been skating _ two hours. A. in B. at C. forD. since( )5. Mr. Fang _thousands of dollars for charity.A. bought B. lent C. raised D. sold二、完成句子:1.I have been skating for 2 years.(对画线部分提问) _2.Jim has been swimming for 3 years. (对画线部分提问)_3.A: How long has LiLei been playing basketball? B: He _ (play) basketball for 2 years. 4. 两年来,我一直学习英语。(汉译英)I _ for two years.【教/ 学后小记】本节课学习现在完成进行时的含义和用法,多数学生能理解,但具体到题目和相关句型中有的学生还会出错,需要课后造句和做题进一步练习运用。


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