八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake(第5课时)Section B(2a-2e) (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake(第5课时)Section B(2a-2e) (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake(第5课时)Section B(2a-2e) (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake(第5课时)Section B(2a-2e) (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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Section B 2a-2eTeaching goals:一、一、功能功能:Know about Thanksgiving Day in the United States.Learn to know how to make a turkey.Describe the process.二、词汇和常用表达二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to use the words and the useful expressions:Thanksgiving,traditional,autumn,traveler,England,celebrate,mix,pepper,oven,plate,gravy,serve,temperature,have a big meal,fillwith,coverwith三三、学习策略学习策略:阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们综阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们综 合阅读能力。合阅读能力。四四、文化知识文化知识:了解西餐的制作方法在语言的运用中感受中了解西餐的制作方法在语言的运用中感受中西方饮食文化的不同。通过食物的制作过程的介绍西方饮食文化的不同。通过食物的制作过程的介绍,让让学生认识到劳动成果的来之不易学生认识到劳动成果的来之不易,使之懂得不能浪费食使之懂得不能浪费食物物,珍惜他人的劳动成果珍惜他人的劳动成果,学会感恩。学会感恩。Preview and testing预习检测预习检测 1.Look at P61 and translate the following Chinese into English.(1)用用.装满装满._ ._ (2)(2)用用.覆盖覆盖._._(3)(3)把把.切成切成._ ._ (4)(4)在第二年秋季在第二年秋季 _ _ (5)(5)来自英格兰的第一批游客来自英格兰的第一批游客 _ _ (6)(6)以非常高的温度以非常高的温度 _(7)(7)把火鸡放在一个大盘子上把火鸡放在一个大盘子上 _ _ (8)(8)把它提供给你的朋友们把它提供给你的朋友们 _fill.with.cover.with.cut.into.in the next autumnthe first travelers from England at a very high temperature place the turkey on a large plate serve it to your friends 2.Translate the following sentences.(1)在大部分国家,人们通常在特殊假日里吃传统在大部分国家,人们通常在特殊假日里吃传统食物。食物。_.(2)在来年秋天,他们在新的家园为生活和食物而在来年秋天,他们在新的家园为生活和食物而表示感谢。表示感谢。_.(3)首先,把几片面包、洋葱、食盐和甜椒混合在首先,把几片面包、洋葱、食盐和甜椒混合在一起。一起。_.In most countries,people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.In most countries,people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.First,mix together some bread pieces,onions,salt and pepper.2a What kind of traditional food do people eat on special holiday in China?dumplingsmooncakeszong ziSpring Festival Mid-autumn Festival Dragon Boat FestivalWhile-reading ActivitiesTask 1:Read the article and the pictures fast and find the general idea of 2b读取大意The general idea of the articles is about_.A:The Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in NovemberB:Thanksgiving in the United StatesC:The history of Thanksgiving BTask 2:Read the article carefully and fill in the chart.读取细节读取细节 Read the article again and number the pictures 1-5.32415Task 3:2c.Read the articles carefully again and answer the following questions.读取细节读取细节 look at these questions,read the text again and answer them.Thanksgiving4.How?in the United Statesthe fourth Thursday in Novemberto give thanks for life and foodcelebrate by having a big meal at home with family turkey1.Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving?_ 2.When do people celebrate it?_ 3.Why do people celebrate it?_ _ _ 4.How do people celebrate it now?_ 5.What is the main dish of the Thanksgiving meal?_ In the United States.It is always on the fourth Thursday in November.People celebrate it to give thanks for food in the autumn andalso remember the first travelers from England who came to live in.By having a big meal at home with their family.Turkey.Post-reading activities读后活动读后活动Task 1.Listen to 2b,and then repeat.Thanksgiving is a s_ holiday in the U.S.A.Its always on the f_ Thursday in November.There are many r_ for this special day.For some people,it is a time to give thanks for food in the a_.At this time people also remember the first t_ from E_ about 400 years ago.These days,most Americans still have a big meal at home to c_ it.The main dish of this meal is almost always t_.specialfourthreasonsautumntravelerscelebrate turkey EnglandTask 2.Retell the article according to the pictures and forms.(复述复述)First,mix togetherNext,fill withThen,put in and cookWhen,place on and coverFinally,cut into and eat123452).Retell the way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner according to the pictures.2d.Practice1:Here are the instructions for making a turkey dinner written in a different way.Put them in order.Write First,Next,Then and Finally.Number the sentences 1-5._,serve it to your friends with some vegetables._,put this into the bird._,cook it at a very high temperature for a long time._,put everything you need together in a large bowl.FirstNextThenFinally13242e Talking 1.When is this special day?2.What are the reasons for this special day?Do people give thanks for anything on this day?Do people remember anything or anyone on this day?3.How do most people celebrate this day?4.Is there any traditional food?What are the main dishes?5.Can you make these dishes?What do you think is the most special day in China?Answer the following questions.1.Its Spring Festival.2.People give thanks to the people who beat the scary animal Nian.3.They usually put up red decorations and light firecrackers.4.They are dumplings.5.Yes,I can./No,I cant.The answers:1.Its Dragon Boat Day.4.Yes,there is.The main dishes are zongzi.2.In order to remember the famous poet Qu Yuan.3.People eat zongzi and have boat races.5.Yes,I can.Teachers words情感体验:情感体验:Please study hard to return for(回报)your parents.Lets learn to show our thanksgiving to all the people who have ever helped us.Lets help each other.Inquiry into knowledge by translation 翻译探究翻译探究一一.Next,fill the turkey with this bread mix._fill.with.的意思是的意思是_ _ 它的被动结构是它的被动结构是_ _。注意与。注意与be full of的区别:前者既可以表示的区别:前者既可以表示动作也可以表示状态;而后者只能表示状态。如:动作也可以表示状态;而后者只能表示状态。如:1 1)请把杯子装满水。)请把杯子装满水。_2 2)杯子被装满了水。)杯子被装满了水。_3 3)杯子里是满满的水。)杯子里是满满的水。_紧接着,把火鸡里装满面包混合物。紧接着,把火鸡里装满面包混合物。把把.装满装满.be filled with Please fill the cup with water.The cup is filled with water.The cup is filled with water.二二.Finally,serve it to your friends with some vegetables._serve 的意思是的意思是“_”_”,另一个意思是,另一个意思是_ _,一般后面不跟介词,一般后面不跟介词_,注意与汉语表达的区别。如:注意与汉语表达的区别。如:1 1)你能把咖啡端给那儿的女孩子们吗?)你能把咖啡端给那儿的女孩子们吗?Could you _ _ _ _ the girls?2 2)作为共产党员,你应该全心全意为人民服务。)作为共产党员,你应该全心全意为人民服务。As a party member,you _ _ _ _whole-heartedly(全心全意全心全意).最后,和蔬菜一起端给你的朋友们。最后,和蔬菜一起端给你的朋友们。端菜,上菜端菜,上菜 服务服务 for serve the coffee to should serve the peopleThe end-of-class test当堂检测当堂检测 一一.用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空1.This is the correct way _(make)an apple milk shake.2.You need _(put)the bananas into the blender first.3.The swimming pool is _(fill)with clean water.4.There are twenty _(travel)in the History Museum.5.How _ you_(celebrate)Spring Festival this year?6._(mix)the sugar with flour.to make to put filled travelers did celebrate Mix 二、请翻译下列句子。二、请翻译下列句子。1.1.它是感谢秋天丰收的时光它是感谢秋天丰收的时光 。_2.2.这些旅行者经过了漫长而艰难的冬季,并且其中很这些旅行者经过了漫长而艰难的冬季,并且其中很 多人死去。多人死去。_3.3.这顿饭主要的一道菜几乎总是火鸡,一只大鸟。这顿饭主要的一道菜几乎总是火鸡,一只大鸟。_4.4.用肉汁覆盖火鸡。用肉汁覆盖火鸡。_5.5.饺子是传统的中国食品饺子是传统的中国食品 。_ It is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.The travelers had a long,hard winter,and many of them died.The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey,a large bird.Cover the turkey with gravy.Dumplings are traditional Chinese food.Homework:家庭作业家庭作业 1.Say thanks to your family/teachers/friends!2.Do you know the traditional food in our city?Can you list some of them?3.选择一个你熟悉的传统食物,用英语描述选择一个你熟悉的传统食物,用英语描述一下它的制作过程。一下它的制作过程。


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