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ProjecClientContentsS/NSectionDescriptionPagesRemarks1Compilation Description121Mam Teclinical Specification and Economic Target1ConsuEPC C31-1Main Teclinical Specification241-2Teclinical and Economic Target and Promise Conditions152General Design Featuies 162-1Operation Features2Equip72-2Mam Steam System and Regenerative Extraction System282-3Steam Contribution and Operation Modes1DocuiDocui92-4Water-sprayiiig System for Rear Cylinder1103Constiuctional Features of Turbine Proper2113-1Shafting2123-2Cylinder2133-3Steam Fairway Arrangement2143-4Valves and Pipes2153-5Slide Key System and Differential Expansion2163-6Turning Gear2173-7Insulation and Enclosure1183-8Temperatuie and Pressure Momtoiiiig1194Manufacturer Name and Address1Page 1 of 1Compilation DescriptionN60-8.83 type steam turbme is a 60 MW tuibine model that is designed and manufactured based on the advanced technologies that are introduced domestically and mternationally. It is a new kind of condensing turbine of impulse type, liigh temperature, pressure and single cylinder. It matches boiler of conespondmg capacity and steam turbine generator to form thermal generation unit. It is of basic load in electricity grid, and can also regulate the peak.The control system of tills unit is low pressuie electric regulation.控制系统是低压电液控制This iiistiiiction manual mauily describes tlie general design of the unit and tlie stmctuie of tlie tuibme proper. Please refer to related teclinical documents provided with the machme for detailed descriptions on related auxiliaries, governing, protection and safety systems, installation and maintenance, start-up and operation, and vaiious systems. If the instiuction conflicts with teclinical documents provided, the documents shall prevail.In this iiistniction the pressures for the thermal system are presented in absolute pressure. The instiuction uses legal measurmg units system which can be converted .into engineeiiiig measuring units by means of the following:Force: 1 kgf = 9.8067 N Pressure: 1 kgf / cm2=0.098067 MPa Heat: 1 kcal = 4.1868 KJNote: definitions of Hleftn and right” sides: Being viewed in the duection from tlie steam turbine towards the generator; the left hand side is defined as the nleftM side whereas the right liand side is defined as the right” side. Definitions of nfrontn and nrearM ends: the end close to the steam tuibme is defined as the HfiontH whereas the end close to the generator is defined as nreaiM end.1-11 Model: N60-8.83型号:N60-8.832 Type.- impulse type, high pressure, lugh tempeiatuie, single cylinder, single shaft condensing steam tuibme 类型:冲动式、高压、高温、单缸、单轴冷凝汽轮机3 Guarantee output (TMCR condition): 60MW保证输出(TMCR工况):60 MW4 Maximum power (VWO condition): 64.5MW最大功率(VWO工况):64.5MW5 Rated condition (TMCR condition) paraineteis:额定工况参数a) Main steam pressure: 8.83MPa 主蒸汽压力 8.83MPab) Maili steam tempeiatuie: 535C 主蒸司温度 535Cc) Main steam flow: 225.8t/h 主蒸汽流量 225.8U11d) Back pressure: 8.5kPa 背压 8.5kPae) Inlet tempeiatuie of the cooling water: 30C/ftiP水进口温度 30Cf) Makeup water tempeiatuie: 2354C弟给水温度 2354C6 Maximum steam flow: 245t/h 主蒸汽流量 245t/h7 Rotation direction: clockwise when viewed in tlie direction from tuibine to generator转动方向:8 Rated speed : 3000i7nun 额定转速:3000r/nun9 Shafting critical speed: (calculated value):临界转速(计算值)1810r/mni (Steam turbine 1st step) 4160r/niui(Steam turbine 2nd step) *1679.7r/niin (Generator1st step)* The shaft critical speed of generator refers to tlie data provided by the manufacturing company of the generator.N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-0001 OOBSM10 Number of stages: 21 stages in total, consisting of 1 governing stage +20 pressuie stages级数:21级,包括一个调节级和20个压力级11 Regenerative extractions: 6 stages consistmg of 2 HP heaters+3 LP heaters+1 deaeiatoi回热抽气:6级,包括2个高压加热器3个低压加热器和除氧器12 Height of the last stage blade: 660mm最后的叶片长度:660mm13 Annular area of the last blade: 4.14 m214 Cooling surface area of the condenser: 4000 m2凝汽器冷却面积:4000 m215 Points for non-controlliiig extraction: Behind stages No 5. 8, 11, 15, 17, 1916 Overall dmiension of tlie turbine: 8569.5nmix6900nmix3360nun (The height is the distance behveen elevation of the operation floor and atmospheric-piessure-relief valve on tlie rear cylinder.)17 Weight of the steam turbine:14 It, (including valves, steam pipes, frame and levelling parallels)18 Maximum liftmg weight:25 tons(fbr lifting upper cylinder assembly during maintenance)38 tons(fbr liftmg lower cylmder assembly during installation)19 Maxuuum liftmg height: 6.36m (with respect to the opeiation floor) 20.Elevation of the operation floor: 8 m21 Executive standaid of the product: GB 5578-85 Specification for Stationary Steam Turbines Driving Generator.1. The rated output 60MW (TMCR condition) (The heat guarantee value is 9249 kJ/kW.h)will be guaranteed if the following operation conditions aie met:a) Main steam pressure: 8.83MPa;b) Main steam temperature: 535C;c) Main steam flow: 225.8t/h;d) Back pressure: 8.5kPa; Inlet temperatuie of the cooling water: 30cC;e) Makeup water flow: 0%;f) Regenerative extraction system operates normally and keep steam fairway normal and clean;g) Makeup water pump meets rated paiameters;h) Efficiency of the generator is no less than 98.33%, rated power factor is 0.8;2. The maximum output, 62.6N1W will be guaranteed if the following operation conditions are met (under the VWO condition):a) Main steam pressure: 8.83MPa; Main steam temperature: 535CCb) Main steam flow: 237.1t/h;c) Back pressure: 8.5kPa: Inlet temperature of the coolmg water: 30Cd) Makeup water flow is: 0%;e) Regenerative extraction system operates normally and keep steam fairway normal and clean;f) Makeup water pump meets rated paiameters;g) Efficiency of the generator is no less tliaii 98.33%, rated power factor is 0.8;3. If the thermal evaluation test is not conducted in a timely niaiiner after the unit is put into operation, an agingdeduction factor fbr conecting the thermal efficiency shall be considered in accordance with IEC 953-2-90 of International Electiiciaiis Conmuttee.The factors are as follows:a) 0.07%/month during a period of 3-12 months;b) 0.042%/month dwing a period of 13-24 months;Method for acceptance test with respect to the thermo-dynaniic performance, accuracy of the instruments used, the revision of the test results and the uncertainty of measured heat rate should meet the American Society of Mechanical Engmeers Standard (ASME PTC6.1).2 General Design Features2-12-1 Operation FeaturesN60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-0001 OOBSM1 Startup ConditionsThe startup conditions of this unit aie classified based on the inner wall metal temperatuie of the lower body of front cylinder after the regulating stage.Cold stait-up: less than 150C;Warm start-up: 15OC-3OOC:Hot start-up: 300-400cC;Extreme hot start-up: above 400C;The unit can be started up with rated paiameteis or slide paiaineters.2 Operation Controlling ModeOperator manual mode (manual); operator auto mode (semi auto); turbine selfstait mode (auto)3 Offset Frequency OperationDuring lifetime, the unit operation is continuous and stable in the frequency range of 48.551 He Offset frequency operation time lunit of the unit shall conform to the following table.Fiequency (Hz)Permitted operation timeTotal (niiii)One time (sec)51.5Not allowed51.0-51.5303048.5-51.0Continuous operation48.0-48.530030047.5-48.0606047.0-47.5101047.0Not allowed4 Unit allowable load change rateFrom 100% to 50%T-MCR, not more than 5%T-MCR/min; Below 50%T-MCR, not more than 3%T-MCR/min; Load phase step bemg no more tliaii 10% is allowed.5 O tliers5.1 To ensure safe unit operation, the maximum allowed back pressuie is 17.7kPa; maximum allowed exliaust temperature is 100cC.5.2 It is not allowed idle running to last more than 15 minutes after load rejection.5.3 The allowed unit minimum load for long-term operation is 18NIW, witlun the range of nununum load to 100% N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine) (WBK)D60F-000100BSMrated load, the turbine can operates contmuously and stably.2-2 Main Steam System and Regenerative Extraction SystemN608.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine) (WBK)D60F-000100BSM1 Maili Steam SystemThe mam steam system is a unit operation that means one boiler operates witli one steam tuibme under normal condition.The mam steam, coming from tlie boiler, flows into the mam stop valve tluough a mam steam pipe, then it goes to four governing valves separately via four main steam mlet pipes, finally flows to the cylinder. The steam, having done work in the cylinders, will be exliausted into a condenser tluough the rear cylinder.2 Regenerative extraction systemThere are six stages of regenerative extraction for this unit, consisting of two HP heatei s, one deaerator and tluee LP heaters. Please refer to Figure 2-2-1 Rated Condition Heat Balance Chart.Table 2-2-1 shows all parameter of the extracted steam for the regenerative system when the deaerator is in constantpressuie operation under TMCR condition.Extraction Section No123456Heater nameNo.lHPHTRNo.2HP HTRDTRNo.4LP HTRNo.5LPHTRN0.6LP HTRExtraction pomt(belund stage)5811151719Pressure(MPa)3.4661.941.0260.3520.1540.045Pressure loss(MPa)3%3%5%5%5%5%Extraction temperaturefC)416.1342.9269.1160.9112.178.6Flow (t/h)14.11316.7295.0767.88811.26.4Table 2-2-1N60-8.83 Turbine In繇澎章讪鼻曜福弱啪蹲旦祯 System under TMCR ConditioijWBK)D60F.0ooioOBSM| LHIHALPYmPRESSURE*1 LLEGEND二pClcIf1017.1H 235.4!修SIH7BXuSRw 二87淇HS6.3H 3266?iS一DES 互 _ CHECK APPD187433,s_CLruin.二 Low228M kg、hseWRAm -763 kekwIgD HST RATE9249 kWhC9D 二豆 s倍lt-il 4&3H 20畲.G L 由初受一 uri 11 I I IH5.8H A M星2 一 4=.7工7 3475=Blap 53W 3475.三 2258M.Gs_hQnDukv=B2x60w HST BALANCE 昌3.466P 3361.8HH113L 416.11L94P 3i242H 16729.G 3429】 成6。现4.4H 眺G 269.1T 352P 27800H 7888 160.9T.I54P 2646BH 11200.G 112.11IM5P 2479.9H 6400.6 7&6122盲一5 囹一.GNozzle control, used in this unit, involves four groups of nozzles. Each group of nozzles corresponds to one related governing valve. The angles turned of the cams of admission distiibution cam mechanism correspond to the opeimess of the governing valves. Figure 2-3-1 shows tlie distiibution of nozzle and the total number of steam passages. When the unit load is less than 25%, the flow is controlled by equilibrated valves of the four goveniiiig valves, and steam shall unifbinily enter the casing to reduce thermal stress. With the increase of load, No. I to No.IVgoveniing valves are opened in turn to control flow. When all four governing valves remain fully open, the partial admission rate reaches 62.5%.mlm2-4 Water-Spraying System for the Rear CylinderN60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-0001 OOBSMWhen the unit operates under low load or no load conditions, especially high back pressure condition, the temperature of tlie exliausted steam mcreases to overheat the cylinder. As a result, the center height of the bearing will be changed and violent vibration may occur.The water-spraying system, placed at the lower half of the rear cylindei; is used to keep the unit in operation with safety and steadmess under low load or no load condition. It is contiolled automatically. When the temperature of any side of the rear cylinder has reached 80 C, the conespondmg circuit will be closed by the bimetallic thermometer to actuate electrical valve so that the condensate which come from desalination device is sprayed into the rear cylinder thiough atomizing nozzles to decrease temperature of the exliausted steam. When temperature of the exliausted steam is below 65C, the circuit will be open and the water spraying is stopped.The condensate pressure must be controlled withm the range of 0.2940.490MPa in advance to obtam a perfect effect of atomization. Water spraying flow is within the range of 68t/h. The details aie shown in tlie drawing WBKJD50C.005.4Q, Water Spraying System.This is a kind of condensing turbine of unpulse type, liigh temperature, pressuie and single cylinder. In order to reduce the sti ess on the cylinder and increase the flexibility of the start-up. shut-down and load changes, the front and MP part of cylinder designed as single tier cylmder and diapluagm earner stnicture. The mam stop valve is airanged mdependently at the front of the turbine on tlie elevation of the operation floor, and connected witli cylinder via pipes. Total length of the unit is 8569.5nmi. See Figure 3-1 fbi the section view.Maili steam from the boiler HP heater enters the mam stop valve via one 325x28 main steam pipe and then to the 4 nozzle chambers in front cylmder respectively tluough 4- 168x14 admission pipes. After working in 1 single serial goveniiiig stage and 20 pressure stages, the steam is exliausted to condenser from the exliaust chamber m rear cylinder. The 1st section of steam extraction is provided after tlie 5th stage to supply 1# HP heater (N0.1HP HTR), the 2nd section of steam extiaction aie provided after tlie Sth stage to supply #2HP heater (NO.2HP.HTR), the 3ird section of steam extraction are provided after the 11th stage to supply the deaeiator (DTR).Theie is one extiaction pomt respectively after the 15th stage, 17th stage and 19th stage to supply #4, 5 ,6 LP heaters (N0.4LPHTR, N0.5LPHTR. N0.6LP HTR).Figine 3-1 N60-8.83 Condensing Steam Tuibme Section ViewThe shafting consists of tuibine rotor, generator rotor, mam oil pump rotor connected to tuibine rotor via gear coupling, and exciter rotor behmd the generator.During the process of the unit operation, the rotors are rotating on the supporting system, which consists of the bearmgs, beaiiiig housings, base plate and foundation. The stability and reliability of the shafting depend not only on the design and manufactiiimg chaiacteristics of vaiious rotors and bearings, but also on such factors as the installation quality, foundation characteristics, operation conditions and load changing etc. The shafting sketch is shown in Figure 3-1-1.J / f f TURBINE ROTOR /A i LZGENERATOR ROTOR,480022855660Kmm uFigure 3-1-1The tuibme rotor and generator rotor use rigid coupling and the bolt .head is embedded in the couplmg in order to reduce noise and blast loss (Figure 3-1-2). The couplmg shall strictly conform to drawings and related teclmicaldocuments.1. Tuibme end couplmg 2. Positioning screw 3. Non-retuni screw 4. Cover plate5. Special nut 6. Washer 7. Special bolt 8. Generator end couplmgFigure 3-1-2


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