九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths (新版)外研版

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九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths (新版)外研版_第1页
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九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths (新版)外研版_第3页
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Module 8 Unit 2I know you will be better at maths.friendskindhappyfunnyniceablehumorouscleverinterestinghelpfulpolitebrightstronghonestWhat should a good friend be like?I think that a good friend should be WordsA friend in need is a friend indeed.the importance of share go on to continueall the time treasure stay in touch Thank our teachers pay back kind - kindnesspatient - patiencegift of knowledgebe strict with make sb. do sth.fair - unfair role modelsThank my parentsthank formake a home prepare for .both and help with owe tosuggest - suggestionPre-readingThink about a speech at a school leavers party, and answer the question in pairs. There may be more than one answer. Who is likely to be thanked?What can the speech be about? What will you say in the speech?Learning Who will probably get thanks from the school - leavers? a) Family. b) Friends. c) Teachers. What is the speaker probably going to say? a) Thank you. b) Good luck! c) Cheers!a, b and c.aThink about a speech at a school leavers party, and answer the questions. There may be more than one answer.Whats the purpose of the speech? a) To thank people. b) To say sorry. c) To look forward to the future. d) To describe personal achievements.a and cListen and answer the question.1. the three things the speak has learnt2. the three groups of people the speak wants to thankThese three things are friendship, effort and trust. I give the red rose to my friends.I give the white rose to my teachersI give the yellow rose to my parentsRead and find the sentences which show. Then, read the passage and check your answers.But they were not laughing at me. They taught me to say many things in Chinese and kindly invited me to join them.I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is no success without effort. I give the yellow rose to my parents for teaching me that love is about rust. 3. What the speak has learnt from each group of people 1. Which sentence in Paragraph 4 means “You have to work hard to succeed”?2. “You only really lose if you give up!” What does the sentence mean?Read and answer questions.There is no success without effort.If you stop trying, you can never succeed.3. “Im sure you will be good at music. I know that you will be better at maths.” What did Bettys father want her to do?4. How do you think Betty would write to her father in reply?He wanted her to work harder at maths and enjoy music.She would write and say thank you for the violin and for the advice.5. “Im sure that you all have your own memories about the happiness of the last three years, and the people whom you want to thank for it ” What does it mean?It refers to the happiness of the last three years.1. Which words can you use to describe the speech in Activity 1?careful excited moving polite silly troubled warm worried仔细的激动的感人的有礼貌的傻的麻烦的温暖的担心的Read and check the answers to the questions.2. Which sentence(s) will you probably find in speeches at a school-leavers party? a) Thank you, friends, teachers and parents. b) Well always stay in touch. c) Im proud to be chosen to speak to you. d) Lets all stand up and say a, b, c, dWork in groups. Recall your memories about the happiness of the last three years and discuss who you want to thank and give the reasons.SpeakingImagine youre going to give a speech at your school-leavers party.Start your speech by saying what your speech is going to be about.Dear head teacher, teachers and parents, Id like to thank you for Decide who you want to say thank you to.There are many people who Id like to thank. First, I want to thank Decide what you want to thank them for. They have always given me great help Finish your speech by giving best wishes for the future.Thank you and good luck for the future.A sample speech Ladies and gentlemen, Id like to thank you for your coming to listen to my speech. I feel a bit nervous as Ive never given a speech before, so please forgive me if it shows. As we all know, this is the school-leavers party, and its time to say goodbye to everyone. At this moment, there are many people who Id like to thank. The first is my head teacher. I can never pay her back for her kindness, her patience, and gift of knowledge which she has offered me. Sometimes she has been strict with me. I remembered once I made some mistakes in my math homework because of my carelessness. She was angry and let me redo all the exercises. But she has always been fair and she will always be our role model.The second Id like to thank are my friends, and what Ive learnt is the importance of friendship. Weve worked hard together, weve even shared some difficult times together, but weve also had a lot of fun. When I met some difficulties in study, they often helped me. Well stay in touch.The school days are the best days of my life. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and wish you success for the future.1. Im very proud that proud adj.自豪的;自尊的;自傲的We are very proud that a pupil from our school has won the prize.我们学校的一个小学生得了奖,我们感到很自豪。be proud of 以为荣、自豪 They were proud of their success.他们为自己的成功而骄傲。Language pointspride n. 自豪, 得意He looked at his painting with pride. 他得意地看着他的画。 The new car was the pride of the whole family. 新汽车是全家人引以自豪之物。take pride in = be proud of对感到自豪My parents took pride in me because of my successful speech我父母因我的成功演讲而自豪。laugh at 嘲笑;一笑置之It is unkind to laugh at a person in trouble.幸灾乐祸有欠忠厚。 He laughed at the idea.他对这个意见不以为然。laugh about 对感到好笑而发笑They all laughed about the joke.这个笑话把他们全逗笑了。 2. But they were not laughing at me.3. invited me to join them.invite v. 邀请 The man invited my father to go fishing with him this morning.这个男人今天上午邀请我爸爸和他一起去钓鱼。根据句可知“邀请某人干某事”为invite sb. to do sth.。 I invited him to my house yesterday. 我昨天邀请他来我家。 根据句可知invite sb. to后也可跟名词。 He will not come without your invitation. 没有你的请柬他是不会来的。 根据句可知invite 的名词是invitation。 1) Mr. Green invited me _ (visit) his factory last week. 2) Thanks a lot for your _ (invite), but I have to stay at home to do my homework. 3) Thanks for_ (invite) me to your party.to visitinvitationinvitingjoin用作动词, 意为“参加, 加入”, 其后常接army, party, club等名词作宾语, 表示“加入某个组织”; join sb.的意思是“加入到某(些)人之中;与某(些)人一起”。如:Will you join the school music club?你愿意加入学校音乐俱乐部吗?Will you join us?你愿意加入我们吗?join & take part injoin多指参加某个组织, 成为其中的一个成员;而take part in多指参加某个活动。如:Would you like to join our party?你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?Will you take part in the sports meet?你愿意参加运动会吗?He wants to take part in the boys 400 meters.他想参加男子400米赛跑。1) My brother _ the army in 2002.2) I didnt want to _ their argument.3) May I _ the competition?4) We are playing football. Do you want to _?5) You are welcome to _ us.joinedtake part injoin injoin injoin用take part in, join和join in的适当形式填空。4. Thanks to their kindnessthanks to “由于,多亏”,是介词短语。 thanks to常带有“感激”的感情色彩, 表示由于某个人或某物的存在才有某种好的结果。Thanks to the doctor, the child was saved. 多亏了这位医生, 这个孩子得救了。thank sb. for sth. / doing sth. 为感谢They thanked their parents for bringing them up. Thank you for doing so many things.I should thank you for your help.give up 放弃;投降, 认输; 猜不出 I cant answer that puzzle; I give up.我猜不出这个谜语, 我认输了。She will give up this journey.她将放弃这次旅行。Have you given up drinking whisky before breakfast?你在早餐前已不喝威士忌了吗?5. wanted to give up.6. try my best, not only with running but with whatever else I do.try ones best 尽某人最大的努力I will try my best to improve my English.我愿尽力提高我的英语。He is trying his best to understand his meaning. 他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。近义短语:do ones bestnot only but also A. Subject1) Not only he but also I am good at playing volleyball.2) Not only I but also he has been to the Great Wall.3) Not only the students but also the teachers attended the meeting yesterday.B. Predicate1) He not only gave us some advice but also helped us from beginning to end.2) The child not only dressed up but also played the game Trick or Treat.3) Kitty not only sings well, but also dances beautifully.C. Object; Predicative1)He is good at not only Maths but also Physics.2)They are not only our teachers but also our friends.3)She can play not only the violin but also the piano.4)Last night he watched not only the English News but also the Animal World.5)He is not only a good husband but also a good father.6)He is not only a doctor but also an excellent expert.1)We should speak English not only in class but also after class.2)Hepburn is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world.3)I found him not only clever but also organized. D. some other members of sentence8. I was disappointed.disappointed adj. 失望的We were disappointed at the results.我们对结果感到失望。My parents will be disappointed in / with me if I fail in the exam. 要是我考试不及格,我父母会对我感到失望的。disappointed指“对.(人/物)感到失望的”, 通常作表语,用于修饰人。disappointing指“令人感到失望的”, 可以作表语也可以作定语,通常修饰物。disappointed 与 disappointingI am very disappointed with my new bike. 我对我的新自行车感到很失望。Your work is really disappointing. 你的工作真是令人失望。disappointment n. 失望; 令人失望的人或事


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