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2022年考博英语-西安交通大学考试名师点拨押题密卷(含答案详解)1. 翻译题Passage 1Many human diseases are caused by the absence or inappropriate presence of a protein. The protein could then be administered to patients in order to compensate for its absence. Today, gene therapy is the ultimate method of protein delivery, in which the delivered gene enters the bodys cells and turns them into small factories1 that produce a therapeutic protein for a specific disease over a prolonged period. As gene therapy has moved from the laboratory into the clinic, several issues have emerged as central to the development of this technology: gene identification, gene expression and gene delivery. A number of disease-related genes with direct clinical value have already been identified, and this number is growing as the field rapidly advances. Genes with broader clinical application are also being utilized to make ceils express immune activating agents locally at the disease site or to become susceptible to further drug treatment or to immune response recognition.Passage 2It is the now well-known IBM brand that formed part of the computer science revolution. IBM released the IBM 704 and later the IBM 709 computers, which were widely used during the exploration period of such devices. During the late 1950s, the computer science discipline was very much in its developmental stages, and such issues were commonplace. Time has seen significant improvements in the usability and effectiveness of computer science technology. Modem society has been a significant shift from computers being used solely by experts or professionals to more and more widespread user base. By the 1990s, computers became accepted as being the norm within everyday life. During this time data entry was a primary component of the use of computers, many preferring to streamline their business practices through the use of a computer. This also gave the additional benefit of removing the need of large amounts of documentation and file records which consumed much-needed physical space within offices.Passage 3Every organization is an emotional place. It is an emotional place because it is a human invention, serving human purposes and dependent on human beings to function. And human beings are emotional animals: subject anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness or joy, ease and unease. Recently, there have been attempts to develop the idea of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence emphasizes the impact reason can make on emotion. The claim made for this perspective is that it represents “an ability to perceive, to process, to understand, and to manage emotions in self and others.” Proponents of emotional intelligence maintain that there are distinct individual abilities and skills that relate to the explicit management of emotion. In addition, emotional intelligence develops over time and can be enhanced by training. Therefore, learning to perceive emotion in others and manage these emotions successfully is an important tool in every managers guide book.Choose ONLY ONE passage front the following passages and translate it into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet provided. If more than ONE translation appears on the Answer Sheet, only the first or the indicated one would be scored【答案】Passage 1许多人类疾病是由某种蛋白质的缺失或不当的存在所引起的。可以通过给病人服用这种蛋白质来填补这种缺失。现今, 基因疗法是蛋白质输送的最尖端的方法。这一疗法将基因输入人体细胞内, 该基因能够将这些细胞变成长期生产对特定疾病具有治疗功能的蛋白质的小型“工厂”。随着基因疗法走出实验室并应用到诊所中, 出现了几个涉及该技术发展的核心问题:包括基因识别, 基因表达和基因输送。有一些与疾病相关并具有直接治疗意义的基因已经被识别, 随着这一领域的飞快发展, 这一数字在增加。具有更广泛治疗应用的基因同样被用来促使细胞在病灶部位表达免疫力, 或使其有助于后续的药物治疗或免疫反应识别。Passage 2众所周知, IBM品牌构成了电脑科学革命的一部分。IBM曾发售IBM 704型电脑, 并在之后发售IBM 709型号电脑, 在人们对电脑还处于探索时期时, 这两种电脑得到了广泛的应用。在20世纪50年代后期, 电脑科学还处于发展阶段, 这些问题很常见。随着时间的推移, 电脑科学技术的实用性和效用得到了显著的提高。现代社会中, 电脑已经不再是仅仅供专家或专业人士使用的, 而是获得了越来越广泛的应用。到了20世纪90年代, 电脑己经被视作日常生活中的必备品。在这一期间, 电脑主要被用来做数据登记, 许多人偏爱使用电脑来提高他们工作的效率。这同时还免去了占用稀缺的办公室空间的大量的文件和档案记录的必要性。Passage 3每个组织都是一个具有情感的场所。这是因为它是人类的发明, 服务于人类的目的并依赖于人类才能运作。而人是有情感的动物:愤怒、恐惧、惊讶、厌恶、快乐或欢喜、放松和不安等。近来, 有人试图发展情感智力这一观念。情感智力强调理性对情感的影 响。从这一视角出发的观点认为情感智力代表了“一种认知、处理、理解和控制自己和他人情感的能力”。情感智力的主张者断言人们具有与情感控制直接相关的不同的个人能力和技巧。此外, 情感智力是随着时间的推移而发展的并且能够训练得以加强。因此, 学会观察他人的情感并成功地控制这些情感是每个管理者应当掌握的重要技能。2. 单选题A report submitted to the United States Congress in 1971 emphatically recommended a( ) national effort to adopt metric system.问题1选项A.concertedB.representativeC.respectiveD.spontaneous【答案】D【解析】concerted协调的, 协定的;representative典型的;respective分别的, 各自的;spontaneous自发的, 无意识的。句意:1971年提交给美国国会的一份报告着重建议各国自发地努力采用公制系统。选项D符合句意。3. 单选题The precious manuscripts were hopelessly( ) by long exposure in the cold, damp cellar.问题1选项A.damagedB.destroyedC.harmedD.mined【答案】B【解析】damage主要指对价值和功能的破坏, 多用于无生命的东西, 一般还可修复;destroy指通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用, 一般不能或很难修复;harm主要用于有生命的东西, 偶尔也用于无生命的事物, 常指伤及一个人或其健康、权利、事业等;mine指开采, 不符合句意。通过“hopelessly”可知毁坏程度大, 无法修复, 所以选项B更恰当。4. 单选题Desert animals( ) a means of retaining moisture in such a hot, dry climate if they are to survive.问题1选项A.needingB.to needC.neededD.need【答案】D【解析】句中缺少谓语, 选项A和B不能做谓语, 首先排除;再根据前后谓语需保持一致的原则, 可知选项D正确。5. 翻译题Passage 1当然, 水的质量及其他许多环境问题和人类健康问题密切相关。虽然许多过去的疾病危害已经得到控制甚至消灭, 但一些旧疾病至今仍能置人于死地, 而且, 人类面临越来越多的新型疾病的攻击威胁。某些新的致命病毒的杀伤力更强大, 蔓延的速度更快。人类迫切需要新的医疗技术和方法。Passage 2近年来随着传感器和无线移动设备的飞速发展, 随时随地获得个人位置成为可能。一方面, 促进了基于位置服务的飞速发展, 另一方面, 个人位置隐私泄露的问题引超人们的广泛关注。由于移动环境中位置信息的特殊性, 造成无法直接利用现有的关系数据库隐私保护技术。Passage 3再次, 管理具有二重性, 管理科学只是管理自然属性的一种表现、它并不能解决管理社会属性的全部问题。其自然属性是可以并有望科学化的, 但是其社会属性只能通过正确处理人际关系来解决。从这个角度上讲, 管理应当属于人文科学和社会科学, 或者说管理科学具有很强的人文性质。Choose ONLY ONE passage from the following and translate it into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet provided. If more than ONE translation appears on the Answer Sheet, only the first or the indicated one would be scored【答案】Passage 1Naturally, water quality and many other environmental concerns are closely related to questions of human health. While many of the health scourges of the past have been controlled and even eliminated, other old ones still have remained deadly. And people are attacked by increasing new kinds of disease, some of which kill people fatally and spread faster. Human are eager to require new medical technologies and methods.Passage 2Due to the rapid development of sensors and wireless mobile device in recent years, it has become possible to acquire information of individual positions anytime and anywhere. On the one hand, it prompts the rapid development based on position service. On the other hand, the issue of leakage of personal position privacy arouses wide concern. Because of the particularity of position information in mobile context, it is impossible to make use of the present privacy protection technology of relational database.Passage 3Moreover, management has a dual character. As only an exhibition of the natural properties of management, management science cannot solve all the problems with the social properties of management. The issues concerning its natural properties can be hopefully made scientific, while the issues concerning its social properties can only be solve through the correct handling of interpersonal relationships. From this perspective, management should be classified as a human science and social science, or we can say that management science has a strong humanity nature.6. 单选题In Great Britain today good manners at table include eating with the mouth closed, not letting any of the food (1 ) the plate, using the knife only for cutting, and not trying to take food across the table. In other parts of the world there are also rules for people to follow when they are eating, (2 ) they are not the same as those of Britain. (3 ) , what are considered good table manners in some other countries are what British people try hardest to avoid. In Arabia, (4 ) , the people at a feast take pieces of food with their fingers and belch loudly to show that they (5 ) it.The richer and more educated people in the East have, (6 ) , to a great extent taken up the table manners and customs of Western people. Tables and chairs (7 ) the cushions of the past, and the lady of the house (8 ) at one end of the table in the same way that Western women do. Many Japanese, however, still feel it would be wrong to eat unless they (9 ) on a cushion before a low table with a tray of food on it. In many parts of the world both traditional and Western styles of eating exist (10 ) .In the West there are differences between table manners in various countries, although they are not so (11 ) . In North America it is polite to (12 ) meat and then put the knife down, take the fork in the right hand, and eat with it. Most European people, like the British, keep the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right all the time (13 ) they are eating food that has to be cut. In the British Isles and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland) special knives and forks are sued for eating fish. In France, Belgium and Italy, (14 ) , it is correct to keep the same knife for every course, wiping it on a piece of bread.Drinking customs at table (15 ) vary in different countries. In Europe, water, wine or beer is drunk with meals and coffee or tea is taken afterwards. In North America a beverage (16 ) coffee, tea or milk is drunk with meals.Table manners of course (17 ) with time. The earliest meals were also the simplest. They were eaten sitting on the ground round a fire, and everyone took his food from a pot (18 ) the fire or cut bits from the animal or bird that had been cooked. The women waited on the warriors and afterwards ate what they left.Fingers were used to eat food throughout the middle ages. Food (19 ) wooden dishes with the noblemen sitting above the salt. The ordinary people sat (20 ) . In the reign of Henry VII (1509-1547), people were still eating with their hands after cutting the food with a clasp knife which was always carried at the belt. Forks were not used in England until the 17th century.问题1选项A.fall onB.fall inC.fall offD.fall out问题2选项A.butB.soC.howeverD.nor问题3选项A.FurthermoreB.HoweverC.On the contraryD.Indeed问题4选项A.howeverB.yetC.for instanceD.but问题5选项A.finish eatingB.have appreciatedC.are likingD.prefer to问题6选项A.furthermoreB.howeverC.soD.in addition问题7选项A.are usingB.have replacedC.take awayD.take on问题8选项A.presidesB.holdsC.staresD.stands问题9选项A.areB.sitC.are satD.were sitting问题10选项A.side in sideB.side to sideC.side by sideD.side for side问题11选项A.markedB.subtleC.considerateD.attractive问题12选项A.cut offB.cut awayC.cut upD.cut down问题13选项A.ifB.whichC.unlessD.when问题14选项A.soB.andC.in additionD.however问题15选项A.soB.alsoC.yetD.then问题16选项A.for exampleB.such asC.for instanceD.take as an example问题17选项A.have changedB.has developedC.have replacedD.has kept问题18选项A.onB.inC.aboveD.beyond问题19选项A.is eaten upB.were eatenC.was eaten offD.has been eaten问题20选项A.at the tableB.stillC.inD.below the salt【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B第6题:B第7题:B第8题:A第9题:D第10题:C第11题:A第12题:C第13题:D第14题:D第15题:B第16题:B第17题:A第18题:A第19题:C第20题:D【解析】(1)fall on 落到, 指向;fall in塌陷, 跌入;fall off减少, 跌落, 下降;fall out发生, 脱落。根据句意:不要让食物从盘中跌落。选项C符合句意。(2)结合原文句意可知, 这里应填入but表转折。(3)结合上下文句意可知, 这里填入Indeed最恰当, 句意:事实上, 在其他一些国家被认为是好的餐桌礼仪却是英国人竭力避免的。选项D正确。(4)根据原文可知, 这里是用阿拉伯人来进行举例。对上句观点举例说明, 所以选项C符合原文。(5)根据原文可知选项A, C, D均不符合语法结构, 所以不正确。句意:他们大声打嗝以示感激。选项B正确。(6)根据句意:在东方, 富人和受教育程度较高的人在很大程度上已经接受了西方人的餐桌礼仪和习俗。没有因果关系, 也没有递进关系, 所以选项A, C, D不正确。根据have to可知, 选项B符合原文。(7)原文指桌子和椅子替代了过去的坐垫, 只有选项B符合原文。(8)preside at主持, 负责;hold at将温度保持在.度;stare at凝视, 盯住;stand at达到, 踌躇。根据句意:女主人像西方妇女一样, 负责在餐桌的一头招待客人。选项A符合句意。(9)根据句意可知, 这里表示他们坐在坐垫上。选项A和B结构不完整, 首先排除;unless表假设, 等于if not, 根据语境可知选项D正确。(10)句意:在世界上许多地方, 传统和西方的饮食方式并存。选项A和D无此用法, 选项B的用法是from side to side从一边到另一边;side by side并排, 一起, 并行不悖。选项C符合原文。(11)marked有记号的, 显著的;subtle微妙的, 精细的;considerate体贴的, 顾虑周到的;attractive吸引人的, 有魅力的。句意:在西方, 不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪, 尽管差异不是很显著。选项A符合原文 。(12)cut off切断, 中断;cut away 切掉, 砍掉;cut up抨击, 切碎;cut down削减, 砍倒。句意:在美国北部, 把肉切好后放下刀, 然后用右手拿叉子吃肉, 这是很礼貌的做法。选项C符合原文句意。(13)根据句意:大部分欧洲人, 比如英国人, 他们在吃需要切碎的食物的时候总是左手拿叉, 右手拿刀。选项D符合原文。(14)结合上下文句意可知, 这里应该是表转折, 所以选项D正确。(15)上文主要是说各个国家的餐桌礼仪不同, 这里是说各个国家的饮酒习俗也不同。所以选项B正确。(16)根据原文可知这里是举例子的意思。选项A和C一般做插入语或位于句首, 需用逗号隔开;选项D后面接句子也需要用逗号隔开, 所以只有选项B正确。(17)根据下文“The earliest meals were also the simplest.”可以推测, 这里指餐桌礼仪随着时间的推移而在变化, 选项A符合原文。(18)根据句意:每个人都从架在火上的锅里拿食物, 或者从煮熟的动物或鸟身上切一块下来。所以这里用介词on最为恰当。(19)eat up吃光, 耗尽, 击垮;eat off用吃。根据句意:绅士坐在上座, 他们用木盘子吃东西。选项C符合原文句意。(20)根据上文“the noblemen sitting above the salt”贵族坐在上座, 所以普通人应该与之相反, 坐在下座。选项D正确。7. 单选题For centuries coal has been one of the most important fuels, and it still is, although it is less important now than it once was. Other fuels, notably petroleum and natural gas, are replacing it. But coal is still widely used for domestic heating and in power stations for generating electricity. Enormous quantities of coal are made into gas, and for use in metal-smelting furnaces, and elsewhere. And coal provides valuable raw materials for the chemical industry, too. But here again, petroleum and natural gas are supplanting coal.We mine coal from the ground, just as we mine minerals and ores. The deposits may lie on or just below the surface or deep underground. It is in coal-mining that the greatest advances in mining methods have taken place. Continuous mining machines hew the coal from the coal face, where once the miners slaved. Lengthy conveyor systems convey away the hew coal. Diesel and battery locomotives haul wagons along miles of underground tunnels.We tend to call coal a mineral, too. But there is a great difference between coal and, say, iron ore. Iron ore is inorganic in origin, being formed as a result of inorganic, or non-living processes inside the Earths crust. Coal, on the other hand, is organic in origin, being derived from plants which once lived on the surface. It consists mainly of carbon. The actual proportion of carbon varies from one type of coal to another.Most of the coal in the world is derived from plants that grew in the Carboniferous Period of the Earths history, which lasted from about 350 million to about 280 million years ago. During this period whole regions of the Earth were covered in swamps, in which lived gigantic ferns and trees. The plants died and fell into the swamps. Bacteria acted upon the dead vegetable matter and caused it to decay. As time went on, the decomposing vegetable matter became covered with mud and clay, and then more plants grew, died, decayed, and so on. In places layer upon layer of decayed plant remains built up, sandwiched between mud and clay sediments. In time the Earths crust folded this way and that; heat and pressure changed the sediments into rock and forced out most of the water from the decayed matter, which changed into coal. Thus were the coal measures formed.Not all the coal was subjected to the same degrees of heat and pressure. Therefore there are different kinds of coals. Peat is not really a true coal, but it represents the first decomposition stage in the coal-forming process. Lignite, or brown coal, represents a further state in the process. It contains a little less moisture, and somewhat more carbon than peat. Next there is bituminous or soft coal, the most plentiful of the coals. It has a high carbon content and contains little moisture. The final product of the coal-making process is anthracite, or hard coal, which is over nine-tenths carbon and contains scarcely any moisture at all.1.The word supplanting in line 6 of paragraph 1 most probably means( ) .2.The second paragraph is mainly about ( ) .3.Whats the difference between coal and iron ore?4.From the passage, we know that ( ) .5.What is the main topic of this passage?6.Paragraph 4 deals with ( ) .7.According to the passage, there are( ) types of coal.问题1选项A.supplementingB.supplyingC.replacingD.providing问题2选项A.difference between coal and iron oreB.the deposit of coalC.mining machineD.generating electricity问题3选项A.They are different in originB.They are different in appearance.C.They are different in colonD.They are different in mining methods问题4选项A.coal is just used for domestic heating.B.iron ore is organic.C.both coal and iron ore are important fuels.D.coal is less important than it once was.问题5选项A.The applications of coalB.The applications and formation of coal.C.Classification of coal.D.Coal is less important than it once was.问题6选项A.the process of coal formationB.the changes of coalC.the classification of coalD.the carbon in coal问题7选项A.4B.6C.8D.10【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:B第6题:A第7题:A【解析】1.根据原文句意可知, 石油和天然气正在取代煤炭。supplementing补;supplying供应, 充;replacing更换, 替代;providing提供。选项C与之意思相近, 所以正确。2.根据第二段的内容可知, 本段主要是讲开采煤矿的过程, 其中重点描述的是开采器械, 所以选项C正确。3.根据第三段的内容可知, 煤和铁矿有很大的区别。铁矿的来源是无机的, 是地壳内部无机或无生命的过程。煤的来源是有机的, 来自曾经生活在地表的植物。由此可知, 它们的来源不同, 选项A正确。4.根据第一段第一句“it is less important now than it once was.”可知选D符合原文;选项A和B表述错误;选项C在文中没有提及。所以本题选D。5.结合全文内容可知, 本文主要是讲煤炭的应用与形成。选项B最能概括全文。6.第四段最后一句“Thus were the coal measures formed.”为本段的中心句, 本段主要是讲煤的形成过程, 选项A正确。7.根据原文最后一段可知, 煤有四种:peat, lignite(brown coal), bituminous(soft coal), anthracite(hard coal), 注意连词“or”的使用就能快速找出答案, 选项A正确。8. 单选题According to a United States law passed in 1986, states participating in daylight saving time( ) advance their clocks one hour on the last Sunday in April.问题1选项A.conceptuallyB.systematicallyC.simultaneouslyD.purposefully【答案】C【解析】conceptually概念地;systematically有系统地;simultaneously同时地;purposefully 有目的地。句意:根据1986年通过的一项美国法律, 在4月的最后一个星期天, 参加夏令时的州同时把他们的时钟拨快一个小时。选项C符合句意。9. 翻译题Passage 1Shortages of flu vaccine are nothing new in America, but this years is a big lie. Until last week, it appeared that 100 million Americans would have access to flu shots this fall. Then British authorities, concerned about quality-control problems at a production plant in Liverpool, barred all further shipments by the Chiron Corp. Overnight, the U.S. vaccine supply dwindled by nearly half. Why is such a basic health service so easily knocked out? Mainly because private companies have had little incentive to pursue it. Profit margins are narrow, demand is fickle and, because each years flu virus is different, any leftover vaccine goes to waste. Experts are hoping that this years fiasco will speed the pace of innovation. In fact, many experts are hoping the shortage will serve as an awareness campaign encouraging the people who really need a flu shot to get one.Passage 2Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he knows well. In the presence of strangers or foreigner she often seems inhibited, even embarrassed. You have only to witness a city train any morning or evening to see the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or having a light sleep in a corner; no one speaks. In fact, to do so would seem most unusual. An Englishman, pretending to be giving advice to overseas visitors, once suggested, “On entering a railway carriage shake hands with all the passengers.” Needless to say, he was not being serious. There is an unwritten but


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