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四年级上册Module 1-2 知识能力训练一、补全单词。1、r_ _ _t 右边 2、h_ll 小山 3、str_ _ght 直地 4、l_ve 居住5、r_ _d 读、阅读 6、t_ _k 说话,交谈 7、tr_ _n 火车 8、h_ _se 房子二、写出下列动词的现在分词。 1.run _ 2. play _ 3. read _ 4.watch _ 5. swim _ 6. talk _ 7. ride _ 8. skip _ 9. do _ 三、选出不同一类的选项( )1、A、listening B、sing C、talking( )2、A、right B、left C、street( )3、A、banana B、tiger C、monkey( )4、A、America B、English C、China( )5、A、beside B、picture C、under四、用am, is 或are填空。 1、I_ a girl. You _ a boy.2、Daming _ from China. Amy and Sam _from England.3、She _ jumping. He _ running.4、My brother _ playing football with his friends. They _ happy.5、We _rowing a boat.6、What _you doing? I _ skipping.7、Lingling and I _ doing taijiquan.五、选词填空或根据提示写单词。1、Where_( am / is / are ) the children?2、He is _( play / playing ) basketball. 3、_( What / Where ) is the supermarket? It is next to the school.4、I live _( at / on ) No.2 Park Street.5、 Where is the station? Turn _( left / on ), go straight on.6、Tom _ apples. But I dont _apples. ( like / likes)7、What are you _( do , does , doing ) ? Im _( 读 ) a book.8、She is _(takeing , taking , take ) pictures.9、My sister is talking _her friends. My brother is playing _ a toy train. ( with , on, to )10、_( What, Where ) is he doing? He is _.( swimming , run )11、I _ to school by bus. She _to school by bike. (go , goes ) 12. Where are you now? Im _(in, on ) your left.六、单项选择。 ( )1、Look_ these pictures. A、in B、at C、of( )2、Where is Train 1? It is _ the station. A、up B、down C、at( )3、Look, the children _ in the river. A、swimming B、is swimming C、are swimming ( )4、-_, where is the park? -Its beside the cinema. A、Excuse me. B、Sorry C、Hello.( )5、-Thank you so much. -_. A、Sorry. B、OK. C、Youre welcome.( )6、_ name is Amy. A、I B、My C、She( )7、What _ she do at the weekend? She _basketball. A、do, plays B、does , plays C、do, play七、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写(T), 错误的写(F)。My name is Jim Green. I am twelve. This is my mother. She is a teacher. This is my father. His name is Jeff Green. He is a teacher, too. He is an English teacher. This is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird. ( )1. Jim Green is eleven.( )2. His mother is teacher.( )3. His father is a Chinese teacher.( )4. His sister is twelve. ( )5. He has got a bird. 四年级上册Module3-4 知识能力训练一、根据汉语意思选择正确的单词。( )1、想要 A、jump B、arm C、want( )2、男人(复数) A、letter B、men C、his( )3、花 A、fly B、sister C、flower( )4、跳舞 A、picture B、dance C、sing( )5、喝 A、boat B、drink C、boy二、从每组单词中,选择不同一类的选项。( )1、A、read B、jump C、clock( )2、A、juice B、cake C、egg( )3、A、white B、eight C、twelve( )4、A、tomato B、flower C、potato( )5、 A、drawing B、sing C、drinking三、写出下列动词的现在分词。 1、play _ 2、see_ 3、listen _ 4、read _ 5、watch_ 6、do_ 7、row _ 8、drink _9、jump _ 10、dance_ 11、take _ 12、sing_13、make _ 14、run _ 15、swim _ 16、skip_17、shop _ 18、stop_四、按顺序补全相邻字母的大小写。1、_ Kk _ 2、Cc _ _ 3、_ _Ss4、_Ww _ 5、Hi _ _ 6、_ _ Qq五、写出下列词组的汉语意思。1、listen to music _ 2、play chess _ 3、play with _ 4、take pictures _ 5、draw pictures _ 6、drink soya milk _ 7、read a book _ 8、row a dragon boat _9、do taijiquan _10、play table tennis _六、选词填空。1、My brother is _( make , making , makeing ) noodles now.2、What are you _( do , does , doing ) ? Im _( row, rowing, reading ) a boat. 3、I _ watching TV. Tom_listening to music. We _ having a good time. ( am , is are )4、Lets get _( up, on ) the bus.5、They are _(play , playing ) chess. 6、She is _(takeing , taking , take ) pictures.7. Whats the elephant doing? Its _(画 ) pictures.8、I _ a toy ship. He _ a toy car. ( have got , has got )9、Lets _( go , going ).10、_( What , Where ) is the cat? It is under the desk.11、_( What, Where ) are they doing? They are _.( swimming , run )12、I _ to school by bus. She _to school by bike. (go , goes )13. Here _( is , are ) noodles with tomato and egg.14. _ ( How , What )do you want? I want some eggs and potatoes.七、阅读理解。根据短文内容判断正误。正确的写T, 错误的写F。 It is a fine day today. I go to the park with my friends. Look at the people on the lake. They are rowing a boat. Look at the men under the tree. They are doing taijiquan. The girls are reading books. I am playing games with my friends. Look at the birds in the tree. They are singing. What a happy day!( ) 1、I go to the park with my mother. ( ) 2、The men are doing taijiquan under the tree. ( ) 3、I am reading books with the girls.( ) 4、The birds are singing in the tree.( ) 5、Today is a happy day.八、我们学习的现在进行时态,你都懂了吗? 根据汉语提示,补全句子。1、他们正在打篮球。 They _ _ basketaball.2、我正在看书。 I _ _ a book3、Tom正在画画。 Tom _ _ pictures.4、他们正在干什么? What _ they _?四年级上学期Module5-6 知识能力训练一、从每组单词中,选择不同一类的选项。( )1、A、run B、jump C、far( )2、A、bread B、football C、table tennis( )3、A、rice B、food C、cake( )4、A、sweets B、pear C、banana( )5、 A、bird B、monkey C、soup( )6、 A、tall B、give C、strong二、英汉互译。 1、跑得快_ 2、jump high_3、生日快乐_ 4、row a boat _5、cook vegetable_ 6、fly a kite _7、ride a bike_ 8、打篮球_9、打开灯_ 10、ride fast _三、选词填空。1. Can you _(ride, riding ) fast? 2. He cant _( plays , playing, play ) football.3. Can Sam _(swimming, swim, swims)? No, he cant.4. Here _(is, are ) your sweets.5. She _( am, is , are ) our star.6. Look _the bird _ the sky. ( in, at, of )7. He is _( makeing , making , makes ) noodles.8. They are _( watch , watching ) TV.9. What are you _( doing , do , does )? Im cooking vegetables.10. _( Do , Are ) you want some sweets? No, thank you.11. Can you _( jump , jumping ) high? No, I _.12.cant (ride , riding ) fast.13. Give _( I, me ) a sweet.14. Can _( I, me ) have some milk? Yes, you can.15. I _(am, is , are ) hungry. 四、单项选择。( )1、I can _ a dragon. A、draw B、drawing C、making( )2、-Can I have some fish? -_. A、Sorry, you cant. B、No, please. C、No, thank you.( )3、_ are they doing? They are watching TV. A、How B、What C、Where ( )4、-Thank you . -_. A、OK. B、goodbye. C、Youre welcome.( )5、She _ to school by bike. A、go B、goes C、going六、情景交际。( )1、Do you want some noodles? A、Its next to the zoo.( )2、Can you ride fast? B、She is talking to her friend.( )3、What is she doing? C、No, thank you.( )4、Where is the park? D、Yes, you can.( )5、Can I have some cake? E、Yes, I can.七、补全句子。1. 我能进来吗? Can I _ in? 2. 我看不见。 I _see.3. 你能跳得远吗? _ you jump_?4. 我能吃些糖果吗? Can I _ some _?八、阅读,判断下面的句子与短文是否相符,相符的写 (T) , 不相符的写(F)。 I have got some good friends. This is Tom. He is nine. He can play football. This is Peter. He likes swimming. And he can play the flute, too. This is Kate. Look, she is drawing. She is Peters sister. She is six. Peter is eight. We are good friends.( )1、Tom is eight.( )2、Peter can play football.( )3、Kate is Peters sister.( )4、Kate is drawing ( )5、I have got two friends. 四年级上册Module7-8知识能力训练一、 英汉互译。1. 熊_ 2. 脸,面孔_ 3. 参观 _4. have a look_ 5. under the tree _ 6. by plane _7. get up _ 8. ride a horse _ 9. row a boat _二、 选出不同类的选项。 ( )1. A. pig B.sea C. lion( )2. A. sock B.shoe C.sheep( )3. A. sing B.playing C. climbing( )4. A. is B. are C. be( )5. A. banana B. fruit C. apple三、 选择am, is , are 填空。1. He _ going to visit America.2. We _ playing chess.3. Daming and I _ flying kites.4. The monkey_ climbing a tree. 5. I _ riding a horse.6. There _ a cat in the tree.7. There _ four sheep on the hill. 8. There _ some rice and vegetables in the box.9. _ there a panda in the park?10. Sam _ going to take pictures in the zoo.四、 选词填空。1. We are going to visit the zoo _ Sunday. ( in, on, at )2. They are going to get up _ seven oclock. ( in, on, at )3. Look!The pigs _vegetables.( eat, eating, are eating )4. Lets _to the park. ( go, goes, going)5. Can you _ high? ( jumping, jump )6. There are three _under the tree. ( chicken, children , panda)7. Lingling cant _the blackboard. ( see, seeing , sees )8. These are _( Sam, she, Damings ) shoes.9. Sam is going to go to the supermarket _ us. ( and, with )10. Time _bed, children. ( to, for )11. She _ to school by bike every day. ( go, goes, going )12. Does Amy _ vegetables? No, she doesnt. ( like, likes ) 五、 阅读。There are three people in my family. My father is a worker. He often plays basketball with me, He hopes(希望) me to be YAO MING. My mum is a teacher. She often does housework(家务). I often help her. I am very happy with my mum and my father. So, thats my happy family.( ) 1.What does my father do ? A . A teacher B. Aworker C. A Student( ) 2. What does my father like playing ? A. basketball B. housework C. piano( ) 3. Who does my father hope me to be ? A. He B. Yao Ming C. Liu Xiang( ) 4. Is my mother a teacher ? A .Yes ,I am B. Yes ,she is C. Yes ,he is( ) 5. Who helps my mother do housework ?A. My father B. Yao Ming C .I六、 看图写话, 至少5句。 There is a There are四年级上册Module910知识能力训练 一、 英汉互译。( )1. sports day A. 圣诞节快乐。( )2.New Year B. 祝你好运( )3.Merry Christmas! C. 运动日( )4. How about? D. 许多( )5. long jump E. 新年( )6. family dinner F. 跳远( )7.lots of G. 怎么样?( )8. good luck H. 家庭晚餐二、 选词填空。 1. We are going to _ a sports day this month. ( have , has , having )2. What are you going to _? ( do , doing , does )3. Is she going to _? ( swim, swimming , swims )4. What are you going to do _ sports day? ( in, on, of )5. English is _ favourite subject. ( I, my, he )6. I _ peanuts, my sister _ sweets. ( like, likes )7. _ Amy eat dumplings at the Spring Festival? ( Do, Does, Is )8. She can _high. ( jumping, jumps, jump ) 9. He is _ an email. ( write, writing, writes )10. Lets _ dinner. ( have, has )三、 语言交际. ( )1、Can I have some fish? A、Yes, I can.( )2、What is she doing? B、Sorry, you cant.( )3、Can you run fast? C、Thank you.( )4、Happy birthday. D、Yes, please.( )5、Do you want some rice? E、She is listening to music.四、 阅读, 判断正误,正确的写(T), 错误的写(F)My name is Mary. I am eleven. Ted is my brother. He is thirteen. We are in the same (相同的)school. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher in our school. My father is a teacher, too. He is a Chinese teacher in a college. I have a cat. Its name is Miaomiao. It is white. It is a nice cat. We are good friends.( )1. I am twelve. ( )2. Ted is Marys brother.( )3. Ted and I are in the same class.( )4. My parents(父母) are teachers.( )5. Miaomiao is a cat.五、阅读短文,判断句子(T)的正误(F)。Its Saturday today. Im going to watch a football match tomorrow. The football match is going to start at four oclock in the afternoon. Lucy and Peter are going there with me. We are going there by bus. We are going home at half past six in the evening.( ) 1. Its Saturday today. ( )2. Im going to watch a football match tomorrow.( )3. The match is going to start at 3 oclock in the afternoon.( )4. Im going there with Lucy and Peter.( )5. We are going there by bike. 四年级英语上册期末测试题一、找出每组中与其他不同的一个,将其字母序号写在题前括号中。5分( ) 1. A. April B. animal C. June ( ) 2. A. left B. right C. near ( ) 3. A. Sports Day B. take pictures C. listen to music( ) 4. A. biscuits B. fruit C. sweets ( ) 5. A. run fast B. the long jump C. the high jump 三、火眼金睛,单项选择。36分( )1.what are you doing. Mum? Im _vegetable. A. cooking B. cook C. run ( ) 2. Amy, can you _fast? A. running B. runs C. run( ) 3. Can you play the flute, Sam? No .I_ A. can B. cant C. dont( ) 4. They _ going to Hainan. A. is B. are C. am( ) 5. Were going _ plane. A. by B. on C. in( ) 6.She is going to_ her teacher. A .look B. see C. visit( ) 7.Xiaohong is going to get up_5oclock. A. on B. at C. for( ) 8. Were going to have a_ A. Sports Day B. sport Day .C. sports day( ) 9. Im the_. A. winer B. win C. winner( ) 10. Im going to_ the high jump. A. do B. make C. have ( ) 12. Happy birthday to you , Amy. A. Thank you B. excuse me C. ok ( )16 .Ling ling的妈妈想知道她想吃大米吗.应该怎么说_A. Do you want some rice? B. Do you want rices? ( )17.姐姐有一个运动日.你祝福她应该怎么说:_A. Come on B. Thank you C. Good luck( )18.你为运动场上的运动员加油时.你应该说_A. Come! B. Come in please. C. Come on!四从右边找出左边问题的答语,将其字母序号写在提前括号中。10分( )1、What are you doing ? a. No, I cant.( )2、Where is the train ? b. Yes, please.( )3、Happy birthday! c. Its at the station.( )4、Do you want some rice? d. Yes, I have.( )5、Have you got a cat? e. Thank you.( )6、Can you run fast? f. Im writing a letter.五. 阅读理解 15分Tomorrow is a sports Day. Daming is going to run the 800 metres. Sam is going to run the 400 metres. Amy is going to do the long jump. Lingling is going to do the high jump. Daming and Amy are the winners.( )1、Tomorrow is a new Day.( )2、Daming is going to run the 500 metres.( )3、Amy is going to do the long jump.( )4、Sam is going to do the high jump. ( )5、Sam and Amy are the winners.四年级英语第一学期期末质量检测试题一、找出不同类别的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(10分)( )1. A.fast B. happy C.apple( )2. A.hungry B.peanut C.biscuit( )3. A. sweets B. bread C. today( )4. A. jump B. clothes C. run ( )5. A. sports day B.jump high C. run fast二、英汉短语互译互译。(20分)1.turn on _ 2. 向右转_ 3.Chinese fast food_ 4跳远_ 5.好运气_ 6.excuse me_ 7.运动日_ 8.起床_ _ 9. high jump_ 10.和交谈_ 三、选择填空,将答案序号填入题前括号中。(15分)( )1.what are you doing. Mum? Im _vegetable. A. cooking B. cook C. run ( )2. Amy .can you _fast? A. running B. runs C. run( )3.Can you play the flute.Sam? No ,I_ A.can B. cant C.dont( )4.They_going to Haina. A. is B.are C.am( )5.were going _plane. A.by B.on C.in( )6.she is going to_her teacher. A .look B.see C.visit( )7.xiaohong is going to get up_5oclock.A.On B.at C.for( )8.were going to have a_ A.Sports day B.sport day .C.sports day( )9.Im the_.A. winer B.win C.winner( )10.Im going to_the high jump. A.do B.make C.have( )11.-Do you want some rice? -_. A. Sorry, I do. B. Yes, I dont. C. Yes, please.( )12.-What is Daming doing? -He _pictures. A. is talking B. take C. is taking( )13.-Can you play _flute? -No, but I can play_football. A. the, the B. the ,a C. the,( )14.姐姐有一个运动日.你祝福她应该怎么说:_A.come on B.thank you C.good luck( )15.Lets_a look. A. have B. to have C. having 五、将答语序号填入正确的问句前面的括号里。(10分)( )1 What are you doing ? A.They are going to play football.( )2.Can I have some noodles? B.Yes, I can.( )3.Do you want some apples? C. Im taking photos.( )4.Can you play chess? D.Sorry, you cant.( )5.What are they going to do? E .No,I dont.六、根据汉语意思,将下列句子补充完整。每空一词。(10分) 1.他正在和朋友交谈。 Shes her friend.2.我打算每天早晨跑步。Im to every morning.3. 萨姆,你能跳得远吗?Sam, you ?4.让我们上车吧! Lets the bus!5.超市在车站附近。 The supermarket is the station.八阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分) Next month we are going to have a sports day. Wang Gang can run fast. Hes going to run the 400 metres. Lily can jump far. Shes going to do the long jump. Andy can jump high. Hes going to do the high jump . Xiaoming can swim fast . He is going to swim.( )1. We are going to have a . A. Meeting B. Sports day C. Party( )2. Lily is going to . A. do the high jump B. do the long jump C. Run( )3.Wang Gang is going to run . A. the 400 metres B. the 100 meters C. the 200 metres( )4. Andy can . A. jump long B. run fast C. jump high( )5.Xia


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