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(音频版)(音频版)一、听句子,根据你所听到的的句子,从一、听句子,根据你所听到的的句子,从A、B、C三三个选项中选出一个你听到的单词或短语。个选项中选出一个你听到的单词或短语。1. A. headache B. toothache C. backache2. A. called B. killed C. caused 3. A. say B. sell C. save4. A. break B. take C. make5. A. hurry up B. look up C. get up二、听下面的小对话,每小段对话后有一个问题,根据对话内容及问题,选择正确的答案。6. A. B. C.7. A. B. C.8. A. He watched a movie. B. He did housework. C. He did homework.9. A. Rice. B. Vegetables. C. Chicken.10. A. A coat. B. A dress. C. A skirt.三、听对话,根据对话内容及所给问题选择正确答案。11. Where are the two speakers now? A. In a park. B. In a bus. C. In a restaurant.12. Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A. Driver and passenger. B. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter.13. How many people will work in the building? A. About 1,000. B. About 10,000. C. About 100,000.14. What does the girl think of the new building? A. Terrible. B. Great. C. Strange.15. What is the man worried about? A. The traffic. B. The safety. C. The cost.四、听短文,根据短文内容及所给问题选择正确答案。四、听短文,根据短文内容及所给问题选择正确答案。16. What does Mary do in the Help Center? A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. A cleaner.17. How old was Mary when she first came to the Help Center? A. 52. B. 55. C. 57.18. What was Gina still unable to do when she left the Help Center? A. Walk. B. Sing. C. Speak English.19. What can we know about Mary? A. She cooks for the children. B. She teaches the children lessons. C. She plays with the children.20. Whats wrong with Ginas legs? A. They were hurt in an accident. B. They were disabled when she was born. C. They were cut off because of her illness.五、听短文,完成下面表格,每空一词。五、听短文,完成下面表格,每空一词。The GreensEat chicken with (21)_ and vegetables.Jim Gets good (22)_. Weather It is cold and (23)_ after they have lunch. Playing Jim isnt careful when he goes (24)_. At homeJim takes a (25)_ and has a cup of hot water.Keys: 1-5BCCBA 6-10ACBCA11-15BCBBA 16-20CACCA21. Potatoes 22. grades23. snowing 24. skating 25. bath


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