七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and Places Unit 1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot教案 外研版

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七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and Places Unit 1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot教案 外研版_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and Places Unit 1 Were enjoying the school trip a lot教案 外研版教材分析:本课题是介绍Betty游长城的事情。对话中Betty的母亲表示自己很喜欢长城,希望Betty能拍一些长城的相片给自己,这说明长城不仅是中国人的骄傲,也深得国际友人的喜爱。本课题的语法为现在进行时,这与本课题中所提到的事件“同一个时间不同地区的人在做某事”十分吻合。我在进行巩固句型时,特意拍下学生平时课后的一些动作,以让学生更加感兴趣。学生分析:当前的初一学生,在小学已经接触过三年的英语学习,有一定的英语基础。在我校里,学生的整体成绩是低下的,还是有那么一小部分的学生是没有掌握好英语知识的。因此我在教此课时,我一定要从基础下手,从单词和语音下手。在锻炼句型时,举出了学生生活当中发生的事件来描述。三维目标:一、 Teaching aims:1. New words: postcard, lie, stand, take,2. Key sentences: Im standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you. Wang Hui is taking lots of photos. Lingling is buying a few presents and postcards. Daming is having lunch and lying in the sun. Were enjoying the school trip a lot.3. Sentence structure: The Present Continuous Tense二、 Skill aim:Make them listen to the tape and find out the answers.三、 Emotional aim: According to learn this dialog, make students be pround of our China.四、 Important and Difficult points1. Listen to the tape to answer the questions.2. Find out the sentence structure: Be+V.-ing五、 教学方法: 小组合作竞争激励法六、 教具:Muti-media, blackboard七、 Teaching procedures:Teaching procedures设计意图一、 Greeting: T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning teacher. T: Sit down, please!二、 Lead-in:1. Play a song“Are you sleeping?”.T: There is a beautiful song. I want to share with you. If you can sing ,try to follow the tape. (Play the tape)2. To show a sentence “What is the baby doing?”, make the students answer.T: Well, you sing it very well. And what is the baby doing?S: He is sleeping.(Help them.)T: Very well. Please take out the text book, and open your book, turn to Page 54.为了活跃学生的课堂气氛,让学生跟唱歌曲,可以提高学生学习英语的兴趣。由问题进行导入,让学生进入今天所要学习的环节,加大对学生兴趣的培养。三、 Pre-listening:1. To show four pictures to lead the new words.T: OK. New words for today. (Show Picture 1) What is this?S: Its a postcard. (Write down)T: Good. Read after me:“postcard”. What is the girl doing?S: She is buying a postcard.T: Well, she is buying a postcard.What is he doing? (Show another picture.)S: He is taking photos. (“help them”)T: (Show the new word: Take. Write it down.) Read after me:“take”He is taking photos.Cool. What is he doing?(Show another picture.)S: He is lying in the sun. (Help them.)T:(Show the new word:“lie”. Write it down.)Then read after me.“lie”. He is lying in the sun.(Show another picture.)What are they doing?S: They are standing in line. (Help them.)T:(Show the new word: stand. Write it down.)Read after me.“stand”. They are standing in line.2. Ask and answer:T: What class are we having now?S: We are having an English class now. (Help them.)T: So, were going to talk about The Present Continuous Tense. “Be (am/ is/are) + V.-ing”(Write it down.)通过多媒体的直观教学和图片呈现单词的形式,使学生能认知新单词;同时在呈现单词时,也呈现出今天所学的重点句型的句子。 由先呈现出一句过渡到让学生说出答案。四、 While-listening:1. Look at Activity 2, listen to the tape and number the pictures.T: Perfect. Now lets listen to the tape carefully and number the pictures in Activity 2. (Play the tape.)2. Check the answers.T: Who would like to share your answers? (Make one volunteer.)S1: 4132.T: Well done.(Add 2 points to the Group.)Betty is calling her mother. Do you want to know something about it? OK, Lets listen to the dialog in Activity 3.3. Listen to Activity 3 and fill in the table.T: What is Betty doing? (To show the answer.) She is talking to her mother. (Explain the others.)(play the tape.) 4. Lets listen again and check the answers one by one.T:(After a monment.) What is Tony doing?S1: He is eating a delicious ice cream. T: (Add 2 points) Very good. And what is Wang Hui doing? S2: He is taking lots of photos.T: (Add 2 points) Wonderful. And what about Lingling?S3: She is buying a few presents and postcards.T: (Add 2 points) Good. And what is Daming doing?S4: He is having lunch and lying in the sun.T: (Add 2 points) All of you did a good job.通过设计好的问题带入到听力活动中,能使学生带着任务去听,明确了学生的方向。由浅入深的问题设计,更容易让学生掌握听力的技巧。呈现出加深的问题,使学生进一步学习本课的内容。经过听之后,让学生举手回答问题,能激发小组之间的竞争,加大扩大学生的兴趣激发。五、 Post-listening:1. Read the dialog after the tape one sentence by one sentence.T: This time, you can read the dialog after the tape. Please pay attention to the sentence stress and intonations.2. After that, read the dialog toghter.T: OK, this time. Lets read the dialog toghter.3. Find out the sentence structure :“ Be+V-ing” in the dialog. And draw an underline.跟着录音机读句子,能让学生学会模仿,学到标准的语音语调。紧接着让学生齐读,加深对课文的理解。学会找出课文中的重点句型的句子,并进行画线,能使学生懂得重点句是哪个部分。六、 Project:1. Show a picture to make them talk.T: Here are some pictures about my students. Lets talk about them. What are they doing?S: They are playing Rubikscube.(魔方)2. Show another one to make them talk.T: Now this time I will give you two minutes to talk about the picture in your group. After that, I would like to ask some pairs of you to talk in the front of the classroom. Every group will get 5 points.3. Show time:T: Who would like to be the first pair.S1:.S2:.在这一环节,我设计了几幅非常贴切学生生活的图片,让学生通过所掌握的知识来说出,这一拓展使学生能巩固今天所学的知识点。七、 Summary: T: Today we learnt some new words、new phrases and a sentence structure: Be+V.ing Lets read after me.八、 Homework: Write down what your parents are doing.Blackboard: Module 9 People and Places Unit 1 Were enjoying the school trip a lot.New words:Postcard /pst,ka:d/ Be(am/is/are)+V.ing G1:Take/teIk/ G2: Stand/stnd/ G3:Lie/laI/ G4:


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