四年级下册Unit 1《Where is my pencil box》(Lesson 3)教案

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四年级下册Unit 1Where is my pencil box(Lesson 3)教案1教学目标 1.能熟练的认读本单元单词和短语in the desk, on the desk, under the desk, near the chair, blackboard, fan, map, schoolbag, light2.元音字母a的长短音发音。能创编歌曲“Where is my Teddy Bear?”2学情分析 在前两课的学习基础上,学生对于方位介词on in under已经掌握,根据本课复习课的特点,培养四年级的学生能够总结分析的能力。3重点难点 元音字母a的长短音发音元音字母a在单词中发音要求4教学过程活动1【导入】Step1Warmup 1. Greeting. Nice to see you again! Boys and girls!2.播放歌曲:“Where is my Teddy Bear?” 学生跟唱。(替换歌曲中的方位词。)3.快速抢答:出示单词卡片或实物,各小组做好准备抢答,最先举手的学生读出该单词并说出其中文意思。正确则记1分。Step 2 Presentation1. Greeting. Nice to see you again! Boys and girls!2.播放歌曲:“Where is my Teddy Bear?”, 学生跟唱。(替换歌曲中的方位词。)3.快速抢答:出示单词卡片或实物,各小组做好准备抢答,最先举手的学生读出该单词并说出其中文意思。正确则记1分。活动2【讲授】Step 2 Presentation 1. Lesson3. Part 1Listen, number and say(听音,标序再说一说)Where is the fan?Its near the door. Yes, the fan is near the door.Where are the pencil boxes?Theyre on the desk. Yes, they are on the desk.2. Listen and read aloud大声朗读1.rat/cat/bag/cap/ 2. grape/face/table/snake观察第一组和第二组单词的共同点。/a/含有字母a再次朗读,找到第一组和第二组单词的不同点发音有所不同1.rat/cat/bag/cap/发音 short “a”。2.grape/face/table/snake发音 long “a”。播放part5A is for cat A is for catA is for rat A is for ratDad has a cat. A cake is on the table.Cat likes the rat A snake is under the table学生跟读此部分录音3.listen and finish each word with /an at ake ate/学生根据录音和图片及首字母提示写出单词。cake hat fan snake gate cat lake man活动3【活动】Step3Practice 再次朗读,找到第一组和第二组单词的不同点发音有所不同1.rat/cat/bag/cap/发音 short“a”。2.grape/face/table/snake发音 long“a”。播放part5A is for cat A is for catA is for rat A is for ratDad has a cat. A cake is on the table.Cat likes the rat A snake is under the table学生跟读此部分录音3.listen and finish each word with /an at ake ate/学生根据录音和图片及首字母提示写出单词。cake hat fan snake gate cat lake man活动4【活动】Step 4 Consolidation 1.师生共同创编歌曲“Where is my Teddy Bear?”替换歌曲中红色字体即方位词。2.分小组表演歌曲。设计最佳设计奖,最佳语言奖,最佳表演奖,和最佳组合奖。活动5【练习】Step 5 Summary 根据学生和小组在课堂上的表现给予加分鼓励。小组讨论本课收获了什么。并总结陈述。活动6【作业】Step 8 Expansion 1.学会正确书写本单元单词。2.用简单的英语介绍物品位置。3.收集关于中国元宵节的英文信息。


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