2021版高考英语一轮复习 课时提能练7 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 外研版必修2

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2021版高考英语一轮复习 课时提能练7 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 外研版必修2_第1页
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2021版高考英语一轮复习 课时提能练7 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 外研版必修2_第3页
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课时提能练(七)必修2Module 1Our Body and Healthy Habits课时作业A:基础层面.单句语法填空1The students are waiting for the results of the final exam with anxiety (anxious)2His parents thought it was abnormal(normal) for a boy to be interested in ballet.3Its no surprise shes leaving the courseshes never really fitted in.4By now medical staff had arrived, and were looking after the injured(injure) woman.5Rarely(rare) did they go to school by car at that time.Their parents were too poor to buy one.单句改错1This dress fits for her in size but not the color.去掉for2Im awful sorry that I cant come up with a better idea.awfulawfully3Successful are those who are willing to take pain.painpains4She has been on diet for two weeks and has lost five pounds.diet前加a5He missed the school bus, thats why he got up late.whybecause.选词成篇With their wellpaid incomes and social status, the lives of whitecollar workers are envied by many ordinary people.But their health condition, on the whole, is not good, which 1.is_connected_with their unhealthy lifestyles.Lets 2.begin_with the recent studies.Highincome groups between the ages 35 and 50 are 3.at_least ten years older than their actual age.Some of them dont have the habit of 4.taking_exercise regularly, and some easily 5.become_ill.One of the major causes is that they are putting too much into their work.They 6.are_crazy_about getting promoted or earning more money.Instead of walking or cycling, they are used to 7.heading_towards work by bus or subway.Besides, many of them 8.pick_up a bad living habit.For example, they usually 9.lie_down on the beds, playing their phones instead of going to sleep in time.All the pain and sufferings may be the price they should 10.pay_for their unhealthy lifestyles.根据提示补全句子1老首相是个聪明诚实的人,比谁都称职。(fit)The old prime minister was a wise, honest man who was_more_fit_for_his_ office/job_than anyone else.2要认真听,否则会听不清楚重点。(祈使句or/otherwise陈述句)Listen_carefully_or/otherwise_youll miss something important.3他担心在国外旅行的家人。(anxious)He was_anxious_about his family, who were travelling abroad.4透过窗户我看见他正在庭院里修理他的汽车。(see sb.doing)From the window I saw_him_repairing_his_car in the court.5我们应该每天按时吃早餐,因为早餐对我们来说真的非常重要。(thats because)We should eat breakfast on time every day, thats_because_breakfast_is_really_ important_for_us.课时作业B:能力层面.阅读理解(2019安徽省五校联盟第二次质检)We humans are addicted to sugar.That makes sense.All animals need sugar to live.Its the fuel that powers our cells.So its not surprising that were born to want the sweet stuff.Sugar stores the suns energy like a battery.After a meal, your body breaks down foods into their building blocks.It uses some sugar for energy right away.The rest get stored for the body to break down later.Its a myth that sugar makes you extremely excited, but having a sugary snack can give you a quick burst of energy.Thats because the sugar in sweet foods is easy for your body to turn into fuel.When you eat other kinds of foods, like vegetables, it takes longer for your body to break the sugar down.These days its easy to find sweet snacks.Sodas, candy, cakes and even foods that seem healthy, such as yogurt, can be packed with sugar.Food makers add sugar, because they know that to humans, sweet makes everything taste better.Americans eat about 20 teaspoons of extra sugar every day.Thats way more than what is good for us.Eating too much sugar can cause more than a stomachache.It can make people overweight, decay the teeth and even cause diabetes.However, experts arent worried about naturally sweet foodsthe problem is added sugar.So go ahead and enjoy sweet apples or even sugarrich carrots that are also full of vitamins and other good stuff.Even cake is great once in a while, as long as you dont overdo it.After all, no one wants life to be dull.And your body needs its fuel!【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。糖能给人体提供必需的能量,且易分解。虽然甜食尝起来可口,但是我们不要过多食用。1The first two paragraphs are mainly developed by _.Acause and effectBproblem and solutionCgiving examplesDmaking comparisonsA写作手法题。根据第一段尾句“So its not surprising that were born to want the sweet stuff”和第二段倒数第二句“Thats because the sugar in sweet foods is easy for your body to turn into fuel”,并结合第一、二段的内容可知,第一段解释了人天生需要糖的原因;第二段解释了甜食能快速补充能量的原因;据此可推知,第一、二段是通过解释因果的方法组织内容的,故A项正确。2People may be tricked into eating too much sugar because _.Ano one wants life to be boringBwere born to want the sweet stuffCsocalled healthy food can be packed with sugarDsugar is the fuel for the plants and animals on the earthC细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二句“These days its easy to find sweet snacks.Sodas, candy, cakes and even foods that seem healthy, such as yogurt,can be packed with sugar”可知,甜食随处可见,即使是看起来健康的食品也会含有大量糖分,故人们会误食很多含糖食品。3What does the author want to stress in Paragraph 4?AWed better say no to sweet foods.BExperts are worried about added sugar.CEating too much sugar is bad for our health.DWed better consume sugar from natural sources.D推理判断题。通读第四段可知,该段第一、二句介绍了食用过量的糖的害处;第三句说明专家对添加糖分的食品的担忧;第四句紧接着提出建议:吃富含糖但也富含维生素和其他有益成分的天然食物。据此可推知,该段旨在强调,我们最好食用天然食物来摄入糖分,故D项正确。4What can be a suitable title for the text?ASugar Is EverywhereBSugar Brings HappinessCWhy Do We Love Sugar?DWhy Does Sugar Make Us Fat?C标题判断题。通读全文可知,糖能给人体提供必需的能量,且易分解,人天生需要糖分;虽然甜食尝起来可口,但是食用过量的糖有害人体健康,我们最好食用不但富含糖分、还含有维生素和其他有益成分的天然食物。故C项最适合作本文标题。.完形填空(2019武汉市调研测试)It was New Year time.We were travelling in a van (小型货车) _1_ toys to the homeless.When we _2_ the spot, something caught my eye.Something or someone was moving in the rubbish.Soon I _3_ that it was the home of a poor family.There were two _4_, both about my age at the time, and a lady I supposed to be their mother.They sat there _5_.As a little girl myself I was _6_ interested in the little girl.How _7_ our lives were.She lived for the day, _8_ through the rubbish for something to fill her stomach.I on the other hand was well looked after and never had to worry about _9_.I had a good education and thus a _10_ future.I looked at the little girl.The only _11_ she had was the wornout dress that she was wearing.Seeing this little girl I made the decision to _12_ a doll that had belonged to me for a while.When the van came to a _13_, I stepped out, called the girl over and _14_ the doll in her hand.At first she looked at me with _15_ and wasnt certain what to do, but then she smiled and I saw _16_ in her eyes.I went back into the vehicle and we started to _17_ off, and thats when we realized the little girl was running _18_.We stopped again and opened the door.The girl had _19_ with us.She looked directly at me and said two _20_ words “Thank You”【语篇解读】在新年期间,“我们”开车去为无家可归的人分发玩具。“我”将刚买不久的玩具娃娃送给一个靠在垃圾中寻找食物为生的小女孩,然后就离开了。“我们”发现那个女孩在追我们。“我们”停下了车,她向“我”说了句“谢谢”。1A.showingBrecommendingCdistributingDsellingC根据下文“我”送给小女孩玩具娃娃可知,我们在新年期间给无家可归的人分发玩具。故选C。2A.leftBchangedCchoseDapproachedD根据下文中的“When the van came to a _, I stepped out”可推知,当我们接近目的地的时候,有东西引起“我”的注意。故选D。3A.guaranteedBrealizedCdecidedDacceptedB根据空后的“it was the home of a poor family”并结合语境可知,“我”很快意识到那是一户贫困人家的家。故选B。4A.boysBchildrenCdriversDadultsB根据下文中的“As a little girl myself”可知,当时那里有两个和“我”的年龄差不多的孩子,还有一位女士,可能是他们的母亲。故选B。5A.happilyBangrilyChopefullyDhelplessD根据下文中的“_ through the rubbish for something to fill her stomach”和“the wornout dress”可推知,他们无助地坐在垃圾旁边。故选D。6A.stillBlessCespeciallyDprobablyC根据语境可知,作为一个小女孩,“我”尤其对那个小女孩感兴趣。故选C。7A.similarBdifferentCdifficultDordinaryB根据下文中的“She lived for the day.to fill her stomach” “I on the other hand was well looked after.a _ future”可知,我们的生活差别很大。故选B。8A.searchingBgettingCrunningDbreakingA根据上文中的“Something or someone was moving in the rubbish”可推知,当时那个小女孩在垃圾堆里寻找东西以填饱自己的肚子。故选A。9A.foodBsafetyChealthDtransportA根据上文可知,那个小女孩在垃圾堆里寻找食物,而“我”却得了很好的照顾,从来不用担心食物。故选A。10A.doubtfulBdistantCpromisingDforeseeableC根据该空前的“I had a good education”可知,“我”接受了良好的教育,“我”也有一个有前途的未来。故选C。11A.presentBdecorationCrequirementDpossessionD根据上文内容并结合语境可推知,那位小女孩仅有的财产就是她身上穿的那件破旧的裙子。故选D。12A.give awayBgive backChand outDhand inA根据下文中的“I stepped out.the doll in her hand”可推知,看到这个小女孩,“我”决定把刚买不久的玩具娃娃送给她。故选A。13A.stationBstopCstreetDsignalB根据上文可知,“我”决定把刚买不久的玩具娃娃送给那个小女孩,所以当车一停下来,“我”立刻下车,叫那个小女孩过来,然后将玩具娃娃放(placed)在她的手里。故选B。14A.toreBplacedCdroppedDthrewB参见上题解析。15A.angerBpainCsurpriseDdisappointmentC根据空后的“and wasnt certain what to do”和语境可推知,那个小女孩刚开始惊讶地看着“我”。故选C。16A.hopeBlonelinessCanxietyDastonishmentA根据上文可知,那个小女孩一家无助地坐在垃圾旁边,并结合语境可推知,“我”将玩具娃娃放在她手里,她对“我”微笑,“我”从小女孩的眼中看到了希望。故选A。17A.walkBgetCliftDdriveD根据下文中的“We stopped again”可知,“我”回到车上,我们开车离开,那时我们才意识到,那位小女孩正在后面追赶我们。故选D。18A.behindBawayCoutDinA参见上题解析。19A.got alongBcome alongCcaught upDturned upC根据上文的“We stopped again and opened the door”可知,小女孩追上了我们。故选C。20A.finalBnewCkeyDsimpleD根据语境可知,小女孩直接看着“我”,说了两个简单的词Thank You。故选D。7


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