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2022年考博英语-暨南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Turning cultivated land back into forests or pasture is a fundamental way to stem oil( ) and desertification in the long run.问题1选项A.erosionB.depletionC.violationD.delusion【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。erosion“侵蚀;腐蚀”;depletion“消耗;损耗”;violation“违反;妨碍”;delusion“迷惑;欺骗”,根据句意可知此处要填的词与desertification“沙漠化”是相近的意思,所以此处应该填erosion,oil erosion是“土壤侵蚀”的意思。句意:从长远角度看,将耕地变回森林或者牧场是防止土壤和沙漠化的基本方式。故正确答案为选项A。2. 单选题The mother really took pride in her son, a( )artist who had already held several national exhibitions.问题1选项A.prospectiveB.perspectiveC.descriptiveD.partial【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项prospective“未来的,预期的”;B选项perspective“透视的”;C选项descriptive“描述性的”;D选项partial“局部的,偏袒的”。句意:这位母亲真的为自己的儿子感到骄傲,因为他儿子未来会是一位艺术家,已经举办过好几次全国性的展览。空格后的内容都是描述儿子的,从举办过好几次展览可知儿子最有可能成为未来的一位艺术家,所以A选项符合句意。因此A选项正确。3. 单选题Have you thought what the( )might be if you didnt win your case in court?问题1选项A.applicationsB.connotationsC.implicationsD.complications【答案】D【解析】本题考查了同形词辨析。applications“应用;试用”;connotations“内涵;含义”;implications“含义”;complications“并发症;难题”,根据if you didnt win your case“如果你没有赢得官司”,可知此处要表达的意思是会遇到难题、困境,所以此处应该选择名词complications,故正确答案为选项D。句意为:你有没有想过如果你没有赢得这场官司,你将会面临何种难题?4. 单选题The two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on how to enhance their( )cooperation.问题1选项A.ethicalB.bilateralC.mandatoryD.subsidiary【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。ethical“伦理的,道德的”;bilateral“双边的”;mandatory “强制的”;subsidiary“附属的”,由delegate“代表团”与cooperation“合作”一词可知此处应该选择形容词bilateral,表示两国之间的合作。句意:这两个代表团就如何加强合作进行了深入的交流。故正确答案为选项B。5. 单选题Chinese products enjoy high international prestige because of their( )quality.问题1选项A.indistinctiveB.indisputableC.indispensableD.indistinguishable【答案】B【解析】本题考查了同形词辨析。indistinctive“无特色的”;indisputable“无可争议的,不争的”;indispensable“不可缺少的”;indistinguishable“不能区别的”,由此句中的“prestige” 可以知道中国产品享有如此声誉是因为它们的质量很好,四个选项中能用来形容这种质量的形容词只有indisputable,故正确答案为选项B。句意是:中国的产品享有非常高的国际声誉是因为它们无可争议的质量。6. 单选题We had a marvelous holiday; only the last two days was slightly( )by weather.问题1选项A.damagedB.enhancedC.spoiledD.diminished【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。damaged“破坏”;enhanced“提高;加强”;spoiled“溺爱;糟蹋;破坏”;diminished“减少;缩小”,根据句子前后的转折可知此处想表达的是最后两天受到了天气的不好影响,被破坏了,所以此处应该从damaged与spoiled 两个中间选择,damage主要是指事物的价值或功能部分受损,spoil除了有溺爱、宠坏、破坏的意思外,还指事物完整性、完美性或者整体感受的破坏,此处表达的是最后两天由于坏的天气的影响,使其完美性遭到破坏,所以应该用spoil。句意:我们度过了一个十分愉快的假期,只有最后两天稍微被天气了。故正确答案为选项C。7. 不定项选择题The development of jazz can be seen as part of the larger continuum of American popular music, especially dance music. In the twenties, jazz became the hottest new thing in dance music, much as ragtime had at the turn of the century, and as would rhythm and blues in the fifties, rock in the fifties, and disco in the seventies. But two characteristics distinguish jazz from other dance music. The first is improvisation, the changing of a musical phrase according to the players inspiration. Like all artists, jazz musicians strive for an individual style, and the improvised or paraphrased is a jazz musicians main opportunity to display his or her individuality. In early jazz, musicians often improvised melodies collectively, thus creating a kind of polyphony. There was little soloing as such, although some New Orleans players, particularly comet player Buddy Bolden, achieved local fame for their ability to improvise a solo. Later the idea of the chorus-long or multicourse solo took hold. Louis Armstrongs instrumental brilliance, demonstrated through extended solos, was a major influence in this development.Even in the early twenties, however, some jazz bands had featured soloists. Similarly, show orchestras and carnival bands often included one or two such “get-off” musicians. Unimproved, completely structured jazz does exist, but the ability of the best jazz musicians to create music of great cohesion and beauty during performance has been a hallmark of the music and its major source of inspiration and change. The second distinguishing characteristic of jazz is a rhythmic drive that was initially called “hot” and later “swing”. In playing hot, a musician consciously departs from strict meter to create a relaxed sense of phrasing that also emphasizes the underlying rhythms. (“Rough” tone and use of moderate vibrato also contributed to a hot sound.) Not all jazz is hot, however, many early bands played unadorned published arrangements of popular songs. Still, the proclivity to play hot distinguished the jazz musician from other instrumentalists.1. The passage answers which of the following questions?2. According to the passage, jazz musicians are able to demonstrate their individual artistry mainly by?3. Which of the following was the function of “get-off” musicians?4. The word “unadorned” is closest in meaning to( ).5. The topic of the passage is developed primarily by means of( ).问题1选项A.Which early jazz musicians most influenced rhythm and blues music?B.What are the differences between jazz and other forms of music?C.Why is dancing closely related to popular music in the United States?D.What instruments comprised a typical jazz band of the 1920s?问题2选项A.creating musical variations while performingB.preparing musical arrangementsC.reading music with great skillD.being able to play all types of popular music问题3选项A.Assist the other band members in packing up after a performance.B.Teach dance routines created for new music.C.Lead the band.D.Provide solo performances in a band or orchestra.问题4选项A.lovelyB.plainC.disorganizedD.inexpensive问题5选项A.dividing the discussion into two major areasB.presenting contrasting points of viewC.providing biographies of famous musicianD.describing historical events in sequence【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。文中讨论了爵士乐和其他形式的音乐,文章第一段提到But two characteristics distinguish jazz from other dance music. The first is “有两个特点将爵士乐和其他形式的音乐区分开来”,之后的段落就一直围绕着这两个特点展开,由此可知B选项 “爵士音乐与其他形式的音乐最大的区别是什么”符合文章大意,A选项“哪位早期的爵士乐手对节奏和蓝调音乐影响最大”,并没有谈论很多乐手;C选项“为什么美国的舞蹈和音乐的联系那么密切”,文章没有谈及美国的舞蹈,只开始一句带过;D选项“什么乐器组成了19世纪20年代最典型的爵士乐队”,乐器方面也并未过多说明。因此B选项正确。第2题:事实细节题。文章第一段提到Like all artists, jazz musicians strive for an individual style, and the improvised or paraphrased is a jazz musicians main opportunity to display his or her individuality. 和所有的艺术家一样,爵士音乐家追求自己独特的风格,即兴创作或意译是爵士音乐家展示自己个性的主要机会。A选项“在表演时创造音乐的变化”与原文意思相同; B选项“准备音乐改编”,不是准备好的音乐,而是即兴的;C选项“有技巧的阅读音乐”并未提及;选项D“能够演奏所有类型的流行音乐”也不对。因此A选项正确。第3题:判断推理题。结合文章第二段Even in the early twenties, however, some jazz bands had featured soloists. Similarly, show orchestras and carnival bands often included one or two such “get-off” musicians.“即使在二十世纪初,一些爵士乐队也有独唱的特色。类似地,表演乐团和嘉年华乐队通常也会有一两个这样的“get-off”音乐家。”可知,“get-off”音乐家的功能是独唱。A选项“演出结束后,协助其他乐队成员收拾行装”并未涉及;B选项“教新音乐的舞蹈动作”,文中只提到独唱并没有说舞蹈动作;C选项“领导乐队”与原文不符;D选项“在乐队或管弦乐队中提供独奏表演”与原文提到的独唱特色相对应。因此D选项正确。第4题:词义推测题。由unadorned这个词定位到文章第二段倒数第二句话Not all jazz is hot, however, many early bands played unadorned published arrangements of popular songs.“然而,并不是所有的爵士乐都是热门的,许多早期的乐队演奏的是未经修饰的已出版的流行歌曲。”由此可知,unadorned的意思为“未经修饰的,朴素的”。A选项“可爱的”意思不同;B选项“平的,普通的,朴素的”与之意思一致;C选项“紊乱的”错误;D选项“便宜的”可排除。因此B选项符合题意。第5题:主旨大意题。结合51题内容,文中讨论了爵士乐和其他形式的音乐,文章第一段提到But two characteristics distinguish jazz from other dance music. The first is“有两个特点将爵士乐和其他形式的音乐区分开来”,之后的段落就一直围绕着这两个特点展开叙述,所以这篇文章的主题主要是通过分开表述爵士乐区分其他音乐的两个特点展开的。A选项“把讨论分成两个主要部分”符合题意;B选项“提出相反的观点”,原文没有提出其他相反观点,B错误;C选项“提供著名音乐家的传记”,文中没有涉及音乐人物传记;D选项“按顺序描述历史事件”文章并未叙述历史事件,可以排除。因此A选项符合题意。8. 单选题There is no( )for hard work and perseverance of you want to succeed.问题1选项A.alterationB.equivalentC.alternativeD.substitute【答案】C【解析】本题考查了名词的辨析。alteration “改变;变化”;equivalent “相等的”;alternative“可供选择的事物”;substitute“代替”,根据“勤奋和坚持”与“成功”之间的关系,我们可以知道一般来说“勤奋和坚持”是“成功”的必要条件,所以想要成功,除了“勤奋和坚持”之外就没有别的选择符合逻辑,故正确答案为选项C。句意为:你想成功的话,除了勤奋和坚持之外你没有别的选择。9. 单选题The eastern part of Australia is( )in climate to that of the western part.问题1选项A.productiveB.superiorC.prosperousD.splendid【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项productive“多产的”;B选项superior“优越的,上级的”;C选项prosperous“繁荣的,兴旺的”;D选项splendid“辉煌的,灿烂的”。句意:澳大利亚东部的气候比西部的气候好。本句有一个比较关系,be superior to“比好,优于”,所以B选项正确。因此B选项符合题意。10. 不定项选择题Just about everyone knows the meaning of “value” though youd never know it from the excesses of the Eighties. Clever campaigns often allowed marketers to charge more for their product and reap ever-higher profits. It waked like a dream until suddenly, facing difficult economic times, consumers wake up. Now, to the extent that theyre buying, many consumers are choosing the car that delivers the most for the monkey not necessarily the one they coveted as a status symbol a few years ago, they are shifting to the toothpaste that works from the ones with it slickest promotions. Companies that understand this new consumer have come up with something new: “value marketing”.A word of caution is necessary. In marketing, watchwords quickly metamorphous into buzzwords and value is no exception. Were not taping about ads that merely boast of a products value or even such legitimate sates tools as price cuts and discount: Used correctly, value marketing amounts to much more than just stashing prices distributing coupons. It means giving the customer an improved product, with ads, features and enhancing the role of marketing itself. In value marketing, marketing becomes part of the system for delivering value to the consumer. Instead of merely shaping image, such a program might offer enhance guarantees or longer warranties, ads that educate rather than hype, membership club that build loyalty, frequent-buyer plans, improved communications with customer, through 800 numbers, or package design that makes the product easier to use or more environmentally friendly.These and other value-marketing techniques can be expensive. They can tanker added production and marketing costs added to lower unit prices. Even so, the principle involved in value marketing value for money, an improved product, enhanced nice, and added features, are just that U.S. business needs to enhance its competitiveness in the global marketplace. Thats why it will be all to the good if the commonsensical virtues of value marketing become part of the permanent strategy of U.S. business.1. Consumers have waken up because of( ).2. Many consumers are choosing the commodities( ).3. In the 1980s, people would like to go after the products( ).4. Communications with customers may be improved( ).5. A value marketing program may not include( ).问题1选项A.the poor products they boughtB.the high price they paid for what they boughtC.the difficult economic timesD.a horrible dream问题2选项A.that are preciousB.that are warrantedC.that can show their statusD.that deliver the most for the money问题3选项A.that were most expensiveB.that were up-to-dateC.that could show their statusD.that were in fashion问题4选项A.through annual customers congressB.through the free 800 numbersC.through membership clubsD.through frequent education问题5选项A.daily visits to customersB.longer warrantiesC.membership clubsD.environmentally friendly packages【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:推理判断题。消费者清醒了,因为,选项A“他们买到的差质量的商品”;选项B“他们花高价购买了商品”;选项C“经济困难时期”;选项D“一场噩梦”,根据文章第一段中“Clever campaigns often allowed marketers to charge more for their product and reap ever-higher profits. It waked like a dream until suddenly, facing difficult economic times, consumers wake up.聪明的营销活动往往使营销人员为他们的产品收取更多的费用,并获得更高的利润。它像一场梦一样的突然醒来,由于经历困难的经济时期,消费者清醒了”,由此句可知经历经济困难时期是消费者清醒的导火索,商家提高商品价格,使得消费者花高价购买了商品是消费者清醒过来的根本原因,此处应该选择真正使得消费者不再相信商家任意抬高的商品价格,清醒过来的根本原因,故正确答案为选项B。第2题:细节事实题。许多消费者会选择什么样的商品,选项A“宝贵的”;选项B“有保障的”;选项C“能够展示他们地位的”;选项D“更多的考虑价格”,根据文章第一段 中“Now, to the extent that theyre buying, many consumers are choosing the car that delivers the most for the monkeynot necessarily the one they coveted as a status symbol a few years ago现在,就他们的购买限度来说,许多消费者选择价格最合适的车,而不必要像几年前一样,选择能够代表社会地位的车”,此处是以车为例说明了现在消费者的购买倾向,所以在购买其他产品的时候他们同样也会考虑价格再做出选择,故正确答案为选项D。第3题:细节事实题。在19世纪80年代,人们会追崇什么商品,选项A“最贵的”;选项B“最新的”;选项C“展示他们社会地位的”;选项D“时髦的”,根据第一段中“many consumers are choosing the car that delivers the most for the monkeynot necessarily the one they coveted as a status symbol a few years ago 许多消费者会选择价格最合适的车,而不必要像几年前一样,选择能够代表社会地位的车”,可知几年前,也差不多就是80 年代的时候,人们会倾向于选择能够展示他们社会地位的商品,而不是那些最贵的,最新的或者时髦的,故正确答案为选项C。第4题:细节事实题。与消费者的沟通可能会通过什么来提高,选项A“通过每年召开消费者会议”;选项B“通过免费电话”;选项C“通过会员俱乐部”;选项D“通过经常的教育”,根据文章倒数第二段中“improved communications with customer, through 800 numbers 通过免费电话增加与消费者的沟通”,可知提高与消费者的沟通是通过800免费电话,故正确答案为选项B。第5题:细节事实题。价值营销活动不包括,选项A“每天拜访消费者”;选项B“更长时间的保证”;选项C“会员俱乐部”;选项D“环境友好的包装”,根据倒数第二段中对价值营销活动的介绍,我们可以知道提及了以下几个项目:更长时间的保证、注重教育而不是大肆宣传的广告、会员俱乐部、免费电话、采购计划、电话、提高包装设计,可知没有提到的活动是“每天拜访消费者”,故正确答案为选项A。11. 单选题He still suffers from a rare topical disease which he( ), while working to Africa.问题1选项A.infectedB.incurredC.contractedD.infested【答案】C【解析】本题是动词辨析题。infected“感染”;incurred“招致;蒙受”,contracted“合同;感染;收缩”;infested“大批滋生”,根据句意可知这里是指“感染了某种病”,所以此处的动词要从infected和contracted之间来选择,infect这个动作的发出者是疾病,强调疾病的感染性;而contract强调的是人感染疾病,动作的发出者是人,此处强调的是人感染疾病,故正确答案为选项C。12. 单选题Russian women had to wear protective masks as they walked in Moscow, which was( )by a heavy smog yesterday.问题1选项A.shroudedB.unveiledC.decayedD.deprived【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。shrouded“遮蔽”;unveiled“除去面纱”;decayed“衰退;腐败”;deprived “剥夺;丧失”,根据句子结构可知which引导了一个定语从句,此处which指代的是“Moscow莫斯科”,根据主句的意思可知此处想表达的是莫斯科被大雾笼罩。句意:俄罗斯的女性昨天在的莫斯科街头行走的时候不得不戴着厚厚的保护面罩。故正确答案为选项A。13. 单选题Walk through Times Squareyoure bombarded with advertising. And it turns out, a bumblebee might have a similar feeling, buzzing through a field of flowers. “So these flowers are these billboards, theyre advertising a commodity, this delicious nectar (花蜜) reward, and bees are very picky shoppers”, says Anne Leonard, a pollination biologist at the University of Nevada, Reno.She describes a flower field as a sort of pollination marketplace. “Bees are nectar experts. They are really good at assessing even really small differences in the sugar concentration of nectar.” They also scope out flower shape and size, color and scent. And now Leonard and her colleagues have discovered that bumblebees are also sensitive to pollen.They found that out by lacing batches of cherry pollen with either table sugar or bitter quinine. And to display the pollen to bees, “We got really into itwe started 3-D printing flowers in our lab.” And for the antherthe male flower part, which presents the pollen pipe cleaners. “So we bought out Michaels craft store supplies of these pipe cleaners and used them in our experiments.”It turns out bees would return again and again to the same color flower that dispensed sweet pollen, and spend more time collecting there. But when confronted with the bitter pollen, they sought a different colored flower for their very next stop. All of which suggests that, in addition to savoring nectar, bees taste pollen tooand judge flowers by it. The results are in the journal Biology Letters.The finding means that plants have to find a happy medium: “So can you make your pollen attractive enough that the bees will collect it, but distasteful enough that they wont collect too much of it?” And that balancing act, of carefully calibrated chemistry(校准化学)its just one of the many transactions that plays out in the buzzing pollination marketplace, where the object is to make a sweet profit.1. What does the author compare a flower field to?2. Why are bees described as nectar experts?3. What are used to present the pollen by Anne and her colleagues in their experiments?4. How do bees choose where to visit in a flower field according to the passage?5. What do Anne and her colleagues research findings suggest?问题1选项A.Times Square.B.A commodity.C.A billboard.D.A shopper.问题2选项A.Because they are able to detect differences in sugar levels of nectar.B.Because they are capable of discerning different types of flowers.C.Because they know instinctively where to collect more nectar.D.Because they could distinguish sweet pollen from bitter one.问题3选项A.3-D printers.B.Pipe cleaners.C.Sugar.D.Quinine.问题4选项A.By color and scent of flowers.B.By taste of nectar and pollen.C.By maleness or femaleness of flowers.D.By shape and size of flowers.问题5选项A.Calibrated chemistry is very useful in changing the structure of pollen.B.Attracting more bees to pollinate could make plants more productive.C.The more bees to be attracted, the better it will be for the pollen.D.The taste of pollen can be controlled for commercial purpose.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“Walk through Times Squareyoure bombarded with advertising. And it turns out, a bumblebee might have a similar feeling, buzzing through a field of flowers. So these flowers are these billboards, theyre advertising a commodity, this delicious nectar (花蜜) reward, and bees are very picky shoppers(走过纽约时代广场,你会被广告不断侵扰。事实证明,熊蜂在嗡嗡地飞过花田时,可能会有类似的感觉。因为这些花朵就像是那些广告牌,它们在为这些美味可口的花蜜打广告,而蜜蜂就是那些非常挑剔的消费者)”。由此可知作者把花田比作时代广场,把花朵比作广告牌。A选项“时代广场”;B选项“一种商品”;C选项“广告牌”;D选项“购物者”。B、C、D选项均不符合题意,因此A选项正确。2.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“Bees are nectar experts. They are really good at assessing even really small differences in the sugar concentration of nectar.(蜜蜂是花蜜专家。它们很擅长评估花蜜,即使花蜜糖的浓度存在微小的区别它们也能感觉到。)”。A选项“因为它们能够检测出花蜜中糖分水平的差异”;B选项“因为它们能够辨别不同种类的花”;C选项“因为它们本能地知道去哪里采集更多的花蜜”;D选项“因为它们可以区分甜花粉和苦花粉”。B、C、D选项均不符合题意,因此A选项正确。3.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“And to display the pollen to bees, We got really into itwe started 3-D printing flowers in our lab.(为了向蜜蜂展示花粉,我们进行了非常深入地研究,我们开始在实验室用3D技术打印花朵。)”。A选项“3D打印技术”正确;B选项“清管器”是为了呈现花药部分;C选项“甜蔗糖”和D选项“苦奎宁”是为了试验蜜蜂对花粉味道的评估。因此A选项正确。4.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第四段“It turns out bees would return again and again to the same color flower that dispensed sweet pollen, and spend more time collecting there.(实验证明,蜜蜂会在含有甜蔗糖花粉的相同颜色花朵间重复往返,并且花费更多的时间来采集。)”。A选项“根据花的颜色和气味”正确;B选项“通过花蜜和花粉的味道”;C选项“通过花的雄性或雌性”;D选项“根据花朵的形状和大小”。B、C、D选项均不符合题意,因此A选项正确。5.【试题答案】D【试题解析】判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段“And that balancing act, of carefully calibrated chemistry(校准化学)its just one of the many transactions that plays out in the buzzing pollination marketplace, where the object is to make a sweet profit.(这一精确校准化学的平衡做法,只是蜜蜂授粉市场上进行的众多交易中的其中一种。该市场的目标是获得甜蜜的利润。)”,由此可知市场上很多人为了商业利润会人为的控制花粉的味道。A选项“校准化学在改变花粉结构方面非常有用”看似正确,但是联系全文以及安妮和同事们的研究,她们试验的结果主要还是表明花粉味道的可控性;B选项“吸引更多的蜜蜂授粉可以使植物更多产”和C选项“吸引的蜜蜂越多,花粉就越好”都不符合题意;D选项“为了商业目的,花粉的味道可以被控制”说法正确,因此D选项正确。14. 单选题It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN( )and other international laws.问题1选项A.CharterB.ConstitutionC.ConcordanceD.Custody【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。Charter“宪章”;Constitution“宪法;体制;章程”;Concordance “调和;一致”;Custody“保管;监护”,根据句子结构可知此处要填的词与laws意思相近,所以四个选项中只有Constitution符合。句意:所有的国家都应该在基于联合国章程和其他国际法律的基础上采取措施抵制恐怖主义,这是一个共识。故正确答案为选项B。15. 单选题Marriage in haste usually leads to( )at leisure.问题1选项A.resentmentB.reluctanceC.repentanceD.fantasy【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项resentment“愤恨,怨恨”;B选项reluctance“勉强”;C选项repentance“悔改,后悔”;D选项fantasy“幻想”。句意:草率结婚通常容易导致将来后悔。根据句意,此处选择C选项repentance“悔改,后悔”。因此C选项符合题意。16. 翻译题Direction: Translate the following English passage into Chinese on your ANSWER SHEET.The Renaissance embraced, first of all, an impressive record of new achievements in art, literature, sci


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