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2022年考博英语-复旦大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题She wore gloves when she was gardening to prevent the nettles from _ her.问题1选项A.flickingB.strikingC.stingingD.flapping【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。flicking“闪烁”;striking“打击,罢工”;stinging“刺痛”;flapping“拍打”。句意:当她打理花园时,会戴手套,以防荨麻刺痛自己。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题Peter Sellers wouldnt be allowed his career today. All those funny racial stereotypesthe caricatured frogs. Woops, yids and goodness-gracious-me Pakis are in clear breach of the codes of political correctness.His lewd disguises and overdone accents belong with black-and-white minstrel shows and clog-dancingits the comedy of yesteryear.Have you tried listening to The Goon Show lately? It is a reworking of The Gang Show. Excruciatingly bad and dated, and full of explosions, Gunfire and jokes about Hitler and the War.Nonetheless, Sellers continues to obsess people. Hes already been the subject of biographies galore, including, act in 1994, a 1,200-page magnum opus by myself, which is now being turned into a biopic starring Geoffrey Rush.The appeal lies in the mythic dimensions of Sellers story. He had everything and it wasnt enough. He was a comedian with a tragic inability to enjoy life. He was world-famous and desperately lonely. At the height of his fame, as inspector Clouseau, his eccentricity tipped over the edge into genuine insanity. He was a basket case.This is irresistible material. Sellers subversive and immoderate behaviour puts him in a class of his own. Picture my disappointment with Ed Sikovs tome, therefore. Heres a thick book that tells us nothing new.For newcomers to Sellers, however, Mr. Strangdove is a perfect digest of the mans life and work, briskly told. Sellers was descended form a family of bare-knuckle East End prize-lighters. Although his parents were music hall entertainers. His clinging, whining mother, Peg, was a quick-change artist and his father, Bill, was a ukulele player and soft-shoe-shuffle merchant.The young peter was raised in the ghostly, twilight world of shabby theatres and end-of-the-pier revues; dog acts, acrobatic midgets, incompetent conjurors and gypsy violinists. To go from these origins and become as big as The Beatles, as he was in the Sixties, is an amazing feat.Sellers spent the Second World War in the Air force, impersonating officers and playing the drums to entertain the troops. When he was demobbed he worked in holiday camps and began getting spots on radio. Culminating in The Goon Show. He dubbed the voices of Churchill and Humphrey Bogart on film soundtracks, and it was while hanging abouttrue studios that he was offered walk-on roles.His breakthrough came with the part of a teddy boy in The ladykillers, a film that improves with each viewing. This led to the role off Fred Kite, the shaven-headed, belligerent shop steward in Im All right Jack which won him a British Academy Best Actor statuette. When Peter Ustinov dropped out of The pink Panther on a Friday. Sellers flew to the set in Rome on Monday to replace him. The rest is history.Or notoriety. Sellers descent into madness was swift. He got rid of his wife and children and chased after Britt Eklang, whom he pounced on in The Dorchester and married ten days later. He took drugs to enhance his potency, and this precipitated a heart attack. Having worked on Dr. Strangelove during the day, each evening be locked himself in the bathroom and threatened to commit suicide. Bryan Forbes and Nanette Newnan had to come over and talk to him through the door. He then decided to be wanted to marry Nanette. He also wanted to marry Sophia Loren, Princess Margaret and Liza Minnelli.His misbehavior and unprofessionalism cost film studios millions of dollars. Sets had to be repainted and costumes remade if they were purple or green-colors of which he was morbidly superstitious.He enjoyed messing about during filming and blowing his lines; he pulled gums on people. He walked off Casino Royale and was discovered in Britt Eklangs mothers house in Sweden. Meanwhile, Orson Welles and the rest of the cast were in full make-up and on full pay back at Pinewood, waiting for him to reappear.Sellers was happy only in company of his gadgets, cameras and fast cars, which hed replace or abandon with manic frequency. At one of his weddings, the maids of honor were the brides dogs. He was also selfish in the extreme: when his relationships broke up, hed send his henchmen round to retrieve his gifts.1.People are still obsessed with Peter Sellers because_.2.By saying “ he was a basket case”,the author means that Peter Sellers was_.3.According to the passage, Peter Sellers look drugs to improve_.4.The “galore” in paragraph 4 means_ .5.Peter Sellers can be described as_.问题1选项A.he was a geniusB.he was as big as The BeatlesC.his life was full of drama and contradictionD.he led a very austere life问题2选项A.handicappedB.derangedC.impetuousD.callous问题3选项A.his theatrical performanceB.his breathtaking performanceC.his walk-on roles on the stageD.his performance sexually问题4选项A.numerousB.anecdotalC.criticalD.unauthorized问题5选项A.unpredictable but generousB.talented but unstableC.sane but selfishD.eccentric but reliable【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】第1题:文章第四段出现了题干中的单词obsess,原因则出现在第五段The appeal lies in the mythic dimensions of sellers story,是因为他谜一样的生活。作者在第五段提到了Sellers拥有一切,但是他又非常孤独,所以他的人生充满了矛盾。选项C符合题意。第2题:题干中的basket case意思是 “有怪癖的人”。Handicapped “有生理缺陷的”;deranged “精神错乱的”;impetuous “冲动的;鲁莽的”;callous “无情的,麻木的”。选项B符合题意。第3题:文章第11段提到he took drugs to enhance his potency,他为了提高性能力而去吸毒,所以选项D符合题意。第4题:题干中的galore意思是 “丰盛的”。numerous “许多的,很多的”;anecdotal “轶事的”;critical “批评的”;unauthorized “非法的”。选项A符合题意。第5题:文章最后一段提到he was also selfish in the extreme: when his relationships broke up. hed send his henchmen round to retrieve his gifts,可以知道他自私,心理扭曲,所以可以排除选项A和C;文章提到他曾要自杀(commit suicide),所以选项D可以排除。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are( ).问题1选项A.out of workB.out of stockC.out of reachD.out of practice【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。out of work“失业的”;out of stock“无现货的,无库存的”;out of reach“够不着”;out of practice“久不练习,荒废”。句意:很遗憾的告诉你,你预定的材料没有现货了。选项B符合题意。4. 单选题After breakfast I went out into the garden. Spring had come late that year, making nonsense of last years grandiose plans; I was to Sundays of hard digging behind schedule. Harling Crescent was part of a new housing estate off St. Clair Park, or off Earl Road, depending on which way you wanted to look at it. (The estate agents generally called it the Park Development, the world Park having more status that Road.)With the exception of a few big houses on Earl Road itself, thered been no building in the district until after the war. We were the first occupants of Number Seven Harling Crescent, and the garden had been a wilderness when we moved in. Now, after three years during which I seemed to have done little else but weed and dig and add cartloads of lime and manure, it was beginning to look credible that in about ten years time it might be remotely like the garden in Hunlitt and Lespers brochure. It wouldnt, I knew, boast quite as many roses and cherry-trees or have such a smoothly green lawn or such agreeably fantastic topiary work, nor could I ever hope for a limousine of anything near the dimensions (the bonnet, according to my calculations, being some fifteen feet long) to stand in the drive. I had few illusions left about my value to my father-in-laws business. But it Would be definitely a garden, and wed have tea there in the summer and eat our own strawberries and thered be a play house for Barbara and, as she herself would put it, flowers. Barbara would come home from school and there would be “pretty” flowers. Above all, the garden would be something Id made, something which belonged to me, the poet who wrote about God walking in his garden in the cool of evening had got it all wrong; I valued my garden-because it was about the only place in the world, in which I, Joe Lampton, could walk as Joe Lampton.And, since Id been thinking of being two Sundays behind schedule, it was the only place where I didnt live to schedule; in a garden one did things by season and weather not by clock and calendar.The St. Clair mansion stood north of Harling Crescent with the St. Clair Folly On the crest of the hill above it. It was still a pleasure to look at, its proportions of balance and order and simplicity were still acceptable to me; and there had been a time when the fact of my mother-in-law being a St. Clair had given me a feeling of part-ownership of the place: because the St. Clairs were my childrens ancestors they were mine too. If anything I did the family credit; among the more notable St. Clairs were at least two known murderers, three convicted traitors, and one particularly ambitious gentleman who was rumored both to have offered his fifteen-year-old daughter to Edward II and to have helped to arrange Edwards murder at Berkeley. Heiress-hunting and robbery of one kind or another they all seemed to have taken for granted; Peregrine, who build the Folly in 1810, went through two wives fortunes and then made another as colonel of a regiment. He was even supposed to have done a deal with the denture-makers of the time-who extracted teeth from the dead on the field of battle; I came across this tidbit in an anonymous Chartist pamphlet which Reggie Scurrah showed me at the Library.Reggie had expected me to be shocked; instead I was mildly titillated. That had been some seven years ago: now the St Clairs had lost their glamour as far as I was concerned. True, when away from Warley I always managed to bring my wifes ancestors into the conversation; I had never disliked an association with a name whichall the more so for the family being extinct was a symbol of doomed aristocracy, pennons against the sunset, trumpets at Roncesvalles, and all the rest of it. But now I used this social gambit only when I remembered to.1.According to the author, the name of the estate on which his house was built was ( ).2.By saying if anything I did the family credit ”(Para.4 ),the author meant that( ).3.It is known from the passage that the St. Clairs seemed to regard( ).4.The word boast in Paragraph 2 most probably means( ).5.It can be concluded from the passage that the authors attitude towards the St Clair family is( ).问题1选项A.splendidB.elegantC.snobbishD.prudent问题2选项A.he had a good opinion of the St Clair familyB.he granted the St Clair family some creditsC.he owed some money to the St Clair familyD.he was more respectable than some members of the St. Clair family问题3选项A.marrying for moneyB.robbing ones wifeC.making fortunesD.selling the teeth of dead soldiers问题4选项A.bragB.possessC.arrangeD.pluck问题5选项A.detachedB.positiveC.cynicalD.liberal【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】第1题:文章第一段提到Harling Crescent 是新住宅区的一部分,远离St. Clair或者Earl路。房产经纪人一般称这里为Park,因为Park 比 Road 地位要高,所以作者认为这个地方的取名很虚荣,很势利,选项C符合题意。第2题:文章第四段提到有名的St. Clairs家族出的一些人,比如至少有两名杀人犯,三个被判罪的叛徒还有一个将自己15岁女儿送给爱德华二世并且还参与了发生在伯克利的爱德华谋杀事件的一个绅士。这些都能证明作者在某些地方比他们的信誉要高,选项D符合题意。第3题:文章第四段提到后半段提及谋求成为女继承人和抢劫这样的事情对他们家族的人来说都是理所当然。Peregrine在1810年建造了Folly,他获得了两个妻子的财富,又做团长获得了另外一笔财富,从这些都可以看出St. Clairs认为追求财富都是理所当然,选项C符合题意。第4题:文章第二段 I wouldnt, I knew, boast quite as many roses and cherry-trees or have such a smoothly green lawn提到花园中不能有太多玫瑰花和樱桃树,boast 在句子中是“拥有”的意思,所以选项B符合题意。第5题:文章作者讲述St. Clair家族时是用讽刺的语气讲述的,比如讲述他们家出了杀人犯、叛徒,还有为了积累财富不择手段等等。所以选项C符合题意。5. 单选题After a few days, exhaustion _ and the climbers were forced to give up their attempt to reach the top of the mountain.问题1选项A.set offB.set inC.set toD.set out【答案】B【解析】考查动词词组辨析。set off“出发”;set in“开始,流行”;set to“开始认真干”; set out“开始,成列”。句意:几天后,疲惫渐渐袭来,爬山者被迫放弃爬到山顶的尝试。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题When he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay but past the stretch of rock that was between it and the seashore, he floated on the warm surface and looked for his mother. There she was a little yellow dot under an umbrella that looked like a piece of orange-skin. He swam back to shore, relieved at being sure she was there, but all at once very lonely.On the other side of the bay was a loose scattering of rocks. Above them, some boys were stripping off their clothes. They came running, their bodies bare down to the rocks Jerry swam towards them and kept his distance a little way off. They were off that coast, all of them burned smooch dark brown and speaking a language he did not understand. To be with them, of them was a feeling that filled his whole body. He swam a little closer, they turned and watched him with narrowed, attentive dark cues. Then one smiled and waved. It was enough. In a minute he bad swum in and was on the rocks beside them, smiling with extreme nervousness. They shouted cheerful greetings at him, and then, as he preserved his nervous, puzzled a mile. They understood that he was a foreigner who had wandered from his own part of the sands, and they promptly forgot him. But he was happy. He was with them.They began diving again and again from a high point into a well of blue sea between rough, pointed rocks. After they had dived and come up, they swam round pulled themselves up, and wailed their turn to dive again. They were big boys-men to Jerry. He dived and they watched him, and when he swam round to lake his place, they made way for him. He felt he was accepted, and he dived again, carefully, proud of himself.Soon the biggest of the boys balanced himself, shot down into the water, and did not come up. The others stood about watching Jerry, after waiting for the smooth brown head to appear, let out a cry of warning; they looked at him idly and turned their eyes back towards the water. After a long lime, the boy came upon the other side of a big dark rock, letting the air escape suddenly from his lungs with much coughing and spiting, and giving a shout of satisfaction. Immediately, the rest of them dived in. One moment the morning seemed full of boys as noisy as crowd of monkeys, the next, the air and the surface of the water were empty. But through the heavy blue, dark shapes could be seen moving and searching.Jerry dived, shot past the school of underwater swimmers, saw a black wall of rock towering over him touched it, and shop up at once to the surface, where the rock formed a low wall be could tee across. There was no one in sight; under him, in the water, the shadowy shapes of the swimmers has disappeared. Then one and then another of the boys came up on the far side of the wall of rock, and he understood that they had swum through some gap or hole in it. He dived down again. He could see nothing through the stinging salt water but the solid rock. When he came up, the boys were all on the diving rock, preparing to attempt the track again. And now, overcome with a sense of failure, be shouted up in English: “Look at me!” and he began splashing and kicking in the water like a foolish dog.1.It can be concluded from the passage that_.2.The word “bare” in Paragraph 2 means _.3.At the beginning, Jerry was swimming_.4.What happened to the biggest boy?5.Jerry splashed and kicked in the water because_.问题1选项A.Jerry was not a good swimmerB.Jerry failed to gain acceptance by the other boysC.Jerry was on holiday abroadD.Jerry was not on good terms with his mother问题2选项A.in disguiseB.in the limelightC.in the gutterD.in the raw问题3选项A.into the little bayB.too far out to see his motherC.near to the group of boysD.further out to see than the rock问题4选项A.He had been trying to stay under water as long as possible.B.He had swum though a hole in the rock under the water.C.He had been trying to do the highest dive.D.He had played a trick on Jerry.问题5选项A.he was pretending to be droppingB.he wanted to amuse all the other boysC.he hadnt been able to do what the other boys had done.D.he wanted the other boys to listen to what he was saying.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:文章第一段第一句话when he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay but past the stretch of rock that was between it and the seashore提到了他的游泳技能,可以看出他很会游泳,排除选项A;根据第二段最后一句话But he was happy. He was with them,可以排除选项B;根据第一段最后一句话he swam back to shore, relieved at being sure she was there可以知道他的母亲对他很关心,排除选项D,所以选项C符合题意。第2题:bare所在句子的前一句提到above them, some boys were stripping off their clothes, 他们把衣服脱光了,所以可以推断出bare是“赤裸”的意思。所以选项D符合题意。第3题:文章第一段第一句话When he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay but past the stretch of rock that was between it and the seashore, he floated on the warm surface and looked for his mother提到当他游得很远时,他回头不仅能够看到小海滩,而且还可以看到岩石和海滨,他漂浮在温暖的海水表面并且寻找他的母亲,选项B符合题意。第4题:文章倒数第二段提到After a long lime, the boy came upon the other side of a big dark rock, letting the air escape suddenly from his lungs with much coughing and spiting, and giving a shout of satisfaction,那个男孩是为了能在水下待尽可能长的时间,所以选项A符合题意。第5题:文章最后一段最后一句话And now, overcome with a sense of failure, be shouted up in English: “Look at me!” and he began splashing and kicking in the water like a foolish dog,可以推断出他是为了引起其他那些跟他一起在游泳的男孩的注意,所以选项D符合题意。7. 单选题A few minutes ago, walking back from lunch, I started to cross the street when I heard the sound of a coin dropping. It wasnt much but as I turned,my eyes caught the heads of several other people turning too. A woman had dropped what appeared to be a dime.The tinkling sound of a coin dropping on pavement is an attention-getter. It can be nothing more than a penny. Whatever the coin is, no one ignores the sound of it. It got me thinking about sounds again.We are besieged by so many sounds that attract the most attention. People in New York City, seldom turn to look when a fire engine, a police car or an ambulance comes screaming along the street. When I am in New York, Im a New Yorker. I dont turn either. Like the natives, I hardly hear a siren there. At home in my little town in Connecticut. Its different. The distant wail of a police car, and emergency vehicle or a fire siren brings me to my feet if Im seated and brings me to the window if Im in bed. Its the quietest sounds that have most effect on us, not the loudest. In the middle of the night, I can hear a dripping tap a hundred yards away through three closed doors. Ive been hearing little creaking noise and sounds which imagination turns into footsteps in the middle of the night for twenty-five years in our house. How come I never hear those sounds in the daytime? Im quite clear in my mind what the good sounds are and what the bad sounds are.Ive turned against whistling, for instance. I used to think of it as the mark of a happy worker but lately Ive been associating the whistler with a nervous person making compulsive noises.The tapping, tapping, tapping of my typewriter as the keys hit the paper is a lovely sound to me. I often like the sound or what I write better than the looks of it.1.The sound of a coin dropping makes people( ),2.People in New York( ).3.How does the author relate to sounds at night?4.He dislikes whistling because( ).5.How does the writer feel about sounds in general?问题1选项A.think of moneyB.look at each otherC.pay attention to itD.stop crossing the street问题2选项A.dont care about emergenciesB.are used to sirensC.are attracted by soundsD.dont


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