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仁爱版实验中学2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语入学考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。(本题满分50分,每小题2分) (共25题;共50分)1. (2分)Lucy, its reported that The Wandering Earth is _ exciting movie. Really? Lets have _quick supper so that we can see it.A . an; aB . /; aC . an; /D . a; an2. (2分)There are tourists visiting Beijing every year. A . hundredB . hundredsC . hundreds ofD . two hundreds of3. (2分)_ any flowers on both sides of the street? A . Is thereB . Are thereC . HasD . Have4. (2分)There are about two people living in the city. A . hundredsB . millionC . millionsD . thousands5. (2分) Whats your favourite vegetable? _.A . HamburgersB . TomatoesC . BananasD . Eggs6. (2分) What _ the word _? Sorry, I dont know.A . are; meanB . is; meaningC . does; meanD . do; mean7. (2分)I think not difficult English every morning.A . that; keep readingB . its; keep readingC . its; to keep reading8. (2分)Mum, dont worry me. I can do well at school. A . forB . aboutC . to9. (2分)_ of us knew anything about soul. A . NoneB . NobodyC . No oneD . Nothing10. (2分)are my teacher. A . ThatB . ItC . ThoseD . This11. (2分)Write it _ your book. A . inB . onC . atD . to12. (2分)Some people wont realize the importance of their health _ they lose it. A . becauseB . afterC . whenD . until13. (2分)Lao She was one of _Chinese writers of the 20th century. A . greatB . greaterC . greatestD . the greatest14. (2分)Put your coat on, or you may _ a cold. A . getB . showC . countD . catch15. (2分)“Food Safety” problem is becoming _these days. I think so. The government must do something to deal with it.A . nicer and nicerB . worse and worseC . better and betterD . smaller and smaller16. (2分)The weather in Jinan is colder than _ in Guangzhou. A . itB . thatC . oneD . /17. (2分)How old is your daughter? _. We had a special party for her _ birthday.A . Nine; nineB . Nine; ninthC . Ninth ;nine18. (2分)You have to run fasterCome onIm sure you can other students A . catchB . catch upC . catch up withD . fall behind19. (2分) How does Jane go to school? She _ride a bike to school, but now she _going there by bus.A . used to; is used toB . used to; used toC . is used to; used to20. (2分)Did you hear _?A . what did I sayB . what I saidC . I said whatD . what I say21. (2分)One of them from Africa.A . comeB . comingC . areD . is22. (2分)There is a hungry monkey food here A . look forB . findingC . looking forD . find23. (2分)I dont know _. You can go to ask station agents.A . when will the train leaveB . when the train will leaveC . when would the train leaveD . when the train left24. (2分) This kind of watch is much today than last month. Would you like to have one? Really? Ill take one.A . the most expensiveB . the cheapestC . more expensiveD . cheaper25. (2分)_ do you like science? Because its interesting.A . WhyB . WhatC . WhereD . Who二、 完形填空。(本题满分20分,每小题2分) (共1题;共20分)26. (20分)阅读下列短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连续的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D中选出最佳选项More than 700 years ago,Scotland (苏格兰) was fighting with EnglandThe king of England wanted to 1 ScotlandHe had a strong army so it was2for the Scots to fightThey lost many times,King Robert of Scotland had to run from the English armyOne rainy day,King Robert lay in an old houseHe thought that he was not good enough to be kingHe was so3that he didnt even see a spider(蜘蛛)near himHe 4when he saw the spider climbingIt was trying to climb up its web at the top of the house but it fell downHow sadthought King RobertThe spider is like meIts not 5enoughHe watched while the spider climbed up againIt fell down a second timeBe careful,little spider,or you might die,he saidLife is so hardYoull never get back to your webBut the spider 6again and againKing Robert watched while it 7climbed back to its webAfter an hour,the spider got do the webYou are such a great 8 , he saidIf you can keep tryingI can tooI must keep on fightingI wont let the English winHis 9grew strong and they 10the English armyScotland was freeNobody knows if this is a true storyMany parents tell it to their children because they want them to keep trying(1)A . leave B . control C . help D . visit (2)A . interesting B . difficult C . important D . necessary (3)A . surprised B . bored C . worried D . lonely (4)A . looked ahead B . looked out C . looked on D . looked up (5)A . old B . strong C . fast D . free (6)A . tried B . fell C . practiced D . cheered (7)A . finally B . easily C . slowly D . suddenly (8)A . player B . fighter C . soldier D . spider (9)A . Army B . feeling C . opinions D . family (10)A . kept B . raised C . stopped D . joined 三、 阅读理解。(本题满分30分,每小题2分) (共3题;共30分)27. (10分)阅读理解 Dear Peter,Thank you for your letter. Today I go to Mr. Smiths Clothes Store with my mother. You can buy shits, trousers, shorts and so on(等等) in the store. It has lots of T-shirts for boys and girls. Some of them are nice and cheap. I always wear size S because Im short and slim. I also see some skirts. I like them very much. They are red, green and white. I meet my Chinese teacher, Miss Zhang in the store. She is Mr. Smiths friend. With her help, my mother buys a purple T-shirt and a red skirt for only 50 yuan. She is very happy.Yours,Julia(1)Julia goes to Mr. Smiths Clothes Store with her _. A . fatherB . motherC . brotherD . friend(2)The underlined word slim means _ in Chinese. A . 健康的B . 强壮的C . 肥胖的D . 苗条的(3)Julia likes _ very much. A . skirtsB . T-shirtsC . trousersD . shorts(4)_ is Mr. Smiths friend. A . PeterB . JuliaC . Miss ZhangD . Julias mother(5)Which one is NOT true? A . The store has lots of T-shirts for boys and girls.B . The skirts in the store are in red, brown and white.C . Miss Zhang is Julias Chinese teacher.D . Julias mother buys a T-shirt and a skirt for only fifty yuan.28. (10分)阅读材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Your English teacher has introduced a play to your class. Read the play.Characters: Benny, student, 14 years oldPeter, students, 15 years oldSusie, student, 14 years oldGrace, student, 14 years oldTime: One Sunday afternoon in autumnPlace: Sunny Park(The four teenagers have just finished the picnic. They are tidying up.)Benny: Wow! That was a great picnic. Im so full that I can hardly move.Grace: Thats no excuse for not tidying up, Benny. Come over here and help me pack up the leftover food. Peter, can you put out the fire, please? And clean up the plate.Peter: (Speaking unhappily to himself) How can I always get the dirty and difficult jobs?Its not fair.(Peter throws a bit of water on the fire. Then he picks up the ashes (灰烬) with an old newspaper and wants to throw them into the long grass. )Susie: (Sounding surprised) What are you doing, Peter? Thats dPeter: Whoopsthe newspaper has caught fire.Susie: And the grass Benny, Grace, help! Help!(Benny and Grace come over quickly. They help put out the fire completely.)Peter: Oh, no. What have I done?Grace: You know that we should do everything carefully, dont you?Peter: (With his head in his hands) Yes. What have I done? What have I done?(1)How does Peter feel about his job? A . Clean an easyB . Dirty and difficultC . Great and interestingD . Noisy and harmful(2)What word do you think Susie would say in the sentence Thats d? A . dirtyB . difficultC . deliciousD . dangerous(3)Which of the following sentences is true? A . There are five people in the play.B . Peters carelessness causes the fire.C . They have a picnic in the morning.D . Benny refuses to help others tidy up.29. (10分)阅读理解A college teacher invited two businessmen(商人) to dinner at his home. One of the two men never went to schoo1 and was worried that he couldnt answer other mens questions correctly. But his friend said, “Dont worry, Tom,just do what I do, and dont talk about anything if you dont understand it.”Everything went on quite well, but by the end of the evening, Tom had had a lot of drink, and began to get careless.One of the guests asked him if he liked Mark Twain, and Tom answered, Its pleasant, but I like Scotch(苏格兰威士忌酒) better. All the guests in the room kept quiet for a moment, and soon they began to leave.When the two men were out of the house, the friend said to Tom, You certainly made yourself a fool because you told Scotch foolishly(愚蠢地).What do you mean? asked the other man.What was wrong with it?We all know that Mark Twain isnt a kind of drink, his friend answered, Its a kind of music.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。(1)Two businessmen were invited to dinner at a college teachers home. (2)Tom was afraid to answer questions because he never went to school. (3)Tom didnt drink because he was worried all the time. (4)Tom thought that Mark Twain was a kind of drink. (5)The other business man was more knowledgeable(博学的) than Tom. 四、 短文填空。(每空1个单词)(本题满分20分,每小题2分) (共1题;共20分)30. (20分)单词拼写Communication is a problem for parents and children of all _(年龄). If its hard for you to communicate with your parents, dont worry about it. Here are some _(建议) for you to communicate well.Dont argue with your parents. Dont get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably wont c_your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you cant express y_well if you are angry. Go someplace to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are a_Then think about what you want to say to your parents.Try to _(达成) a compromise(妥协,折中). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Li Yis mother didnt agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they _(最后) came to a compromise. Li Yi bought it, but only r_it on certain days.Of course, your parents might _( 拒绝)to compromise on something. In this situations, it is especially important to show love and respect. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from the o_of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择。(本题满分50分,每小题2分) (共25题;共50分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、二、 完形填空。(本题满分20分,每小题2分) (共1题;共20分)26-1、三、 阅读理解。(本题满分30分,每小题2分) (共3题;共30分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、28-1、28-2、28-3、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、四、 短文填空。(每空1个单词)(本题满分20分,每小题2分) (共1题;共20分)30-1、


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