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义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语6B 第二单元第一教时河口镇孔堤口小学吕永中教学内容:牛津小学英语6B 第二单元第一教时 Unit 2 More exercise( part A )教学目标:1、能正确地听,说,读,写单词和 词组more ,be good at ,slower, player, true, ball game. 2、能正确地听,说,读,写句型Ben runs faster than Jim. Does Jim swim slower than his friends? Yes,he does./ No,he doesnt.3、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型Thats true. Mike runs as fast as Ben.4、能正确地理解,掌握对话内容并能朗读初步表演对话。5、能运用本课所学语言进行“体育锻炼”的对话交际。教学重点: 1、能正确地听,说,读,写句型Ben runs faster than Jim. Does Jim swim slower than his friends? Yes,he does./ No,he doesnt.2、能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,尝试表演对话。 教学难点:1、能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,尝试表演对话。2、be good at 和 do well in 后面接动名词。 课前准备:1、教具准备:一套多媒体课件, 练习作业。2、板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 2 More exercise,贴好表格、表格内的内容贴纸。教学主流程:Step1 Warming up.1. Greetings.T: 用 Hello, boys and girls. Do you like sport?I like running. Do you like running? 2. Riddles.T: Would you like to play a game? I describe a person, you guess who he is. Now listen carefully: He is a runner. He runs very fast. He is tall. He is a Chinese man. Who is he?S: He is Liu Xiang.T: Yes, what does he like?S: He likes running. He likes to run.T: Yes, he can run fast, so he is good at running. How about you?S: I like playing basketball.T: Do you play well?S: Yes, I do.T: So you are good at basketball. (板书出示:be good at )T: I am good at singing. Liu Xiang is good at running. S is good at basketball. So we are good at PE. Who are not good at PE?(some students hands up)T: Oh, you should do more exercise. (揭示课题 Unit 2 More exercise) Some students are not good at PE. They should do more exercise. And theyll do better in PE. (板书出示:do more exercise ,do better in PE 做更多的锻炼,更擅长于体育) Step 2 Presentation and practice.1. Background reading.T: My friend Jim is not happy. Why? Lets listen to the first paragraph. S: Jim doesnt do well in PE.T: Yes, Jim doesnt do well in PE. (板书出示: do well in=be good at ) Lets read the first paragraph by themselves.S: Read.T: He is talking toabout it. What is “it”?S: It means Jim doesnt do well in PE.S: I think “It” means Jim wants to do better in PE, but dont know how.T: Yes, you are all right. Lets read the first paragraph together.2. Dialogues. (1)T: Jim is our friend. Do you know something about him in PE. S: No. T: OK! Lets know something about him, show some important information.a) Jim jumps higher than some of the other boys in his class.b) Ben runs faster than Jim. Mike runs as fast as Ben.c) His friends swim faster than Jim.T: Read the information follow me, then lets read them together,S: Read.T: About these information, can you tell me something about Jim in PE.S: Jim is good at jumping.S: Jim is not good at running. Jim runs slower than Ben and Mike.S: Jim is not good at swimming.T: Yes, you are all right. About these information I know .Jim is not good at PE. He wants to do better, he wants to be stronger, he wants to do more exercise. Because he wants to be good at swimming and running in PE. (多媒体课件出示教师根据信息推理的这段话,请学生自由读几遍。) (2)T: Read the conversation after me. Then read them by themselves, find some new words.S: trueT: Liu Xiang runs fast , Its true. Yao Ming is tall. Its true. This is an English book . Its true. True means 真实的.S: player T: Yao Ming plays basketball well. He is a basketball player. Yi Jianlian is a player , too. Player means S:运动员.S: ball gamesT: What can a player do?S: play basketballS: play footballS: play table tennisT: So the player play ball games. (3)T: Follow the tape to read, then answer me some questions. a. Which sport is Jim good at? b. Which sport is Jim not good at? c. Whats Dads suggestion (建议)? d. Whats Jims idea (主意)?Ss answer questions.S: Jim is good at jumping.S: Jim is not good at running and swimming.S: Dads suggestion:“Do more exercise. Youll get stronger and youll do better in PE.”S: Jims idea: Jim will get up earlier and do some exercise before he goes to school. Jim will jog to school and play ball games after school.(板书出示: will将)T: Yes, you are all right. Lets make a plan for exercise, lets help him. He ll What will do? When will do? get up earlier everyday do some exercise before go to school jog to school in the morning play ball games after school (4)T: Lets act the whole passage. a. Read by themselves . b. Read in roles. c. Act the dialogue in roles.Step 3 Comprehensive reading.T: Close the book ,do the exercise: write T or F.(1) Jim is as strong as the other boys.( F )(2) Ben runs faster than Jim. ( T )(3) Jim jumps higher than some of the boys. ( T )(4) Jim swims faster than his friengs. ( F )(5) Jim wants to do some exercise at the weekends. ( F )T: Complete the passage. Jim is _ at English and Maths. But he doesnt do _ in PE. Ben and Jack run _ than Jim. But Jim _very high and swims _ . So Jim will get up _ and do some _ before class_ day. He will _ to school in the morning and play _ games after school.Step4 Consolidation and discussion.T: Jim doesnt do well in PE. He wants to do better. Now he know how. If you are not good at PE. What will you do?S: Discussion the plan for the exercise.课后作业:Step5 Homework.1. Read the lesson.2. Copy the phrase in the passage.3. Make a plan for exercise. 板书设计: Unit 2 More exercise be good at .= do well in do more exercise ,do better in PE He llWhat will do?When will do?get up earliereverydaydo some exercisebefore go to schooljog to schoolin the morningplay ball gamesafter school 课后反思:1、结合小学生学习英语的特点,努力为他们营造轻松、快乐的气氛,让他们自然而然地进入英语学习的氛围中。同时注重师生与生生之间的英语交际,上课的时候尽量用英语与学生交流,并且在交流中及时纠正学生的错误,从而真正发挥英语的功能。2、本课对话语篇幅不算长,生词句型也不算多,学生在理解课文和学习课文中难度不大。在教的过程中,我采取了整体教学法,先在自由对话过程中提出对体育锻炼的一个总的认识do more exercise ,do better in PE,然后让学生接触课文,突破重难点,先出示几个重点句子:Jim jumps higher than some of the other boys in his class. Ben runs faster than Jim. Mike runs as fast as Ben. His friends swim faster than Jim.让学生自由发现一些信息并且让学生自由表达,这样切开了对话语篇的相关语言点,通过教师引导学生推理来实现突破这些语言点,再一一对生词进行讲解,解决“拦路虎”,然后再带着问题去更深度的理解课文。这样分三步来理解课文,学生就会很好的理解它。从上课的情况来讲学生都能正确理解课文的意思,最后再用多种读的方式,最终是为了让学生尝试表演。3、“体育锻炼”是我们生活中的常见话题,为了增强语言的交际功能,使学生有所感,我在备课时充分的给学生学习语言,运用语言的空间,挖掘其隐性目标,提出一个与自身有关的问题If you are not good at PE. What will you do?让学生自由表达。 3、新英语课程标准倡导“任务型”的教学途径,在教学中我努力贯彻这一理念,引导学生完成“体育锻炼”这一具体任务的过程中运用语言,达到学以致用的目的。4、这一节课的不足之处是:由于安排的任务比较多,课堂各个环节的处理上显的比较毛燥,应该更干净利落一点,如:出示几个重点句子:Jim jumps higher than some of the other boys in his class. Ben runs faster than Jim. Mike runs as fast as Ben. His friends swim faster than Jim.让学生自由表达一下Jim在体育方面的情况,有的说,Jim jumps high.有的说Jim runs fast,Jim and Mike are not good friends, because Mike dont help Jim.等等,总是不能很好的说到点子上,于是我就直接不耐烦的直接告诉答案,而不是很好的引导,今后我会不断自我提高,争取能更好的服务教学。还有就是今后我会注意各个环节的过渡语,因为这节课我表达的也不够利索,也不够到位。


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