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第一册Module 1.1. Hi / Hello. Im 2. Good morning / afternoon.3. How are you? Im fine. And how are you? Im fine, too. Thank you.Module 2.4. Whats your name? Im . / My name is .Module 3.5. Sit down, please. / Stand up6. Point to the .(本模块单词)Module 4.7. Its red. / Its a red cat.(可用本模块其它词替换)Module 5.8. How many (girls / boys)? One (112)Module 6.9. This is my .(本单元单词)10. Whats this / that? Its a (本模块单词)odule 7.11. Happy birthday! Heres your present / cake. Thank you.12. How old are you? Im .(112)Module 8.13. Is it a ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.14. Wheres the ? Its in / on / under the. / I dont know.15. Is it in the yellow / green (所学过表颜色的词) Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Module 9.16. This is my (家庭成员) He / She is a (所学过表职业的词)Module 10.17. This is her / his head (表身体部位的词)18. Point to her / his (同上).第二册odule 1(谈论自己最喜欢的物品)1. -Whats your name? -My name is.2.-Whats your favourite ? -My favourite is.-Its. odule 2(识别并描述动物)3. -Whats this? -Its a/an .It is.4.-What are they? -They are.They are.odule 3、4(谈论喜欢和不喜欢的事物)5. - What do you like or what dont you like? - I like and I dont like.6.- Do you - Yes , I do./No , I dont.-Does he /she like? -Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesnt.odule 5(会用整点描述某时做某事)7.-When/What time do you ? -I do sth. at .8.-Whats the time,please? -Its .odule 6(谈论学校生活和周末活动安排)9.-What do you have at school? -I have .10.-What do you /does he/she do at the weekend/in the ? -I do /he/she does sth. at/in.odule 7(表达节日问候、描述过节时的风俗习惯)1. Happy New Year/Spring Festival! Merry Christmas!2.-What do you do on New Year/Spring Festival/ Merry Christmas? -At Spring Festival,we have a big family dinner,we have peanuts and sweets. We say“ Happy New Year!”. -At Christmas in England, we sing songs、have a Christmas tree、eat peanuts and sweets and give presents.odule 8(谈论四季及相关活动)Describe the four seasons.In spring,its warm and we fly kites./In summer,its hot.odule 91.-Have you /Has sb.got? -Yes,/No,.2.-What have you /has sb. got? -I have/Sb. has got.3.-How do you go to school/work? -I go to. does sb -Sb. goes to.odule 10(描述物品的位置)1.-Where is the ? -Its in/on/under.2.-Where does Daming do sth. in ? -In,he does sth.第三册 Module 1.1. I have got twenty two points. (1100 数词)2. Have you got an elephant? Yes, I have .No, I haventModule 2.Its3. here is the train? Up / down the hill.Near the houses.At the station.4. Go straisht on. Turn left / rightWhatare you / they doing?Is he, she doing?5. I amThey are doing sth. He / She is Module 5.6. Do you want some ? Yes, please. / No, thank you.7. Have you got ? Yes, we have. / No, we havent.Module 6.8. Can you do sth? Yes, I can. / No, I cantModule 7.8.9. What are you / they going to do tomorrow?Going to I am. We/ They are Module 9.10. Can I have some ? Yes, you can. Here you are. Sorry, I cant. Yes, of courseModule 10.11. How many birthdays are there in +月份? There are 12. How many months are there in a year? There are 12 months in a year.13. What can you do in +月份? We can do sth in .第四册odule 1(描述人物的性格特征)This is. He/She is.odule 2(描述一座城市或一处景物)1. - Whats this? -Its (某物/地). Its (特征).2.描述物品。 (The desk is very old.)odule 3(谈论一周七天的计划)1.- Whatre you going to do on +星期? -Im going to do sth. on +星期.2. -Will you do sth. on +星期 ? -Yes, I will./No, I wont.odule 41. -What can you do? -I can do sth.2. -What will the weather be today/tomorrow? -It will be .odule 5(比较和描述两个人或事物的差异)1. A is than B.odule 61. I think this girl is better than the first girl.Do you agree?2. -What music do you like? -I like pop/Chinese music.odule 7(谈论国家、首都、城市和地理方位)1. America is also called the USA.2. People speak English in America.3. Washington D.C is the capital of the USA. Its in the east.4. Beijing is the the capital of China. Its in the north.5. Sanya is a famous city in China. Its in the south.6. San Francisco i s a famous city in America. Its in the west.7. -Wheres your classroom/home? -Its in the odule 8(谈论过去和现在的情况)1.sb. was .Now he/she is .2.sb. werent/wasnt then.They/he/she were/was .odule 9(谈论过去的行为和事件)1.-Did sb. do sth. +过去时间? -.2.-What did sb. do +过去时间? -.odule 10(谈论事情的起因及结果和疾病)1.-What happened to your bodys part? -.2.Yesterday sb. did sth.,so/and he/she .第五册Module 1.1. When did you come back? I came back last Sunday / yesterday.2. Did you live in honden / this city? (4页词组) Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.3. Come with us.4. Hurry (up) I.5. Wait for us.Module 2.6. Lets go to school / the supmarket.Do you want?How much chese/7. How many apples / oranges / bananas / pears / eggs One kilo. / Two kilos / Half a kilo 8. Do you like (本模块单词)Module 3.9. What did you do at the weekand? We visited lots of places. / went to the British Museum.10. Where did you go last Sunday / yesterday. I went to the Grreat wall.11. What did you do after school? I went home.12. How did you go home yesterday? I walked home / went home by bike.Module 4.13. Whose bag / cap is this? Its mine / hers / his / yours /Sbs.14. Whats the matter?15. He wants to wear the T shirt.16. Your red Tshirts are on the line.Module 5. 17. There are ten peneils in the blue box.18. There are enough / not enough pencils.19. Who put them on the desk?Moudle 6. 20. Can you control the ball? Very badly. Sorry / Yes, I can.pleay football well.catch the ball well.run fast.jump high.21. You can 22. How well do you play football? I cant play it at all!23. I sing very badly.Module 7.24. He / She / They cant see / hear / find people /walk / sit down.25. Her father helps her.Module 8.26. Would you like to come to school with us? Yes, please. / No, thank you.27. What time does school start? My school starts at eight oclock.28. What time do you set up? I get up at half past seven.(可根据实际情况回答)Module 9.Is he / sheAre you29. feeling sad / bored / angry / happy?Yes, he / she is. /No, he / she isntYes, I am. / No, I am not. 30. How do you / they feel? I feel happy / sad / tired / bored / hungryModule 10.31. You should look, then cross the road.32. You shoudnt walk in the road.33. I say hello to you.34. Im in a hurry.第六册odule 1(比较过去与现在的生活)1. Life was very different in Chinese many years ago.2. There werent any buses.We lived in a small house many years ago.3. There are any buses and cars .We live in a big house now.4. I hope you are well.odule 21. -What did you do yesterday? -I did sth. yesterday.(可根据实际情况回答)2-What are you doing now? -I am doing sth. now.odule 31.-What did you have for breakfast/lunch/supper(yesterday)? -I had sth. for breakfast/lunch/supper(yesterday).2.-What did you eat/drink last night? -I ate/drank sth.3.-What are you going to eat/drink tonight?-Im going to eat/drink sth. tonight.odule 41.-Excuse me.Where are the books about , please? -They are on shelf.2.-Can I have your library card,please? -Yes,here you are.3.-Please bring back the book in two weeks time. -Yes,I will.4.-Where can you find out about Chinese words/food/the weather/Chinese books? -You can find out in/at.odule 51.This black bag is nice. Its big.2. This blue bag is big and light.Itll be easy for her.3.This T-shirt is nice. Its got a panda on it.4.But its too big for you. Try this one in white.odule 61. I went to Xinjiang last year.Its in the west of Chinese.2. I went there with my mother and father.3. I rode a horse、climbed the Tianshan Mountain and visited the Tianchi lake .4. I had a lovely time there.odule 71.-Whats an email? -Its a computer message. It goes from one computer to another computer.2.-How to send an email? -First, click on“Email” ,then click on“Write” ,write your message,at last,click on“Send”.3. Thank you for your email. It was a surprise.4. I am studying at school.Im very busy.5.I will be home at seven oclock.See you late. odule 81.关于给别人提建议对话(可模仿此对话,但不能完全照搬) A:I want to buy a new bag. What do you suggest? B:What about the blue one? A:I think this one is too big. B:Oh,yes.Why dont you buy/How about the green one.?A:I agree. Thank you.2.对事物的比较发表自己的看法的对话A:sth. is +adj.的比较级。/A is same as B.B:I think so./I dont think so.odule 91.What did you do+过去时间?(答语至少两句)2.What are you and your family going to do+将来时间?odule 10关于旅行的计划(即用Where are you going to go this week? When are you going to go there? What are you going to do there? Who s going to go with you?做对话。)第七册1.These postcards are great ! Yes,they are.2.It,s a picture of the Great Wall.3.Tell me more about the Great Wall.4.How long is it? It,s about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.5.How big is Beijing?It,s got about fourteen million people.6.New York is in the east of America.7.What a big map of America!8.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.9.You do miss China!10.Do you miss China? Sometimes.11.There,s a Chinatown in New York.12.Do you collect stamps, Simon? Yes, I,ve got lots of stamps.13.Collecting stamps is my hobby.14.What are those? These are some stamps from Canada.15.Have you got any stamps from China? Yes, I have.16.Is there a letter for me? Yes, there is.17.Now you can have another Chinese stamp.18.This stamp has got a picture of the Great Wall.19.Have you got any American stamps? No, I haven,t.20.What do you do on Flag Day? We carry flags and we sing songs.21.Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.22.We always have a special meal.23.It,s a big family dinner.24.On Thanksgiving Day, we say “thank-you”for our food, family and friends.25.After Thanksgiving dinner, we watch a big football game on TV.26.I love Dragon Boat Festival. We all go to see the Dragon Boat race.27.Can you speak English? Yes, I can speak some English.28.Can I write to you? You can be my Chinese pen friend. Yes, of course. This is my address in China.29.I like music, Riding my bicycle and collecting Stamps.30.-Who can be your pen friend? -Jim can.-Why? -Because he can speak French.31.Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.32.I,ve got some chopsticks. But they are difficult.33.Have you got a book about America? I can send you one.34.I don,t believe it.35.Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.36.Why is the snake coming out of the box?37.The snake thinks the flute is another snake. So it copies the other snake.38.Do you often play with dolls? Not really.39.Do you like reading books now? Yes, of course. I often read stories.40.Do you often clean your room? Not very often. Do you?No, I don,t.41.I often go swimming.42.She sometimes cleans the blackboard.43.Do you want to visit the building in New York? Yes, we do.44.I want to show Daming the present from China. It,s beautiful. I want to take a photo.45.Do you want to go to Guilin? No, thank you.46.Where are we going Simon? To the library , please hurry.It,s ten to five.47.Don,t talk in the library.48.Please stand in line.49.I think that,s difficult.第八册Module 11. What do you want ? I want , please.2. It looks good.3. 去餐馆Waitress: Can I help you? / What can I do for you?Customer: I want , please.W:And to drink?C:I want W:Thats C:How much is it?W:Its C:Here you are.W:Thank you , enjoy your meal!4. What do you want to eat / drink? I want Module 2 be going to 1. Have a picnic(野餐)Were going to have a picnic in the park.A:When are we going to eat?B:At A:What time is it?B:Its A:What are we going to do now?B:Were going to walk around the lake.2. Look! Its going to rain soon.3. Weather report. The weather tomorrow. Its going to in 4. What are you going to do today / then / this afternoon?Module 3.Talk about photosIn this photo.Module 4.1. Ask for help.A:Who can help me?B:Sorry, I cant. Im doing sth.C:I can help you.A:Thank you.2. What are you / is he / she doing? Im / He / She is doing sth.Module 5. He / She is doing sth, butModule 6.1. I bought you sth. Thank you. Who gave it to you? Sb. gave it to me.2.Talk about books.A:This book looks interesting.B:Whats it about?A:Its about3. What did you buy for sb? I bought sth, for sb.Moudle7. To recite Part1 in Unit 1 makes students understand Yangliwei. Module 8.To recite Part1 in Unit 1 makes students understand Helen Keller.


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