幼儿园中班英语教案:rain on

上传人:大头 文档编号:9704137 上传时间:2020-04-07 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:14KB
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幼儿园中班英语教案 rain on 目标 1 在小花园情境中 体验雨点 落在身上 花草上的乐趣 愿 意用Rain on 进行大胆表达 2 喜欢和教师和同伴一起游戏 在多种方式中感受下雨的情境 准备 花园场景 花 树 草 小熊 小鸟等 晴天的标志 雨天的 标志 过程 一 熟悉环境 1 问好 say hello to the teachers welcome give you a kiss 2 Let s ride inour cars here we go 开到花园前部 3 Here s a garden Is it nice verynice verybeautiful 4 Let me show you around it Follow me what s this whatdo you see 渗透what colour is it 和环境中的flowerbear等打招呼 5 Now let s have arest sitdown please 二 复习各种天气 1 The spring is coming and theweather is very changeable who can tell me what s the weatherlike 出示教具 幼儿说说天气 集体 个别 2 todayI bring you a piece of music while enjoying it let s guess what sthe weatherlike Listen 音乐 round round the garden 第一遍 猜天气 集体 个别 what s theweather like 第二 三遍 唱歌 渗透和环境打招呼 fly Jump run macr Stop listen 音乐 下雨的声音 what s the weather like Do you like rainy 集体 个别 Some ofyou say yeah i like it some of you say no i don t like it But I thinklittle Johnnydoesn t like rainy day because he say rain rain go away It srainy let s gohome 三 学习rain on 1 look what s this it srain 教师演示rain on me Doyou want to play with the rain you can say rain on me Where isyourshoes raise your shoes rain on the shoes Where is your hands raiseyourhands rain on the hands oh it s very funny Rain rain fly fly fly Rain on theflower bear 集体 个别 2 Do you want to try everyone can take one 轻快的音乐伴奏 幼儿说说rain on


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