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七年级英语重点词汇姓名: 1. 早上好good mornning2. 下午好good afternoon3. 晚上好good evening4. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢!How are you? Im fine. Thank you.5. 名单name list6. 这个用英语怎么说?Whats this in English?7. 拼写spell8. 请please9. 它是什么颜色?它是红色。What color is it? Its red.10. 黄色yellow11. 绿色green12. 蓝色blue13. 黑色black14. 白色white15. 紫色purple16. 橘黄;橙色orange17. 黑白相间black and white18. 一把钥匙a key 19. 一幅地图a map20. 一个房间a room21. 一件夹克衫a jacket22. 一个橘子an orange23. 一床被子a quilt24. 一个枕头a pillow25. 用英语in English26. 这个this27. 那个that28. 我的my29. 你的your30. 他的his31. 她的her32. 你 you33. 我 I 34. 他he35. 她she36. 它it 37. 是is, am, are38. 见到你很高兴!Nice to meet you!44.问题question45.回答answer46.看look47.名first name48.姓last name49.男孩boy50.女孩girl51.数字number52.电话号码telephone number phone number53.卡片card54.身份证ID card55.家庭family56.写下数字从0到9zero one two three four five six seven eight nine57.你叫什么名字? 我叫李雷。Whats your name? Im Li Lei. My name is Li Lei.58.你的第一个名字是什么? 我的第一个名是汤姆。Whats yur first name?My first name is Tom.59.你姓什么?我姓刘。Whats your last name?My last name is Liu.60.你的电话号码是多少?Whats your phone number?61.这个是时钟。This is a clock.62.你是男孩。You are a boy.63.我是女孩。Im a girl.64.一支铅笔a pencil65.一把尺子a ruler66.书book67.盒子case68.双肩包backpack69.词典dictionary70.铅笔盒pencil case71.卷笔刀pencil sharpener72.打扰一下;对不起excuse me73.棒球baseball74.手表watch75.电脑computer74.笔记本notebook75.一个橡皮擦an eraser76.一串钥匙a set of keys77.给打电话callat78.在失物招领箱里in the lost and found case79.学校.school80.是的yes81.不是no82.这是你的铅笔吗?是的,它是.它是我的铅笔。Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. It is my pencil.83.那是你的双肩包吗?不,它不是。它是他的双肩包。Is that your backpack? No, it isnt. It is his backpack.84.打扰了,这是你的橡皮擦吗?Excuse me, is this your eraser?85.谢谢,那是我的铅笔盒。Thanks! Thats my pencil case.86.你怎样拼写钢笔?How do you spell pen?87.不用谢!Youre welcome!88.你的家庭照片your family photo.89.爸爸father90.妈妈mother91.姐妹sister92.兄弟brother93.爷爷;外祖父grandfather94.奶奶;外祖母grandmother95女儿daughter96儿子son97堂表兄妹cousin98.叔叔;伯伯uncle99.阿姨;姑姑aunt100.这些these101.那些those102.朋友friend103.亲爱的dear104.图片;照片picture105.这里here106.为了for107.的of108.为.而感谢thanks forthank you for109.这是吉姆吗?不.他不是. 他是李明。 Is this Jim? No, it isnt. He is Li Ming.110.这是你的姐妹吗?不,她不是。Is this your sister? No, it isnt.111.那是你的哥哥吗?是的,他是。Is that your brother? Yes, he is. Yes, it is.112.这些是她的朋友。These are her friends.113.那些是她的直尺。Those are her rulers.114.这些是他的手表吗?是的,它们是。Are these his watches? Yes,they are.115.那些是你的词典吗?不,它们不是。Are those your dictionary? No, they arent.116.哪里117.桌子;餐桌118.在床下119.在抽屉里120.在梳妆台上121.书柜,书橱122.数学123.植物124.书包;提包;袋子125.闹钟126.录像,视频127.录音带128帽子129.在书桌里130.在地板上131.在房间里132.拿来;带来;取来133.带到去134.带到来135.在椅子下136.我的双肩包在哪里? 它在桌子下。137.我的书在哪里?它们在沙发上。138.棒球在沙发上吗?不,它不在。它在椅子下面。139.那些书在床上吗?不,它们不在。 它们在桌子上。作文范文:Lost:My pencil case. Blue and white. Call Tom at 456-9800.Found:A set of keys.Please call Jim at 498-7865.介绍家庭:Dear Alan,Here is a photo of my family. These are my gandparents.And this is my father,and that is my mother. My parents are teachers.The girl is my sister. Her name is Lily. This boy is my brother, Tom. Those are my uncle and aunt. And that boy is my cousin,Mike. I love my family. Yours, Nancy 介绍你的房间 There is a sofa in my room. And there is a chair on the floor. My brothers book is on the chair. Two pens are in my drawer. My backpack is in my desk,and my red pencils are in it. Look! My baseball is under the table.


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