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Ahot, cool , spend ,have, because ,and ,time ,mountains, sea, like 有两个多余项With July coming the summer holidays begin . Boys and girls in England will have a two-month holiday . The holidays are the best _time_ of the year for most children .They can _spend_most of there time playing and traveling with their parents. The most enjoyable place is the seaside .Some children are lucky enough to live near the _sea_ , but for those who live far from the sea ,their parents will take them to the seaside for the holiday. Why do children _like_spending their holidays at seaside ? Its _like_they like the sand ,the sun , the _cool_wine and the salt water there more than anything else . Of course , there are lots of new things to say ,nice things to eat _and_exciting things to do . Bheard ,called ,didnt speak , garden , idea , what, how , quietly , and , 有两个多余选项A farmer saw an old man growing something on the other side of the river . The farmer _called_out to him , What are you growing , grandpa ?”The ole man _didnt speak_for a moment , then said , “Swim over _and_I will tell you .” The farmer didnt like the _idea_of swimming across the river . but he wanted to know _what_the old man was doing . He swan over .The old man said very _quietly in his ear, “I am planting peas in my _garden_.”You should have shouted .I would have _heard_you quite clearly on that side .”said the farmer .“oh,no,I wouldnt do that . The sparrows would have heard me and eaten my peas ,”The old man said .ARock and pop music are becoming more and more similar , but there are still some differences .Most pop singers use the music to make money and become rich and famous . Rock singers , on the other hand , make music their life . They play music to make themselves feel better and happier . They do not think how much money they can make from a song , instead ,they sing for their feelings and live for music . Pop songs and rock songs are written in different ways .(1).A pop song is written in a “factory” where one person writes and words ,someone someone else writes the music , and other musicians record it . The singer knows little about the ideas or feelings behind the song . as for rock music ,however , the singers and musicians are all able to write music and work together in a band (.2.)when one of them has a strong feeling , he or she expresses it with music and the others help build the song .Because of the different ways of thinking and writing songs ,rock and pop songs also tell different stories. most pop songs tell simple stories to make people happy . They are popular for a short time rock music , on the other hand ,expresses true feelings . Pop music makes people feel easy and forget about the real world , rock music makes people think about the words and how to make their life better .1. In this passage ,what does the writer mainly want to tell us ?Rock and pop music are becoming more and more similar , but there are still some differences2翻译画线句子(1)一首流行歌曲是在在音乐“工厂”里写成的,在那里,一个人写词,另外的一个人谱曲,3Who makes music their life ? Rock singers4what does rock music make people to do ? Rock music makes people think about the words and how to make their life better .5翻译划线句子(2)当其中的一个人有一种强烈的感情,并且想用音乐表达出来,别的人就帮助他完成这首歌BA old woman walked into a clothes shop .She asked the girl in the shop to let her have a look at a new dress on show , but the girl just stood there doing nothing . The old woman spoke to her again ,(A)but she still got no answer .(B)那个年长的女人看着女孩并自言自语的说,(C)”Im too old to see well .I can not even tell a plastic model from a real girl.” When the girl heard this , she shout at the old woman ,”What ?(D)Did you _me a plastic model ?”The old woman was very (E)surprised .”Oh , my dear ,”she said ,”the model can speak. Then it must be a robot of a new (F) type.”1. 将划线部分(A)改为:But she still _didnt_get_an_answer.2. 将划线部分(B)翻译:_The older woman looked at the girl and said to herself_3. 将划线部分(C)改写为Im not _young_ _enough_to see well.4. 在(D)处填上一个适当的词:_call_5. 写出划线部分(E)和(F)的同义词或近义词。amazed kindCFood is very important . Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body . (1)our minds also need a kind of food . This kind of food is knowledge . We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young . (2)孩子们对周围的一切都感兴趣。 They learn something when they are watching and listening. When they are getting older , (3)when they find something new , they love to ask questions and try to find out the answers .(4)获得知识的最佳方法是什么呢?if we learn by ourselves ,we will get the most knowledge .If we are always getting answers from others and do not ask why ,we will never learn well . (5)if we study in a right way , we will learn more and understand better.将句子翻译成汉语或英语。1.我们的大脑也需要一种食物2. The children are very interested in everything around them3.当他们发现新事物时,他们喜欢问问题然后努力去寻找答案4.whats the best way to get knowledgeable?5.如果我们采用恰当的方法,我们就会学得更多,理解的更好D In western countries punctuality is important.In the business world , people often have timetables.They may have something planned for every hour of every hour of the working day . This means that meeting are sometimes set up months before.If a seller has agreed to meet a buyer at a given time , he or she will want the seller to be there at that time . If the person shows up late , there may be a problem . the buyer may not want to do business because of the lateness.If a person is late if says he and his company arent reliable.If a metting has to be put off,then the person who is being met should be told quickly . It is also exoected that friends will turn up on time for meetings with each other. It is thought rude to be late . If two friends plan to meet in a caf , and one of them is very late , the other may be upset .To leave friends sting on their own ,with nothing to do ,may embarrass them , It says to them that their friend doesnt really care about them . At other times rules are more relaxed , In Britain ,for example, if someone throws a party on a Saturday evening , many people will be asked to come. The host may say that the party will last “from 8 till late .”That in , it may go on for a long time .It will be all right for a person to arrive at some time during the party . They dont need to come promptly at 8 oclock.1.Whats the result when the seller shows up late to meet a buyer?_ the buyer may not want to do business because of the lateness.2.When is OK for you to come if you are told a party will last “from 8 till late” in Britain”_.It will be all right for a person to arrive at some time during the party . They dont need to come promptly at 8 oclock.3.根据短文内容,猜测单词punctuality的汉语意思。 遵守时间4.将划线的句子翻译成汉语。这说明他们的朋友不是真正在乎他们6. 根据短文内容,写出能概括全文大意的句子。 7. The manners of punctuality in western countries EJob requirements:Register(注册)a store on the InterentDo a marker survey and think og creative ideasDavelop a wife social network that helps make the store liked by a lot of people.Tine needed:3-5hours a day.Cost needed:From zero to as mush as you can spend.(Zero if the supplier makes you an agent ,you needn”t spend anything on the products before they are sold)Possible income:Anywhere from less than 100yuan a month to more than 10000 yuan.根据以上信息,完成下列短文。Are you lookink for a part-time job during the holiday ?Ill be happy to offer you one .That is to open an 1 online store.You should register a store on the internet first.Then you need to do a market survey,which can help you 2 come up with some ereative ideas.in additian ,you should develop a wide social network to make your store3- popular ,if you “re,an ageent,you can give money to the supplier for the products after_they are sold . In a world , its an easy job . It wont take you 5_over_5hours a day . If you devote yourself to it , you may get more than 10000yuan a month . Come on ! Your dream will come true, FDear editor,Im an overweight girl .people always make fun of me.At school, i dont spend much time with other students and dont like to join in activities that I enjoy because Imafraid people might laugh at me.(1)what should I do? Please tell me.Dear lily,(2) NO matter what you weigh,you weigh,you should be treated with kindness.people who make fun of you ate making a mistake.They should accept you for who you are.(3) My advice for you is to pay no attention to your classmates comments and all the rude things they may say about you.(3)Dont ler them upset you,or you will have a bad time all day. At the same time,you shouldnt (4)distance yourself from .Insead,find someone you trust and develop a friendship with him or her . Then youll feel happier and safer.And dont be afraid to take part in any activities you like. Remember:(5)people are more interested in your behavior than your weight. If you feel that your weight is teally becoming a ptoblem, then you can start doing things that(6) ()让你感觉好一些)about yourself.You could take up exereise such as running, swimming or jumping rope. ALSO,you could eat less junk food but something healthier.1(A)用一个适当的英文单词替代文中(2)处划线部分no matter what ( whatever ) (B)猜猜文中(4)处划线部分distance的汉语意思。 疏远2 将文中(5)处的划线部分翻译成汉语。 人们更在乎你的内在而不是外表 3根据文中(6)部分的汉语提示,用英语将句子补充完整。 Make you feel a bit better 4将文中(1)处划线部分合成一句。Please tell me what to do 5写出文中(3)处划线部分的同义词。 If you let them upset you, you will have a bad time all day. GDavid is in his school curling(冰湖运动)team in Scotland. He also plays for two clubs. Lets Listen to his story and learn more about curling.“I first started playing four years ago when I was 10 years old.My father,my brother and sister all curl and I would go and watch then play. I enjoy curling because I like the feeling of playing on real ice. I also like it is mentally challenging.(智力挑战)In the play,you have to think about how to achieve your goal and how to beat the other team.: “Sweeping(清扫冰道)is probably the most difficult part of the game.It is very important because this decides the speed lf the stone and keeps it straight”.“Games can go on for three or four hours and I play about 3 times a week. Some lf m friends thought it was funny when I started curling.Then they tried it and now they play it, too.”“Curling has been a Winger Olympic games since 1998. I would like to play at he Winter Olympics in the future. I would surely recommend (推荐)curling to everyone, because its different from other sports.”1 David plays for two clubs and his school curling team in Scotland.2 He enjoys curling because he likes the feeling ofplaying on real ice and its also mentally challenging 3 The most difficult part of the game must be sweeping 4 A curling game can go on for three or four hours 5 The reason for recommending curling to others is that its different


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