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三年级英语第一单元 (1)一、 看一看,连一连pen pencil desk bag eraser chair ruler book box knife pencil-box 二、 选择,将正确答案的标号写在提前括号里 ( )1、Are you _ 11? A. Number B. number( )2、“谢谢”用英语怎么说?_. A. Thank you. B. Thank .( )3、“做游戏”用英语怎么说?_.A. play game B. play a game( )4、当你和别人打招呼时,你说_. A. Hello. B. Happy Teachers Day.( )5、别人邀请你去玩,你说_. A. OK, lets. B. Hello.三、 英汉互译Open your book. 合上你的文具盒。Close your pencil-box. 让我看看你的格尺。Show me your ruler. 你的书桌在哪里?Where is your desk? 打开你的书。 四、将下列句子重新排列,组成一段对话( )Hello! Mr Chen.( )Thank you. ( )Glad to meet you . Happy Teachers Day.( )Hello!Glad to meet you .( )Good bye, Mr Chen.( )Good bye.三年级英语第一单元 (2)一、 认一认,画一画 pendeskchairrulerpencilbook二、单项选择( )1、9月10日,你要对老师说_.A. Happy Teachers Day B. Happy Childrens Day( )2、当你想和别人打招呼,你要说_A. Hello. B. Goodbye.( )3、别人邀请你和他一起玩,你可是说_A. OK. Lets. B. Good bye.( )4、放学了,你要和同学,老师再见时说_A. Goodbye. B. Glad to meet you.( )5、当你想感谢别人,要说_A. Hi. B. Thank you.三、从B栏中选择A栏的正确的答语A B( )Wheres your desk? a Glad to meet you, too.( )Glad to meet you. b. Here.( )Hello! c. OK. Lets.( )Happy Teachers Day. d. Hello!( )Lets play ping-pong. e. Thank you.四、 重新排序,使其成为一段对话( )Hello. Miss Flower.( )Hello! Oh, flowers, for me?( )Thank you.( )Happy Teachers Day.( )Good bye.五、把下列英语译成汉语1、Im Linda._2、Lets play a game._3、Fine._4、Sit down, please._5、Glad to meet you, too._三年级英语第二单元 (1)一、 认一认,画一画 eyefootear nosemouthhand二、 单项选择( )1、“你身体好吗?”用英语怎么说?a. How are you? b. OK.( )2、“晚安”的正确说法是_a. Good night. b. Good evening.( )3、晚上见面时说_a. Good evening . b. Good night.( )4、请坐的英文说法是_a. Sit down, please. b. Stand up.( )5、妈妈让你睡觉时,妈妈要说_a. Time for bed. b. Good morning.三、 将下列句子重新排列,组成一段对话a. See you. b. Good morning, Miss Wang.c. See you later. d. Morning. e. How are you? f. Fine, thank you. How are you? g. Very well, thanks.正确的顺序是_四、 将下列句子与其相应的汉语相连Close your eyes. 张开嘴Open your mouth. 摸摸鼻子Touch your nose. 闭上眼睛Good afternoon. 把你的头发让我看看Put your book on your head. 下午好Show me your hair. 把你的书放到头上三年级英语第二单元 (2)一、 连线body knee leg toes hair腿 身体 膝盖 头发 脚趾_face shoulder head neck arm肩膀 头 脸 手臂 脖子二、 排序,将下列句子重新排序使其组成一段对话( )OK. Here you are.( )Good afternoon.( )A pencil, please.( )Goodbye.( )Bye.三、 将下列句子的序号填入下列图片中。1.Good night. 2.Good morning. 3.Good evening.4.Goodbye. 5.Glad to meet you. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、 将下列句子翻译成汉语1. Here you are ._2Very well._3See you ._4Lets play hide and seek._5.See you later._三年级英语第三单元 (1)一、 看图将正确的数字与图片连起来 2 3 1 4 8_ 10 6 7 5 9 二、 排序,使其成为一段对话A、Are you in Class 3?B、Excuse me .Are you Linda?C、No, I, not. Im in Class 4.D、Yes, I am.E、Im Billy. Im in Class 2.Shall we play a game?F、OK. Lets._三、 将下列问题与其相应的答语连在一起Are you Zhang Hong? Im Lily.Whats your name? Yes, I am.Are you in Class 3? Im nine.Where are you from? Im in Class 2.How old are you? Im from Jinzhou.四、 将下列英语译成汉语1、Excuse me._2、Are you Number 11?_3、Im from America._4、Youre welcome._5、Happy New Year._6、Your letter_7、Thank you very much._8、My name is Linda._三年级英语第三单元 (2)一、 看数字写出其对应的英语1 5 7 9 8 10_2 6 4 3 11 12_one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve二、 选择正确答案,并填在括号里( )1、Whats your name?_a. Im Bob. b. Im in Class3.( )2、Are you in Class 3?_a. Yes, I am. b. Yes, Im.( )3、Where are you from?_a. Im from England. b. Im from English.( )4、Are you Number 12?_a. No, Im not. b. No, I am.( )5、How old are you?_a. Im ten. b. Sorry, Im not.三、 写出正确的数字顺序,使其成为一句话1、from Im America. ( ) 1 2 32、are Where you from? ( ) 1 2 3 43、Nice you to meet. ( ) 1 2 3 44、Im Class in 4. ( ) 1 2 3 45、My is name Xiao Hui. ( ) 1 2 3 4四、选择,并改错1、( )Im in class 1. _ a b c d2、( )my name is Annie. _ a b c d3、( )No, Im no. _ a b c4、( )Nice too meet you. _ a b c d5、( )How old are your? _a b c d三年级英语期中考试 (1)一、 选择不是同一类的项(15分)( )1、A. bag B. ruler C. car D. desk( )2、A. knife B. face C. head D. shoulder( )3、A. book B. eraser C. hair D. chair( )4、A. shoulder B. ear C. neck D. desk( )5、A. pen B. pencil C. pencil-box D. face二、 情景交际(15分)( )1.当你和别人打招呼时说_A. Hello. B. Fine. C. Happy Teachers Day. ( )2.当你想让客人坐下时说_A. Sit down, please. B. Goodbye. C. How are you?( )3.当你和小伙伴做游戏时,说_A. Lets play a game. B. Goodbye. C. I miss you.( )4.当你吃过午饭看到同学时说_A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Thank you.( )5.当你想买一支铅笔时,说_A. A pencil, please. B. A pen, please. C. Goodbye.三、 看图选择(15分)( ) 1. Put your book on your head.( ) 2. Sit down ,please.( ) 3. Close your eyes.( ) 4. Touch your nose.( ) 5. Stand up. A B C D E四、 重新排序,使其成为一段完整的对话(20分)( )Good morning, Miss Lin.( )Fine, thank you. How are you?( )Morning.( )How are you?( )Very well, thanks.五、 翻译(25分)1. Morning. _2. See you later. _3.Here you are. _4.Thank you. _5.Glad to meet you. _三年级英语期中考试 (2)一 将下列单词分类(30分)学习用具 _身体部位 _desk bag book knife rulershoulder head neck ear hair二、 画一画(10分) nosemoutheyechairpencil三、选择(15分)( )1.How are you? A. Glad to meet you.( )2.Glad to meet you. B. Thank you.( )3.Happy Teachers Day. C. Fine, thank you.( )4.Hi. D. Morning.( )5.Good morning. E. Hi!四、 排序,使其成为一段对话。(15分)A. Hell, Grandpa! How are you?B. Me, too.C. Oh, Im fine, Bob.D. And how are you?E. Im OK. But I miss you.正确的顺序_五、翻译下列句子(20分)1. Oh, flowers, for me? _2. Sit down, please. _3. Goodbye. _4.Im Billy. _5.Lets play a game. _6.Close your book. _7. Open your mouth. _8.See you. _9.Touch your eye. _10.Put your book on your shoulder. _ 三年级英语期末考试 (1)一、 将下列单词分类(32分)学习用具 _身体部位 _数字 _nose bag six three eleven box book mouth head eraserdesk arm foot four one ear二、 选择正确的答语(15分) A B( )1.How are you? A. Im Linda.( )2.Whats your name? B. Youre welcome.( )3.Glad to meet you. C. Glad to meet you, too.( )4.Where are you from? D. Fine, thank you.( )5.Thank you. E. Im from America.三、 排序,使其成为完整的对话(18分)( )Are you Number 12?( )Nice to meet you.( )Hello. Whats your name?( )Yes, I am.( )Nice to meet you, too.四、 选出错误的一项并改正(10分)1、No, I amnt. ( )_a b c2、Im in Class1 grade 4. ( )_a b c3、Im from america. ( )_a b c4、are you in Class 2? ( )_a b c5、How is you? ( )_a b c五、 将下列英语翻译成汉语(15分)1Lets play a game. _2Sit down, please. _3Sorry, Im not. _4Are you from England? _5Your letter. _三年级英语期末考试 (2)一、 看一看,画一画(24分) a booka chairtwo pencilsa knifean eyetoesa footthree rulers二、 选择不同类的一项(15分)( )1.a. two b. nine c. pencil-box d. ten ( )2.a. arm b. pen c. ruler d. desk( )3.a. knife b. toes c. knee d. foot( )4.a. five b. seven c. neck d. zero( )5.a. leg b. eraser c. book d. pencil三、 判断正 误 (10分)1.当你想打扰别人时说“Sorry”。 ( )2.当你认错人了,说“Sorry”。 ( )3.当你睡觉前跟妈妈说“Good evening”。 ( )4.晚上见到客人要说“Good evening”。 ( )四、 从B栏中选择A栏的正确答语(15分)A B( )1.Happy Teachers Day. a. Im 8.( )2.Are you from England? b. Thank you. ( )3.How old are you? c. Good evening.( )4.Good evening. d. Sorry. Im not.( )5.Are you Zhang Hong ? e. No, Im from America.五、 排序,使其成为一个完整的对话(8分)( ) How old are you?( ) Hello! Whats your name?( ) My name is Lisa.( ) Im four.六、 英译汉(18分)1See you later. _2Great. _3Here you are. _4Are you Number11? _5Where are you from? _6Touch your nose. _


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