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小学四年级英语下册总复习(1)Class_ Name_一.连一连。1. get up A.上床睡觉2. go to schoolB.起床3. go homeC.怎么样4. go to bed D.去上学5. How aboutE.回家二.看图,根据意思选单词。 A. English class B. Lunch C. dinner D. PE class E. for F. time1. What is it ?2. Its twelve oclock. Its time for .3. Its six oclock. Its time for .4. Its nine oclock. Its time for .5. Its three oclock. Its time for .三.单项选择。( ) 1. Whose pants those? A. areB. isC. do( ) 2. sheep on the farm? A. How manyB. How muchC. How old( ) 3. How is the red scarf? A. manyB. muchC. old( ) 4.The art room is next the gym. A. toB. forC. of( ) 5. Its cold Beijing. A. onB. inC. is( ) 6. - is the art room? - It is on the first floor. A. WhatB. WhereC. How( ) 7. Our classroom is the second floor. A. inB. onC. near( ) 8. - Wow, your school is cool - . A. YesB. Thank youC. You re welcome.( ) 9. 你想知道今天天气是不是很凉爽,你应该问: . A. Is it cool today?B. Is it red?C. Is this my ruler?( ) 10. the umbrella too expensive? A. AreB.IsC.What四.情景交际。( ) 1如果你想问农场有多少头牛,应说: A. How many cows are there on the farm? B. How many cows can you see?( ) 2你想问这是谁的帽子,应该问: A. Is this your hat? B. Whose hat is this?( ) 3今天天气很暖和,应该: A. Take off your jacket B. Put on your coat.( ) 4今天,纽约天气晴朗,很暖和。应该说: A. New York is sunny and warm today. B. Its sunny and warm in New York today.( ) 5如果你想知道悉尼的天气,应该说: A. Whats the weather like in Sydney? B. Is it hot in Sydney?五. 补全对话我最棒。1. A: Mom, can I wear my new shoes today? B: (1) (2) You can wear your new shoes. A: (3) B: Its on the desk.2. A: Welcome to my farm. B: (4) A: Look! These are tomatoes. B: They are big and red. Are those carrots?A. Where is my shirt(衬衫)?B. Thank you. Wow. It is so big.C. Are they sheep?D. Yes, you can.E. Its warm today.F. One,two,threeThere are twelve. A: Yes, they are. B: Do you have any animals? A: Yes. This way, please. B: (5) A: No, they are goats. B: Do you have any horses? A: Yes, I do. Lets count(数数). A&B: (6) 六、选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1、A. cow B. hen C. goat D. fat( ) 2、A. rainy B. windy C. cloudy D. Hello( ) 3、A. dress B. shirt C. blue D. jacket( ) 4、A. two B.time C. one D. thirty( ) 5、A.art room B. Compute roomC. washroom D. board七、选出最合适的一项。( )1、Welcome to our ! A. school B. homework C. students.( )2、What time is it ? Its . A. 8 B. 8 oclock C. clocks 8( )3、Is that your sweater ? . A. No,Its B. Yes,Its C.No,it isnt.( )4、Whats the weather like today ? . A. Its sunny B. go C. close( )5、How much is this dress ? . A. pretty B. too expensive C. 99yuan八、选择正确的答句。( ) 1、Are they in the living room ? A. Yes,he is( ) 2、Is this your father ? B. Id like some chicken( ) 3、Whats his name ? C. No,they arent( ) 4、Can I have some noodles ? D.His name is Mike( ) 5、What would you like for dinner ? E. sure,Here you are九、找出划线部分字母在单词里发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. car B. warm C. arm ( ) 2. A. under B. ruler C. hurt( ) 3. A. nurse B. bird C. computer( ) 4. A. number B. river C. her( ) 5. A. she B. sister C. Me十、找出不同类的单词并并将序号填在前面的括号里。( ) 1. A. lunch B. dinner C.cake ( ) 2. A.Chinese B. math C.class ( ) 3. A. garden B. blue C. teachers office( ) 4. A. picture B. English C. music( ) 5. A. PE calss B. go home C. go to school十一、选择并将序号填在前面的括号里( ) 1. Its time _ Chinese class. A. to B. for ( ) 2. Go to _ garden. Water the flowers. A. a B. the( ) 3. _ you have a library? Yes, I do. A. Do B. Are( ) 4. Where_ you? A. is B. are( ) 5. No, its _. A. no B. Not十二、阅读短文,选择正确答案。My name is Jim. I am a student .At school ,I have a good friend. His name is Mike . He is tall. He has short hair . We are classmates, too. We go to schoo l at 7:00 oclock. We go home at 5:00 .Its 3:15 now.Its time to play games. Lets go to the playground .We play football with some boys.( )1. Jim and Mike are 。A.friendsB. father and son C.teachers( )2. They are too, A. teachersB. classmates C. farmers ( )3.They go to school at 。 A. 6:00B. 8:00 C.7:00 ( )4. They play games at 。A.2:30B. 3:00 C.3:15( )5. They go home at 。 A. 5:00 B.5:50 C.5:15小学四年级英语下册总复习(2)Class_ Name_一、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在题前括号内. ( ) 1. Its warm _ Hong Kong.A. to B. in C. for( ) 2. 英语询问现在几点了?: A. What is it? B.Who is that? C.What time is it? ( ) 3. Is it warm? Yes, . A. He is B. it is C. she is ( ) 4. Its _ today. Put on a hat.A. hot B. cold C. cool ( ) 5. What time is it? A. Its 7 oclock . B . Time for P.E.( )6. _ this an art room? A. is B. Is C. Are( )7. Our classroom is _ the second floor. A. in B. on C. near( )8. Its 3:00. Its time _ PE class. A. on B. to C. for( )9. _ is it? Its 5:00. A. What colour B. How old C. What time( )10. Its time _ go home. A. to B. for C. On二、从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语。A 栏 B栏( ) 1. Whats the weather like today? A. Yes, you can.( ) 2. Is that the computer room ? B. Its four oclock. ( ) 3. Wheres the teachers office? C. Its on the first floor.( ) 4. What time is it? D. No, it isnt.( ) 5. Can I go outside now? E. Its rainy.三、给句子排序,组成完成的对话。( ) Do you have a library?( ) Where is it?( ) Welcome to our school! This way, please.( ) Its on the second floor.( ) Yes, we do.四、请看对话,选择正确的答案,并把句子写在横线上。|k | B| 1 . c |O |mJohn: _ Where is the teachers office?A. Youre welcome.B. Heres my homework.C. Excuse me.D. Its on the second floor.E. No, it isnt. The teachers office is next to the library.Tom: _Mike: OK. Thank you.Tom: _Mike: Is this the teachers office?Teacher 1: _Mike: Hi, Miss White. _Miss White: Thank you, Mike.Mike: Bye, Miss White五、找出不同类的单词并圈出.( )1.A. skirt B. shirt C,short D.jacket( )2.A. lunch B.dinner C.cake D.breakfast( )3. A.too B.five C.one D.nine( )4.A. Chinese B.English C.math D.class( )5. A.green B.read C.yellow D.white( ) 6. A. dress B. library C. playground( ) 7. A. eight B. seven C. yellow( ) 8. A. garden B. blue C. teachers office( ) 9. A. picture B. English C. music( ) 10. A. computer B. dinner C. lunch六、选择并将序号填在前面的括号里( )1. Its time _ Chinese class. A. to B. for ( )2. Go to _ garden. Water the flowers. A. a B. the( )3. _ you have a library? Yes, I do. A. Do B. Are( )4. Where_ my sweater? A. is B. are( )5. No, its _. A. no B. Not七、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在题前括号内.( )1 is your computer. A,His B,That C,Hat( )2 英语询问现在几点了: A,What is it B,Who is that C,What time is it ( )3 Is this a teachers desk? Yes, . A. He is B. it is C. she is ( )4 is my brown jacket ?It is on the chair. A. What B. How C. Where ( )5 What time is it? A. Its 7 oclock B . Time for P.E.( )6 this a library? A: is B: Is C: Are( )7。 Our classroom is the second floor. A: in B: on C: near( )8 Its 3:00. Its time PE class. A: on B: to C: for( )9 is it? Its 5:00. A: What colour B: How old C: What time( )10 Whose is the shirt? Its . A: Johns B: my baby brothers C: She brothers四、从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语.A 栏 B栏( )1.What are they? A. Its four oclock.( )2.Is your teacher in the classroom ? B. Yes, she is. ( )3. Whose is it? C. They are books.( )4. What time is it? D. Its pink.( )5. What colour is his jacket? E Its Amys五判断下列每组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写T, 不同的写F. ( ) 1. cup cute ( ) 2. music student( ) 3. put bus ( ) 4. how window ( ) 5. color rose六 选出所给单词不同类的选项。( ) 1. A. hamburger B. banana C. pear( ) 2. A. am B. is C. them( ) 3. A. sixty B. eleven C. how many( ) 4. A. shorts B. pants C. bananas( ) 5. A. pretty B. cheap C. Expensive七 选择填空。( ) 1. _ books do you have? A. How many B. How much C. How( ) 2. Can I help you? _. A. Thank you. B. No, you cant. C. Yes, please.( ) 3. Are they nice? Yes, _ are. I like _. A. them, they B. they, them C. their, they( ) 4. I want two _ and three _. A. pear, apple B. bananas, orange C. apples, bananas( ) 5. This shirt is OK, but its too _. A. long B. good C. nice 八 按正确顺序排列下列句子。( ) Ok, Ill take it.( ) How much is it?( 1 ) Can I help you?( ) What size?( ) Its ninety yuan( ) Size six.( ) Yes, please. I want a pair of shoes.九 在B栏里找出A栏的正确答句。 A B( ) 1.Are they monkeys? A. Size 6.( ) 2.What size? B. Yes, they are .( ) 3.Is this the library? C. Its cool.( ) 4.Whats the weather like today? D. Its ten oclock.( ) 5.Whats time is it now? E. Yes, it is.十、读一读下列单词,选出每组中不同类的单词。( )1、A.sheep B.cheap C.cow D.hen( ) 2、A.eleven B.thirteen C.fifty D.fish( )3、 A.cloudy B.socks C.sunny D.warm( )4、 A.lunch B.dinner C.breakfast D.carrot( )5、A. art room B. computer room C. music room D. floor( ) 6、A.shoes B.pants C.socks D.jacket( ) 7、A.red B.colour C.green D. white( ) 8、A. hen B. gloves C. goat D. duck( ) 9、A. rainy B. windy C. skirt D. snowy( ) 10、A. blue B. shirt C. dress D. jacket十一、阅读短文,然后判断,对的写T,错的写F。 Im Mike. Im in Shanghai. Its very hot and sunny now. I can wear my new T-shirt. And my old hat is too small. I want to buy a new one. But its too expensive. Its fifty yuan.( )1.Its cool in Shanghai.( )2.Mike has a new T-shirt.( )3.The hat is forty yuan.( )4.Its sunny in Shanghai.小学四年级英语下册总复习(3)Class_ Name_一、给下列单词分类,将单词序号填在横线上。jacket thirty potato math shirt tomatoeighty P.E. sunny cloudy Food(食物):_ Numbers(数字):_ Clothes(衣服):_Weather(天气):_ Class(课程):_二、读一读,给下列单词排成正确的句子,注意大小写和标点符号。 1. is It to get up time . 2. They potatoes are . 3.you How many horses can see ? 4. this the Is office teachers ? 5. the Whats weather in Xingren like ?三、选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号内。 ( )1.Do you have _on you farm ? Yes ,we do . A.potato B.potatos C. potatoes ( )2.Whats the weather like ? Its_. A.snow B.windy C.pretty ( )3.Can I go outside now? _. A.No, you can. B.No, it isnt. C.Yes, you can. ( )4.Its seven oclock .Its time _get up . A.to B. for C.go ( )5.Is this the music room ? -_. A. No,it is B. Yes,is it C.No ,it isnt ( )6、Welcome to our ! A. school B. Homework C. students. ( )7、What time is it ? Its . A. 8 clock B. 8 oclock C. clocks 8 ( )8、Is that your sweater ? . A. No, its not. B. Yes,it is C.Yes,it isnt. ( )9、Whats the weather like today ? . A. Its sunny B. go C. close ( )10、How much is this dress ? . A. Its pretty B. Its too expensive C. Its 99yuan( ) 11. Can _ help you? A. I B. my C. me( ) 12. _ they all right? A. Is B. Are C. Am( ) 13. How much _ that colourful dress? A. is B. are C. am( ) 14. How much _ the yellow shoes? A. is B. are C. am( ) 15. Are they nice? Yes, _. A. it is B. they are C. I am四、选择正确的答句。( ) 1、Are they hens ? A. No,they arent. Theyre ducks.( ) 2、Is this yours ? B. They are your sisters.( ) 3、Where is the computer room ?C. Yes,it is.( ) 4、Can I help you? D. Its on the first floor.( ) 5、Whose shoes are those ? E. Yes, please.( ) 6、How much is that dress? F. Sure, here you are.( ) 7、Whats the weather like in Beijing? G. Its very nice. ( ) 8、What are those? H. Its cold and sunny. ( ) 9、Can I try them on? I. Theyre tomatoes. ( ) 10、How do you like this shirt? J. Its forty five yuan.五、将右栏答语前的序号填在左栏前的括号内( )1.How much is it? A. Its one yuan.( )2.How much are they? B. Its red.( )3.What colour is it? C. Size 5.( )4.What size? D. Its hot today.( )5.Whats the weather like today? E. They are three yuan.六、 连词组句 1. is it much How ( ? )2. they are much How 3. I help you Can (? )4. yuan six . is It (.)5. very pretty . It is (.)6 at my look T-shirt (.)7. like the I shorts pink (.)8. time breakfast is it for (.)9. do you what want (? )10. in your school what is bag (? )七选择正确的答语( )(1) What time is it? A.Yes, they are.( )(2) Where is the teachers office? B.They are a hundred yuan.( )(3) Whats the weather like today? C.No, you cant.( )(4) How much are they? D. Its eight oclock.( )(5) Are these tomatoes? E. Its windy and cold.( )(6) Can I wear my new skirt today? F.Its on the first floor. .八选择填空 jacket skirt shirt T-shirt dress sweater coat1. I like the _ very much. 2. Is this your _?3. Is that your _? 4. Its my _.5. I like the _ very much. 6. Is this your _? 7. Is that your _?九选出不同类的词( )1. A. jacket B. garden C. canteen( )2. A. skirt B. playground C. teachers office( )3. A. one B. shirt C. ten( )4. A. seven B. T-shirt C. eight( )5. A. coat B. dress C. board( )6. A. jacket B. shirt C. light( )7. A. T-shirt B. fan C. sweater( )8. A. teachers desk B. nine C. library( )9. A. two B. four C. sweater( )10. A. five B. six C.skirt十选择填空( )1. Its time _ get up. A. to B. for( )2. Its time _ English class. A. to B. for( )3. Its time _ go home. A. to B. for( )4. Its time _ music class. A. to B. for( )5. Its time _ go to bed. A. to B. for( )6. Its time _ math class. A. to B. for( )7. Its time _ go to bed. A. to B. for( )8. Its time _ Chinese class. A. to B. for( )9. Its time _ P.E. class. A. to B. For十一 阅读判断。Hello! My names John. Im in Beijing now. Its hot in Beijing. Its sunny too. I can wear my shorts and shirt. My shorts are green. I have a new jacket. My old jacket is too small. I want to buy a hat.The hat is very pretty, but it is $60. thats very expensive.( ) 1.Its hot in Beijing.( ) 2.The shorts are yellow.( ) 3. John can wear shorts and sweater.( ) 4. The hat is pretty.( ) 5. The hat is cheap.小学四年级英语下册总复习(4)Class_ Name_一连线.(一)skirt sweater shirt dress T-shirt jacket (二)socks pants shorts shoes jeans 二Read and choose.(选出不同类的单词)( )1. A. jacket B. coat C. canteen( )2. A. skirt B. shirt C. red( )3. A. jeans B. pants C. yes( )4. A. shirt B. T-shirt C. six( )5. A. coat B. dress C. door( )6. A. shoes B. seven C. socks( )7. A. shorts B. fan C. sweater( )8. A. skirt B. school C. Socks三Read and choose.(选择划线部分读音不相同的单词)( )1. A. he B. she C. bed( )2. A. we B. me C. egg( )3. A. apple B. face C. cake( )4. A. snake B. cat C. hat( )5. A. elephant B. egg C. we( )6. A. bike B. time C. window( )7. A. pig B. fish C. library( )8. A. nice B. big C. rice( )9. A. ice-cream B. six C. like四Read and write.(连词成句)1. Its to up . get time (.)2. time to bed . go Its to (.)3. time to school . go Its to (.)4. time to home . go Its (.)5. yellow is My sweater (.)6. dress My is blue (.)7. like I green the T-shirt (.)8. it Yes is (.)9. that your shirt Is ( ? )10.this Is your skirt ( ? )五、选出不同类的单词。( )


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