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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,名 词,noun,名 词 noun,1,本章节内容,一.名词定义,二.名词分类,三.单复数变化,四.名词所有格,五.习题集,本章节内容一.名词定义二.名词分类三.单复数变化四.名词所有,2,一. 名词的定义,名词(n):noun,表示人、动物、物品、地点以及抽象概念的词。即所有东西的,名字,都是名词。,一. 名词的定义名词(n):noun,3,名,词,专有名词,普通名词,可数名词,不可数名词,单数形式,复数形式,二.名词的分类,名专有名词普通名词可数名词不可数名词单数形式复数形式二.名词,4,表示,特定的,人或事物的名称,首个字母要,大写,,前面一般,不加冠词,所有人的名字;,大洲、大洋、江河的名称;,国家、城市和地名;,建筑物和街道的名字;,月份、星期和节日的名称;,团体、机构、组织的名称。,(一)专用名词,表示特定的人或事物的名称,首个字母要大写,前面,5,不属于,特定的人、事物名称的词,包括我们平时吃的、喝的东西,动物的名称,物质的名称以及一些抽象概念等。,可数名词,:,可以,一个一个地数,的名词,可数名词有,单数,和,复数,两种形式。,2.不可数名词:,不能够一个一个地数,出来的名词。,(二)普通名词,不属于特定的人、事物名称的词,包括我们平时吃的、喝,6,1,一般名词复数是在名词后面加上,“s”,如:,mapmaps, bagbags,book-books, hat-hats,,pencil-pencils, girl-girls,三. 名词的单复数变换,(,一)名词的单数形式一般在名词前面加上,“a”或“an”,,表示,“一个,”。,如:,a book, an orange,(二)名词单复数的规则变换:,1一般名词复数是在名词后面加上“s”三. 名词的单复数变换,7,2以,s, sh, ch, x,等结尾的词加,“es”,如:,busbuses,watchwatches,beach-beaches,brush-brushes,box-boxes,class-classes,glass-glasses,lunchlunches,2以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的词加“es”,8,3以,“辅音字母y”,结尾的词,变,y,为,i,加,es,如:,ba,b,ybabies,ci,t,y-cities,,fami,l,y-families count,r,y-countries,以,元音字母 y,结尾的词变复数时,直接加,s,如:,monk,e,ymonkeys,d,a,y days, pl,a,y plays,,b,o,y boys, t,o,y toys,3以“辅音字母y”结尾的词,变y为i加es,9,4以,o,结尾的名词变复数时:,1),以,“,辅音字母+o,”,结尾的名词,加,es,如:,toma,t,o,tomato,es(西红柿),pota,t,o,potato,es,(土豆),he,r,o,-hero,es,(英雄),Neg,r,o,negro,es(黑人),4以o 结尾的名词变复数时:,10,2),以,“,元音字母+o,”,结尾的名词,加,-,s,如:,rad,i,oradio,s,z,o,ozoo,s,kangar,o,okangaroo,s,注意例外情况:,photophoto,s,pianopiano,s,2) 以“元音字母+o” 结尾的名词,加-s,11,5. 以,f,或,fe,结尾的名词变复数时,,先把,f,或,fe,变为,v,,再加,es,。,如:,wife-wives, leaf-leaves,halfhalves knife-knives,thief-thieves shelfshelves,注意例外情况:,gulfgulfs roof-roofs chief-chiefs,5. 以f或fe结尾的名词变复数时,,12,(三)名词单复数的不规则变化:,有些名词由单数变复数时,不是在词尾加s,而是,变换其中的字母,,,如:,m,a,n-m,e,n wom,a,n-wom,e,n,policem,a,n-policem,e,n,Englishm,a,n-Englishm,e,n,f,oo,t-f,ee,t, t,oo,tht,ee,th,在词尾加,“en”,或,“ren”,child-child,ren,ox-ox,en,(公牛),mousemice,老鼠,(三)名词单复数的不规则变化:有些名词由单数变复数时,不是在,13,2. 表示某国人,通常在单数后面加,s,。,但是,中日友好不变化,英法联军,a,变,e,如:Chinese,(中国人),Japanese,(日本人),Englishm,a,nEnglishm,e,n,(英国人),Fr,a,nchFr,e,nch,(法国人),2. 表示某国人,通常在单数后面加s。,14,3.单复数同形,fish fish,sheep sheep,cattle cattle,deer deer,3.单复数同形 fish fish,15,4. 除人民币元、角、外,,美元、 英镑、欧,元,等都有复数形式。,例词:,a dollar two dollar,s,one pound two pound,s,4. 除人民币元、角、外,美元、 英镑、欧 例词: a,16,四. 名词的所有格,名词的表示,所属关系,的形式叫做名词所有格,意思为“,的,”。,例如:,Damings,mother is a hotel manager.,其中,Damings,“大明的”,为名词所有格,四. 名词的所有格 名词的表示所属关系的形式叫做,17,1)单数名词一般直接加,s,例:_hat looks like a cat. (Lucy),2)不以 s 结尾的复数名词加,s,例: This shop sells _(child) toys.,3)以 s / es 结尾的复数名词加,例: They are the _ (twin),desks.,Lucys,twins,childrens,(,一),表示有生命的名词所有格,在名词后面加,s,。,其变换规律如下:,1)单数名词一般直接加 s,18,(二)表示无生命的名词所有格 用,“of”,例:,1)the door,of,the classroom,(教室的门),2)the top,of,the hill,(山顶),4)表示两个或两个以上的人,共同所有,的事物时,只在最后一个名词上加,s,例: He is _father. (Kate and Jim),5)表示两个或两个以上的人,各自所有,的事物时,每个名词后都加,s,后面的名词用复数,例:_ mothers are in the same factory.,(Kate and Jim),Kate and Jim,s,Kate,s,and Jim,s,(二)表示无生命的名词所有格 用 “of”4)表示两个或两个,19,小学生英语语法:名词ppt课件,20,1 选出下列名词复数形式的正确拼写:,1)deerA. deers B. deer2)child A. childrenB. childs3)toy A. toysB. toies4)match A. matches B. matchs5)leafA. leafs B. leaves6)AmericanA. Americans B. American7)cityA. citys B. cities8)mouth A. mouthsB. mouthes9)man doctorA. men doctors B. men doctor10)baby dogA. babies dogB. baby dogs答案:1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4._ 5. _6. _ _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _,名词的单复数练习,1 选出下列名词复数形式的正确拼写:1)deerA,21,2、写出下列名词的复数形式,broom,car,tree _,horse_,bus_ fox _ branch,_ class _,baby _ family,_ country,_,radio,photo,_ piano,_,knife,leaf,_,life,_ thief,_,man,_ woman,_ child,_ foot,_,woman teacher,_,apple tree,_,step son,_,brooms,cars,trees,horses,buses,foxes,branches,classes,babies,apple,trees,feet,leaves,photos,families,step,sons,women teachers,children,women,lives,pianos,countries,radios,knives,thieves,men,2、写出下列名词的复数形式broomscarstreesho,22,orange,class,text,monkey _,piano,child,shelf,sheep,_,country,family,toy,foot _,Japanese,radio,photo,army _,tomato,fox,woman_,_ knife_,mice,thanks,geese,book _,hair _ meat _ boy _ flower _,baby _,zoo _ watch _ people _,oranges,classes,texts,monkeys,pianos,foxes,shelves,sheep,countries,books,feet,tomatoes,photos,families,babies,hair,children,women,flowers,armies,toys,radios,knives,goose,meat,Japanese,mouse,thank,boys,people,watches,zoos,orange class t,23,3. 选择填空,1),There_on the wall .They are very beautiful.,A. are photoes B. are photos,C. is a photo D. is photos,2)This kind of car_made in Shanghai.,A.is B .are C .were D .has,3)There are four_and two_in the group.,A. Japanese, Germen B Japaneses, Germen,C. Japanese,German D.Japanese, Germans,4) Thats _ art book.,A. an B. a C. the D.are,B,A,D,A,3. 选择填空B A D A,24,5)The boys have got_ already.,A. two bread B. two breads,C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread,6)The old man wants_.,A. six boxes of apples B. six boxes of apple,C. six box of apples D. six boxs of apples,7)There_ some_ in the river.,A. is ,fish B. are, fishs C. is, fishs D. are ,fish,8)There_ two_ in the box.,A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is watches,C,A,D,B,5)The boys have got_ a,25,9) We should clean_ twice a day.,A .our tooth B. our tooths C.teeth D.our teeth,10)The _ meeting room is near the reading room.,A.teacher B.teachers C.teachers D.teachers,11) In Britain _ are all painted red.,A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letter box D.letters box,12)Are these _cars? No, they are buses.,A. a B.an C./ D.the,13)Six _ are in the sixth _ .,A. pen,box B.pens,box C .pens,boxs D.pens,boxes,D,C,A,C,B,9) We should clean_ twi,26,14)There,two apples on the table.,A. are B. is C. am D. /,15)Are these your bikes? Yes,.,A.these are B.they are C.those are D.theyre,16)They are,pencils.,A./ B. an C. a D. this,17)How much,do you have at home?,A. rice B. banana C. apple D. pear,18)I can see,in the box.,A.a bread B.some bread C.some breads D.any bread,19)A bottle of orange,on the table.,A. is B. are C. puts D. put,A,B,A,B,A,A,14)There two apples on,27,20) Look! Some meat,in the box. Some pears,in the basket.,A. is,is B. are,are C. is,are D.are,is,21) How many,would you like?,A. orange B. bottle of orange.,C. bottles of orange. D a bottle of orange.,22) Are these,?,A. banana tree B. banana trees,C. bananas tree D. bananas trees,23),books are there under the desk?,A. How much B. What C. How many D.How,24) I want to buy,.,A. a shoes B.a pair of shoes,C. a pair shoe D.pair of shoe,C,C,B,C,B,20) Look! Some meat in th,28,25) The,are running on the,.,A.deer,grasses B.deers,grass C deer,grass,26) How many,do you see in the picture?,A.tomatos B.tomatoes C.tomato D.the tomato,27) They are,.,A. woman teachers B. women teachers,C. women teacher D. woman teacher,28) Would you like,. Please ?,A. two glass of water B. two glasses of water,C. two glass of waters D. two glasses of waters,29) There are some,in these,.,A. knifes,pencil-boxes B.knives,pencils-box,C. knives,pencil-boxes D.knives,pencils-boxes,C,B,C,B,B,25) The are running on t,29,30) There is no,in the plate.,A.apples B.oranges C.rice D.eggs,31) I was so hungry and ate two,.,A.bowls of noodle B.bowls of noodles,C.bowl of noodles,32) I like to eat cake with,.,A. cherries B. cherry C. cherrys,33),and,are not friends.,A. Foxs,wolfs B. Foxes,wolfs C. Foxes,wolves,C,C,A,B,30) There is no in the p,30,4、填入所给名词的正确形式,1)I have two,(knife).,2)There are many,here.(box),3)There are many,on the road.(bus),4)A few,are drewing on the wall.(boy),5)The,are playing football now.(child),knives,boxes,buses,boys,children,4、填入所给名词的正确形式1)I have two,31,1.选择填空,1)Is this _ book ?,A. Lilei B. Lileis C. lileis,2),The _ Park will open next week.,A. Children,s B. Childrens,C. Children D. Childrens,3)This is,room,.,(莉莉和露西的房间),4)They are,rooms,.(莉莉和露西的房间),B,A,名词所有格练习,Lily and Lucys,Lilys and Lucys,1.选择填空BA名词所有格练习Lily and Lucys,32,5)Is this _ book ?,A. Lilei B. Lileis C. lileis,6)This is _ car.,A. Smith B. Smiths C. Smiths,7)There are some _ in the park.,A. man teachers B. men teacher,C. men teachers D. boys students,8)Thats my _.,A. brothers and sisters bike,B. brother and sisters bike,C. brothers and sisters bikes,9) It takes me _walk to go to school,A. five minutes B. five minutes C. five minutes,B,B,B,C,A,5)Is this _ book ?BBBCA,33,10) _mothers made them have piano lessons,A. Peter and Anne B. Peters and Annes,C. Peter and Annes D. Peters and Anne,11)Do you know the woman ? She is _aunt.,A. lily and lucy B. lilys and lucys,C. lily and lucys D. lilys and lucy,12)There _ some good news in todays newspaper,A. were B. are C. is D.have,B,C,C,10) _mothers made them hav,34,2.,写出下列名词和词组的所有格,1)a,sister _,2)a boy _,3)today _,4)a baby _,5)a camel _,6)men _,7)birds _,8)two days _,9)John,and Mary(两人共有的)_,10)John and Mary (两人各自所有的)_,2. 写出下列名词和词组的所有格,35,再见,再见,36,


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