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初中英语词汇表注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词phr.短语 num数词 pron 代名词第一册 1-8331 what hwt pron 2 is iz v 3 whats hwts4 your ju pron 5 name neim n 6 my mai pron 7 I ai pron 8 am m v 9 Im aim 10 in in prep 11 row ru n (12 one wn num13 number nmb n 14 two tu: num 15 too tu: adv 16 three ri: num 17 are : v 18 you ju: pron 19 yes jes adv 20 four f: num 21 five faiv num 22 no nu adv & adj 23 not nt adv 24 hi hai int 25 class kl:s n 26 grade greid n 27 six siks num 28 seven sevn num 29 eight eit num 30 nine nain num 31 ten ten num 32 zero ziru num & n 33 plus pls prep 34 it it pron 35 Its its 36 how hau adv 37 old uld adj 38 eleven ilevn num 39 twelve twelv num 40 minus mains prep41 thirteen :ti:n num42 fourteen f:ti:n num 43 fifteen fifti:n num 44 hello hlu int45 please pli:z int 46 can kn v.aux 47 spell spel v 48 that t pron 49 secret si:krit n 50 this is pron 51 in in prep 52 English igli n & adj 53 in English inigli 54 a ei art 55 clock klk n 56 and nd conj 57 pencil-box penslbks n 58 an n art 59 pencil pensl n 60 ruler ru:l n 61 pen pen n 62 sharpener :pnn 63 eraser ireis n 64 room ru:m n 65 book buk n 66 map mp n 67 desk desk n 68 cup kp n 69 bag bg n 70 computerkmpju:tn71 mouse mausn 72 bed bed n 73 keyboard ki:b:d n 74 isnt iznt 75 pear p n 76 cake keik n 77 banana bn:n n 78 apple pl n 79 orange :rind n 80 egg eg n 81 bike baik n 82 bus bs n 83 car k: n 84 jeep di:p n 85 Chinesetaini:zadj n n 86 Japanese,dpni:zadjn87 look luk v 88 who hu: pron 89 she i: pron 90 he hi: pron 91 bird b:d n 92 Its its pron 93 dodu:v.aux(94 dont dunt do not95 know nu v 96 think ik v 97 Mr=mister mist n 98 very veri adv99 picture pikt n 100 Mrs msz n 101 boy bi n 102 girl g:l n 103 woman wumn n 104 man mn n 105 cat kt n 106 his hiz pron 107 teacher ti:t n 108 her h: pron 109 everyone evriwn pron 110 here hi adv 111 today tdei adv & n 112 at t prep 113 school sku:l n 114 at school phr. 115 sorry sri adj 116 where hw adv 117 home hum n 118 at home phr. 119 How are you? 120 fine fain adj 121 thanks ks n 122 OK adv (口语)123 thank k v 124 goodbye ,gudbai int 125 bye bai int 126 parrot prt n 127 sister sist n 128 father f: n 129 mother m n 130 box bks n 131 excuse ikskju:z v 132 me mi: pron 133 Here you are 134 but bt conj 135 these i:z pron 136 they ei pron 137 good gud adj 138 those uz pron 139 boat but n 140 hill hil n 141 tree tri: n 142 their pron 143 much mt adv 144 very much phr. 145 all :l adv 146 right rait adv & adj 147 all right phr. 148 mum mm n (149 friend frend n 150 brother br n 151 nice nais adj 152 to tu: prep (153 meet mi:t v 154 child taild n 155 children tildrn n 156 welcome welkm v 157 our au pron 158 come km v 159 come in phr. 160 morning m:ni n 161 class kl:s n 162 on n prep 163 duty dju:ti n 164 on duty phr. 165 we wi: pron 166 arent :nt 167 have hv v 168 new nju: adj 169 student stju:dnt n 170 twin twin n 171 look luk v 172 the art 173 same seim adj 174 look the same phr. 175 America meriknn & adj176 sit sit v 177 down daun adv 178 sit down phr. 179 over uv adv 180 there adv 181 over there phr. 182 after :ft prep 183 look after phr. 184 Miss misn185 way wei n 186 This way,please. 187 put put v 188 coat kut n 189 them em pron 190 washroom wrum n 191 let let v 192 us s pron 193 lets lets 194 go gu v 195 Lets go 196 classmate kl:smeit n 197 nice nais adj 198 love lv v 199 No nmb n 200 middle midl adj 201 middle school n 202 well wel int 203 fax fks n 204 phone fun n 205 ID n 206 policeman pli:smn n 207 ask :sk v 208 sir s: n (209 yes jesadv(210 licence laisns n 211 look at phr. 212 dear di int 213 see si: v 214 Ill ail 215 will wil v.aux 216 take teik v 217 address dres n 218 age eid n 219 glad gld adj 220 whyhwaiint221 forgotfgt v (222 now nau adv 223 China tain n 224 or : conj 225 work w:k v & n 226 goes guz go227 family fmili n 228 family tree n 229 grandmother grnd,m n 230 grandmagrndm:n 231 grandfather grnd,f: n (232 grandpa grndp: n (233 dad dd n (234 wife waif n 235 husband hzbnd n 236 daughter d:t n 237 son sn n 238 parent prnt n 239 parents prnts n240 big big adj 241 England iglnd n 242 aunt :nt n 243 uncle kl n 244 afternoon :ftnu:n n 245 do du: v 246 How do you do ? 247 seat si:t n 248 have a seat 249 like laik prep .250 look like phr. 251 hat ht n 252 doctor dkt n 253 worker w:k n 254 guess ges v 255 behind bihaind prep 256 chairt n 257 ball b:l n 258 under nd prep 259 floor fl: n 260 cant knt c261 photo futu n 262 wall w:l n 263 shoe u: n 264 near ni prep 265 door d: n 266 of v prep 267 classroom kl:srum n 268 answer :ns v 269 blackboard blkb:d n 270 some sm pron 271 schoolbag sku:l,bg n 272 flower flau n 273 find faind v 274 broom bru:m n 275 window windu n 276 raincoat reinkut n 277 cap kp n 278 football futb:l n 279 table teibl n280 Hong Kong hk n 281 Macao mkau n 282 SAR n 283 there 284 theres z 285 lock lk v& n 286 many meni adj 287 thing i n 288 must mst v.aux 289 open upn v 290 get get v 291 help help v 292 purse p:s n293 money mni n 294 worry wri v (295 Let me see 296 fifty fifti num 297 colour kl n 298 black blk adj 299 house haus n 300 small sm:l adj 301 playhouse pleihaus n 302 like laik v 303 play plei v 304 up p adv 305 with wi prep 306 great greit adv (307 look luk n 308 have a look phr. 309 ping-pong pip n 310 how many phr. 311 kite kait n 312 young j adj 313 pioneer ,paini n 314 Young Pioneer n 315 men men n 316 women wimin n 317 only unli adv 318 work w:k n319 at work phr. 320 sky skai n 321 count kaunt v 322 river riv n 323 dog dg n 324 light lait n 325 any eniadj(326 animal niml n 327 people pi:pl n 328 little litl adj & adv ,329 sheep i:p n 330 come on km nphr. 331 red red adj & n 332 colour kl n333 yellow jelu adj & n 334 blue blu: adj & n 335 white hwait adj & n 336 green gri:n adj & n 337 purple p:pl adj & n (338 brown braun adj&n339 orange :rind adj & n340 grey grei adj & n 341 sweater swet n 342 light lait adj 343 want wnt v 344 which hwit pron & adj 345 one wn pron 346 clothes kluz n 347 line lain n348 whose hu:z pron 349 blouse blauz n 350 dress dres n 351 shirt :t n (352 trousers trauzz n 353 skirt sk:t n 354 dark d:k adj 355 yours juz pron 356 mine main pron 357 hers h:z pron 358 put on phr.)359 theirs z pron360 ours auz pron 361 glove glv n 362 about baut prep 363 What about.? phr. 364 beside bisaid prep 365 watch wt n & v 366 give giv v 367 time taim n 368 about baut adv 369 thirty :ti num 370 get up get p phr. 371 late leit adj & adv 372 oclock klk 373 midnight midnait n 374 noon nu:n n 中午,正午375 past p:st prep 376 half h:f n 377 quarter kw:t n 378 for f: prep 379 break breik n 380 lunch lnt n 381 breakfast brekfst n 382 clean kli:n v 383 supper sp n384 have supper phr. 385 TV n 386 watch TV phr. 387 game geim n 388 go home phr. 389 p.m. 390 London lndn n 391 Tokyo tukiu n 392 Sydney sidni n 393 hour au n 394 a.m. 395 hundred hndrd num 396 yourself juself pron 397 bedroom bedrum n 398 doll dl n399 else els adv & adj 400 sure uadv&adj401 between bitwi:n prep402 tall t:l adj 403 funny fni adj 404 favourite feivrit adj 405 e-mail i:meil n 406 speak spi:k v 407 next nekst adj 408 term t:m n 409 could kud v.aux 410 minute minit n 411 Tuesday tju:zdi n 412 February februri n 413 eighteenth eiti:n num 414 listen lisn v 415 careful kfl adj 416 carefully kfli adv 417 draw dr: v 418 has hz v(419 face feis n 420 eye ai n 421 ear i n 422 leg leg n423 hand hnd n 424 long l adj 425 short :t adj 426 mouth mau n 427 say sei v 428 tick tik n 429 heavy hevi adj 430 empty empti adj 431 certainly s:tnli adv 432 full ful adj 433 be full (of) phr. 434 carry kri v 435 too tu: adv 436 so su adv 437 listen to phr. 438 tape teip n 439 there int 440 all :l adj 441 basket b:skit n 442 bottle btl n 443 a bottle of phr. .444 juice du:s n 445 head hed n 446 nose nuz n 447 hair h n 448 arm :m n 449 foot fut n 450 wardrobe w:drub n 451 day dei n 452 from frm prep 453 America merikn n 454 zoo zu: n 455 away wei adv 456 put away phr. 457 out aut adv 458 come out phr. 459 sock sk n460 other adj 461 wrong r: adj 462 broken brukn adj 463 so su pron 464 catch kt v 465 get down phr. 466 him him pron 467 right rait adv 468 goodness gudnis n 469 plane plein n 470 with wi prep 471 mend mend v 472 knife naif n (pl.knives) 473 robot rubt n 474 body bdi n 475 broke brukv(动词breakbreik476 lost lst adj 477 tell tel v 478 round raund adj 479 mummy mmi n (480 pleasure ple n 481 food fu:d n 482 drink drik n & v 483 hungry hgri adj 484 thirsty :sti adj 485 water w:t n & v 486 eat i:t v 487 rice rais n 488 bread bred n 489 meat mi:t n 490 tea ti: n 491 milk milk n 492 glass gl:s n 493 a glass of phr. 494 would like phr.495 something smipro496 porridge prid n 497 fish fi n 498 dumpling dmpli n 499 fruit fru:t n 500 piece pi:s n 一501 a piece of phr. 502 hamburger hmb:g n503 noodle nu:dl n 504 potato pteitu n pl.potatoes 505 chips tip n (506 coke kuk n (507 coffee kfi n 508 madam mdm n 509 dear di adj 510 ice ais n 511 cream kri:m n 512 ice cream n 513 USA n 514 different difrnt adj 515 vegetable veditbl n 516 sometimes smtaimz adv 517 sport sp:t n 518 come on phr. 519 ouch aut int (520 be good at phr. 521 basketball bskitb:l n 522 easy i:zi adj 523 pass p:s v 524 try trai v 525 yo-yo juju n 526 go gu n 527 throw ru v 528 hard h:d adj 529 ride raid v 530 swim swim v 531 skate skeit v 532 fly flai v 533 card k:d n 534 volleyball vli,b:l n535 jump dmp v 536 sing si v 537 run rn v 538 high hai adj & adv539 then en adv 540 question kwestn n 541 postal pustl adj 542 code kud n 543 ski ski: v 544 tennis tenis n 545 table tennis n 546 roller-skating rulskeiti n 547 chess tes n 548 fan fn n (549 player plei n 550 team ti:m n 551 every evri adj 552 Friday fraidi n 553 make meik v 554 make the bed phr.555 homework humw:k n 556 do homework phr. 557 read ri:d n 558 write rait v 559 sleep sli:p v 560 look for luk fr phr.561 cook kuk v & n 562 talk t:k v 563 talk with t:k wiphr.564 open upn n 565 close kluz v 566 take photos phr. 567 wear w v 568 Sunday sndi n569 park p:k n 570 toy ti n 571 lake leik n572 clear kli adj573 shop p n 574 closed kluzd adj 575 day dei n 576 Friday fraidi n 577 early :li adj & adv 578 supermarket sju:p,m:kit n 579 Wednesday wenzdi n580 may mei v.aux 581 borrow bru v 582 from frm prep 583 Thursday :zdi n 584 week wi:k n 585 Monday mndei n 586 Saturday stdi n 587 Sunday sndi n 588 heyheiint589 dictionary dikneri n 590 back bk adv 591 tomorrow tm:run&adv592 CD n 593 lot lt n 594 a lot phr.595 give.a hand phr. 596 evening i:vni n 597 fromto phr. 598 after class phr. 599 help.with phr. 600 model mdl n 601 park p:k n 602 rest rest n 603 have a (good) rest phr.604 maths ms n (605 math m n (606 all :l adv607 hard h:d adv608 fun fn adj609 yeah j adv (610 take teik v 611 straight streit adj 612 use ju:z v 613 wheel hwi:l n 614 into intu: prep 615 music mju:zik n 616 boat but v 617 lake leik n 618 into intu: prep 619 worried wrid adj 620 save seiv v 621 ticket tikit n622 New York nju:leid n 623 learn l:n v 624 learn.from phr. 625 meeting mi:ti n 626 bring bri v 627 foreign frin adj 628 difference difrns n 629 each i:t adv & pron 630 each other pron 631 talk about phr. 632 USA n 633 Australia :streilj n 634 Canada knd n 635 UK n 636 Japan dpn n 637 America merik n 638 a little phr. 639 French frent n 640 great greit adj 641 the Great Wall n 642 hotel hutel n 643 building bildi n 644 follow flu v 645 call k:l v&n 646 family name n 647 first f:st num & adv 648 postcard pust,k:d n 649 teach ti:t v 650 dinner din n 651 soon su:n adv 652 stay stei v 653 high school n 654 Toronto trntu n 655 schoolboy sku:lbi n 656 country kntri n 657 make friends phr. 658 France fr:ns n 659 textbook tekstbuk n 660 Englishman iglimnn(pl.Englishmen)661 Australian :streiljnadj 662 Canadian kneidin n663 city siti n 664 foreigner f:rin n 665 visit vizit v 666 word w:d n 667 well wel adv668 why hwai adv 669 English-speaking adj 670 letter let n 671 hot ht adj 672 hot dog n 673 not.at all phr. 674 different difrnt adj675 kind kaind n 676 a kind of phr. 677 every evri adj 678 meal mi:l n 679 noodle nu:dl n 680 vegetable veditbl n 681 restaurant restrnt n 682 often :fn adv 683 potato pteitu n 684 well wel adj & adv 685 why hwai adv 686 because bik:z conj 687 housework hausw:k n688 machine mi:n n 689 again gen adv 690 make phone calls phr. 691 wash w v 692 dish di n 693 electronic ilektrnik ad694 mail meil n 邮政,邮递695 smoke smuk v&n 吸烟,烟696 fog fg n 697 smogsmgn 698 dance d:ns v 699 living room n 700 dining room n 701 driver draiv n 702 farmer f:m n 703 soldier suld n 704 businessman biznismn n705 assistant sistnt n 706 a shop assistant phr.707 nurse n:s n 708 postman pustmn n 709 factory fktri n710 station stein n 711 bus station n 712 hospital hspitl n 713 farm f:m n714 post pust n 715 office :fis n 716 post office n 717 study stdi v 718 party p:ti n 719 friendly frendli adj 720 also :lsu adv 721 medicine medisin n 722 in the day phr. 723 at night phr. 724 make money phr. 725 weekend wi:kend n 726 job db n 727 writer rait n 728 cleaner kli:n n 729 turn t:n n 730 grow gru v 731 baker beik n 732 artist :tist n 733 hobby hbi n 734 be bi: v (am,is,are)735 place pleis n 736 weekday wi:kdei n 737 when hwen adv 738 leave li:v v 739 begin bigin v 740 have sports phr. 741 go to bed phr. 742 usually ju:uli adv 743 right now phr. 744 sometimes smtaimz adv745 take off phr. 746 after school phr. 747 get to phr.748 exercise ekssaizn749 do morning exercises phr.750 shopping pi n 751 go shopping phr. (752 garden g:dn n 753 be bi: v (am,is,are)是,成为754 over uv adv 755 do (some) reading phr. 756 living-room n 757 playground pleigraundn(758 walk w:k v 759 news nju:z n 760 match mt n761 quickly kwikli adv762 sun sn n 763 moon mu:n n 764 bridge brid n 765 train trein n 766 ship ip n 767 on foot phr. 768 holiday hldi n 769 year ji n 770 by bai prep 771 by plane phr. 772 by ship phr. 773 air n 774 by air phr. 775 sea si: n 776 by sea phr. 777 take time phr. 778 how long phr.779 walk w:k v 780 clean kli:n adj 781 story st:ri n 782 far f: adj & adv 783 problem prblm n 784 earlier :li adj & adv ( e785 ill il adj786 tear t n (787 chicken tikin n 788 tofu tufu: n 789 fridge frid n 790 list list n 791 shopping list phr. 792 buy bai v 793 kilo ki:lu n 794 sell sel v 795 how much phr. 796 cheap ti:p adj 797 expensive ikspensiv adj798 tomatotmeitun(pl.tomatoes)799 onion njn n 800 carrot krt n 801 pork p:k n802 all day phr. 803 a lot of phr. 804 open upn adj 805 market m:kit n 806 dollardln)807 cent sent n (货币)808 pound paund n 809 health hel n 810 fast f:st adj & adv 811 of course phr. 812 travel trvl v & n 813 safe seif adj 814 minibus mini,bs n 815 and so on phr. 816 price prais n 817 example igz:mpl n 818 for example phr. 819 stand stnd v 820 field fi:ld n


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