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云南师大附中2015届高考适应性月考卷(二)英语参考答案第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)15 CABBA610 CABCB 1115 BCCAB 1620 CBBAA第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)2125 BDDCB2630 ABAAD 3135 BDDAC第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)3640 CGBFE第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)4145 CADAB4650 ABCDA 5155 BACDC 5660 ABDBC第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61to quit 62as 63that 64original65Though/Although/While66another 67which 68easily 69have/has been discussed70can第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(满分10分)A survey has been done recently,finds that only 8% of American girls consider themselves finds改为finding或在finds前加which beautiful. The research group have been conducted the survey for half a year. They questioned 2,100 girls age 13 to 18 from 50 states. The result showed that the girls judgment of themselves aged showsis greatly affected by a fixed standard of beauty as well as views from other people,their lovedones for particular. The survey also shows the girls attitude towards media and advertisement. 40% in advertisementsof the girls say they feel more confident when seeing perfect models in magazines. 64% of the girls lessthink how the media and advertising industries tend to set upunrealistic standard of beauty. Popthat或去掉 加an或将standard改为standardsculture is also influencing American girls view of beauty. 49% of them think that movie stars or andsingers are attractive.(注:第5句中的attitude改为attitudes及倒数第二句中的view改为views也算对)第二节:书面表达(满分25分)【参考范文】Dear Mr. Smith,Im Li Hua,Manager of Customer Service in Y&N Company. Ive received your letter of complaint about the delay of your order. Please allow me on behalf of our company to apologize for all the inconvenience that has been caused to you. Now Id like to explain the reason. It was the typhoon of Yantai Port that put off the transport of your goods by 2 days. However,we must shoulder the responsibility anyway. In order to make up for your loss,our company will offer you a 10% discount for this purchase. In our future cooperation,we promise that we will try our best to satisfy you as a customer. I would appreciate it if you could accept our sincere apology. Yours,Li Hua 【解析】第二部分:阅读理解 第一节 A【语篇导读】本文为记叙文,描述了一个英国人半夜在中国酒吧与中国球迷看足球的快乐时光,球迷的热情给他留下了深刻的印象。21B细节判断题。根据第二段第一句“When the alarm sounded at 3 am,it was a struggle to drag myself out of bed”可知作者熬夜看球,故选B。22D细节理解题。根据第二段中“The bar was packed with Liverpool fans who were there to support their teamWith each Liverpool goal,a huge cheer eruptedThroughout the match a large group of Chinese fans sang songs about their heroesoften in perfect Liverpudlian accents”可知热情的球迷们挤在酒吧支持他们最爱的球队,每进一球他们大声喝彩并用利物浦口音高歌,故选D。23D段意理解题。根据第三段中心句“Along with the excitement came a sense of community.”可知球迷的兴奋给作者一种团体感,故选D。24C细节推断题。根据最后一段倒数第一、二句“But I might just miss the 3 am taxi rides and midnight fans of Beijing. After all,wheres the fun in watching soccer at a normal time?”可知作者回英国后,会很怀念在中国熬夜看球的乐趣,故选C。B【语篇导读】本文为议论文,通过一些专家的观点和例证,证明流行的“找工作应该按兴趣爱好”的观点并不一定正确。25B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“But the work is performed with a sense of purpose that love doesnt conclude.”可知医生和教师努力工作不仅仅是出于对工作的热爱,还有一种目的性,故选B。26A细节判断题。根据文章第一段观点可排除C选项,根据倒数第一、二段的观点可排除D选项,及倒数第三段观点可排除B选项。根据倒数第二段中“And even among the most successful part of population,the advice causes an awful lot of anxiety and even shame over not loving your career when people are telling you that you should.”可知:就算是在工作中最成功的那一部分人也并不一定真正热爱自己的职业,故选A。27B主旨大意题。通读文章可知这些专家认为“找工作应该按兴趣爱好”的观点并不一定正确,故选B,意思为“选择目标而不是乐趣”。28A细节判断题。根据第三段第二句“Its OK to set a more down-to-earth goal.”可知:该专家认为找工作时应该“脚踏实地”,故选A。C【语篇导读】本文为一则广告,介绍了某公司为旅行者提供的六项星级服务。29A词义推断题。根据文章第一段“Our company is committed to make your trip as comfortable as possible.”可知:本公司旨在竭诚为顾客提供服务,让您的旅途更舒适。“committed”在这里意为对工作尽忠职守的,故选A。30D推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Carry-on baggage weighs at most 10 kgs. You have to pay for the extra. Book now and save 30%.”可知:提前网上预订节省30%,那么3030%=9,故选D。31B推理判断题。根据文章第四段对于长期和短期停车的规定“Choose Long Term(more than a week)or Short Term Parking and book here in easy steps.”可知:短期停车不超过一周,故选B。D【语篇导读】本文为新闻报道类说明文,介绍了埃博拉病毒目前在西非肆虐的情况、它的传染机制以及几种治疗的方法。32D细节理解题。根据第三段后半部分“However,the U.S. government got interested in this because of its concerns about whether Ebola could actually end up as a terrorist agent. The authorities think it would be better if they develop some drugs in their back pocket,should somebody try to use this virus to attack people.”可知:美国政府因为担忧埃博拉病毒可能成为恐怖武器,所以着力研发防治药物,故选D。33D细节判断题。根据第二段“The virus is spread through direct contact with body fluids(液体)from an infected person.”可知:埃博拉病毒通过体液传播,四个选项中D项“共用注射器”可传播体液,故选D。34A细节理解题。根据第四段第三、四句“The second approach uses a completely different method,and it uses genetic material that can actually block the viruses own genetic material. This is a kind of far out idea and its being developed by a Canadian company called Tekmira.”可知:阻断病毒基因的疗法是第二种,也就是Tekmira公司的疗法,故选A。35C推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“The authorities in several countries have now introduced a number of measures aimed at preventing the spread of the virus.”可推断文章下一段的内容应该是关于各国政府为预防埃博拉病毒蔓延而要采取的措施,故选C。第二节【语篇导读】本文为说明文,介绍了因为人们环保意识的提高,大家熟知的圣诞节送纸质贺卡和购买圣诞树的行为正在发生变化。36C根据该空前后两句可知:网络时代给人们提供了多种快捷的联系方式,方便又环保,于是不必每年给朋友寄纸质贺卡了,故选C。37G根据该空前一句“Since the 1970s,people have sent cards that were sold to raise money for the poor.”可知:人们在寄纸质贺卡的同时帮助了穷人,紧接着应该是举例,才合乎逻辑,故选G。38B根据第三段大意及关键词“recyclable”可知:可再生纸卡片的使用,不仅节省了纸张,挽救了更多树木,也体现了人们已经提高了环保意识,故选B。39F该选项提到树木被生产(are produced)出来,后一句提到树木被卖掉(are sold),两句时态语态也呼应,故选F。40E根据下一句“However,environmentalists point out that these trees are made from plastic material and so bring out many pollution issues.”其中“plastic material”和选项中“artificial”相呼应,故选E。第三部分:英语知识运用第一节:完形填空【语篇导读】本文夹叙夹议,讲述了作者观察一只蚂蚁经历很多坎坷,把一片没有用处的羽毛拖到洞口的过程,从而联想到人生也是如此,人们也会为了一些没有意义的东西做徒劳无功的事。41C考查动词短语。run out“用完”;run over“撞翻”;run into“遇见”;run up“上涨”。这里表示蚂蚁遇见障碍,故选C。42A考查名词。pause“暂停”;dash“猛冲”;move“移动”;march“大步走”。根据上文,蚂蚁遇见障碍,所以暂停一下继续走。43D考查名词。solution“解决方法”;determination“决心”;imagination“想象”; consideration“思考”。根据上下文,蚂蚁遇到一个裂缝,通过思考想出了办法。44A考查动词短语。walk across“从上面走过”;walk through“从中间穿过”;walk off“走开”;walk around“四处逛”。根据上下文,蚂蚁从羽毛上走过裂缝。45B考查过去分词。be amused“被逗乐了”;be impressed“被弄得印象深刻”;be interrupted“被打断”;be reminded“被提醒”。这里说明蚂蚁的聪明才智给“我”留下了深刻的印象。46A考查名词。size“尺寸”;height“高度”;weight“重量”;shape“形状”。小蚂蚁虽然身形尺寸不大,但是会先思考再解决问题。 47B考查连词。But表转折。虽然蚂蚁很聪明,但是它也有弱点。48C考查现在分词短语作后置定语。laboring“劳动”;standing“站立”;living“生活”;surviving“幸存”。这里表示蚂蚁和生活在地球上的人类一样。49D考查副词。gradually“逐渐地”;suddenly“突然地”;nearly“几乎”;eventually“最终”。这里表示蚂蚁终于到达了目的地。50A考查形容词。underground“地下的”;remote“偏僻的”;dark“黑暗的”;mysterious“神秘的”。这里表示蚂蚁到达了地下的洞穴门口。51B考查名词。trap“陷阱”;problem“问题”;panic“恐慌”;doubt“疑问”。这里表示蚂蚁遇到了问题,即无法把羽毛放进洞口。52A考查动词。fit“大小合适”;fix“修理”;suit“合某人心意,对某人来说方便”;match“相配”。这里表示,羽毛太大,不可能合适洞口大小。53C考查动名词。directing“指导”;finishing“完成”;overcoming“克服”;beating“击打”。这里overcoming与前面的using为并列关系,表示蚂蚁一路上用聪明才智克服困难。54D考查名词。文章关键词羽毛,原词复现。55C考查连词。蚂蚁在开始搬羽毛之前没有全方位思考。56A考查代词。“nothing more than”意为“仅仅;只”。57B考查名词。我们担心缺钱。58D考查动词短语。put out“扑灭”;put up“张贴”;pick out“挑出”;pick up“捡起”。这里说我们在人生道路上像这只蚂蚁一样,人为地拾起各种负担。59B考查副词与动词不定式搭配。“only to do”修饰前句,表示意料之外的结果。60C考查形容词。helpless“无助的”;practical“实用的”;useless“无用的”;valuable“有价值的”。整个故事揭示,羽毛好似我们生活中无用的东西。听力原文Text 1W:Clothes are getting more and more expensive nowadays. I almost cannot afford them.M:Why dont you buy them at a wholesale clothing market?W:The market is too far away. Im considering buying them online. Its not only cheap but also time-saving!Text 2M:Do you have any previous experience for this kind of job,Ms. Lee?W:Actually I dont,sir. But I am a quick learner,and I have some other experiences,as you can see in my application.M:Im sorry,but its clearly stated in our ad that we need someone experienced for this position.Text 3M:My skin is peeling off! I must have stayed in the sun for too long. W:Yeah. Next time dont forget to apply sunscreen before going out.M:You are right! Im going to buy a powerful sunscreen now! Text 4W:Can you transform this Word document into a PDF file?M:Yes. You want me to do it for you or teach you how to do it?W:Well,give a man a fish;you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish;you have fed him for a lifetime. Text 5M:Tom failed his math test again! Im definitely going to punish him! No allowance for him this month!W:Honey,I dont know. I get it that you are upset,but a month,is it too harsh?Text 6W:Doctor,I feel terrible this week. My head aches;I cant sleep,and I cant focus!This is so frustrating because my final exam is around the corner.M:In this case,I think you have these symptoms because you are under a lot of pressure.W:What shall I do?Im really worried!M:You should try to relax. You can do some exercise like walking or jogging,stay away from food rich in fat and oil and have more vegetables and fruits. These will help you feel better.W:Im a stress eater,you know. Every time Im worried I will eat a lot of junk food. Maybe I should do something about that;I should eat more healthy food. Thank you,doctor.Text 7W:Hello,Lily Smith speaking.M:Lily,this is Jason. How are you doing?W:Not bad!How is the army,Sergeant Smith? M:Just the same old thing. Training and training. Im calling to wish you a happy birthday!W:You remember!Thank you,my baby brother!M:How could I forget?You have always been such a good sister!Im not home to buy you a present. This is the least I can do!W:You know what,you should call Mum and Dad,too. They havent spoken to you since Christmas. They really miss you!M:Sure,Ill call them after I hang up!Text 8M:What are your views about continuing education?W:I suppose its a good thing. Ive been taking some classes myself at night,trying to get control of my life,trying to learn something that I need to know.M:I see. I see. SoW:to take care of myself and my family.M:So,you are using continuing education right now past the,high school kind of level orW:Yes,I have a high school diploma and now Im taking class inauto repair andM:Ahauto repair! Is thatuha necessary thing for you to have,do you feel?W:I think it is. Im single. I have children,and I need to know how to do things myself. I have no one else to rely on. So I think its an important skill for me to have.M:UhIs there anything else that you are studying or using continuing education for?W:Nothing else right now. Im hoping next term to take some courses in computer or electrical repair,something like that.M:So,you are using continuing education to broaden your abilities with your own life.W:Rightin a practical way,rather than with abstract courses that really wont help me on a day-to-day basis. Text 9W:Why do you look so tired these days?M:Ive been staying up watching football. Dont you know that the football World Cup has begun?W:Oh,yes!I know its this month,but when exactly did it start?M:The football World Cup began on June 13th with a match between Brazil and Croatia. W:Brazil is hosting this event,right? Do you like the Brazilian team?M:I think they are OK. My favorite team is Argentina. I hope they will be the champions!W:Ive heard that Argentina is a very competitive team with world-class players. But they havent won the World Cup for a long time,right?M:So you do know something about football!They last won the FIFA World Cup in 1986Its a shame that such a good team hasnt gained another one for such a long time.W:Who is your favorite football player then?M:There are many,but I like Lionel Messi best,no doubt! What about you?W:David Beckham!M:Too bad he is not playing in this World Cup!Text 10American TV series are very popular both at home and abroad. In recent years,hit TV shows include Friends,Prison Break,Desperate Housewives,Gossip Girl,Hero,Greys Anatomy and Ugly Betty,to name only a few. Many believe that TV shows are making better achievements than Hollywood films. So it is not surprising that excellent play writers are turning from films to TV. In China,all episodes of a TV series have to be completed before the series can be broadcast on TV. While in America,a TV producer first chooses a story that he thinks appealing to the audience,and then makes several episodes at first. The first episode is broadcast on television to see whether the audience likes it or not. Then volunteers of all ages are organized to comment on the rest of the several episodes. Only when it is well-received,does the producer hire a writer to frame the plot. Often,a TV network is willing to pay a very high price for a popular TV show. This encourages a producer to hire qualified writers,directors and actors. TV series in America are broadcast by season. Usually a season lasts from September to April of the next year. A season begins in winter,when people stay at home more. One episode is broadcast one week,so a typical season has 25 episodes. Generally speaking,a major TV channel broadcasts nearly 40 sitcoms,20 dramas and a few films in a week,plus soap operas broadcasts in the daytime. The American audience can see about 5,000 new TV shows per year. So it is not surprising that the American audience has patience to see only one episode of a TV series in one week.


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