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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Our World,Topic 1 whats the strongest animal on the farm?,Section B,赵瑞,Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 1 what,Learning aims:,1.,学习新的短语:,as we know, be important to, share with,2.,继续学习,adj.,比较级和最高级,(1) Which do you like,better, plants and animals?,I like animals,better,.,(2) I think animals are,friendlier,.,(3) I think roses are the,nicest,of all the flowers.,(4) I like cats,best,because they are,cuter,than other animals.,3.,谈论你最喜欢的动植物以及询问原因,4.,培养学生按意群停顿的习惯,Learning aims:,Adj.,比较级,最高级,strong,tall,short,nice,fat,lazy,big,small,thin,happy,cute,brave,ugly,quiet,stronger,strongest,taller,tallest,shorter,shortest,nicer,nicest,fatter,fattest,lazier,laziest,bigger,biggest,smaller,smallest,thinner,thinnest,happier,happiest,cuter,cutest,braver,bravest,uglier,ugliest,quieter,quietest,review,Adj.比较级最高级strongtallshortnicef,预习检测:,1,单词互译与记忆,1),玫瑰,_2),植物,_3,)青蛙,_,2,短语互译与记忆,1),唱歌给某人听,2),众所周知,_,3),对某人重要,_ 4),与某人分享,_,3,句子理解与熟读,(1) Which do you like better, plants or animals?,I like animals better. I think animals are friendlier.,(2) I think roses are the nicest of all the flowers.,(3) I like both plants and animals.,(4) As we know, they are both important to us.,rose,plant,frog,sing to sb,as we know,be important to sb,share with,预习检测:roseplantfrogsing to sbas,Check your sounds,Look at the pictures and write down the words according to the sounds. Then listen and check the vowels and stress.,U4T1B-3.mp3,/ fr,D,g /,_,/,I,nsekt,/,_,/,sneik,/,_,frog,insect,snake,3,Check your sounds Look at the,/ f,D,ks,/,_,/,gu:s,/,_,/,k,a,u,/,_,/,i:p /,_,fox,goose,cow,sheep,/ fDks / gu:s / kau / i:p,Which do you like better, dogs or cats?,Which do you like better, dogs,What does each of them like better ? Now listen to 1a, and finish 1b.,U4T1B-1a.mp3,Task1,What does each of them like be,the nicest of all,beautiful,cuter,Match the people with the things they like and their reasons.,1b,friendlier,the nicest of allbeautifulcute,listen to 1a again, and fill in the blanks.,Wang Wei: Hi, Michael ! Which do you like _ , plants or animals?,Michael: I like animals_. I keep a pet dog. I think animals are _ .,Wang Wei: _ do you think so?,Michael: _ animals are our friends. They make us happy.,Wang Wei: I like plants better. I think roses are the _ of all the flowers.,Michael: But they cant play with you. _, Maria?,Maria: I like birds. They are beautiful, and they can sing to us.,Jane: I like cats _ because they are _ than other animals.,Kangkang: I like both plants and animals. As we know, they are both _ to us. We share the same world with them.,better,best,friendlier,Why,Because,nicest,What about you,best,cuter,important,U4T1B-1a.mp3,Task2,listen to 1a again, and fill i,Key points,as we know,众所周知,=it is well known that,2. be important to sb,对某人来说很重要,对比:,It is important for sb. to do sth.,做某事对某人来说很重要,3.,share with ,与,分享,Task3,Key pointsas we know 众所周知Task3,Read 1a and fill in the blanks. Then report the passage to your partner.,Wang Wei likes _ better and he thinks roses are the _ of all the flowers. Michael likes _ better because he thinks they are _. They make us happy. Jane likes _ best because they are _ than other animals. Maria likes _ because they are _ and they can _ to us. Kangkang likes both _ and _ because they are both _ to us. We _ the same world with them.,plants,nicest,animals,friendlier,cats,birds,beautiful,sing,plants,animals,important,share,cuter,Task4,P83_1_1a.swf,Read 1a and fill in the blanks,Work in groups of 3 and make up conversations about animals or plants you like. The expressions in 1a may help you.,Group work,A: Hi, which do you like better / What kind of animals do you like best,.?,B: I like . better / best.,A: Why do you think so?,B: Because . , what / how about you?,Task5,Work in groups of 3 and make u,Task6,Read after the tape, pay attention to the stress, and try to imitate it.,U4T1B-1a.mp3,Task6Read after the tape, pay,4b,Read the conversations and pay attention to the pause in each sentence. Then read after the tape and imitate.,A: Which kind of animal do you like better, / frogs,or snakes?,B: I like frogs better / because they are more,useful.,2.A: What about you, / Maria?,B: I like birds./ They are beautiful, / and they can,sing to us.,3. A: Do you like the countryside?,B: Yes, / I like it very much / because / the air is,fresher, the sky is bluer/ and the rivers are,clearer there.,U4T1B-4b.mp3,4bRead the conversations and p,在,标点,处停顿,在朗读英语时,在句子后的逗号,句号,感叹号,问号等处停顿,2.,在句子中的不同,意群,间停顿,意群,指句子中意思相对完整的部分,句子中各意群间要停顿,3.,主句和分句,之间要停顿,在标点处停顿,用词的适当形式填空,1)David is the _ (tall) in his class.,2)Jim,Kate and Eric are good friends. I think Jim is the _ (clever) of them.,3)Tom is strong, but Michael is _ (strong) than Tom.,4)This is _(clear) lake I have ever seen!.,5)Today is _ (cool) than yesterday. Let,s go and have a picnic,.,tallest,stronger,cleverest,cooler,the clearest,have a try,用词的适当形式填空talleststrongerclever,He shared the mooncake _his little sister.,A. for B. with C. to D. on,2.Asweknow,waterisveryimportant_us.,A. in B. of C. to D. on,3. Who is _student in your class?,A. tall B. taller C .tallest D. the tallest,4. Which subject do you like _, math or Chinese?,A. better B. best C. very much D. well,5.-Youarestandingvery nearto watchtheTV.Canyoumoveabit_?,OK,Mom.Isitallrighthere?,A. faster B. slower C .farther D. nearer,B,C,D,A,C,He shared the mooncake _,Summary,You may sum up like this:,We have learned new words:,rose, frog,We have learned new phrases: .,We have learned some sentences: ,as we know, be important to, share with,1) Which do you like better, plants or animals?,I like animals better. I think animals are friendlier.,2) I think roses ate the nicest of all the flowers.,3) I like both plants and animals.,4) As we know, they are both important to us.,Summary,Thank you !,Thank you !,


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