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向友人描述亚洲之行函February 8, 2005Dear Joyce,Here I am in Asia! Im still in Thailand now; Ive been here for two weeks already. I went to an island in the south called Phuket for a little over a week. It has really great beaches. I spent my days lying on the beach and my nights drinking beer and watching videos in the bars. After that I came back here to Bangkok. Its crowded and polluted, but there are some really interesting temples and palaces. Ive never seen anything like them. One has a two-ton Buddha made of solid gold!Yesterday I took a day trip to Ayuthaya, the former capital. It has some incredible ruined temples. Im getting ready to fly to Nepal next week; my next letter will probably be from there. If you write to me, send your letters to me poste restante at the Bangkok General Post Office. Ill pick them up when I get back to Thailand at the end of next month.Sincerely,Vincent Smith亲爱的乔依丝:我到亚洲了!现在我还待在泰国;我已经到这里两个星期了。我去了南部一个叫普吉的小岛一个多星期。那里有很棒的海滩。我白天躺在海滩上,晚上到酒吧里喝啤酒、看录像带。之后我便回到曼谷。这里很拥挤而且污染严重,不过有一些挺有趣的庙宇和宫殿。我从未看过任何类似的建筑物。其中有一间庙有一座由两吨纯金打造成的佛陀。昨天我到故都阿犹他亚玩了一天。那里有一些令人难以置信的荒废庙宇。我下星期准备飞到尼泊尔;下次给你的信可能就会从那里寄出。你如果要写信给我,把信寄到曼谷邮政总局邮件留局待领处,等我下个月底回到泰国时会去领。文森史密斯敬上2005年5月8日字词解说:1) lay另可作原形及物动词,表“放置”、“生(蛋)”。三态为lay, laid, laid;现在分词或动名词为laying 。2) lie另可作原形不及物动词,表“说谎”。三态为lie, lied, lied;现在分词或动名词则为lying 。例:The sick woman竺in bed all day.(那个生病的女人整天躺在床上。)He laid the book there.(他把书放在那里。)He lied to me, which made me angry.(他对我撒谎,那令我生气。)6. video 电视录像带节目=video tape7. bar 酒吧8. Bangkok 曼谷(泰国首都)9. crowded .拥挤的crowded with. . .挤满了例:The department store was crowded with shoppers.(百货公司里挤满了采购的人群。)10. pollute .污染pollution 污染air pollution空气污染water pollution水污染noise pollution噪音污染environmental pollution环境污染例:Those factories have polluted the river.(那些工厂已污染了该条河流。)11. temple 寺庙12. palace 宫殿13. Buddha 佛陀14.a two-ton Buddha made of solid gold !=a two-ton Buddha which was made of solid gold!15. solid 固体的,坚硬的16. gold 黄金solid gold纯金17. take a trip to+地方名词到某地旅行例:I would like to take a trip to Mongolia someday.(我想有一天能到蒙古去旅行。)18. Ayuthaya 大城19. former 从/以前的,前者的the former. .。the latter前者后者例:Sarah is Paul,s sister and Mike is his brother. The former is a lawyer and the latter is a chef.(莎拉是保罗的妹妹,而麦克是他的哥哥。前者是个律师,后者是个主厨。)20.capital 首都21.incredible 非常的,难以相信的


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