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初中英语语法口诀大全冠词基本用法 【速记口诀】 名词是秃子,常要戴帽子, 可数名词单,须用a或an, 辅音前用a, an在元音前, 若为特指时,则须用定冠, 复数不可数,泛指the不见, 碰到代词时,冠词均不现。 【妙语诠释】 冠词是中考必考的语法知识之一,也是中考考查的主要对象。以上口诀包括的意思有:名词在一般情况下不单用,常常要和冠词连用;表示不确指的可数名词单数前要用不定冠词a或an,确指时要用定冠词the;如复数名词表示泛指,名词前有this,these,my,some等时就不用冠词。二、名词单数变复数规则 【速记口诀】 单数变复数,规则要记住, 一般加s,特殊有几处: s结尾,es不离后, 末尾字母o,大多加s, 两人有两菜,es不离口, 词尾f、fe,s前有v和e; 没有规则词,必须单独记。 【妙语诠释】 大部分单数可数名词变为复数要加s,但如果单词以/t?蘩/、/?蘩/、/s/发音结尾(也就是单词如果以ch,sh,s,x等结尾),则一般加es;以o结尾的单词除了两人(negro,hero)两菜(tomato,potato)加es外,其余一般加s;以f或fe结尾的单词一般是把f,fe变为ve再加s;英语中还有些单词没有规则,需要特殊记忆,如childchildren,mousemice,deerdeer,sheepsheep,ChineseChinese,oxoxen,manmen,womanwomen,footfeet,toothteeth。三、名词所有格用法 【速记口诀】 名词所有格,表物是“谁的”, 若为生命词,加“s”即可行, 词尾有s,仅把逗号择; 并列名词后,各自和共有, 前者分别加,后者最后加; 若为无命词,of所有格, 前后须倒置,此是硬规则。 【妙语诠释】 有生命的名词所有格一般加s,但如果名词以s结尾,则只加“”;并列名词所有格表示各自所有时,分别加“s”,如果是共有,则只在最后名词加“s”;如果是无生命的名词则用of表示所有格,这里需要注意它们的顺序与汉语不同,A of B要翻译为B的A。四、接不定式作宾语的动词 【速记口诀】 三个希望两答应,两个要求莫拒绝; 设法学会做决定,不要假装在选择。 【妙语诠释】 三个希望两答应:hope,wish,want,agree,promise 两个要求莫拒绝:demand,ask,refuse 设法学会做决定:manage,learn,decide 不要假装在选择:petend,choose五、接动名词作宾语的动词 【速记口诀】 Mrs. P Black missed a beef bag. (布莱克夫人丢了一个牛肉袋。) 【妙语诠释】 该句话中每个字母代表了一个动词或短语,这些动词要求后面跟动名词作宾语。这些动词分别是: M=mind, r=risk, s=succeed in,P=practice,B=be busy, l=look forward to,a=admit,c=cant help, k=keep on, m=miss,i=insist on,s=suggest,s=stop,e=enjoy,d=delay,a=avoid,b=be worth,a=advise,g=give up。六、不定式作宾语补足语时省to的动词 【速记口诀】 一感,二听,三让,四看,半帮助 【妙语诠释】 一感:feel;二听:hear,listen to;三让:make,let,have;四看:see,notice,watch,ob-serve;半帮助:help。七、形容词和副词比较等级用法 【速记口诀】 1. 比较级与最高级:两者比较than相连,三者比较the在前。 2同级比较:同级比较用原形,asas永不离;asas加not,只言两者是同一,若是not soas,后强前弱不看齐。 【妙语诠释】 比较级通常和than连用,而最高级通常跟有定冠词the;同级比较一般用asas表示“与一样”,这时谁强谁弱不能比较出来,而not soas则表示后者比前者强,翻译为“不如”。八、反意疑问句用法 【速记口诀】 反意问句三要点,前后谓语正相反; 短句not如出现,必须缩写是习惯; 最后一点应注意,短句主语代词填。 【妙语诠释】 反意疑问句的构成应该是“肯定的陈述句+否定的疑问”或“否定的陈述句+肯定的疑问”;在短句中not必须与do,will,can等组成缩写形式;在简短问句中,疑问句的主语必须是代词,而不能用名词形式。九、感叹句用法 【速记口诀】 感叹句,并不难,what、how放句前; 强调名词用what,其余用how很简单。 【妙语诠释】 由what引导的感叹句一般修饰名词,而how引导的感叹句一般修饰形容词、副词或句子。 初中英语同步导学初中一年级下Unit3Reading 在各组单词中找出重读位置不同的一个;( )1. A. reception B. question C. minute D. athlete( )2. A. fireman B.explain C. listen D. engine ( )3. A.manager B.against C. bottom D. suddenly( )4. A.perfume B. different C. asleep D.restaurant( )5. A. useful B. deli。cious C. allow D.hotel 词汇练习。A. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. The baby is _(sleep). Please be quiet.2. The phone is _(die). It doesnt work.3. For your _(safe), please dont push.4. Listen! I can hear a dog _(bark).5. We use our brain for _(think).B.根据所给的首字母,完成下列句子。1. John is the m_ of the hotel.2. When there is a fire, try to find the fire e_.3. A good sense of smell is u_ for a perfume maker.4. A group of f_ came after the fire alarm went off.5. Our team will play a _ Class 2 on Friday. 根据中文提示完成下列句子(每条横线只填一个单词) 音乐家通常有好的听觉。Musicians usually have _ _ _ _. 几分钟之后,消防员出现了。A few minutes later, fireman _ _. 如果我们不能保持平衡,就会摔倒。If we cant _ _ _,well _ _. 安全第一,请不要在马路上玩耍。_ _. Please dont play in the street. 这所房子属于谁的?Who does the house _ _? 课文理解。John F. Dancer was b _, so his dog, Charlie, was his e _. One day, he stayed in a hotel with Charlie. When he was a _, he heard his dog b _ loudly and he s _smoke. S _later, the fire alarm went off. He wanted to call the police, but the phone was d _. He had to lie on the floor and wait. Minutes later, he heard the sound of a fire e _. A fireman s _ up, so John and Charlie were s _.Listening 在各组单词中找出划线部分读音不同的词。( )1. A.programme B. welcome C. mostly D. nose ( )2. A.hear B.dear C.bear D. near ( )3. A.deaf B.bread C. lead D. dead ( )4. A.towel B. know C. borrow D.blow ( )5. A. listen B. left C. minute D. taste 用适当的介词填空。 What _ going fishing on Sunday?Thats a good Idea. Good listening is useful _ blind people. Thank you _ listening to me.It was my pleasure. Where does Meihua sit?She sits _ my right. Where is the fire exit?Its_ the end of the corridor. Deaf people can do most things _ any help. Mr. Baker lives _ the 15th floor. When the alarm went _, I left the building quickly. Dont cross the road when the traffic light turns red. Its _ the traffic rules. We often use our ears _ listening.Language & Speaking 用适当的代词填空。 What is _ father, Lucy?_ is a doctor. Did _ have a good time at the party?Yes, we enjoyed _. What did you give _ grandma on _ birthday, Mike?_gave _ a hat. What do _ parents do at the weekend, Jack?_ often go shopping. Help _ to the delicious food, boys.Thank _ very much. 根据所给单词的正确形式填空。 Today I made my lunch _(I). Many _(listen) like this programme very much. We use our mouths for _(speak). Most of us think deaf people hear _ (well) than other people. The child cried _(loud) because he couldnt see his mother. 句型转换 Mary sits beside me. (就划线部分提问)_ _ Mary _? They had a good time. (同义句转换)They _ _. Deaf people usually cant speak. (同义句转换)Deaf people usually _ _ _ speak. I can do this job without any help. (同义句转换)I can do this job _. I woke up at 6:30 this morning. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ you _ up? 根据中文提示完成下列句子(每条横线只填一个单词) 在门的左边有一张床。There is a bed _ _ _ of the door. 在左手边的角落里有一台冰箱。There is a fridge _ _ _ corner. 妈妈以我为骄傲。My mother _ _ _me. 我们在暑假里玩得很开心。We _ _ on summer holidays. 那位老妇人摔倒了伤着自己。The old woman _ _and _ _.Test for Unit 3 词组翻译 属于 安全第一 警报响起 出现 保持平衡 摔倒 听说 着火 灭火 爬上 单项选择 Have you _ the story of Leifeng?Yes, I have. hear of B. heard about C. heard from D. heard Help _ to some fish, everyone. yourself B. youself C. yourselves D.your Just now I saw some students _ football in the playground. were playing B. played C. to play D. playing An old man _ down and _ himself in the street. Where is the picture?Its above the window. Last night, a tall building near my house was _ fire. On B. in C. under D.out of A good perfume maker must have a good sense of _.A.taste B.smell C. hearing D.sight They asked _ to help _ to some fish. melf B. youself C. yourselves D.your Dont help _. He can do it _. Him himself B. he himself C. he him D. himhe Last night when I was _, a loud noise woke me up. Sleep B. asleep C.slept D. to sleep 选择方框里的单词或词组,并用其正确的形式填空Go off, show up, seconds later, keep ones balance, fall down, hear about, put out, book, enjoy oneself, safety first, be proud of If you want to listen to the concert, you must _a ticket first. We _at the party last night. The firemen tried to _the fire with water. Every morning I dont wake up until my clock _. Its hard to _if we dont have hands. We should _our country. _,you know, so dont go swimming alone. When the policeman _,the thief left. The old woman _ and hurt herself badly. _,the building was on fire after the explosion(爆炸) 补全句子 A guide dog is important to a b _person.2. I always listen to the radio p _when I drive to work.3. Life is difficult if a person has a d _.4. A cook often has good s _ of smell.5. I want to know something about the accident. Can you d _it to me?6. A building was on fire last night and some people were _(serious) hurt.7. I saw some students _(play)football in the rain.8. Many person like to_(listen) to music on the radio.9. I cant finish the work_(with)your help.10. Children always enjoy _(they) on Childrens Day. 句型转换 He came here by bus this morning.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _ _here this morning? I heard somebody. She was singing in the room.(合并成一句)I _ _ _ in the room. Kate is watching TV now. (就划线部分提问)_ _ Kate _ now? We had a good time in the park.(同义句转换)We _ _ in the park. Kate is 1.5 metres. Lucy is 1.6 metres. (同义句转换)Lucy is _ _ Kate. 课文改写Last night, when Sun Fei was a _, a loud noise w_him up. He looked out of the window and saw thick smoke c_ out of a building. It was on f_. People ran out of the building. A group of f_ came and tried to p_out the fire with water.There were some people still inside the building. They c_for help. The firemen ran into the building and c_them out. Some d_and nurses came to help the injured. Twenty minutes l_, the firemen put out the fire. No one seriously hurt. 根据中文提示完成下列句子 请随便吃些水果和蔬菜,孩子们;_ _ to some fruit and vegetables, children. 消防员需要有好的嗅觉;Firemen need to have a _ _. 带宠物坐公共汽车是违反规定的;Its _ _ _ to take a bus with your _. 聋人没有机会听,所以他们不会讲;Deaf people cannot_ _ to hear, so they are not able to speak. 在十字路口转左,在你的右边可以看到人民医院。_ _ at the crossing, you can see Renmin Hospital on your right.1. The children are _ (run) there now.2. I _ up at half past six this morning. (get )3. Its time _ (have ) sports.4. My mother _ a lot of fruit yesterday afternoon . (buy)5. Please _ (put) the ball in the box.6. They _ _ a meeting yesterday. ( not have)7. - _ you _ ( have) any colour pens? - Sorry, I dont have any. 8. She likes eggs, but she _ (not like) bread.9. Lucy helped the old man _ the big basket. (carry)10. Does he like it? - Yes, he _.11. How much meat _ you _ (want) ? - A kilo, please.12. Can you come and _ (play) football with us? 13. There _ (be) a pen and two erasers in the pencil- box.14. You must _ (get) here at two this afternoon.15. The twins _ thirteen two years ago. (be)16. Where _ her friend _ (swim) now, do you know? 17. We must _ (help ) the teacher carry it. 18. Who _ (teach) you English in your school?19. Would you like _ (eat) an apple? 20. Look! The bus _ (come).21. Near our school there _ (be) a shop, it _ (sell) a lot of books.22. I dont want _ (buy) any food. But he _ (want).23. What _ he _ (like) ?24. He _ (teach) English in a middle school.25. Han Ling likes _ (make) things.26. What _ she _ (do)? - She _ _ (clean) her room now.27. Look at the man. He _ (drink) tea.28. He can _ (sing) this song.29. Lets _ ( help ) my mother _ (cook).30. I think Li Lei must _ (be) at school. 31. There _ (be) some bread and meat on the table.32. Listen! She _ (sing) an English song.33. Liu Ying _ (study) in Beijing.34. They _ (clean) the floor now.35. Look! He _ (drink) tea.36. Han Meimei often _ (play) games after school.37. Lily _ (be) a Young Pioneer.38. Please _ (close) the window, Wu Dong.39. What _ the girls _ (do) over there now?40. Lets _ (help ) her.41.Where _ your pen pal _ (come ) from?42.The boy is _ (watch) TV at home.43.Can they finish _ (read) the story?44.Today the girls _ (wear) new clothes?45._ ( be ) you sitting and drinking tea? 46.One of the people _ (be) singing.47.What are they doing? They _ (clean) the room.48._ (be) there any cups of tea? No, there _ (be) not any.49.Look! Lucy _ (fly) a kite with Lily.50.I can _ (speak) Chinese and English.51.How _ you _ (do) ?52.She _ (look) like her mother.53.I _ (not) think so.54.My friends _ (play) cards now.55.Listen! Who _ (sing) in the classroom?56.Jim _ (have) a good friend.57.Where _ (do) your friend come from?59.I like enjoy _ (listen) to music after work every day.60.She _ (live) in the city.61.We have two pen _ (pal) from England.62.Class One _ (have) a map of China.63.Lets _ (introduce) to each other.64.You must finish _ (write ) the question now.65.Miss Wang teaches _ (we) Chinese.66.She is busy _ (play) volleyball.67.Its time _ (get ) up.68.There are _ (thirteenth) girls in our class.69.Jim is busy _ (make ) a card. 70.Mr Green _ (teacher) them English every day.71.The little girl _ (have) a round face.72.He cant _ (go) there with us.73.I cant _ (play) the piano.74.We can help him with _ (dance).75.She wants _ (join) the music club.77.They are busy _ (learn) English now.78.The music _ (sound) very great.79._ (read) books is good for us.80.We can _ (learn) a lot about English.81.She _ (not like) opera.82.He even wants _ (be) a famous artist.83.Someone _ (be) in the next room.84.Tom often _ (sing ) Japanese songs.85.Jack often _ ( swim) in the river.II.单选( )1.Youd better _ to school by bike today.A. go not B. not go C. dont go D. not to go( )2._ me a glass of water, please.A. Take B.Find C. Bring D. Carry( )3.Kate _ out to do some shopping two hours ago.A. came B. went C. goes D. comes( )4. Mr Turner _ his ticket in his coat, but he didnt _ it.A. find look for B. looked for find C. look at find D. looks forfound( )5-_? - I was born in Beijing in 1982.A.When were you born B. Where were you bornC. Where and when you were born D. When and where were you born ( )6.The children _ a good time at the zoo last Sunday. A. have B. has C. are having D. had( )7.Tom _ to the park last Monday.A. goes B. went C. is going D. were going III.句型转换1 They came to China in 1990.(变一般疑问句)_ they _ to China in 1990?2.I was ill for two days last week? (同上)_ you ill for two days last week?3. The twins go to school on foot every day. (同上)_ the twins _ to school on foot every day?4.She washed the clothes last Sunday. ( 变否定句) She _ _ the clothes last Sunday.5. She is going to shopping tomorrow. (变否定句) _ 6. My mother likes her students. (变一般疑问句) _7. Do you watch TV on Sunday? (用last Sunday 改写成过去时态的句子)_8. Wei Hua bought a new pen yesterday. (变否定句) She _ _ a new pen yesterday.9. We had a meeting the day before yesterday. (变一般疑问句) _ you _ a meeting the day before yesterday?10. They had a good time last Sunday. _ _ the twins _ a good time?IV.译句子1 那个女孩子正在树下唱歌。_2 他们正在做什么? _3 你昨天做什么了?_4 他妈妈每天做什么?_5 她昨天在这。_6.他们上周六去公园了。_1.interesting moving amazing surprising amazing(修饰物)interested moved amazed surprised amazed (修饰人)eg:We are moved at the moving film.2.pay spend cost take 这四个词都有花费的意思 Sb pay some money for sth.(人做主语,结构是pay.for)Sb spent some money on sth 或 sb spend some money (in) doing sth(人做主语,结构为spend on/spend in dong) Sth cost sb some money.(物做主语)It takes sb some time/money to do sth(形式主语it)Eg:我花了五元钱买这本书.( 注意时态用过去时)I paid five yuan for the book. The book cost me five yuan.I spent fiveyuan on the book=I spent five yuan (in) buying the book.It took me five yuan to buy the book 3.cross .across. crossing. through .over(常区别across.through与over)across 指在物体的表面穿过 through指在物体的空间穿过over指崇山峻岭上穿过cross是动词 across是介词 crossing是名词4.in front of (没有范围) in the front of (有一定的范围限制) 在前面 Eg:He sat in the front of the bus. The bus 形成一定的范围He sat in front of me.(无范围)5.leave 与forget (忘记) leave+物+地点 forget+物不能加地点 6.beautiful handsome (漂亮的)beautiful指女性 handsome指男性7.in hospital in the hostipal (在医院) 这类词有很多,加the不加the不一样In hospital 指生病住院 in the hospital指在医院工作或去探视8.at table (在吃饭=having meals) at the table 在座子旁边仅指位置9.bring.take.carry.fetch 都有“携带”的意思bring指带来 take指带走 fetch指去取回来 carry指搬运重物10.some 肯定句 already肯定句 and肯定句 too肯定/疑问句 any 否定/疑问句 yet否定/疑问句 or否定/疑问句 either否定句11.good well 都有“好”之意 good是形容词 well 是副词12. many much 都是“大量的”many+可数名词复数much+不可数名词13. too many too much much too 大量的 没有many too词组 too many+可数名词复数 too much+不可数名词 much too+形容词、副词14.each every 都有“每一个的”意思 each 可以和of连用 every指三者以上的每一个,不能和of连用 both指两者都 all大于等于三者 eithe指两者中的任意一个neither指两者中的一个也没有 none指三者中的一个也没有15.otheranotherothersthe other 与 elseother +名词复数 another+名词单数 others=other+名词复数 泛指the other 特指 常用于one.the other的句型中 else=other+物16. find 找的结果 see看的结果 hear听的结果 Look for 找的动作 look at看的动作listen to听的动作17.and-with 和 的意思 and能做并列主语 with不能做并列主语18.hopewish 希望 hope不能加人在加to do,而wish可以.hope to do=wish to do hope +that从句 =wish+that从句19.because-because of 因为 because+句子 because of+短语20arriveget to reach 到达 arrive 不及物,到达某地要加介词in/at in+大地方 at+小地方 21say-speak-tell-talk说,讲Say指说的内容 speak+语言 talk指谈话 tell讲故事或真理22Stop to do stop doing 停止做某事 (类似的词也很多)Stop to do 指停止一件事情去做另一件事情 stop doing指停止正在做的事情23.put onwearindressPut on 指穿的动作 wear指穿的状态 in是介词in+颜色 dress+人 24.ago-before 从前 ago是过去时的标志 before是完成时的标志25.fewlittlea fewa littleFew 表示否定+可数名词复数 a few表示肯定+可数名词复数Little表示否定+不可数名词复数 a little表示肯定+不可数名词复数26.wholeall 整个的 whole用在the之后 all用在the之前27 illsick 有病的 都可以做表语,但ill不能做定语 sick可以28.win-beat 赢,获胜 win+比赛项目 beat+人29.tooto so thatnot enough 太以至于.30.borrow-lend 借 borrow指借入,常用于borrow sth from sb lend指借出 lend sth to sb31.aloneloely 单独的alone单独并不孤独 lonely单独还有情感上的孤独32.such-so 如此 Such+名词 so+形容词/副词 so+形+a/an+名= such+a/an+形+名so


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