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临泽三中英语教研组 人教新目标七年级(下册)人教新目标七年级下册英语Unit3 How do you get to school?第一课时section A 1a1c课型:新授 主备人:李佩吉 审核人:七年级英语备课组一教学三维目标1.知识与技能:(1)掌握有关交通的词汇,如take the subway/train, ride the bicycle, bybus/boat, transportation, bus stop, train station,kilometer, mile, river等。(2)掌握由how引导的特殊疑问句2.过程与方法:(1)情景交际法(2)任务型语言教学法:进行合作,为完成任务进行探究学习。(3)开放性教学策略:学生学习知识,拓宽视野,实现知识的整合。3.情感态度与价值观:培养自己的时间观念,从而养成良好的守时习惯。二教学重点、难点1.学习并掌握how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.2.掌握乘坐交通工具的表示方法.如take the subway, by bus等.掌握相应的句型,如How do you get to school? How long does it take?How far is it from .to.? 等.三教学准备:录音机、磁带、多媒体课件四学习方式:自主预习,合作练习五教学过程Step1【教师指导预习】课本预习:熟读1a 的词组并翻译成汉语。熟读1a并根据图中的信息填空。翻译1c对话。(二)预习效果检查。1,写出并读出下列单词和短语:火车 公共汽车 地铁 自行车乘火车/地铁 骑自行车 到达学校 2尝试翻译下列句子1)你怎么上学/回家/去威远?我步行上学。我骑自行车回家。我乘公共汽车去威远。七年级英语备课组 12)她乘地铁上学。Mike乘火车回家。 Step2【课内学习】教材处理:独学:检查1a 的预习效果(熟练掌握1a中的词组)。播放1b录音第一遍学生跟读,第二遍完成听力任务对学:相互检查1a与1b答案。练习1c对话,检查1c对话情况。然后结合1a图画两人一组自编对话。展示成果,小组对话表演。群学:先翻译2e对话,然后分角色朗读2e对话,根据自己实际情况以小组为单位编写自己对话,先练习然后再进行对话表演。Step3【组内探讨】1. How are you? 怎样用英语回答。2How do you get to -?怎样用英语回答。How does he get to -?怎样用英语回答。3How do/does sb do -?句型扩展How do you come to school ? How do they go home ?How does he play baseball ? How does Mike help his mother ?4.小组内探讨完成导学案合作探究部分习题Step4【要点总结,知识拓展】1问交通方式的句型 How do/does -get to -?1)回答时可用动词短语(谓语)take the bus train /subway /plane /ship to ride my bike /the horse to drive sb. to walk to2)可以用介词短语(状语) by bus /train /subway /plane /bike on foot /on the bus /on the train /on her bike in his car2.交通工具大会餐:(take ,ride , drive ,walk)(by)car, truck, tricycle, motorbike, bike/ bicycle, subway, taxi, cab, train, bus, plane, school-bus, ship, boat.六巩固练习一,单项选择1. My school begins at 8 oclock in the morning. So I have to(必须) school before 7:50 a.m.A. live at B. finishC. get to D. leave 2 Jeff goes to work _ and his wife goes to work _. A. by car, on bike B. by a car; on a bikeC. by car; on her bikeA. ask D. by his car, in her bike C. drive D. keepD. can 3. Uncle Lee, could you _ me to the nearby supermarket in your car? B. put 4. Do you go to school by bus every day? Yes, I _ take a bus. A. usually B. may C. sometimes二根据中英文提示完成下列各句.1.It2. 你每天怎样来上学? do you 我走着来上学。3每天早晨父亲开车送他去上学. Every morning his father school4坐火车去上海是很便宜的。to Shanghai.三,按要求变化句型1,(提问) 2,Every morning he goes to school in his fathers car.(提问) 3,My mother often rides a bike to work.(一般疑问句)4,I often get to school by bus .七分层作业(A-必做,B-选作) 5,He takes the subway to school every day.(否定句)A完成配套练习SectionA部分B作文:Write a letter to your teacher in the primary school.Dear Mr / Mrs _,Do you want to know about my day? Love,板书设计 Unit 4 How do you get to school?Key vocabularyHow do you get to school?How does he get to school?I walk. He walks.教后反思:Unit 3 How do you get to school ?第2课时section A 2a2e临泽三中英语教研组 人教新目标七年级(下册)课型:新授 主备人:李佩吉 审核人:七年级英语备课组一教学三维目标1.知识与技能:(1) 掌握有关交通的词汇,如take the subway/train, ride the bicycle,等。(2)掌握由how引导的特殊疑问句2.过程与方法:设计多种任务活动,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究学习。3.情感态度与价值观:学会合理安排行程,并合理选用交通工具.二教学重点、难点1.学习并掌握how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.2.掌握乘坐交通工具的表示方法.如take the subway, by bus等.3.学习并掌握数词:forty fifty sixty seventy ninety hundred三教学准备:录音机、磁带、多媒体课件四学习方式:自主预习,合作探究五教学过程Step1 Greet the class as usual and check the homeworkStep 2 教师指导预习:课本预习:熟读2a 并完成填空,复习数词熟读并翻译2e和grammar focus 同时组织2d对话。预习效果检查。1写出基数词1-212写出20-100(整十)3写出并读出下列短语多远 多久 乘地铁 乘火车 到达 到校 开车送他上学 大约半小时【 课内学习】(一)教材处理:1.检查2a 的预习效果并放录音让学生跟读。3.教师播放录音,学生完成2b听力练习。运用2d中的三个句型,朗读听力材料 4要求学生学习并熟读2e对话,然后两人一组自编对话,展示对话表演。(二)组内探究: How do you get to school ?怎样用英语回答。How long does it take you to - ?在回答时要注意什么?How far is it from -to ?怎样用英语回答(三)知识拓展延伸1. It takes me about half an hour to get there by bike.It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人时间做某事。It takes me two hours to do my homework.It takes us two hours to clean the classroom every Monday.How long does it take you to go to school on foot every day?2How far is your home from your school?Its three miles away from my school.3.by bike 骑自行车=ride a bike to=ride to例如: My mother often goes to work by bike.同义句:My mother often rides a bike to work.My mother often rides to work.4.be far (away) from 离远,例如:The bus station is very far (away)from here,巩固练习一翻译下列词组1. how far 2. how long 3. bysubway 4. by train5. by taxi/take a taxi 6. get to/arrive at, in 7. go to work8. 10 kilometers from my home 9.be far from 10. get home二.句型转换 (提问) (提问) 提问)Peters home is 。 (提问) Every morning his father drives him to school (一般疑问句)分层作业(A为必做,B为选做)A根据汉语意思完成句子1. ?2. 李萍家紧挨着学校,她每天步行去上学。Li Ping lives(住) _ her school. She goes to school _ every day.3. 你每天开车去上班需要多长时间?_ does it _ you _ every day?4. 邮局离这里大约3公里远。The post office (邮局) is _ here.5. 香港离北京很远,坐飞机需要一个半小时。Hong Kong is _ Beijing. It will_ hours to get there _.B.完成配套练习能力提升部分板书设计教学反思Unit 3 How do you get to school ?七年级英语备课组 5第3课时 Section A (GrammarSectionB1e)课型:新授 主备人:李佩吉 审核人:七年级英语备课组一教学三维目标1.知识与技能:(1) 掌握由how引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式.how far ,how long 引导的特殊疑问句及其答句:(2) 了解中外文化的差异.2.过程与方法:情景交际法,任务型语言教学法。3.情感态度与价值观:将所学知识与实际生活紧密联系,学会谈论交通工具和距离。二教学重点、难点1.学习并掌握how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.2.掌握乘坐交通工具的表示方法.如take the subway, by bus等.3学习时间和距离的词汇:minute far kilometer shower quick early mile三教学准备:录音机、磁带、多媒体课件四学习方式:自主预习,合作探究五教学过程:教师指导预习Step1课本预习:熟读并翻译Grammar focus, 复习本单元的重要句型.学习3a 并完成练习运用本单元句型完成3bStep2预习效果检查。用英语写出并读出下列句子1你家距学校多远? 2.你每天到校花多长时间?3.我学校距我家大约10公里远。 4.他们大约花半小时到动物园(zoo)。 Step3教材处理:1.检查预习效果学生口译听到的句子(Grammar focus)2.完成3abc的练习, 3c转换人称小组编对话并进行表演。3.听力练习,完成Section B 1abcd(教师活动:播放录音,指导完成听力) 总结归纳:how组成的问句小结:How are you ? How old are you ?How much are your trousers?How do you get to school?How far is it from your home to school?How long does it take you to get to school?拓展延伸本课时句型的拓展A,做状语的方式:by 加交通工具 car, truck, tricycle, motorbike, bike/bicycle, subway, taxi, cab, train, bus, plane, school-bus, ship, boat.On/in the(a,his) 加车辆B,做谓语的交通方式,take ,ride ,walk课堂练习用所给词的适当形式填空。(walk) to school.2. My mother always (go) to work by bus3. Tom never (take) the train to school.(walk) to school.5. How (does) your sister get to school?分层作业(A为必做,B为选做)A写出下列数字。60_70_ 85_100_ 120_58_207_23_105III 英汉互译。1.去学校 _ 2. 回家 _3.到达 _ 4.到达学校 _5.到家 _ 6.乘坐地铁 _7.乘公交车_ 8.乘火车 _9.骑自行车_ 10.六分钟 _B按要求改写下列各句每空一词。1. He often has bread for breakfast. (改为一般疑问句) _ he often_ bread for breakfast?2. Mr. Wilson goes to work by bus every day. (改为同义句) Mr Wilson_ _ _ _ work every day. 就划线部分提问)_ _you go to see your uncle?4. She likes going to school on foot. (改为同义句)She likes _ to school.板书设计Unit 4 How do you get to school?HowHow longHow far教学反思Unit 3 How do you get to school ?第4课时 Section A (GrammarSectionB1e)临泽三中英语教研组 人教新目标七年级(下册)课型:新授 主备人:李佩吉 审核人:七年级英语备课组一教学三维目标1.知识与技能:(1) 掌握由how引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式.how far ,how long 引导的特殊疑问句及其答句:(2) 了解中外文化的差异.2.过程与方法:情景交际法,任务型语言教学法。3.情感态度与价值观:将所学知识与实际生活紧密联系,学会谈论交通工具和距离。二教学重点、难点1.学习并掌握how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.2.读懂Section B中2b短文,根据短文完成相关问题.3学会运用时间和距离词汇:minute far kilometer shower quick early mile三教学准备:录音机、磁带、多媒体课件四学习方式:自主预习,合作探究五教学过程:教师指导预习Step1课本预习:1熟读并翻译Grammar focus, 复习本单元的重要句型.2预习2b根据文章后面的阅读思考题完成阅读任务。Step2预习效果检查。1共同找出下列短语并翻译成汉语walk or ride a bike by bus or by bikefor many students between -and -on a ropeway cross the riverevery school day be like a father to sb.come true leave the village2阅读P17页的2b 完成下列各题1,How do the students in the village go to school ?A, ride their bikes B, take the school busC, walk D, take the boat2, For many students it is to get to school.A, easy B, difficult C, different D,the same3,Why do the students in the village go on a ropeway to cross the river to school?A, Because it is fun . B, Because there is a very big river.C, Because there is no bridge. D,Because the river runs quickly for boats. 4, Does the boy like his school ?A, Yes , he is . B, No , he isntC, Yes , he does . D, No , he doesnt .5,What is the dream of the students and villagers ?A, to leave the village B, to have a bridgeC,to have a boat D, to go to school by train合作探究:小组内尝试翻译文章Step3 课内学习(一)教材处理:1.检查预习效果。A,读熟单词及短语, B,检查预习思考题 C,完成2c练习(二)组内探讨:Do you walk or ride a bike ?怎样用英语回答。Do you go by train or by bus ?在回答时要注意什么?知识拓展选择疑问句的结构 疑问句中用or 连接选择部分构成的疑问句 回答时,主要看选择部分。1Is he or his sister good at English ? His sister (is).2Is your father a teacher or a doctor ? (He is ) A teacher .3Does Tom like Chinese or math ? (He likes) Chinese(Both/Neither). 回答这类问题不能用yes , no :可用一个句子回答,也可简答。巩固练习根据句意及首字母填空。I always ride my bike to the bus s_. It t_ me half an hour to get to school. It takes him ten m_ to go to school . My mother _(步行)to work every day. What do you think of the t_ in your city?分层作业(A为必做,B为选做)A完成配套练习Section B基础演练B作文:介绍自己小组内出行的交通工具板书设计: Unit 4 How do you get to school?Key vocabularyTarget LanguageFirst Next Then教学反思Unit 3 How do you get to school ?第5课时 Section A (GrammarSectionB1e)临泽三中英语教研组 人教新目标七年级(下册)课型:新授 主备人:李佩吉 审核人:七年级英语备课组一教学三维目标1.知识与技能:(1) 复习本单元重要词组和句型。(2) 学习邮件的写法。2.过程与方法:情景交际法,任务型语言教学法。3.情感态度与价值观:善于介绍自己,学会沟通,懂得尊重他人。二教学重点、难点1.学会运动how /how far /how long 特殊疑问词.2.学习邮件的写法三教学准备:多媒体课件四学习方式:自主预习,合作探究五教学过程:Step1教师指导复习本单元主要内容并归纳重要词组1. how far 多远 2. how long 多久 3. by subway 乘地铁4. by train 乘火车 5. by taxi/take a taxi 乘出租车6. get to/arrive at, in 到达 7. go to work 去上班8. 10 kilometers from my home 距离我家10公里远9. be far from 距离远 10. get home 到家11. get there 到那儿 12. about half an hour 大约半小时13. go to school on foot 走着去上学14. leave home quite early 很早离开家15. between-and- 在-之间16. come true 实现17. drive him to school 开车送他上学18.take the bus /train 乘公共汽车/火车19. go home by bus 坐公共汽车回家20. get to school 到校21.ride a bike to school 骑自行车上学重要句型1. How far is your home from your school?2. How do you get to school every day?-I get to school on foot.3. How long does it take you to get to school every day?It takes me ten minutes to get there.4. He goes to school on foot every day.5. His dream comes true.Step2教材处理:1学习邮件的写法,完成3a2练习写邮件 完成3b3读本单元重要词组和句型,完成self check巩固练习给你的笔友回一封e-mail,介绍你自己上学的情况(开头已给出,不少于60字)Hi -,How are you ? Thanks for your last e-mail .You want to know how I get to school ,right ? Well, I-_Yours,分层作业(A为必做,B为选做)A完成配套练习Section B能力提升B作文:用本单元所学知识点为好友写封信,介绍、询问上学回家的交通情况。板书设计: Unit 4 How do you get to school?175 most100 many50 some40 other30 a small number教学反思


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